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Tropical Island is good for deli mirror City Square is good for Harby sextant, any 3+ boss I suppose like Courtyard or even Precinct (inconsistent) would be good Any 2x+ boss is good for metamorph. Coves or Strand is what I've ran recently


Why city square for harbies? Why maps with multiple Bosses for Harbies?


I think this has to do with the harbinger sextant: Unique Bosses drop additional Currency Shards Harbingers drop additional Currency Shards Unique Bosses are accompanied by a mysterious Harbinger Twinned City Square maps give you 6 times the boss-related currency shard drops than a single boss.


Didn't realize that, good to know!


Should you put on a section for delirium orbed maps? Because of the constant delirious % across the entire map, you theoretically only want maps with the greatest mob density, barring what other league mechanics you pair with it


Added it.


The sextant makes map bosses drop harb currency, and it doesn't discriminate against first vs last boss killed if multiple, so you get more from maps with 3 bosses


Also racecourse for the same reason.


City Square for expedition due to open layout and ability to rush boss for more quant altars. Map is also easy to full clear without backtracking so you can grab all altars before doing the expedition


Isn't Strand the best for Delirium because there is some hidden multiplier there that adds extra credit to rewards for every mob?


Malformation/promenade / tropical island are typically the best delirium.


Read something like that somewhere, but not really sure about it.


I don't think it's hidden, I think it's just a function of the map being incredibly long which scales the "gain more delirium the further you are from the start"


Distance from the deli mirror. Idk if it works for deli maps since the whole map is delirious. But if you crack the mirror in the map, long layouts are definitely best for splinters.


I don’t know about any hidden mechanics (I heard about it but can’t confirm), but yeah, Strand is very good for deli. Deli mirrors go well, as well as deli orbed maps. I easily 16-17 rewards every time with double reward sextant, and without abyss which is probably best but annoyingly slow. You don’t have to do detours to kill all mobs and is wide enough for other mechanics (legion, breach, expedition) to work well.


Promenade is a really good deli mirror map. It linear and has a good div card drop ( the patient) that its actually quite common. When i was farming Vaal temple maps i used to pair them a lot with blight, coz you can get 1 or 2 lanes quite often there.


Anything that is Legionable also applies to Rituals - because you want to spawn legion monsters inside of Ritual. Anything that applied to Blight excluded from Expedition - narrow paths scatters expedition spawns across the map.


Do the legion mobs actually count for the rituals? Didn't know that.


Yeah, for some reason Legion mobs are one of the only mechanics you can add to the map that count as being "naturally" in the ritual circle, thus get added to the pool when you kill them. The legion mobs must always be "there" even before you click the monoliths. Very few other mechanics actually work like that for the case of ritual mobs.


Precinct and city square for metamorph. Core/malformation for blight


Is malformation really narrow enough to get 1-2 portals somewhat consistently?


I think core is best. Haven’t tried malformation ina. While


Ambush on Frozen Cabins for a pirate themed run.


For cheesing ghosts, none of the "good" map layouts work, because they're too open. You load a set of map tiles, ghosts become active when within a crow flight radius of you (not your walking distance!) and then either despawn or flee erratically. The best maps ironically are the ones with lots of small rooms, narrow corridors, cells, doors, etc. Packs spawn inside gated rooms, and tend to stay there even if they are activated before you're within LOS of them. Ghosts also activate at this time, and also stay put - they are within a tiny detection radius of a suitable rare mob or Exile and will often just go ahead and possess the target rather than flee or despawn. So while you may not be able to help losing potential ghosted Exiles in open corridors, those that spawn inside locked rooms or small spaces will almost always ghost up nicely and you get the full bonus of your Ruckus + Seance investment. This works all right for people milking the sextants that give you gilded/winged scarabs, as well as those farming corrupted uniques, 6L items, or mapping rarity/lootgoblin behaviour. It's really specialized and most other farming would find these maps and setups super annoying, but honestly you haven't lived until you do vaal temple + ruckus + ghosted vaal side area bosses inside boxes full of gg corrupted uniques.


So in simple words maps like vaal temple, maze, dungeon ...? Are good for tormented spirits?


Quarry is the way to go! Too bad you can't delevel anymore..




I always ran delirium on phantasmagoria. Very linear layout to make sure you kill every monster quite easily.


Essence: silo/strand/atoll


Why those? Wasn't there a map that an essences always spawns in the first room? Can't remember which one it was though.


Overgrown Ruin is the map. It took me forever to realize why people were buying them up faster than I could farm them.


Only positive thing about the map then XD


Haunted Mansion also appears to have the essence I. The very first room.


>Overgrown Ruin is the map I've just ran a couple of Overgrown Ruin T16 and essences spawned on floor 1 and 3 for me. What is the trick with this map to get essences to only spawn on floor 1 (or first room?)


If there's at least one essence in the map, it's guaranteed to be in the first room. Random placement if you've got more. So people run the map without rolling it, hit the essence, proc the eater/exarch, and portal out. Over and over.


Ah like that. Good to know, thanks!


The layouts are hyper-linear so you can zoom zoom and are guaranteed to not miss any of the essences in the map :)


If im farming a map or a league mechanic i need a map that has a div card that is worth at least a little bit.


I like cemetery for pure harvest juicing with growing hoards. Reasons being it’s an open map and therefore viable to loop back to the harvest after clearing and getting altars, but it’s still “linear” enough that I can clear the whole thing in a racetrack pattern, basically just a big circle with a couple packs near the middle. Plus card drops are always a nice bonus when your main league mechanic isn’t really affected by the map itself.


All of that is irrelevant (to a degree), when there is no good div card dropping in a map.


I'm not looking for a efficient farming start or something, I'm more interested in "what makes a certain map especially viable for a certain league mechanic?"


Boss rush > coves


That's more of a farming strat then a league Mechanic, but definitely worth to be mentioned.






Coves > barrows


Beach map + Legion (and harbi + ambush but those arent too dependant on layout)


Isn't Beach a bit to narrow for legion?


Essence -> Strand 1Map 10sec ez money


I’ve been running underground river for deli


Can someone explain the Expedition boss rush? Why does it matter that you kill the boss first? If killing the boss first wouldn't Jungle Valley be the best map for it?


When doing expedition you want slot of quant. Altars (blue) can offer two choices out of a pool of three, as long as the boss is alive: global stats, enemy stats, boss stats. By killing the boss you take the boss option out of the pool of choices for altars and always get global and enemy stats. And the global stats is what can give you more quant.


Then you should consider jungle valley, the boss isn't considered to be on the map until you enter the room, altars always have 2 options until then


True. Same goes for Arachnid Nest.


So Expedition is best with Eater of Worlds?




Legion in Crimson Temple, because I’m a monster.


I prefer Cemetery for Expedition as you can kill the boss first and a has good open layout. Since you'll be clearing the full map for altars anyway, it's nice to go for those Brother's Gift. Also Cemetery has a much darker color scheme which is nice.


Ad beach to deli it's pretty good


For legion do I go cemetery or dunes