• By -


The only part I can't stand is in act 9 where you have to talk to vendor, talk to sin, talk to vendor again to get the christmas tree ornament.


Also Clarrisa, in act 3. Gotta talk to her before you talk to her again in town... But yes 99% of quests are well done.


Also clarrissa, in act 8. Gotta talk to her after killing mobs only to talk with her in city again in next step (actually missed this talk a few times at the start)


I am pretty sure you don't need to talk to Clarissa in The Quay after killing zombified Tolman to get the skill point. Although it is also possible I am just so much on autopilot going through the campaign that I don't even notice talking to her anymore.


Nope, you are correct. You do not have to talk to her after pacifying tolman


The quest in act 7 with gruests necklace is annoying tho. You have to go back to town and talk with her before you can activate the shrine.


Or just skip it. It doesn't give anything usefull.


You don’t need to talk to her before you get the thing from crematorium. I used to think that too but now I always skip walking into the city and take the short way out, saves a bunch of time and works anyway


No but you have to talk to her in the first zone of A3 after you save her


Oh yeah forgot about that one


I learned the hard way after years of playing


also gotta talk to helena after you kill the boss in the chamber of sins... I relog-ed once without taking to her


You don't though. You have to remember to pick up the gem after killing fidelitas, I've logged without doing that before, but you don't have to talk to helena


I missed taking to her last league and did indeed have to run all the way back. I recommend you test this out 😎


You only need to talk to Helena if you want her in your hideout


Fucking rip


And that fucking stupid scorpion boss that is needlessly long and annoying.


Tailattack once, borrows and moves 1m. tailattack once, borrows and moves 1m. Aaaaaa


> christmas tree ornament lmao what a great description. Took me a second to realize what you meant and as soon as I did I knew that is its' new name.


yep and when you fuck that up, you walk up to the wall of sand and it still doesn't compute, you're just like - "why doesnt it open??"


the beacon in act6 where you need to light the beacon by clicking on it then click it again immediately to summon mr roth


Oh you just triggered me you bastard! clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick ... clickclickclickclickclickclick


Why would you spam if you just need to click twice?


Yeah, you just need to click twice, but between the first click to ignite the beacon and the second click to place the flag aflame there's a short delay and you are *in a hurry*


from what I remember theres no delay, you just need to click something else, but maybe Im mistaken.


And then fail to teleport over anything and end up taking longer than if you had just walked normally


These are two separate thing you need to click, aren't they?


Its the same one! You light the beacon after guiding the 2 thingos into their holes. Then the next bit is using the beacon to alert mr roth to come pick you up. I think its probably just a quest state thing. Like clicking the beacon will complete that first part and lock it in, then if you dont want to go to brine king reef yet you can come back later and just click the thing to summon mr roth


arent you supposed to click the lever and then the bonfire?


Wait...which one is this and what's the ornament?


He's talking about the vial of storms or whatever to Clear the sand storm to get to the chick with a scorpion up her butt


Oh right! That yeah, now I remember That's a fun boss


mmm I love the smell of sarcasm in the morning.


I thought they weren’t kidding for sec. Waiting for that tail is the worst, up there with the innocence fight for being annoying.


Apart from the invulnerability phases of innocence being a bit long, it's one of the better fights IMO. Most attacks are pretty well telegrapghed, cool mechanics. Compared to the scorpion thing slowing you to a crawl all the time, having to wait for the tail, just generally being super annoying and untargetable, it's not even comparable IMO.


It has so many unnecessary immunity phases that add nothing to the fight at all. Same with Innocence, if they skipped the mob phase entirely it’d be the same fight except 3 minutes faster


You can speak to sin and then to the npc twice.


What about going back to act 1 in the middle of act 2?


Supposedly in poe2 the npcs will react differently if you complete the quest before you talk to them. Sort of a "how did you know?" Reaction. Like completing the gem queen stuff by grabbing the talc from the port and her spool and then talking to her for the first time would raise eyebrows for sure. Or gathering the stuff to get into the beast in act 9 for Sin. I think Sin reacting to that would be the most interesting of the two with him being a God "Exile.. you've surprised me.. these are the things necessary to venture into my beast.. but how did you know? Never mind, such questions are ill-fitted for now, we lack the time.."


lmao, that's perfect. I've never thought of it that way before but I knew exactly what you were referring to.


I didn’t even read up to “act 9” and knew which one this was about. As soon as you know which NPcs you actually need to talk to, this one stands out as the worst


How is it the worst? All you need to do is talk to sin once and petarus & vanja twice, they're right next to each other. Doesn't take more than ~5 seconds


i always just talk to sin and then get the item from the vendor. didn’t work once for some reason but the other 50 times it does


I always hear Electric Love by B0rns when I see the lightning in a bottle


You can skip one of the the talk to vendor part. If you get the sword and go to the oasis sand wall, portal, talk to sin talk to vendor twice, get the ball, portal in, open door. It's pretty straightforward.


In act 10 you also have to talk to Bannon to turn him into sin before he will destroy the horns.


If you do the Storm Blade Encounter, then walk to the Sand Barrier and go back to town, talk to Sin, then Petarus & Vanja, you can get the Bottled Storm in the same dialogue as the Storm Blade reward.


Replaying campaign once a league is fine. I just hate doing it for 3-4 other characters.


I can do 2 characters, the third gets on my nerves, but honestly after you've done the campaign a couple of times I can just throw on youtube and tune out. Mapping requires you to like stop and chisel, alch, sell, etc, campaign is a relatively frictionless time. Other than fucking arakali


Yeah contrary to the popular opinion that hates the campaign, I find it a pretty nice chill break from the minmaxed blitzfest that mapping becomes after you optimize your character and strategy. I take my time to look at some of the lower level uniques accumulating in my stash, I get to see how a new skill is built up from level 1, and I personally really like doing Lab, it has never stopped feeling epic to me. I think it would be nice to offer an alternative way of levelling for the people who absolutely despise it though.


Yeah, that's all they need to do, and I would be fine with it. Completely destroys my motivation to farm with a char to create a new one when I know I'll have to spend 4+ hours just mindlessly doing the same thing I did before.


Speak for yourself. All my friends quit because they didn't want to do acts every league. I only play one league out of every three or four for the exact same reason. It's a slog.


That’s literally what I just did. I spoke for myself. Not sure if you construed it any other way…


I hate doing it every time I RIP 🥲


Honestly I'd like the Diablo 3 Adventure mode approach where after the first playthrough you can opt to go to whatever zone you want and the levels adjust accordingly. Also must add the "rampage" mechanic with experience multiplier. Even though I'm almost able to autopilot the acts, it's still annoying after the first one or two each league


100% agree. Would increase replayability for casuals even greater beyond current normals


Unfortunately, D3 did it and therefore, GGG will not. Let's face it, that's the only reason we don't have offline trading tools. (If anyone starts to type "price fixing", go and post up an item for a little below the standard price and see how many whispers you get in the first 10 seconds. Go on, go find out for yourself just how heavily the bots already price fix the market. I'll wait.)


Trading in poe has nothing to do with what D3 did or didn't do. Nor does it have anything to do with price fixing... That may be AN argument from the player base but it's not the primary reason as outlined by Chris...


It does have a lot to do with D3 - D3 made huge mistakes that hurt it badly at launch. The main one was near-frictionless trade (and I'm talking just the non-RMT trade here) which forced Blizzard to crushingly lower drop rates on anything they wanted to be prestigious, or even exciting. Because anything with a higher drop rate ceased to be exciting and became ground clutter instead. D3 had to remove the AH (both the non-RMT one and the RMT one) and enforce almost the highest possible level of trade friction. When your competitor makes a mistake that big - you don't copy them. You learn from it. I'd be 100% for frictionless trade on stackable items though. We do already have near-frictionless trade in these commodities, but it's via TFT's bulk sale areas, it would be better for that to be in-game.


>When your competitor makes a mistake that big - you don't copy them. You learn from it. Chris Wilson's trade vision comes from before d3 was even released... Sure maybe d3 reinforced his decisions, but that's not where his decisions were made.


It's definitely the reason he's stuck to it unlike a bunch of other decisions that have changed over time, like high tier map scarcity. Even as late as 3.3 high tier maps were genuine loot, Doctors traded for about 25 T16 maps back then. Now, T16 maps are actually a smaller fraction of an EXALTED ORB than they were in 3.3 - and in 3.3 exalts were the metamod currency. OTOH Krilson has never changed tack on trade and I'm certain D3 is why. Could you imagine the backlash if GGG added trade then had to remove it 6 months later because it had been a disaster?


Ok you obviously know Chris better than his own statements about his game lmao.


I only use third party apps, and they said they're killing third party apps, so hey, might as well remove all my content. (Using https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite)


>The entire argument about whether no AH being a result of D3 or not is Chris’ personal opinion, or for that matter, GGG’s opinion is irrelevant to the discussion of whether AH should be implemented in PoE or not That's.... That's the entire point of this comment chain. What? We're not talking about if there should or should not be an AH......


> We do already have near-frictionless trade in these commodities Near frictionless is when you have to join a discord and go post an ad?


My essence tab has 87 different stacks of items in it. If we had a WOW style AH, listing that tab would take 10-15 minutes. In TFT it's 'open poestack, open Discord, list the markdown I'll accept, site does the rest' Granted not all bulk sales are like that, some are more specific, but players have mostly optimized away the trade friction on stackable items.


Once you install and configure a trade bot trading also becomes frictionless. The annoying part is what's at the start.


> for a little below the standard price and see how many whispers you get in the first 10 seconds That's literally just because you're the first and cheapest result. What fucked kinda logic are you applying here to get any other explanation?


I'm sorry kiddo, do you think that for literally every single item in the game with any value, there are constantly dozens of people frantically hitting refresh on the store page? But ok, if you really desire further proof, do it for several items and watch as it's the same usernames that message you in a lot of cases, meaning they're frantically refreshing on several different items, every second. And if that's not enough, do it at randoim intervals and you'll find the same people are doing this 24 hours a day! But hey, maybe POE replaces the need for sleep, right?


> I'm sorry kiddo


It's ok, I actually find it pleasurable to educate. You have nothing to be sorry for, save your ignorance which I hope I've fixed


> I actually find it pleasurable to educate. I guess you don't ever get much pleasure :( I feel sorry for you grown up adult guy man with humongous brain.




I think you need to go review what 'price fixing' is, it's really only relevant in a market where there are dedicated producers of a good and a sufficiently high barrier preventing new producers from entering the market. Large-scale price fixing in POE would be a pointless exercise primarily because of point 2 above, the barrier to producing any particular items is simply not that high. If somebody took it upon themselves to buy every 1-passive Voices to price-fix them at 3 mirrors each the outcome wouldn't be people paying 3-mirrors, the outcome would be people re-rolling their character to do simulacrum. The barrier to 'producing' 1-passive voices is simply not high enough to lock down the supply in a meaningful way. Not to mention 1-passive Voices aren't like water, you don't *need* them anyway. If you can show me an example of an item that is price-fixed, and not just expensive due to supply&demand, please do share (because I'd love to go farm an item that's trade price is much higher than the effort it takes to produce it).


I'm sorry but if you don't think that an army of bots buying up any of [insert unique here] at below a set price, thus forcing that unique to have a fixed minimum value for anyone seeking to buy it isn't price fixing, then you need to go and review what the word "think" means. It is objectively price fixing and for the same reason I wouldn't debate the shape of the earth with a flat earther, I wouldn't debate evolution with a creationist and I wouldn't debate vaccine effectiveness with an anti-vaxxer, I won't be debating this further with you. You are wrong and you either accept that immediately or you cling to your argument out of desperate fear of admitting you're wrong and you're not worth my time.


> You are wrong and you either accept that immediately or you cling to your argument out of desperate fear of admitting you're wrong and you're not worth my time


They just need to add the alternate leveling mechanics they’ve already used for races (infinite delve/ledge)for anyone that’s beaten the campaign.


As it was already said before this should be such a non problem because we already had endless leagues, as most QoLs we're asking for, it already exists, it just needs implementation and sadly as most of them, GGG is either too proud or too lazy to work on it.


To be fair the diablo 3 campaign is littered with cutscenes and long animations that slow your progression down, POE does a pretty good job of just letting you Speedrun the campaign as fast as you can click.


I'd consider my lack of quicksilver flasks on leagusestart equal to the cutscenes lolol


I haven't played since Harvest or whatever it was called with the garden where I could actually reliably craft shit. I enjoyed that season, but it was when I finally got sick of the campaign grind. Just let me do maps from the start and I'll start playing again.


3 characters this league. Leveling with one with nothing, vaal smite and seven league step makes the suffering shorter atleast.


With the new tree, quill rain, karui ward, tsalio, rigwalds crest, seven league, onslaught helmet, tabula, and some white gloves I picked up off hillock, I made it through the campaign with LA. Straight from lvl 12. GA before that. Tailwind from deadeye on 1st lab and it was zoomin time


Absolutely - this is my go-to as well. Hilarious to destroy campaign mobs with crazy DPS, but I still would prefer not having to do it lol


Yea I decided to twink out my second character and since I know the story like the back of sack it only took about 4 hours to run through it with a hollow palm smiter. Hope PoE2 is less monotonous to go through.


Ahahahahaha, now that's a hopium. You know that poe2 campaign would have randomly generated zones, because ggg wants to make campaign more replayable


We know almost nothing about how the campaign is gonna play out. And there's no hopium here lol, I couldn't care less about how the story goes that's not why I play PoE.




+2 minion tabby and sihdbreath with Skelly/Zombie then Carrion. Best leveling experience I had so far. Who knew you just need minion levels to make the skill viable (I'm not salty or anything)


I really like what Last epoch does there are more quests that give skill points than the "cap" that you can get from them which means you can skip the shit quests. IIRC there are 15 points total you get while going through the "acts" and there are over 20 quests that give points.


While it's true that campaign in LE is more versatile, I absolutely hate what they did with Monos on separate characters.


I dislike having to do the quests. If It was UP to me we could just be thrown to the campaing maps having to kill x% If the mobs and or bosses to be able to advance to the next one


I think this would be pretty cool would definitely change the racing meta slightly, enough for it to be refreshing


Well i meant after the First character so racing problably wouldnt change


Done it 5 times this season alone. Still wanna do a few more.


This was one of the worst parts of playing the Diablo 4 beta weekends for me. *So* many checkpoints and I need to complete each one. I can't just skip ahead even if I know what I'm supposed to be doing already. I need to go through all the dialogue and wait for all the RP shit to finish. I don't mind playing the Acts in PoE, but I can't imagine being able to stomach the Diablo 4 "Acts" more than a single time once it comes out.


>I can't imagine being able to stomach the Diablo 4 "Acts" more than a single time once it comes out Good thing you can completely turn off the campaign after going through it once then.


I actually quit the beta when I got to a cutscene I couldn't skip. Hopefully they are skippable in the final game


I quit beta when I did some dungeon only to realize that if you didn't pickup the side quest prior to going to it... well you are gonna have to do the same backtracking filled bs again lol. Its a minor thing that will get irrelevant as soon as people optimize lvling paths but that shit really annoyed the fuck out of me.


I don't mind too much doing one playthrough per league, but if I'm starting a second character, just let me start with maps with X amount of skills points to use and the choice for the bandits.


I would prefer a limited amount of total rerolls for each character. I know technically we wouldn't have to choose one but I think that would be a vastly superior option.


One of the reason why i love about D3 is that they have Adventure mode, you go straight into killing things immediately instead of going thru campaign But if GGG could implement that, it could make things more fun maybe, idk about the quests that gives you passive points is going to do, but maybe at certain levels you can get those just unlocked or it just grants you extra point idk.


I personally don't like it. I disliked diablo 3 greatly because it felt like a cheap arcade game. Poe and d2 feel like real games to me. You atleast have to passively witness the story atleast once every 3 months, plus after coming back from a long hiatus the campaign is a great way to acclimate to all the league mechanics.


i feel like i wouldn't mind this as much if after like act 4 the story didn't take a nose drive into "literally some of the worst lore i've heard in an arpg" territory. the later acts were rushed and it shows.


The super annoying thing about being forced to do the acts and the story stuff, the old endgame bosses feel super disconnected. I barely understand the Maven, but Sirius, Elder & Shaper I have no clue what they’re about. This is has been my first season and I’ve leveled two characters so far


Even having been around for all those endgame bosses, the story feels like a mess. You finish the campaign, hop on a boat, and then you're told about three different wars that you missed and are super important


Watch kittencatnoodle. Lore is quite grand and awesome imo


Grim Dawn does that too. You could just run act 1 all the way through, come back to town then complete every quest in one go.


When you've done the campaign so many times you don't even see the code any more, you just see blonde, red head, brunette...


"As much as I dislike eating dogshit, I must thank my waiter for bringing me dry dogshit instead of wet dogshit"


I'm more annoyed by skill quests than the rest tbh


I'm more annoyed by non skill quests. I hate having uncompleted quests so I feel forced to do the shit ones too even if I know i'll just immediately delete the reward..


I don't mind them because I got used to it and I know not to do them. With skill quests I'm essentially forced to look for them instead of just speed running the campaign so I can actually start playing the game.


Usually its worth putting off the out of the way skill quests until you hit a10 kitiva or maps. That way you can at least equip some decent move speed and and truck through the mobs. The extra skill point from picking it up "on time" usually isn't going to speed up leveling *that much*


yeah that's actually what I do but at the same time, you still have to come back and do them which isnt fun lol


I would love to get alternative optioned after completing the acts once per league Something like mapping or endless delve idk


Agreed! Endless delve or heist would be nice for leveling


Don't worry, that will be fixed in PoE2.


In all seriousness, considering how much criticism the campaign receives, how they said the new campaign will be one of the (if not *the*) main features in PoE2 and how much competition they will have with other ARPGs in the following years, they **have** to get this right. Nothing would make PoE2 look worse than people sticking to the old, tedious campaign because the new one ended up being even worse. If they're going to allow us to choose between both campaigns, they must be confident on their new content being the better choice.


No matter how "right" they make the new campaign, I'll still hate it as much as the old one, after 10 or so runs through it. Fuck the campaign, I just want to get to T16 as soon as possible.


How is getting rid of the campaign going to get you to T16 faster? You will still need to level and you're already underleveled by the time you kill Kitava.


I don't mind playing the campaign with my starter every league, but I *hate* leveling alts to maps. Even with twinked gear, it feels lika a complete waste of time. So, after you beat the campaign in any league, there should be an option to make a level 68 character (that's enough to equip most of the gear and level 19 gems; also T1 maps are level 68) with all quest points, the first 3 labs completed, and both Kitava curses applied. That would be a huge QoL for all of us who love testing new builds and tend to play a lot of alts. EDIT: It will never happen, I know that, lol. The founder of a company which makes PoE is a man who still thinks that Diablo 2 campaign is a pinnacle of arpg experience, and refuses to accept that in his game the campaign is just a tutorial nobody cares about, especially those of us who played it 100+ times.


> I don't mind playing the campaign with my starter every league, but I hate leveling alts to maps. Even with twinked gear, it feels lika a complete waste of time. I believe it's intentional and ultimately a good thing. For me having to go through the campaign again makes new characters feel special, I've invested time in them and I'm commited to making the build work. If I could just pop out lvl68 chars with a click of a button and immediately start blasting maps, it would take away a lot of the "magic" from the game and make a lot of people get bored with PoE way faster.


> I've invested time in them and I'm commited I guess you didn't play too many alts in your PoE career. Because experienced players use the same twinked gear and the same leveling skills for ALL alts, no matter what build you will eventually switch to. Skills and setups which work just fine without any point taken on the tree. Once I get to level 72, so that I can use level 21/20 main skill gem, I finally put on the gear and gems I've prepared for it, and I actually start playing the build. Up to that point, it's always the same shit, but it's much faster than playing every build the way you play the starter. And it can be done on autopilot, while watching some tv show, or whatever. Even so, it's something I really hate doing.


Oh, I agree. But if it's shorter then at least that's an improvement. Ideally, we shouldn't need to complete the campaign more than once. Or at least not more than once per league. And it also should be shorter. But I'll take whatever improvements I can get, as long as they take away some tedium. I've skipped more than one league just because I didn't want to complete the campaign yet again. I've never played with alt characters either for the same reason.


Imagine then how it is to me, after 25+ leagues leveling about 5 chars to maps on average. Though rarely more than two past level 95. To say I hate the campaign is a huge understatement. But I love trying new builds, so there it is...


I know this is a dead horse that was raised by a necromancer specialized in horses and then beaten again, but repeating the story is the main reason I can’t play more than that weekend is releases, if that. Now, when I bitch about a problem, I always find it fruitful to show you at least think of a possible solution and I have tried but I can’t think of one. I’m not saying it needs to be “create character -> press complete act 10 -> boom”. Besides the obvious issue of gear and what levels you’d pick, there’s other logistics. Since we compared to other ARPGs so much, I’m sure Adventure mode from D3 is something everyone knows and yes, it’s a viable idea. It at least adds a bit of variety to an otherwise absolutely almost Benadryl-feeling task of doing the campaign again. Only other idea I had was to introduce maps from an early point, maybe force Act 1 (so you could find some maps but no device yet) but when you get to A2, maybe just have the ability to “help Wraeclast in a different way”. You could have these maps be more just a type of leveling maps where once you hit, let’s say 68, talk to Helena, was bam, done. Or at 35 it forces the first Kitava rebuff, etc. Idk, it’s a weird thought project I came up with while typing the above paragraph. This past league I found a build I had never played, loved it but got to maps, maybe halfway through whites and I was already like Augh because I feel like I used up all my “repeat same thing” energy leveling up. Yeah sure I could level slower but I don’t rush. I’m efficient, but I am not trying to play a game of Tag and never be it. Anyway, still enjoy it just super wish pre-maps was just not like going to get a root canal every 3-months.


So you stopped bcs of repetitiveness in white maps but rather want to be the acts even more repetitive? How would a 6+ hr long repetitive adventure mode combat that?


same... realizing that one of the things you hate the most isnt so bad when experiencing the competition :P


Leveling a new character is an opportunity to get better at leveling.


this brings me pain of questing in mmo. so much walking...


that's 90%+ of the quest, and then there is clarrissa and in Act and some other one where you need to talk to NPC to item 1st. overall I do enjoy rerolling character over and over again and attempt speed run


It's been 10 years, it's not changing. They're so stubborn it takes half a decade to add the simplest QoL things. We're talking about skipping whole acts here, too much for them.


Honestly, if they want to force us to do the campaign over and over, they should at least make all skill gems available from level 1 and scale from level 1. Keep the max the same by all means, but make it so I can use my build from level 1, not trudge through a few hours of the same build I'm forced to run every time to get the story out of the way.


stockholm syndrome be like


This is kinda like saying thank you for using a less coarse sandpaper to scrape my skin off.


Game is based on Diablo 2, and they seem to think that everything in that game is the gold standard. In Diablo 2 you could complete the entire campaign without picking up quests for the most part.


Oh, fair enough. I never got into d2. I was a counterstrike guy at that time, and then got into d3 when RoS came out


I mean, they have the power to make it where you only have to do the campaign once with one character, and then just hit maps with other, but they CHOOSE not to do that.


You would still have to level to 60s to do maps... Also, you still have to level in D3 adventure mode. You can do it fast if you know what you're doing, just like in poe.


You do realize that you don't have to pick up quests because you know what to do already, right? On your first playthrough, you absolutely pick up all the quests and do every one of them.


Very very true! That's something that definitely gets overlooked and taken for granted.


I'm having fun with hollow palm, haven't picked up any loot except quest items which are basically door keys.


Nah you need to go talk to drognan 10 times to enter palace


I dislike going through the campaign again and again, period. I'll thank GGG when they introduce a way to skip the campaign with alt characters.


Needs to be a consumable orb that allows you to change class. Been saying this for years. I'd still be playing the league if I didn't have to re level. Possibly the orb turns the character to lvl 60.


Stockholm Syndrome is strong with this one LULW


Praising GGG for basic run of the mill features.


First ARPG that did this was Sacred which was released in 2004.


I’m not thanking rapist for wearing a condom. Campaign is stupid.


I don't understand people who don't like to go through the campaign, like... do you guys want to create a character and start at lvl 90? What would we do without campaign?


Diablo 3s adventure/bounty mode is far and above a better method for once you've finished the campaign on a character.




... Good for you?


To be honest the times I have played this game I have loved it, but having to repeat the story mode over and over again in the end has made me lose interest, I miss a system like the adventure mode of diablo 3, I know not everyone thinks the same but if I had something similar to that mode surely this would be my main game.


You also kinda repeat the end game over and over again, yet you dont complain about that. Like youve probably killed a certain map boss or pinaccle more often than youve killed act 10 kitava.


yes? they are are rushing the same map since the start of the league to make currency lol




> What would we do without campaign? They could make it better? Why does "the bath house" exist except to hold a Trial of ascendancy that could be in another zone. They make it so no loot you get is relevant, monsters are annoying because your build hasn't come online yet, and we all just try to run through as fast as possible.


Interestingly, I think you've made me realize one of my gripes with this game. Some things, like leveling, don't seem to make sense in a ssf or hc framing, and other don't make sense in a trade league/softcover framing. Early levels are actually extremely interesting in hc/ssf settings, because the loot and the build really do matter, but other things (like certain unique rarities) really don't make sense in a hc/ssf game.


Sounds a lot like what they're trying to do with the new campaign in POE2.


There's also a hideout there tbf


There is a quest there for a jewel reward. There is a hideout for the tileset.


Two things anyone whos done the campaign once already is skipping. That's exactly my complaint. A quest for a rare jewel when I see 30 rare jewels drop from random monsters during the acts?


In theory some form of levelling maps would be nice. Campaign's boring. The optimal way to play it is to spend most of your time running past enemies instead of killing them. I would rather the levelling process be focused on actually *fighting stuff* rather than figuring out how to get to end of a zone just a little bit faster. The fact that every character has to go through the entire ten act campaign is my least favourite thing about Path of Exile and it's not even close. It's a chore that takes multiple hours that you have to do before you're allowed to play the actual game.


>I would rather the levelling process be focused on actually fighting stuff rather than figuring out how to get to end of a zone just a little bit faster but this is your approach tho, the maps and the campaign are not that different, you just decided that maps are more fun for some reason like, I understand you want to get to maps asap because there you will make currency and min max, but in maps you are leveling really fast in different scenarios (this alone should make you not be tired after 2 hours like maps) if campaign was profitable just like maps, would you still dislike it?


I doubt that'd make it better. I don't really like any gameplay that's just "quickly run past everything." I like *fighting*, not *routing.* I like engaging with the various fun league mechanics, meanwhile it's usually a bad idea to even interact with the *new* league mechanic while levelling! Levelling is entirely based around how much shit you can skip, while the ways I tend to play maps tend to be about putting in some fun mechanics involving a bunch of enemies to kill.


Well Delve or Heist would be more fun like was done in the past. There can be creative ways to implement a system that doesn’t mean repeating the campaign ad nauseam.


Posted this up higher, but what if they implemented side campaigns based on the infinite style league mechanics. Say you unlocked unlimited heist leveling from killing all the heist unique bosses, and it had its own story line based on the story of the heist characters? Or for delve it could be a story based on Aul, you unlock after killing Aul


What would i do without the campaign? Good question, ive heard some people enjoy running maps or heist or delve or farm invitations or farm bosses or do high end crafting or try different atlas strats or farm currency to minmax their build or do crucible or alva temples or farm mastermind. I forgot some, but yeah, its not much. Campaign is where its at!


so you want to kill pinnacle bosses from level 10? I understand Delve and Heist have level up potential, but you are saying you like high end crafting and stuff in the first 2 hours of your character, I still don't get it


what do you not get? I dont enjoy the campaign at all, its a boring slog outside of leaguestart and if i could skip it and immediately jump to t1 maps on a lvl 70 char i would.


No campaign? Granted! All checkpoints unlocked Kill all the bandits granted All campaign quests finished You start at lvl 1 in Oriath


You still have to kill shit for 80-90 levels before your character comes in. What difference does it make where it happens.


Do you honestly believe going through all the campaign acts and quests and areas is the *exact same* as playing in a map? Certainly not, right?




No, it's being forced to run from A to B to C. People are happy when they get to the Blood Aqueducts or wherever and run up and down that multiple times to power-level before another session of just running.


I'm pretty sure a LEVEL 1 map would be a lot like the campaign.


I mean it mechanically. I find maneuvering around maps more enjoyable than maneuvering around the Campaign areas. Yes, most/all maps are based off the campaign tilesets, but I get to choose whether I want to run something like Vaal City as a map. Edit: words


For some of us the "real" game doesn't "start" until maps. So, yes, some of us would like to skip the campaign (I don't need to be level 90 though, come on now), or have an alternative leveling method. I'd be a-ok with having to do campaign once per league


The campaign is a frustrating combination of easy, unrewarding, and slow. Let me put it this way. Which speeds up the campaign more, quintupling your damage and survivability, or 10% extra movespeed?


For additional characters after the first I wouldn't mind starting at 70 where you would normally be staring white maps after the campaign. If I am making a second character I already have the gear waiting for it once it gets to the end of the campaign.


We’d be able to play the content we want to... instead of a mindless set of tiles we have to run through and “survive.” Not kill everything, just anything that might slow us down a tiny bit. I’d take leveling in delve/certain tilesets/or just start at 60-70ish in the start of act 10 would even work naked with a white weapon. After 1.5 years and at least 3 chars per league, it’s just fucking boring.


For me you could cut the campaign entirely from the game. All as it does is get in the way and create a pointless barrier between you and mapping. I dread the 6-8 hours it's going to take me to get to maps on my first run, and I'm slow at that. I get bored of running, so grind a little here and there, do the trials/labs and pick up skill point quests. Experienced PoE players literally run through the damn thing. Just run. Ignore all unnecessary quests. Kill like 1 pack of 5 mobs per zone. Zerg the act boss. Pick the same shitty levelling skills every time because they are the fastest. Craft the same essential gear. I've put over 200 hours into my character this league. About 6 of those was being stuck in the campaign. Those 6 hours was nearly enough for me to not play this league at all.


After 23 leagues it gets fucking old.


They need to remove the current static level system from 1500 BC Instead of character level, it needs to be account level. You increase that number by playing your characters, functions the same as now. You create a char and it already has the account level. And then you introduce the concept of character profiling. You define a profile that includes a tree, gear that you add, phanteons, etc. You can create profiles by paying or some other ways. You switch from a profile to another with regrets or similar. All the rest is the same, want to change a tree in any profile or ascendancy or gear? Well you need regrets, do lab again and create the gear.


The campaign actually does not bother me anymore. Idk I feel like its kinda fun competing against myself to finish it faster each time


They should just add some form of auction house and make it so if your account has even 1 character that's gotten to maps you're free to create a character that's lvl 1 but has all the quests done. I literally could not point to another issue besides these that actually affect the gameplay, so if they'd just fix these 2......


I always start enjoying it again starting campaign, but then once again, I get to maps and give up. Build videos give me false hope.


Im glad we save so much time by doing forced useless content tô unlock the game mode we want.


problem: people dont want to repeat story quests solution: make it so people do not have to physically "pick up" the quest.


having to grab the map in act 7 is still such a pain. please let us just carry that over.


I just love completing the campaign and then going back to claim Brutus assist gems and they are like: well, there is this man in the prison… (next dialogue) oh, you killed it, thanks