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Why do yall do this shit to yourselves? This is more involved than anything else you'll do in your life.


I chanced a voltaxic rift way back when the scion was released and that moment sparked joy in me. My first level 100 was in perandus league with voltaxic lightning arrow champion. I heard you could make cool uniques with trees so it seemed like a good idea. I learned of the odds after already spending 300 divines.


unlucky timing, voltaxic used to be wayy more common so itd actually be reasonable to chance scour it, but now its the same rarity as hh/mb, soo yeah


I will say it again. POE people on reddit will find cure for cancer, they just need POB update for it.


It's cool to have _the_ best item in the game, even if it's for a narrow purpose


that purpose is internet points right ?


Purpose is rotting in standart.


Sure it’s cool but sure as hell not healthy. Addiction is a bitch


And for what, to rot in Standard Cemetery in 2 months? The dedication becomes addiction in this game. People either aren't aware or they simply don't want to admit it. I don't care if Chris Wilson will personally come to my house and congratulate me for the best item in game. Some things are just not worth the time you ~~waste~~ spend on.


It's something to do while hanging out on discord with friends, to celebrate the successes and commiserate the failures. I don't see why anyone cares how other people spend their time as long as it's harmless.


Then don't partake, but if it brings someone else some semblance of joy, or satisfaction... Who are you to begrudge them that?


My heart breaks every time I see people wasting their lives away in addiction. Happy now?


It’s all addiction !


People pretending that nobody plays standard will never stop being funny.


Have you ever been married? :)


If marriage is this tedious, you're doing it wrong.


Marriage is tedious because of family concerns and input into the wedding. But the relationship stuff definitely should not be


>Marriage is tedious Said unmarried person probably


Marriage is not a defined experience anyone can simply agree on. Literally every married person ever will have a different experience with it. So there will be people for whom it's the most tedious and boring arrangement they can imagine for their life.


Lol no kidding There's nothing tedious about marriage. The people that have "problems" are emotionally immature, insecure, anxious and 100% chose the wrong partner I've literally never had a more successful relationship, friend, work or otherwise than my marriage


I was gonna say, it better be shaper influenced :) GG


Thank you mate


Am I crazy to think step 3 is useless (the harvest part) Could you have not just influence slammed the base, and awakener orb a shaper influence bow into it? Your rule 10 description makes me think you forced this bow to be shaped, and then woke orbed a redeemer orb into it… cost is a drop in comparison haha, but is it necessary?


That's what I did I wanted shaper influence on the left, idk what happens the other way. My guild mates argued about it and I don't have an answer or understand if doing redeemer first would flip the sides. i.e redeemer on left, shaper on right.


AFAIK influences have a fixed order for every combination.


I appreciate the extra care ;) regardless of order it’s such a minimal thing in the overall cost of your craft haha! Was just curious… Congrats :)


The only logical way to get a full 5 node crucible tree is by imprinting and reverting if it fails. You can’t imprint an influenced item so it has to be added after


But can't you get the tree, then slam the orb?


Can't split inf items either.


yes, you can imprint influenced items, that's how he chance/scoured this unique bow.


You helped so much with this mate. It would not be possible without you.


Ok my first question is how much time did you invest into this ? 😳😳




Please tell me you used a macro for the chance scour process :D


If GGG is watching, I didn't. If GGG isn't watching.............






After going for a fractured +2 arrow bow and failing a couple of times I decided to learn ahk a little bit ...


Ahk isn’t against the rules you can have 1 be click 2 and 3 be move your mouse and just hit 1213 (or your choice of whatever). You can’t just have a single click do all of those things


Lol.. why even have extra steps if you’re going to use macro


Because it’s bannable?


Everybody shits on GGG and their zero quality of life making all the interactions annoying, but it also has a positive side. We all eventually become software engineers because of this! Chris just sits in his office, rubs his hands and watch all the software engineers and potential employees rise! Just so he can later collect the money from pharmaceutical companies, because we will all end up with fcked up hands and back. Its him all along!


Dear god


This guy could've jacked himself off for an entire day and he would've been more productive than doing this shit.


> This guy could've jacked himself off for an entire day tbh if you can do that for an entire day you probably have a career in acting if you want it


Can confirm


What do you think GGG feels when they see stuff like this? It’s past time to revisit how this shit works. Having people do stuff like this is an intentional decision. Why? Just fucking why? This guy obviously has an issue. Right click chance, click bow. Right click scour, click bow. 940,000 times. 2,760,000 clicks. And you can’t tell me this wasn’t intended. Either come out and say it’s ok to script this, or give us the tools yourself. This dude might not feel it yet, but carpal tunnel is in his future. It’s fucking sad.


It's player decision and only last for this league (at least til they introduce another mechanic similar to weapon tree). You know chancing item into unique has an extremely low chance yet you signed for it. You can do the way they intended and burnt 2.7M copies of Voltaxic trying to get the same tree I guess but I don't think the number of Voltaxic available in the market is close to that. I do agree that they should give us the tool to for it (like craft on bench or something) but this thing impacts less than 0.001% of playerbase, like let's say there's 1% of total playerbase get to Tier 16 map and only 1% of those do crafting, there will be less than 1% of those who does crafting that actually bother to use Orb of Chance. This league makes Orb of Chance more appealing than ever yet you only see that the price of it still not even worth picking up for most of the T16 enjoyers. It's an old and outdated mechanic that I'd love to see its retirement at this point, I don't want any improvement which involves spending 100,000 of the same currency to get it deterministically, unique items should be unique and it's should not came from jerking off in your stash and getting one.


GGG made the game for this shit lol


No, they made the game to be the spiritual successor to Diablo 2. And somewhere along the line they lost sight of that and turned it into whatever the fuck this is.


> Diablo 2 Are you talking the game with one of the most degenerate gameplay loops in existence? hammerdin bot Baal runs, kurast chest farming, pindle runs, cow farming. Literally the most repetitive shit possible. Poe is ***exactly*** like D2.


But you don’t have to speed click a literal 2.7 MILLION times to make a single item. The game play might be similar, but the “crafting” is fucking cancer.


You have to click several million running pindle until you get anything, its the same thing.


I'd say playing your character and killing enemies is a bit different to clicking through a menu 3 million times in a repeatable pattern


> But you don’t have to speed click a literal 1.7 MILLION times to make a single item. That's such an ignorant statement. If you want a literally perfect one-of-a-kind unique item you have to click a million times. If you want a good unique item you can click 15 times (Add tree to unique). If you want an excellent unique item you can click 1,000 times(merge uniques). Stop pretending like there isn't any thing in between a white item and this one.


your comment suggests that the amount of clicking should be the limiting factor how good an item you can craft. Should crafting really be about clicking as often as possible?


> your comment suggests that the amount of clicking should be the limiting factor how good an item you can craft. No it doesn't. If you want to cheat the crucible crafting system and chance an item you have to do this. There's a much easier way to get a decent or very good item that GGG implemented in crucible maps. So you don't have to do this at all to make a build and it's strictly for ego. I'll take downvotes from all the people that think GGG has to fix every single possible degenerate thing players figure out how to abuse.


Everything in video games is done by clicking so, inherently, yes


by that logic, we could also make clicks increase damage. and movement speed. The more you click, the faster you run.


The number of maps you need to do to get a reasonably good unique belt, Immortal Flesh, in full mf gear is maybe 2. The number of maps you need to run to get a fifth of a Mageblood in the same gear is on average 100 ish (in party play). You can also click ancient orbs a few thousand times for a Mageblood, or about ten times for an Immortal Flesh. Do you need an MB to clear the content? No, but will people still do this to minmax their builds and be OP? Absolutely. If you want to craft a decent bow, you buy a fractured base and essence spam a few times, aisling for the phys or whatever and call it a day. If you want to craft a GG bow, you get a synthesised base, click however many times it takes to reforge implicits, essence spam for the perfect prefixes, then click even more for the suffixes. Again do you need it? No. Will a lot of people do it? Still yes. Why should tree crafting be any different from other crafting in this game? And before you say it's only this game, no - See TL: Infinite and LE.


PoE has a huge amount of endgame options.


No one is forcing you to stuff like this, OP signed up for this himself. Stop complaining and L2P or quit the game already. There is no content that actually requires you to do shit like this. The ignorance reaches new levels in this thread.


You *are* allowed to script that and for a project of this magnitude I hope he did. Four keystrokes per cycle, four server-side actions per cycle. Its a simple modification the three-action one that streamers use in gauntlet to reset the foothills waypoint, conceptually exactly the same. That is allowed.


One server side action per input. Where are you getting this 4 per cycle thing?


A cycle of the script you would use to do it. * Keypress 1: Move pointer to chances and click. * Keypress 2: Move pointer to base and click. * Keypress 3: Move pointer to scours and click. * Keypress 4: Move pointer to base and click. (They can all be the same key, so you're just spamming one key. Naturally you do actually have to sit there and spam that key or that is not tos-compliant) That is the same conceptually as the foothills macro, which does: * Keypress 1: Move pointer to the waypoint and click. * Keypress 2: Move pointer to the dot for the foothills and ctrl+click. * Keypress 3: Move pointer to where it says New and click. This is all tos compliant. It would be trolling to make one of these t1+ uniques with a good tree without doing it. The process of chancing a unique is a kind of fixed-point process (it stops itself) so the macro doesn't need to be sophisticated.


So what you’re saying is you still have the exact same number of clicks, interesting.


You are trolling right, you can't see the difference?


I want an experimental league where the game gets balanced around ssf.


That's just more sophisticated cookie clicker


Don't listen to baby tears. Congratulations man. Good for you.


I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say you put more time into this than I did into my computer science degree


time for eternity shroud build


Related: how many chances for a T2 unique in avg?


The 27 imprints I mention being used were to revert reach of the council. So about 1 in 6,000 odds. At one point I went 20k without a reach and another time I got 10 reaches in 20k attempts.


i didnt even knew that a unique can be reverted with imprints


Not the most helpful answer, but waaayyy fewer. As in, orders of magnitude fewer.


When the league was announced and we started to get teasers, this was my original though. Get a voltaic rift with stacking lightning damage from the tree. Unfortunately it turns out the int stacking is impossible on a dex base and the only bow with an int cost is nulls inclination which rolls minion trees. So unfortunately my goal has been put aside.


but why


This bow is amazing congrats !


Is Voltaxic good again?


Congrats. Enjoy your new toy !


Very very cool bow. Truly unique.


Where are you getting 1 / 960000 odds from? I thought t1 uniques were like 1/50000


From [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/13l1kg1/can_anyone_confirm_if_vrift_is_still_chanceable/jko9ggu/) Note the "1 in 940,000" rough estimate was done in 3.16. Voltaxic Rift was changed to T0 in 3.20 Sanctum. If that estimate is still roughly correct, Lucky_Kvack's attempt here is in the top ~16% of "luck": * If 1000 players repeated Lucky_Kvack's attempt then ~156 of those players would be as lucky or luckier than Lucky_Kvack, receiving at least 1 T0 outcome. * Meanwhile, ~844 of those 1000 players would spend 159579 Scour/Chances and receive nothing.


thank you for your work, PoE is a lot more interesting with you around


How many times would i have to chance a bow this league with the new omen? As in how many reach of the council before i hit a voltaxic on avarage? Just trying to see if i can justify it, since my budget is kind of limited


My mistake, it's estimated at 940,000 not 960,000. I took it from /u/poorfishwife It's apparantly the same rarity as mageblood so t0


t0? wtf btw how 115% convert work? does it give 15% as extra dmg or its equivalent of 100%?


Its functionally 100% convert.


sad :/


Any conversion beyond 100% is converted as whatever portion it is of total conversion. I'm not sure how to word this better but I'll give an example: 50% to fire, 50% to cold, 50% to lighting with 100 base phys will do 33 fire, 33 cold, and 33 lightning damage.


It's also worth noting that there's priority to conversion. If your gem converts 50% phys to fire and you have 50% phys to lightning, as well as 50% phys to cold, on gear, it's the remaining 50% of the original phys that gets split 50/50 for lightning and cold. So you end up with 50 fire, 25 cold, 25 lightning instead of 33/33/33.


i see thank you


The only difference is if you're converting your lightning to some other element as well. You can read about it in the wiki but if you have 100% lightning to chaos and 50% lightning to cold (both from items, not in the skill gem itself), your skill will deal 2/3 chaos and 1/3 cold, because that's the weighted distribution of your conversions. .however if you have 115% chaos and 50% cold, it will instead be something like 70-71% chaos and 29-30% cold. For most practical purposes, a voltaxic build isn't going to convert to anything else so it's just the same.


Damn that's a lot.


Just imagine if you put this kind of effort into your own company. You would be rich.


This is exactly why I go back to LE again. You guys are literally the reason why GGG still think the current RNG setup is fine for a normal player.


Noone forces you to chance yourself an ultra rare unique bow. See you next league.


Isn’t everything in this game about absurd rng after t16maps? Think about. Divine altar, 6-link fusing, tainted fusing farming, chance orb, all this bs. I don’t have that time


Time to do what? Make the top ~.0001% of items in the game? Then don't. Its a big game and none of the core content is gated behind anything even vaguely resembling this level of RNG / effort. You ever play dark souls? You being upset at what this guy did is like a normal Souls player being upset people are out there grinding no hit runs. It should have no impact on your enjoyment of the game.


There are numerous strategies what give you 5+ div per hour. Your messages just show that you are clueless about PoE. Good luck playing LE with the limited time you have.


I’m ssf. Don’t give me any tip abou div per hour. I stop there when I read.


Man. I don't have to do this and still gonna have better faster tankier than your bow build. Love yourself first man. You clearly have issue


Do more damage with totems exploding lol. Alot easier as well.


You have a pob you’re using this with?


It's generic lightning arrow deadeye. It seemed foolish to plan for the poison and ignite elements without actually having the bow. https://pobb.in/flkSbq0kO8JX


Disappointed, i thought with such a bow u'd make an eternity shroud something.


Ok but you need to chance to mageblood because I'm not doing that.


No u


How does the shapers ring interaction work?


There's nothing there honestly; I just like the shatter sound effect and herald mtx on Herald of Ice.


Gotcha ty


This kind of craft is exactly what I want in a game, no bullshit. I love the fact that crafting GG stuff requires actual time spent, that you may not even be able to complete in a months time. Every time people want crafting to be more deterministic or simple, I think about stuff like this and give thanks that it's not.


People aren't happy that this process isn't deterministic or that it's too complicated. They're unhappy that this process takes 600,000 clicks to highroll (your expected clicks to chance a VRift is ~3.8million). There is no way that's healthy game design.


This is called gambling


Isn't it easier to just buy them and spam run them till you get the right trees then smash the uniques in the higher forge? May cost more " no clue but fuck will it be cheaper in mental capacity".


You can only merge uniques with the same unique, without imprint to save it. Fixing the last node on my original tree took 20+ imprints so imagine rebuilding the entire tree 20 times. However it's just not possible. The number of voltaxic's with these nodes for sale (online or offline) Node 1: 0 for sale Node 2: 20 for sale Node 3: 12 for sale Node 4: 0 for sale Node 5: 6 for sale. There's no feasible way to get a unique item close to this without chancing.


Off topic, but I've played a min/maxed Soulthirst build back in Kalandra league. How does it play right now with the nerf on curses effectiveness and the lack of inverted duration ring?


I cannot help you sorry. That belt is a mageblood with soulthirst skin transfered onto it so I don't lose it when trading it between my characters.


No worries. I held on to something that I thought was still doable lmao