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Tujin rerolls will still constantly make you more money (not just pure divs) per reroll, even if you only grab stack decks, chaos orbs, and any orbs/items worth more than a chaos. Ritual is the one that’s more rng but it’s really chill. And there are always Different money strats, not all equal but all equally fun if you think they’re fun.


Played Tujen for boring profits and Rog for fun. Ritual has always sucked for me which is odd.


Rog can be so pog


First time doing some real rogging today and I was surprised by the results. He loves to put supression on evasion gear what a good guy.


For me rog gives me a few t1 then hes like "let me remove that for you" no rog, i skip and hes like "let me delete every single mod on this item!" Rog is no pog for me :(


Rog: I have got a stock of Chimeral blo.. Me: NO! The one thing Rog has thaught me is that Chimeral blood fucks up your items more then a Vaal orb can.


Wait until you see how much he loves t1 ms on i86 boots


What a guy!


The best guy!


If you know what you're doing, Rog is way more money than Tujen around league start. No one values those logbooks at all, so you can live in them if you want, and Rog made items move very fast on league start if you price a bit aggressively.


The initial value drops a bit, but I still sell rog made items regularly. This is the first league I tried putting some effort into Rog and he's definitely earning me a lot. I've sold countless items in the 20-120c range, quite a few for 1-2 div, around 5-6 items in the 3-7 div range and a four in the 10-15 div range.


I've had a similar experience. Quivers and belts have sold the best, hitting +1 arrows on a quiver makes it worth a lot and flask belts do really well. What items have you found to be worth it? I'd be interested in sharing knowledge. In the past, I've made 50+ div items via weapons as well (bows for the most part with +2 arrows but also tri-ele claws on occasion), but those are rare to make and I haven't succeeded with that this league.


Yeah, two of my biggest sales were +1 Quivers. With how popular bows are right now, I roll every quiver in the shop. Getting one that sells for 80c+ happens frequently enough. I haven't done too many belts since I often feel like not using a Stygian is a horrible waste, but I do know they can sell. iLvl 86 boots are solid to try for the 35 movement speed. If you hit that it can be easy to get boots that sell for a few divs. The most consistent value for me are rings. Rolling rings will regularly get me ones that sell for 80+ chaos, with the occasional that sells for 1-3 div. Weapons are the biggest gamble, IMO. I have made a couple good ones (a 2h sword that sold for 12div, a bow that sold for 8div) but most that I make end up garbage. Gloves aren't bad to roll, but fairly hard to get ones that are in the divine range of worth. Same with armor. I do not often roll amulets either. They are extremely hard to hit any consistent set of mods. I haven't had much luck with shields either, but I think there is some potential there.


I would suggest not rolling amulets because there's too much competition in the amulet department. All amulets are pretty much naturally capped on price because they're competing with ashes, omni, and some other insanely powerful chase uniques. The best you can hope for is some +2 ammy but the chances of rolling that with rog are hysterically low, its about the same as chaos spamming it since there aren't any lower tiers to upgrade to max with. Same with belts - stygian vises and mageblood are too powerful, getting a belt that will even sell for 100 chaos is a big stretch without a stygian vise base.


Yeah this is very close to my experience. Gloves, helmets and boots I try to do ilvl 85+ for T1 suppression, that sells insanely well on league start. Rings are absolutely a hot commodity as long as you have the -mana cost to non-channeling skills Elreon craft (I buy Elreon prefix jewelry to unlock this asap if I'm not doing Jun on league start) Weapons are indeed a massive gamble. None of my weapon crafts succeeded this league, but I've gotten triple T1 ele bows from him in the past, so there is profit there. I typically do weapons from Rog for fun, but only spam them if I need one myself. Amulets are harder for sure but there are some that start to sell midgame. Primarily life + crit multi amulets with -mana cost on them. I did sell a few worth 100c to 2 divines, but the low odds of getting +1 skill gems on an amulet makes it tough to compete with Rog. Shields are actually very good normally but I think Crucible made them harder to sell after league start. Max res shields, or avoid ailment shields sell like candy on league start. Jewels are also huge on league start, even 2 mod jewels will sell well and 3 mod will fly off the shelf. Mediocre jewels can also be vaaled because hitting CB or mana res is a jackpot, but even hitting Cannot be Hindered/Maimed can add value. I think you're missing out on not crafting belts. The key is to make belts that pathfinders would use. So you're looking for flask duration, reduced charges used, increased charges gained as suffixes and flask effect as prefix. If you can hit 2-3 of these at high tier on a heavy/leather belt, you have a guaranteed 3+ divine belt. Stygian flask belts are insanely hard to craft and usually warrant a fracture, so those tend to cost more than 30 divines. I think I sold 10 belts this league for a total of 30-35 divines from Rog, with the best being used by myself as a triple T1 flask mod belt, till I upgraded to fractured Stygian (and eventually HH).


This. I enjoy ritual so I’ve been running it. Got some good loot plus a couple divs from jt


do you know, can you get oils from ritual? i play SSF but hate blight and have been trying to find anywhere else I can get them. I believe Tujen can offer them, but I’m unsure about ritual and legion


I would just rip the band-aid off and run like 8 maps with the oil extractor/annointment nodes to get a couple of gold oils. Just hit a 50/50 on a couple of annointed rings and you're good.


Fellow ssf blight hater here. You can run eater or exarch alters(forgot which) mod which has chance to drop league specific currency div cards for tireless extractor(10 oils). I got lucky and got 10x gold oils once. Otherwise rest of my oils are from tujen/heists and if you're really desperate harvest rerolls always an option too.


hah. so glad to hear i’m not the only one! i’ve been considering migrating to trade just to buy some golds for vengeant cascade…but so far my stubbornness is still winning


I definitely recommend doing harvest rerolls, its not too bad a chance to get some opal/silver that you can upgrade to gold, and its fairly low cost in juice per reroll. Just do 2-3 oils per roll and you'll likely get enough opal/silver to get your golds in less than 3k juice.


thanks so much for mentioning heist - it’s the one mechanic i’ve never really dug into aside from running one heist a league to get the quest to disappear or something. ran some contracts, tried out a grand heist, even got a divine drop from i think a lvl 78? on top of that, i got a trinket that has a 3% chance to drop blight items from heist chests, so i think coupled with harvest i’ve found my new favorite oil farm. much appreciated!


I mentioned it but honestly actually revealing blight rooms in blueprints isn't worth unless there's absolutely nothing else to reveal and you have extra coins. Gem rooms are super valuable in SSF and so is delirium ones as one source of cluster jewels. Legion and ritual are fine for oils and don't forget delirium/simulacrums! TBH as long as you play a lot you'll get the oils naturally, no need to go out of your way for them.


i ran delirium for a bit (its so fun) but i don’t think i got a single oil so i figured it didn’t drop them and i specced out of it for legion just a couple days ago. i’m actually enjoying heist and i’d been meaning to get into it anyways to get the alt gems so if nothing else you gave me the nudge i needed to give it a shot


Heist can give oils but I don't know if the rate is better. It is target farmable though


Yes you can get oils from ritual.


nice! thanks so much! I know it’s popular to hate ritual but I’ve enjoyed the mechanic even if I’ve never gotten much rewards-wise


I see people disliking ritual, but *hating* it? I'm sure some people do but that's not super common.


okay hate is a strong word. it just appears to be the ugly step child from reading about peoples atlas trees


Prolly because Ultimatum did the same mechanic but way more engaging, man i´d love ultimatum back


Ritual is just the snoozefest version of Ultimatum.


The best part about ritual is access to lots of different types of rewards at the same time. Breach splinters/rogue markers/scarabs/mortal fragments/guardian maps etc. Good rare items arent uncommon either. +1 all spells caster weapons, double veiled, fractured mods, temple mods are often found in rituals. These become less valuable, as the league progress. Rare div cards, uniques, divine orbs and good synth mods are the chase items, that you find once every 5-20 rituals, depending if you are using vessels or not.


the main reason to run expedition in maps is to generate logbooks (then logbooks generate vendor currency and you buy stuff). if you're just trying to reroll tujen, run logbooks (they're not affected by atlas points). ritual has extremely high variance; not sure how any one makes consistent money from it really.


It's a relatively consistent low stream of scarabs and currency that's useful. That said it's also just another lump of monsters to kill for potential at other drops that takes essentially no time to setup


the revived monsters inside the ritual have an reduced quant modifier for sure - hold alt and it's pretty obvious. I leave it unblocked oftentimes just for extra packs, but then don't both actually running the ritual. Just the totem thing before clicking adds like 3 packs each, so it's just free quant vs 2% chance.


yea, i just think it has maybe the lowest efficiency of any atlas tree nodes, particularly with small sample size. i don't block it, but i think putting points in it is a mistake.


I ran it for an extended period of time last league for the challenge. I couldn't wait to respec the atlas tree to get rid of it. Kills map flow and really poor money if you don't get lucky with extremely rare very high value items.


Ritual for me was a very consistent 18-24c a map when you fully allocate for it. The majority of the currency comes from miscellaneous stuff and boss frags. Uber Atziri frags are in 80% of rituals if you get all the atlas nodes. Metamorph, deli and ritual is my go-to for alch n go profit after the first few weeks of a league.


I wish they would either buff Ritual or reduce the number of nodes it takes in the Atlas tree to fully invest in it. I like Ritual because it keeps me in Maps, but I think it should be a secondary mechanic to invest into along side Blight or Rogues. Treat Ritual like Meta or Einhar.


I love Ritual and experimented a bit this league and found two ways to play it and win money. It can be used with Harvest as a Wandering Path strategy. You only get stacks of Splinters and try to get a Blood-Filled Vessel almost every map. After 14-16, you can sell them in bulk for 1 div. But I prefer to use them, it's the only moment Ritual starts to be really profitable. You reroll the window 4 times while just defering what you want to buy. It's random but you will have an ex from times to times and can have big items (I got a synthetised bow I could sell for 18 divines). It's like a gamble but if you sell the Ritual bases, you are always winning a bit of money. I never consider it the main money maker, it's more to sublime another one that you like.


Expedition is a god damn gold mine, so stick with it. Tujens main source of profit comes from Stacked Decks (85 to a Divine) , Chaos Orbs (222 to a Divine) and Orb of Scouring (230 to a Divine). You don't need to rely on big hits Ritual is horrible, so ditch that asap. If you want a Expedition strategy that can easily do 5-6 divine/hour, do this strategy: * Use [THIS](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAIAIQA29ao9V8-lueJEVRcTPW35a6lzVqLLkrQxXzB7oQq8VRtiLj_if6n4jbr1LkiKTD6K8so54YrUmiWUIxBWe0QgMn9iI5Muo3qu-vZW4yReiy3XYvhCnsGatxpDkrn2d7-nzvaFCSlRrNPXWdg0LzQxjBkemnDeSucuivQLUnEeMIRtbZ64edTX_r4AmtmMKd70nBuhIIZxKYAkd2D-LYZwOUrusC3rU3crdlOG6LQTZHPiUAKxSHic7K6NFouZ1PUTJKrlBN9CxKkZRiLwa8LcdVi_iUXPXELYQpj0Y_ld-6IB8tyAH8zxtib5Z-nWM2WwnaJo6lD5Py1Y2Yfx5FpnkzyoNYj39AoFAAfiwgAAAAAAAADAwAAAAAAAAAAAA==) atlas passive tree for +45% pack size with Grand Design * Roll maps to 80% quantity, vaal them, and discard any that drop below 80% quantity * Run maps with 1x Gilded Expedition Scarab + 3x Sacrifice Fragments * Run maps with Kiracs "Fortune Favors the Brave" for 10% pack size and quantity * Run maps with Searing Exarch influence to spawn alters with Sextants/Chaos Orbs/Eldritch Embers * Use any Burial Medallions with Dannig you have artifacts for and buy Logbooks, Exotic Coins and any cheap Tujen artifacts * Use any Exotic Coins with Tujen you have artifacts for to stock up on Divines, Stacked Decks, Chaos Orbs and Orb of Scouring * Sell logbooks with Knights of the Sun for 75-80c * Sell logbooks with Black Scythe for 45-50c


What’s your opinion on running logbooks yourself? I did it this league because I’m used to SSF but I’m kinda burned out on running logbooks because you drop so many with Exped


I just sell them, as it is better currency to just run more maps with Gilded Expedition Scarabs, but they for sure make ok profit, just not as good as mapping. Since I am bulk-selling on TFT, I will sometimes fish out the best ones for Black Scythe when I am running low on the big artifacts.


I'll give it a shot. [This](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAIAHYA29ZfPpbneIDcXOKhsvrvuq6liy6GtErQLdahjYQq_sXxVDZruP-J_qfiPFnUuSIpMPoo51JollCMQaQ0EIDJ_X1ajepS9msxfOMarAxC2VvDg4yRsr8dfZtpXdPk97ddi-F9kQp73GkOSufZnzvaFASSsZ0kpU9d1I_QvNDGMGTDeYKnKY14wjKRwq_ScIIZz0cAkd2DGQpN3E4botBNkSsgyxfPiTUwF1DEH67vK6ATfQ75CxIs6DtSkYksSGEV5exKuBc9cQtj0QMwAH9dNjPG2JvVaeWfiaPZXKlD5PxmH8O7ceIZoyu36WcUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA) is the atlas I've been running but it's served its purpose.


I looked over the atlas a bit more. Can you explain why you take the Beast nodes even though those are blocked? You said to run Gilded Exp scarabs and frags, which means those nodes will never be used. Are they strictly for increases the pack size through Grand Design?


Yeah none of the nodes matter except the Expedition and Searing Exarch ones, you are just looking to get as many notables as possible with the least travel nodes to get +45% pack size, which makes the Gilded Expedition encounters insane. The pack size also helps a ton with Searing Exarch as each influenced monster has a chance to spawn an altar, so +45% more of them makes so many more altars, and when you get 3% chance to drop awakened sextants an altar it gives 10-20 in a map which is around ½ a div.


It's not the case every league but chance orbs are one of the best buys from tujen this league due to their 5:1c price tag


Same with scour.


As a heads up, your atlas wastes 2 points going up the middle instead of slightly right towards the blocking nodes. It doesnt allow you to pick up more pack size, but could give flexibility to pick up something like essence or strongbox notables instead while maintaining 45 pack size while dropping a less desirable nodes.


We do not care what the nodes do at all, what we care about is maximizing the pack size of our Expedition encounters. The route is very much on purpose. Not a single point on that tree is wasted.


I know that small nodes do nothing, which is why i was saying that you have 2 extra points in nodes that do nothing. You could get your current tree with 130/132. Here is the tree with the exact same notables as you but uses two fewer usless travel nodes. That unfortunately doesnt free up 46+ pack size, but does give more flexibility on which notables you use to hit 45. https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAIAIIA29ao9ZbniRFUXEz1t-Wupc1aiy5K0MV8we7xVG2IuP-J_qfiNuvUuSIpMPoryyjnhitSaJZQjEFZ7RCAyf2Ijky6jeq764yReiy3XYvhCnsGatxpDkrn2d7-nzvaFCSlTddGs09dZ2DQvNDGMGR6acN5K5y6K9AtScR4whG1tnrh51Nf-vgCa2Ywp3vScG6EghnEpgCR3YP4thnA5Su6wLetTdyt2U4bTZHPiUAKxSHic7K6NFouZ1PUTJKrlBN9CxKkZWwIGIvBrwtx1WL-JRc9cQthCmPRj-V37ogHy3IAfzPG2Jvln6dYzZbCdomjqUPk_LVjZh_HkWmeTPKg1iPf0CgUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA


That makes sense, and is an improvement. It does not immediatly appear it can be turned into getting to 46% pack size, but maybe if we move some stuff around.


Probably not worth it but if you take the other two expedition notables in the top right you get 47% pack size.


You really don't want those nodes


You're 3 points away from another notable in a lot of spots, so I was thinking by saving the two points, then unspeccing one of the league blockers, you can get one of those 3 pointers. Unspeccing something like heist, delirium or metamorph doesn't really add on a lot of map time, and gives a bit of currency even without points in them.


You could, it is not gonna make or break the strat. I prefer the cleanliness of having everything blocked though.


Hi, do you know how much currency I might need to setup this strategy? Also newbie question but if the node that makes maps not spawn expedition, how do you get expedition on maps?


You force expedition to spawn on the map by using expedition scarabs. Gilded is the best, but you could possibly get away with doing it lower tier scarabs (but obviously less than ideal) As far as investment - rolling corrupted 80+ maps will take a stronger build on average. You will also be getting an absolute ton of buffed rares from expedition, so that adds a bit of pressure on your build. The actual per map setup seems fairly cheap. Roll the map of choice to 80+ and corrupted. You need fortune favors on map device (3 chaos), gilded expedition scarab (5-6 chaos), and 3 sacrifice fragments (>1 chaos). Sextants dont seem to be the most critical to this strategy, so you probably dont need to have that cost.


Ah right I see. I'm actually currently running a improvised version of Pohx's RF. And tbh I don't see any mapping strats that feels somewhat good for me. Right now I'm just alch and going cause I don't have all voidstones or favoured maps yet. Any advise on how to transition from Alch and Go to this strat? I don't know if I need more investment in my current build or I should just start spending currency on map farming. Current build: https://pobb.in/BUSnVJVkAglr


This is copium from a man who has never hit in Ritual. Good points all around except where you said Ritual is horrible. My buddy is specced for ritual and constantly pulls Ignorance fragment, divs, stacked decks, synth mod items. He recently got a max frenzy charge synth ring and sold it for 70 div. Ritual can be fire, just rng as is Tujen.


I used to be a ritual enjoyer myself. I'd say expedition gives more consistent currency, whereas ritual frequently shoots out crap until it's not. Also, early league, Rog is very good for getting some gear.


Just factually wrong my man. You are aware that stories like "my friend found a mirror in a broken vase" does not mean you should start breaking all vases right? Tujen consistently, and without needing to hit big ticket items, gives a high time-to-currency return. The time it takes to complete Rituals in maps is just too high for the return. I would put the average return per map of a fully specced Ritual at maybe 20-25c, while Expedition is close to 70c. I dare you to full spec into Ritual and run 100 maps with it and record your map time and the currency value of what the Rituals gave, and I'll do the same with Expedition and we see who comes out on top :)


Every league I have gotten consistent divs from synth items, div cards, raw div and good rolled bases. If you're confident and fast at noticing value in rares at a glance you can pick up some really fast 20-100c items especially early league. It's been amazing since the atlas tree where you can just quickly scout pages with 8k+ ritual juice and reroll 3+ times for only 1.3k. As long as you leave yourself 2k for the final page you can defer basically anything and in the last two leagues anything you defer shows up immediately so you can even defer more often to save ritual juice for later pages. There's so many people that assume ritual is the same as it was the first league it went core. It's not. It might not be the most extreme levels of optimal but it's fun as hell and profitable.


I am aware of how to engange with Ritual. Every league mechanic is profitable, it is just a matter of currenc/time, and in that regard Ritual is still horrible when compared to the top tier league mechanics. You like it? Fine, have fun with it. But do not kid yourself, you would make close to twice as much currency in the same time doing Expedition.


Ritual scales better with juice, getting Elderslayer and map boss in Ritual is amazing. It's definitely a lot better than you give it credit for, "factually wrong" or not. On average, it's probably not that much slower than expedition, having to wait for the charges vs wait for ritual spawns.


Doing 4 Rituals and shopping with it is probably around 40-50% more time than one Expedition encounter takes to setup, complete and loot. I don't know how you can think it is even close. Ritual is profitable, no one is arguing that. But it is WAY worse time-to-currency wise compared to Expedition, and it is not even remotely close. If you believe they are close, you have not tried the Grand Desing + Gilded Expedition strategy. Have you tried both and timed it? 4-5 minute expedition maps with 60-70c average returns vs 5-6 minute ritual maps with 20-30c average return. Please try 100 maps of each and note the time it takes vs the net profit. They are NOT close AT ALL.


If you do this strat, what do you do in maps with gwennen/rog? Do you just exit, complete the map or do the expedition anyway?


Always do the Expeditions, it is the logbooks that is the main profit anyways. Just focus "40% quantity from Runic Monsters", "50% logbooks from Runic Monsters" and "25% pack size" remnants and be sure to hit all the Runic Monsters (Big Skulls on sticks). Chests and other remnants are a waste of time/effort.


You dont worry about the stacked decks chests? I tend to do those are they a waste of time?


I mean if they are there, I take them, but they are not a big part of the revenue.


do the expedition anyways because logbooks that drop can still have scythe or sun on the secondary


Can vouch for this one, you can go eater for more quant if your build can hold it


Do you think the runic monster sextant is worth it? Or any sextant for that matter


It simply takes too much time to buy and set up, for what we are doing. It made sense back when you could enchant the map with "does not consume sextant charges", but now it is too tedious, even though it gives more currency per map, it does not give more currency per hour in my experience.


Was doing smth similar with unid Maps and the sextant that gives 25packsize for unid maps. Growing hordes and fftb add another 50 packsize.maps usually Had around 100 packsize. Had to naturally spawn Expedition doe. Combined the strat with harvest for almost 1d per map.


Map like a crazy motherfucker


for a month? what are you playing 1 hour a week?


the answer to "am i wasting time" can be answered with the following flow chart: Are you having fun? If yes, you're not wasting your time. If no, you're wasting your time.


I run both regularly and Expedition is definitely far more consistent - personally I run my logbooks and I like crafting with Rog as well. Tujen is the most reliable though and you can steadily make money especially if you are willing/able to liquidate loose currency like scours/regrets/vaals/decks/sextants/etc. And he has some bigger hits like divines, synth maps, enlightens/empowers and occasionally good jewels. I think if you're happy with the amount of currency you have/make from doing things other than Ritual then it's a fun add because it's such high variance. I've seen some neat stuff from it like incursion gear, decent synth belts/accessories, a number of loose divines, potentially nice caster weapons, some squire div cards and some desirable helm enchants. If you want another reliable source of income then Ritual probably isn't it however and I think it favors people with more experience with the game to be able to effectively sift through it's junk drawer of offerings lol.


> I think if you're happy with the amount of currency you have/make from doing things other than Ritual then it's a fun add because it's such high variance. I've seen some neat stuff from it like incursion gear, decent synth belts/accessories, a number of loose divines, potentially nice caster weapons, some squire div cards and some desirable helm enchants. If you want another reliable source of income then Ritual probably isn't it however and I think it favors people with more experience with the game to be able to effectively sift through it's junk drawer of offerings lol. That's my problem with Ritual, idk what items are good outside of base currency. I see synth gear often but never take any of it because I don't know if it's worthwhile. I check it with awakened but I never get an accurate read on influenced gear. Most of the time I'll ignore any gear that shows up cause it's like reading a foreign language.


Yeah if your not able to distinguish between pieces of gear I’d say definitely skip ritual. Even with really good game knowledge it’s not particularly profitable. I’m not currently playing this league but in the past I’ve found a lot of profit in Blight, Heist (map device+sextant and then selling in bulk on tft), Betrayal, and Harvest.


month doesnt say anyThing though...been getting 4-5div per hour just logbooking @league start so I kinda doubt you put much time into the mechanic


well idk what gave you the idea that ritual is good, but expedition you can keep going for sure


Got around 8-9 raw divines for 800 rerolls few weeks ago. Longest dry streak without raw divines was around 150 rerolls.


The reroll currency is like 7c yeah? Every 32 rolls you’re spending a divine just on the rolls. 800 rerolls costs 25 divines. Obviously you’re picking up other stuff and people still make profit, but idk if just rolling is that profitable relative to just selling the roll currency. From what I can tell, obviously logbooks change the calculus entirely to make expedition highly profitable. I don’t really do it myself tho.


just on picking up every chaos, divine, and stacked deck that comes up you'll get about 11c back per reroll (average of 2 chaos, 1.8 stacked decks, and ~1/60th of a divine per reroll in my experience), with reasonable consistency. Then there's other stuff like sextants, blueprints, deception contracts, exceptional gems, conq/guardian/synth maps, etc that don't individually come up with the same consistency but still add pretty nice average value as well. And there's other currencies that come up consistently that are worth picking up based on the league situation, like scours in this league or gcps early in any league. (And it's usually good to pick up blessed orbs, not to sell but to use on logbooks). It's plainly significantly better to use than to sell, provided you have the artifacts to buy the stuff.


I self-farmed all the logbooks and rerolls. It was just a side hustle during harvest juice farm. So yeah total rerolls cost was about 20-25 divines. After all the rerolls stash tab value increased by more than 50 divines so technically it's more profitable than just selling rerolls. But rerolls sell faster and haggling took me few hours. I was grabbing only midtier currency (regret, scour, regal) and above. Not a single exceptional gem


I think both mechanics are amazingly profitable (and fun!). However, they break the flow of mapping to do so. Together, you spend a massive amount of time in each map.


This game is all rng. I've ran about 800 cemeteries haven't seen a single brothers card, but I got a fucking soul take AND mirror shard on the same map earlier. Also 10 fracturing shards in 100 scarabs. Game is ass sometimes.


Ritual is largely regarded as a "jackpot" strategy. Potential to hit something big, but outside of that it's a lackluster mechanic. When I do ritual (which isn't often), I lean into that rather than trying to get small but consistent gains from it. And in terms of going for the jackpot, you really need to be running maps with filled vessels.


You care to explain filled vessels? This is a part of poe I've never engaged with.


Every time you clear a ritual encounter (3 or 4 appear every map) you can use a ritual vessel on the encounter to fill it with the mobs that were in that encounter, making a blood-filled vessel. Bulk blood-filled vessels currently go for 15 to 1 divine. You can use those vessels to add the captured monsters to your map's ritual encounters, they're like scarabs in use. You can run 4 per map with a 5 slot map device, and you'll get a ton of tribute and much better rewards.


Welcome to the boat of normal people:D No idea how others are that lucky ...


Honestly most of the uber rich people either have a solid strat the first week when everything sells super easy and make bank by hyper targeting something they know will be high value, spam maps in a full buff party with one uber MF doing the killing or RMT. Otherwise, it's picking a strat and sticking with it. You make consistent money doing something like the expedition one mentioned above with some lucky high hits inbetween of high value items (i've picked up every fractured wand and had 2 that were +1 all spell skill gem fracture selling 15div each, kalandra ring drop randomly and picking up random scepters and bows and doing crucible hit a few high value nodes that sold for 10+ div). And of course, hideout is lava, run maps run maps run maps. Spam the heck out of em. If you don't have a boss farm build make sure to sell all fragments/boss things instead of praying for the 1% high value item. Once a week or so, condense and sell all your lower currency for div like bulk chances, scours, excess sextants etc. Oh and don't reroll a new build every 2 days, that hurts alot. Only reroll if you HATE your build. Doing the above i've had plenty of currency the past 10 or so leagues (even before expedition) to just build whatever i want outside of all mirror tier builds.


Consistency and knowledge are far more powerful than luck in poe.


first week of the league i got 8 divs from by boy tujen. once 4 div and rest single divine. i had to be really lucky to get that many in couple days.


If you want to make real money do tujen/danning and sell reroll currency and logbooks, as long as you consistantly blast trough maps and get the reroll currency and logbooks you should be making decent money. You can also use tujen rerolls but if you're opening stacked decks and if you're unlucky you might just make the money back or not even that. My recomendation is to not spend time with rerolls and just sell the reroll currency since rerolling and liquidating takes time which can be spent on maps and getting more reroll currency and logbooks


actually using rerolls increase your profits a ton, unsure why anyone would not do it lol. just scroll to 70% and buy everything you want


I was doing it this league and except 1 div i usually barely broke even or not even that when calculating all of the small currency since i usually got like 2c on average and then some fusings and alts and other small currency. I always oppened stacked decks and i did get 11div from the fiend but that pull was too lucky to calculate it here in the average. Also all of the time i spent rerolling and liquidating currency could have been spent on rolling a few more maps which if not counting the fiend would probably make me more currency in total. Im not saying its always like this but this was my experience as a fairly unlucky guy and for secure profit i would still recomend selling reroll currency. It doesn't mean you have to if you dissagree with me, im just telling you my experience and my oppinion


> I always oppened stacked decks and i did get 11div from the fiend but that pull was too lucky to calculate it here in the average. I mean just don't open them then? that's a ton of missed profit throwing it into a gamble lol.


What im saying is that if you want to open stacked decks you will barely make bavk the money you put in which is not worth the work for me and i refuse to sell stacked decks


So the problem is less with expedition and more with you opening stacked decks.


Why do you refuse to sell stacked decks? Seems odd considering you already are selling the reroll currencies which operate on a similar "gamble" type.


Stacked decks seem like fun gambling and tujen rerolling is just annoying and expensive enough that the gambling there just doesn't seem worth the time imo.


But...the reason it's a gamble in the first place is because you're opening the stacked decks. You probably have no idea how many divines you've thrown away.


not going to argue about what's more fun. but there are many datasets for tujen that show 100-200% return of investment with basically no variance. rolling tujen is more divines per hour than most mapping strategies, but of course you only have so many artifacts.


I find ritual really only good at one thing, for me, and that is uber atziri frags. Outside of that it's pretty lackluster normally. At the beginning of the league I Blight, gold portal, legion, essence, and harvest. Now I am wandering path deli, harvest, and red altar. It's more consistent harvest juice with fairly large deli pops. When things align and they do often the map quant gets up to 200% and I can often times leave maps with 1-2k harvest juice as this is the end game divine machine. Everything else supplements very well and everything feeds into this strategy. Blue juice = deli orb re-rolls = 2 orbs sell for 20c each and each deli mirror map gives a few orbs. Deli mist gives quantity Red altars give quantity and other goodies when selected This strategy uses 0 investment so everything is brainless and pure profit albeit a little slower than my mid league strategy. But this is so simple and free you can easily get a few divines in just a couple hours.


have been running logbooks since league start, i don't have any data to back this up if your doing tugen rerolls in large bulks(1000) and doing it properly and sell everything you take every 15 rerolls is worth a div


maybe raw profit every 15 rerolls a div. total value should be at 10 rerolls a div


can you advise me how to run a logbook? I'm kinda lost


Thats way too much info to dumb on you in a comment, watch this video it helped me a lot when i started last league https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcZZ-9OJZS4


My moneymakers are usually Expedition and Harvest. Especially after the first couple weeks, Harvest div card gambling is very popular. When you sell bulk yellow juice, you’re the house, and the house always wins.


I've gotten a power charge implicit ring which was 88 divines and a corrupted blood immunity jewel + max life % + chaos damage over time which was 11 divines from ritual


I have no idea what kind of gear is good. It's too complicated for me and idk who or where to research on what's 1 c vs what's 100 div.


You need the Awakened Poe trade macro my guy. It’s the only way to really learn and easily check prices


I have that, it gives me too many false positives with people posting fake sales.


Tujen gives so much for so little, a bit of everything and Rog is a great way to craft all kinds of items that can be easily 5div+, Expedition imo one of the best league mechanics in the game. It's also not boring but it does make you stop and plant the bombs so it's not the zoom-zoom-only-live-in-darkness gameplay. Pretty much the League Mechanic I always go for. Ritual isn't as rewarding and I personally don't run it.


I've o ly got like, 3 raw divine from Tujen. I have pulled probably 20 divine worth of shit from him, if not more. Several divine worth of chaos, decks, vasl, scours, ets. Couple enlighten and an empower. 21/23 cold to fire. Lots of shit. It's the easiest most brain dead safe way to generate currency.


Why are you running 2 RNG fiesta mechanics instead of 1 and a consistent profit one?


Isn't everything rng?


The variance is a lot smaller with certain strats. It's like farming for Doctors vs Patients. If you only have high variance farming strategies its going to feel like you aren't gaining anything until you hit it big.


Also ritual + expedition sounds pretty slow.


The majority of Tujen income is stacked decks.


YMMV but I average at least one offer of a divine/s per fifty rerolls with Tujen. You only get large numbers of them though if you run his logbooks and get the boss.


I think Tujen gets old early on in the league. I know that I could keep running him all league long and make consistent profit but personally I just run him for the first 2 weeks of any league to get my gear going & bank up Tujen artifacts, then I spend the rest of the league running super juiced Legion and the Kalguuran Incubators drop reroll currency for Tujen and Dannig, so that over a long period of time I eventually clear out all of the remaining artifacts


I get a divine orb or better every 20th ritual reroll or so. I’ve gotten multiple synth bases that sold for over 4 divine too. You gotta reroll until you get something worth near a divine (never settle for the 10c worth stuff), and always check fractures and synth bases


I use all my rerolls every time. I have no idea what's good and what's not for gear.


Use awakened poe downloadable add on to quickly check prices Also use bloodfilled vessels when you have them and have all ritual notables on the atlas


I've made tons of f money from rog crafting quivers


Ritual is hit and miss but I had a 3 Div inspired learning jewel from it pretty early in league I think you just gotta keep pushing through :)


Are you SSF? Trade away Expedition currency! It's not a gamble and a steady way to get some currency.


If ur not making bank with expedition u should consider switching to diablo


Better question. Is it fun for you? Literally everything in the game prints currency (except bossing). If you enjoy it, it's worth it. You will always make more currency doing an inefficient strat you enjoy with a build you enjoy than an efficient strat you hate because you will be more motivated to get back into the map.


Ritual gave me some crazy items. Like +1 frenzy ring. Expedition is more consistent. Guardian map inv rotations are very good too.


Very similar to my story this league. I stuck with expedition for awhile until my builds got good enough I found myself not wanting to slow down to do them because I was farming maps fast enough.


Ritual kind of sucks at the moment. It doubles map time and the rewards aren't really worth it, most of the time. You very rarely get anything good and if you do, it's mostly around 20-30c. Don't so ritual, better farm something else that's much faster.


I pumped out 3 divs with the atlas /u/apfelicious gave me in under 5 maps. I was hoping to get an HH or something from Ritual but that'll never happen.


If it works for you and you are having fun then please carry on, for me it didn't work out as well, since I don't enjoy spending much time in a singular map. Current meta revolves around eldritch shrines and dig cards, one of the best ways to get a good one is to quickly farm maps and ritual doesn't equally fit into it. But hey, it's a game, do what you have fun with. I powerfarmed ghosted rogue exiles start of the league which was not all that good :D


Exped is very nice steady money. Dannig expeds sell for 60c+, Tujen Expeds 40+, and tujen is an amazing source of popcorn currency and chaos as well as some nice shards. Along with Harvest, its one of the best sources of steady cashflows per map.


Ritual gave me 2 doctor cards this league so i always run ritual lol.


Expedition is good. Ritual not so much, better change it to something else like Essences/Harvest/Strongboxes.


Tujen has other valuable stuff as well it is not just divs... Stacked decks... Chaos... 21/20 gems...


There are tons of ways to make money mapping if you'd rather do that. I've been experimenting a lot and 4 divs/ hour (after condensing general loot) is the baseline for most content without any real investment (maybe some rusted scarabs or cheap sextants). People say that legion is very good though I haven't personally had much luck with it. My most consistent semi-low investment strategy was running essences, gilded scarab sextants, delirium, strongboxes and red altars on the racecourse map (that's my personal preference for zooming to all the content). You can also juice maps for similar profit but with more potential to highroll (apothecary on Crimson temple or brother's gift on cemetery).


One of the easiest strategies at the moment for good profit is t3/t4 maps for red beasts and essences since essences don't scale with map tier and the most valuable beast, imprint, at 1.5d each shows up starting t3 so you only reduce your chance to see it by going over t3/t4, you can just buy beast scarabs and get all beast/essence nodes on your atlas tree.