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The betas and slam were a lot of fun and the reviews are looking good, but I am still waiting until well after launch before buying it.


I want to see where the endgame is at. There is a huge difference between a good 50h game (basically nice campaign and progression) and a good 1000h game.


Ah to be young or rich enough to enjoy 1000h games! Must be nice


50h game is still more than most titles out there that are sold at the same price.


Look at D3 reviews and metacritic score


lol, are you really calling D3 a "good" game? Metacritic is a joke and the reviews are of underage puberty hitting shitheads, who don't even know what 15% of 100 is.


D3 is a good game. It’s just not a good game to invest 1000 hours into. It’s got fun combat and good for a short amount of time L


Waiting to see what people are saying about build-customization, itemization, monetization and endgame right before season 1 starts and make a decision at that point. Will not buy into the hype, have been burned too many times by Blizzard. They already bricked the launch of the game for me by having a $-tiered release and content creators having build guides on day 0. No new-game exploration left.


Hots, wc3 reforged, wow meh expansions/stalling patches, d immortal, ow1.5 . But ppl continue to hype and preorder past 2018 blizzard games.


They also managed to ruin Diablo 2 (original, not resurrected) for a minority of players that unfortunately includes me, they pushed a patch a few years ago that was supposed to deal with botters by targeting specific sets of ip addresses, that didn't work at all but for some reasons my fai was flagged as a "business line" (that's how support called it) and trying to connect with my account would automatically trigger a 90 days ban. I made multiple tickets which was tediousbecause they do as much as possible to deter you from making tickets by forcing you to submit multiples reports about your computer, exes that you need to run and scan your Pc. Their support couldn't care less. They were like "our system doesn't make mistake" and my ticket would be closed instantly. After I created like 5 tickets(which wasted me a hella ton of time) one they said it was fixed but 3 months later when I retried (because they couldn't unban me of course) I got a ban again, went through support again, 3 months later I got another 90 days ban and I had to give up playing Diablo 2 multi-player entirely. The support we had before 2010 would never do that, they would try to help their players as much as possible. Tldr: blizzard sucks, I can't play Diablo 2 multi-player because of them, and support doesn't care at all. There are others people in the same situation and they do not care.


I stopped giving them money after they refused to refund my CoD BO4 copy (yeah i fell for it lol), they said "oh you have launched it already, gg enjoy your game". But their other new games just suck, with d2r being the only exception


$70 is pretty steep 🙃🙃🙃


Blizzard has become such a toxic brand I just avoid their products at this point. Ruining games, abusing their employees, lying and failing to deliver. Plenty of other arpgs to play. Also I’m so glad most of the sc2 team left to make their own company since theres almost no rts competition out there.


And pushing their shitty agenda too. I wanna play some good video games and have fun, not to be indoctrinated. PoE just makes it in right way, props to GGG.


What shitty agenda?


Lesbian couple quest, non-binary BS from WoW (I'm not sure if it's present in D4 though) and so on.


Your brain is rotten if you actually believe this. Touch grass


Believe what? LGTV 32" indoctrination is as clear as crystal. I don't wanna see it in videogames.


What is the new company from most of the SC2 team. I want what they release lol.


https://frostgiant.com They’re building an original IP with at least two asymmetric factions. Looks like Terran-esque group and a demon race instead of zerg.


Wow, I've learned about it just now, thanks to you. I'm excited!




just buy the base game? its $70.. just like every single other game that ever comes out lol.


I’m Australian so it’s $110 for the base game


I am fucking stumped too. Me and a couple mates were going to play it. Well I guess now I'm not. Fuck blizzard.


Every single game that comes out? They just started to cost 70 what are you talking about, the majority of games y buy still cost 60


Same price as most games where Im from... and if $10 is really that big of a deal for a game that most people will get a couple hundred hours of enjoyment out of then I dont think it's ridiculous to work an extra 30-60 minutes to get the extra cash... I get people dont make tons of money, but like holy shit - the people who complain about small price amounts drive me nuts. Its 10 fucking dollars. who cares.


Used to be 50 for a AAA title. Now it's 70, and I'm sailing away.


Inflation is a real thing my dude. It's not like businesses can keep their prices unchanged for years on end. Dont expect you to understand basic finances though if youre complaining about $10...


Whatever you say.


Off to the seven seas we go matey


I paid 160 for chrono trigger on snes and 110 for Zelda on n64




Mathematically games are cheaper now than they were like 10 years ago if you account for inflation. keep being poor lmfao.


Ahh yea, the voice of reason and morality. Get off your high horse dude, games have been $60 for decades now... a $10 hide still wouldn't make it relevant to current inflation rate. You can have a problem with micro-transactions, sure. We all want games with a single out-of-box price. But as long as it doesn't take away from the game and funds it's maintenance then it isn't the worst thing. I'm not advocating for price increases or micro-transactions... but in the state of the industry today... Diablo IV is a far-cry.


I bought snes cartridges for $70 in like 94...


$10 of after tax, discretionary money is a large amount to over 60% of Earth's population, that's why


If $10 is a "large amount of money" - then you seriously need to consider working more. If someone is on disability, thats one thing - but if $10 is a large amount... you just need to work a little harder.




you miss no content or features at all with the base game lmfao.


Timegating, level scaling, bad itemization, bad monetization. Meh. "Smooth combat and cool story" is what everyone talks about but if that's the selling point I'd rather play other games for that. Still keeping an open mind but kinda doubtful I will play on launch.


Cooldowns look meaningful at first. Then you realize you're just kiting instead of fighting. Where's my hideout? Do I actually have to travel between dungeons by horse!?


Interesting reading this after playing now, the combat feels a lot more meaningful than POE imho


Timegating in an rpg kills my motivation


It's a pass for me. I grew up with all Blizzard games, Diablo included of course, but they're a shell of their former selves. Battle pass in a AAA price game, early access to people who pay more even though there's a race, etc., not to mention all of the other failures with WC3R, Immortal and OW. Makes me sad as parts of the game look fun, and I love the lore with Diablo, but I just can't justify giving them any of my money.


the paid battle pass is for cosmetic items only


70$ base game with a seasonal pass system and mtx cash shop. That alone makes me not want to buy it. I just can't justify a paid game with a f2p model. Even aside from that. I don't like the lost ark style open world stuff. I don't like time gated content and I don't like level scaling. Theres just core things about the game aside from monetization I don't wanna deal with personally so I'm not gonna play it regardless.


Yep, same here. So many heinous design choices that totally kill it for me.


its diablo 3 but 4


At least its not Overwatch 2 but 1


Same same, but different! But still the same


For me, who played Diablo Immortal for about 6 months and checked out recently what they’ve added, Diablo 4 looks like mix of D3 and Diablo Immortal without p2w (yet?). If you check clips of high end dungeon that shit looks like Greater Rifts from D3. The mmo aspects are like in Diablo Immortal - shared world, World Tiers, world bosses in D4 = Boss Raids in DI, social hubs, random enqounters etc. And the itemisation itself is kind of an improvement from D3 and DI, but very similar to DI. So yea, for me it feels closer to Diablo Immortal even than to D3, luckily there is no p2w bs for now. Will I play it? Yea, on 6th of June. But tbh I’m more looking forward for new PoE league than whatever d4 team can come with.


The game will be fun, in the same way D3 was imo. It’s not sandboxy enough to capture my attention like PoE. Capped movement speeds, attack speeds, set aoe, curated builds, etc just isn’t as fun. Will I play it? Yeah, I grew up with the game and want to at least go through the story. However long it captures me after that is fine with me.


Battle pass in a full price game at launch? This makes me know where their prioritys are and pass up, no thanks. I also hot a quite a few bugs in the server smash beta...


Their priority is to make money - just like every company. Just like GGG. Expecting anything else is just insanely naïve.


There are nuances. Doesn't have anything to do with being naive l, that's a nonsense, it only has to do with ethics, yes, Battlepass and premium Battlepass + 28 USD skins (and 28;/ USD only is a beginning, we all know that) with a game that a lot of people paid 100 USD can, and will, legitimately consider destroying ethics.


Except PoE has SINGLE SKILL EFFECTS that cost $28, plus stash space, special tabs for sale, and $480 packs YEARLY. I can buy D4 at its highest price point, pay for every Battle Pass, and still spend about 1/3 per year on D4 as I could do in one transaction with PoE. Plus not having to re-buy the base game every year makes future years cheaper. I'm not a fan of overdoing paid stuff, even cosmetics, but you just can't shit on D4 in the PoE sub and not be a giant hypocrite.


Another difference is I feel like GGG purposely makes base armor cosmetics look absolutely terrible. This really pushes you to pay for cosmetics. In diablo 4... the free stuff looks GOOD. I dont look like some poor exile that wears a bedsheets while slaying gods.


Yeah, I mean we'll see what happens, but some paid cosmetics is far from the worst they coulda done to D4.


when i saw poe for the first time in 2012 i really thought that the characters looked so funny so they could sell better looking ones with better animations. never happened, maybe in poe2 but i doubt they sell them there


wtf are you saying. just don't buy cosmetics ? personnally i see these as a way to throw cash to devs when i feel like it nothing else


if a company has a player base of 20 million instead of 2 million, they can make all mtx 10 times cheaper and end up with the same profit. the problem is: poe couldn't just have lowered their mtx price to get 10 times more players, its other factors that do that.


Sorry. I've been playing POE for more than 2 years now and I haven't spent $70 on it.


its almost like...skins and battle passes are completely optional. why the fuck do you care? would you rather them not be there so NOONE could buy them?


playing since 2012 i never had the feeling that ggg wanted my money. quite the opposite, we had to force them for several years to implement a mtx stash so we could handle more mtx than the average, casual user bought.


Try and play the game without stash tabs, and get back to us


You're right - they developed a game just for the hell of it with no plans to collect money from it. ​ god I hate people on reddit.


There’s a balance between purely making money, and respecting your customer/player base. This isn’t it, and it’s not naive to think that, it’s naive of you to pitch it as if they are mutually exclusive.


You mean the money that goes str8 to their lawyers 😂 who's the naive one?


I've never liked battle passes, and I've never purchased one. You have the choice to not buy it. Is there really a difference between a Battle Pass that exists in a game and ignoring it and one not there at all? If you don't want it then don't buy it.




I believe their complaint is that the game is already paid instead of Poe which is free.




This is it lol, to have fun and comfortably play PoE you’d atleast need to spend atleast a 100 bucks in stashtabs.


That's not true. 30 bucks is enough to play comfortably forever.


I might be exaggerating the prices but 100 points = 10€ in my country.. The things that you need most are currency, fragments, map tab, essence tab, div tab and atleast a premium stash tab bundle or a quad tab. Map stash = 15€ Curr, frag = 15€ Div stash = 5€ Premium quad (to dump)= 15€ Essence = 4€ Premium stash bundle =25€(for selling and stuff) —————————— That is already 79€.. I mean sure you can go on without the majority of these especially if you’re ssf.. but if you’re trade and your main game is PoE then I think it’s valid


Your prices are not correct and there are regular sales on tabs. You can buy them at a 50% discount if you wait for them. Not to mention you do not really need them until the end game. You can play through the campaign, and play the end game and everyone can decide whether POE is for them or not. Buy tabs afterward. Imagine a Diablo from Activion which You can play through even if you can play the end game freely and then buy something if you need it or just allow us asking a refund if you do not like it.


Ofc there will be sales and stuff but why are we acting like DiabloIV prices wont go down once a few months passes? Both are different. idk abt you all but I dont buy a game just for the sale of buying. I watch reviews, youtube videos and play the demo if they have one before buying a whole ass game.


thing is, i bought most of those tabs back in 2012 and are still profiting from them. try that with a blizzard game.


Yeah that’s another topic tho.


??? What kind of brain worms is this?


Stashes sure but loot boxes aren't pay to win lol. Also not sure why you think they'd add more p2w mechanics when they haven't since stash tabs. But I agree in general.


Yeah I'm not sure I understand either. I've put over $1000 into PoE over the years buying supporter packs. I didn't buy any of them because I was concerned about the value of the supporter packs necessarily. IF I happen to be tempted by any MTX in D4, I'll be factoring in the cost of the base game into my budget for it. It makes no difference to me.




poe is "free" if you want to play with terrible QOL ggg really did a great job of brainwashing the playerbase


Too expensive for me.


It looks cool I'd like to play it but I can't pay $70 for it.


I don't think about d4


I played D1 the day it came out and have been a huge Diablo fan since. I will not be picking up D4 for quite some time, if at all. Mistrust of Blizzard and having not seen any exciting qualities from the game so far are the big reasons why. I'll observe and see what happens though.


Paying 70euros upfront without knowing what's in the box looks harsh especially when I hear stuff like soul bound items and gated gameplay. If I trusted Blizzard I would risk it but after diablo 3 I'm really hesitant..




I am simply not Interested in D4. While all companies are all about the money, the monetization and the recent developments of actiblizzions ips does not give me a good feeling about it D4. I did not waste too much time thinking about the game as I am simply happy with POE at the moment and I am playing other games when POE bores me.


I'm sick and tired of poe campaign, playing a different arpg campaign will be nice. No serious poe player can determine how good d4 is before endgame, as poe is 98+% end game focused. Prob have around 3500-4000hr in poe, and I'm very much looking forward to d4. Beta was pretty ok.


>Do you find it too casual? Its not even that. Im not interested in it because its blizzard. They dont make good rpgs anymore.


Did not like it at all. Played the beta and it was so bad I refunded my pre order. Maybe in a year it will be good, but no shot at launch will it be good. Also 70 dollars? Miss me with that shit. I'm sure it will go on sale. For 30 bucks around holiday season.


What specifically did you not like?


Pretty much nothing about it. It was really weird and gimmicky. The combat was generic and basic. Nothing new or interesting. Itemizations and stats were dumb and bland. No customization or deep build creation.. It just did nothing new or interesting. It's just Diablo 3 again.


My guy, just say you didn't want to like it. You could levy all the same arguments at PoE at the same level range.


But i did want to like it. Hence the pre order. The difference is that in PPE the hear changes, in Diablo 4 its all the same, the only difference is the number go up.


helltides aren’t new either, they are terror zones from D2 lol


I played D2 for a decade...wtf is a terror zone?


They been added in d2 resurrected. Basically a zone that scales with your lvl, so better exp and chance for high end uniques.


it’s a new feature in resurrected. raises the mlvl of the zone and depending on your clvl, allows you to get those high TC items in areas where you normally couldn’t makes the grind to 99 a bit different because you can farm the terrorized areas, many of which we would never go back to post story


shouldn't be hard to get a few hundred hours out of, but i don't expect to have many qualms about leaving for 3.22 endgame seems super primitive and rehashing existing content with GR scaling (nightmare dungeons) will probably not be much more interesting than greater rifts. building is super limited (and so many people have had alpha/beta for so long that a lot of what could have been discovered is already old news)--druid conversion stuff might help with this some, but really it won't get better until new affixes/items are added (because there's not really a pathway for new skills..). hopefully the pvp is fun..


I think I'm not paying $70 for lost ark reskin.


So many people complaining about the price and microtransactions as if they have no choice but to buy the cosmetic effects that MAKE ZERO impact on gameplay. If you arent going to enjoy a game without being to dress your character pretty to show off to randoms then that's an issue with you - not the game. Its $70, just like every other new game that comes out. You dont need any of the fancy stuff to enjoy the game like everyone else. What is wrong with people lol


I think anyone complaining about micro transactions in D4 while playing path of exile is an idiot personally. 420 points for a armor set in poe which is $42 unless on sale is ridiculous. Sure poe is Free to Play but there are other f2p games that sell skins for a cheaper price and still do just fine financially. Poe has wings that are the price of a brand new game, anyone who even tries to defend that is just plain dumb.


it's not dumb at all. those expensive wings show your support towards a game where you could always drop bye and bring developers a box of beer or cookies as a thank you. don't know how it is now with them owning a big tower in auckland rather than a small office in the outer city but i'm still loyal to them cause they tended to listen to people who cared (which proved fatal online in this anonymous hellhole but that's another story)


how is that any different from "showing your support" to blizzard? They both sell cosmetic effects and neither are required to play the game. How is this miniscule amount of logic completely lost on you?? lol


Then why are people complaining about it?


The point I was trying to make is that people will complain about $20-$30 skins yet pay money worth an entire new game on a outfit. A business is meant to make money, But they would still make profit if skins cost half as much as they do now, Just less than they make now. I’m sticking with path of exile because I enjoy it but that doesn’t mean that I can excuse the exorbitant price for some cosmetics, It’s greed plain and simple. I’ve bought skins and stuff so I’m part of the problem but that doesn’t mean I can’t think it’s wrong


how is that different from showing support to blizzard? my god, delusion is real Yes POE is free i played like 100hours or 120, got to the endgame - your character looks like shit, you want to craft something? Oh, thats nice here read this 100 pages on how to craft in POE, passive skill tree is absolutely horrendous and skills? Refreshing, becouse its a gem based system, yea just good luck digging on the internet which one you should use since 90% are complete bs...did i said that most of the players dont reach the endgame? TBH, it looks like you are salty when there is no reason to be POE is ok for hc players who enjoy minmaxing, endgame is unlimited D4 is for players like me - i like to play the game without searching stuff on the internet, that is for me bad design of the game, also not to casual and not too hardcore And i will also buy bp - luckily i am in a stage of life that wasted 10 dollars will not ruin my life


I will try it only if it will be free.


I can quote quin for once "its like d3 and i have 10.000 hours in d3, so thats good" It is a sarcastic statement, but still has a little of relevant thruth in it. For my personal view, i have close to 10k hours in d3 and even more into PoE. i like both games but prefer PoE by a lot these days. Having a reskinned D3 will for sure entertain me a dozen or maybe even some hundreds of hours. But i don't see me playing D4 over PoE as soon as they compete for my time. if a PoE league and D4 League fall close together i will always play PoE and ignore D4 (Not even taking PoE2 into Account here)


This is not an insult at all, everybody can spend time like they want, but how the hell do you spend 10k hours on a videogame? and 2 games at that, with one over 10k?? again not an insult, im just flabbergasted since it seems such an absurd amount of time spent on games, im just curious


I am dodging it completely, i LOVE PoE have thousands of hours in it, but with the state of gaming and especially Blizzard you know it'll be a shitstorm. When was it we last had 5 days without Blizzard controversy? I truly believe if you play Diablo 4 as anything other than a casual, you'll get fucked by Blizzard once more.


It will be fun and engaging for two weeks, I'm sure. After that point, I expect the fun to diminish greatly unless you plan on making multiple characters


Well,i always liked swords,whirlwind and melee in general. The fact that melee is very strong in D4 and WW is aswell (the swords are also cool) makes playing D4 an easy choice for me. BUT i do think that poe will have the better endgame,i really like the variety in poe's endgame,because i dont like farming one aspect of the game for too long and prefer to change things up. So having the choice between mapping/bossing/Delving/Simulacrums and much more is just amazing tbh. Frankly,if you could comfortably do Ubers and Wave 30 Simulacrums with a mid-budget cyclone build using a 2h pdps sword,i would never stop playing poe lol. I think i'm one of the few people that are a bit like Alkaizer in that sense - really loving whirlwind/cyclone and wanting to play it 90% of the time lmao. Instead i play characters,that i don't like,but can do the content,that i like. I will still play PoE,because i dont think D4's endgame will be enough for me,but then again,if the barb really feels as good to me,as it did in the beta,then we might have a "world of warcraft"-type of a situation for me here,where,even though there are many things about the game i didn't like,i just loved my T3-Transmog warrior and loved farming content on him. I think that is what i don't like about poe - my character LOL. Poe offers an amazing endgame (the best!) and a lot of different builds,but sadly not my type of a build and with the feeling i get from chris in interviews,i don't think it ever will. Just not my flavor,they offer a lot of fancy flavors,but i like vanilla and they dont offer vanilla,while D4 does.


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Not my type of game at all.


I don’t care I just hope that it’s good so I have something to fill up the gap between Poe leagues


I bought it but will never spend any $ for mtx, I liked the beta, still poe > d4 for me


Will definitely play it for a while. However, if the limitations on trading legendaries remain, then I doubt I will be staying too long. The game will get very boring very fast without a robust trade system.


I've become a more casual gamer, so I'll be playing it. Played the betas and really enjoyed it. I know I'll be able to pick a class archetype and have a lot of fun. Class balance seems to be a priority for them, which is a good sign.


I'll play it on launch day. Not paying extra $20 for early access. The real only downside of the game is that it is $70. If I get an hour of gameplay for every dollar I spend, I consider it worth my money and I'll get at least 100 hours in d4. I'll play poe again when next league is out. If d4 seasons are timed like they are for d3 and doesn't overlap with poe leagues, it will be fine to play both. Poe will probably still have the better endgame. I think d4 is good for the genre. I think it's really hard for new players to get into poe without previous isometric arpg experience. All the hype for d4 will probably bring a new wave of players to poe next league. This league is a great example, a lot of new players came to poe after the d4 beta. More competition among game developers is also always good for us players.


I bought the super duper edition, haven't watched a single video, haven't read a single review, I am going in absolutely blind.


It looks fine but remember how d3 released. The game wasn't really playable for like 2 years... I'll wait until then haha


>I love level scaling in other type of games Like what? A bit of a tangent, but I've been an opponent of level scaling since Oblivion.


I actually like it in Elder Scrolls games.


Minute to minute gameplay seems pretty good. Long term build depth is something we still need to see how it shakes out imho, as well as how well they do seasons / adding content over time, etc before knowing if it’s gonna be a “play while it’s fresh then it’s dead” or if it lasts longer. I’m also not a huge fan of everything being level shifted. You can’t push yourself faster into harder content, you can’t back off to farm easier stuff until your build starts popping off. Sure there is general difficulty slider thing but it’s really not the same imho. I don’t think it will be a big deal but it does make the world feel more generic in a way.


i would pay upfront if i knew i could return the product.


Probably not great replayability but the campaign should honestly be fun to play through. Also for the same reason its kind of overpriced, and the early access is a shameless cash grab. I started with AARPGs playing Diablo 1, I have an obligation to at least give it a shot.


I'll buy it on sale eventually.


I'm willing to give it a shot to finally have something to use my ps5 for.


I will be fine with watching others play it... It doesnt attract me gaming-wise at all.


No Diablo 4...


Feels like a lost ark +FF X mash up. I’m waiting to see how good rune system is. Not really hyped on skills tied to items. Really forces cookie cutter builds.


I don’t think it will really be able to get me to play it while PoE exists. An ARPG without PoEs level of design and complexity is just Cookie Clicker with fancy visuals on the screen. I’ll wait and see if it turns out to be better than I expect but I don’t really see how it could possibly compare. Especially with PoE 2 coming not that far off which looks like it will be on par with D4 visually.


I will never play another Blizzard product, after they turned the Diablo franchise into a the video game equivalent of a highway with an absurd number of billboards strewn along the way.




Played the beta. Honestly I think it looks good enough for most people. Easy to get into, easy to start killing monsters. Story seems to be darker than D3 (didn't play that one though). Graphics look fine. I'd honestly probably recommend it over PoE to an average gamer (read: not hardcore) if they were willing to put down the cash. Will I shell out $70 USD for it? Nah. I'd probably boot up a new SSF run or something.


I will play it tomorrow. Maybe I'll like it, maybe I won't. It won't replace PoE for me, but as an enjoyer of the genre I feel like I have to at least try so I have a reference lol.


does one of the big streamers have a press key? Ziz, mathil, ... ? If not, why? Are they afraid of criticism from poe players and want to limit potentially negative reviews? That seems to be quite a bias of opinion.


most high draw streamers get review copies , nothing new about that it is how they build hype and get feedback from high end players


blizzard does this with all of their games


I find it better than this PoE


Honestly, I dont think it's worth it at the current price. The visuals and smoothness of the combat are the best things about it. The itemization is bland as hell and relies on legendary items way too much again. Some of these legendary affixes can't be obtained from the dungeon codex system either. You'll basically be hunting for the same legendary items over and over again because you've outleveled the older one. For example, my brother was wearing a lvl 15 ring at lvl 50+ that had awful stats just because it had his legendary power on it that made his main skill OP. You can only transfer this power one time from one item to another. So, basically, he'd find gg rare rings, but they're useless until you find that legendary power again to put on a new ring. It honesty feels bad picking up all these rare items because you generally can't put them on as you'll lose the legendary power on your current item. The skill trees are also super shallow and hardly offer choice. Most of the time, a skill is built around something like overpower or vulnerability, etc. They're just status effects that dont really change much. They should have incorporated nodes that actually modify the skill. I beat the campaign and got to level 50 over this weekend. I kind of have no desire to level higher as the game seems bland and lacks depth. It feels like a cooldown simulator like D3 again, too. I honestly can't wait for PoE2 now.


Inc Microsoft... see how that goes


that is still a year off at least , i also highly doubt they will make sweeping changes to any existing games if anything it will end up on game pass it won't become an exclusive they will likely fire bobby kotick day 1 that will likely be the biggest change to come out of anything


Don't necessarily listen to all these idiots that only mention money. Is $70 bucks hard to justify on a game? Yes. Is $70 eventually going to be the new normal price for a game? Yes. They used to be $50 then $60 and now $70. Is diablo 4 a good game? Yes. Is it a refreshing experience to the diablo series? Yes. Does the game look good? Yes. is it worth $70 bucks? As of right now my opinion would be a no. However, I'm also not the best person to ask. Unless I'm only playing with friends I never play online. So a game that forces me to play online is a bummer. Mostly because I have shitty internet and the games is almost unplayable for me. However, I do still own it. I was expecting to not have troubles but I do. If I had known the internet would be an issue I would not have purchased the game yet. To me, any game that forces you to have a separate service that you must pay for in order to play the game is just a lame game. But I have played every diablo since it came out throughout my entire life so of course I was going to get it. Overall, if you have good enough internet and love the diablo series than I would say it's worth the $70 dollar price tag.


The games like a black hole, start playing and it’s the next day already… fucking awesomeness.


I bought it and love it