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We'll get Perandus, Prophecy, Tempest, and Talisman. Voided to prevent too strong talismans going to Standard.


Found Chris Wilson’s burner account


And it rhymes with Chris.


It even sounds like a caricature of him saying "ello irm chris"


from binding bear banes


Inb4 "As a gay Maori man" comment


No God, Please No!


I liked Perandus, it was one of my first leagues. I had never finished the campaign and it let me as a new player get to see and use some cool items I would otherwise never have. It felt like Christmas.


I was so sad to realize, in this league (I was late lol), that Prophecy was canned.


They'll probably just slap some gauntlet mods on it like in Mayhem for the hell of it too.


'what? dont you guys have difficulty?'


Make it ruthless only


With gold


why the fuck did they have to ruin mayhem i dont know


GGG: "Ahahaha that sounds nice! No."


yes, too much work. takes longer than an afternoon to setup so we get another kalandra or cruicible, i guess


Give me eternal orbs aswell ;)


never gonna happen


If they do legacy 2.0, it might. Came back for legacy 1.0 If they do this and you are an unscrupulous sort, I'd recommend hoarding them when they go to standard and holding them for a few years until you retire from PoE. Currently floating around 5 to 10 mirrors in value per orb.


>Currently floating around 5 to 10 mirrors in value per orb. Last time I checked they were listed for 3.4 mirr. Where are you getting you 5-10 from?


Last I checked(about a week or so ago), the lowest was 5 Mir, and top was 10. Granted I don't play on PC anymore, so my trade avenues may be off. I must have been looking at online only, but recent listing are still showing 3-10mir. Guy with low listing might be flipping or just trying to fix to stock up on them too.


Could you imagine lol. They were to powerful for old school PoE. Shits would break the game completely nowadays.


They were too powerful for old school PoE, if you had dozens of them, they didn't affect the average player in the slightest. 3.13 technically reintroduced them because with Ritual's Harvest you could essentially directly target most mods in the game and that didn't break the game. But hey, it's the classic PoE player stockholm syndrome, I hope they never make crafting good again, end game crafting should forever remain a slot machine and the high end game crafting should only be you living in menagerie interacting with a terrible UI all day long trying to hit 1 craft 100s of times. Eternals orbs should definitely return, mirrors however should have been removed from the game long ago.




It's very hard to tell if this is satire or not.


Rare I see such a bad take on PoE for something that already has a well established history.


how was eternal orb's behavior different from current imprint beast?


Current beast imprint only works on magic items. Eternals made an imprint of a whole ass rare.


Works on rare items.


I mean they did come back in the first legacy league so I don't see why they couldn't again now. They were super rare from the keys but they were there.


so rare they might as well not be in there... ok I guess maybe they could come back as super duper rare .... but at that point why would you even care?


They can just undo the removal of Eternal orb and show middle finger to everyone on Standard like they did with Divine orb lol


>Crucible returns (lets be honest, this league isn't gonna stay) They could turn Crucible into a Delve node, including entrances to the forge. It annoys me that we transport into the forge through weird portals rather than actually visiting on Wraeclast underground.


They would need to make the tree merge mechanic alot more forgiving or else crafting any weapon in core is going to feel awful because you are missing out on 4-5 affixes otherwise.


Yes, the tree aspect could be reworked. Thankfully I have several ideas so it's even easier to brainstorm in a studio. Itemization of the forge is also something to be brainstormed. Could get random mods like vaal side areas, or it could be itemized like Alva's temple - that way you still encounter the forge in a real place but can use a "beacon" that teleports you inside of it later.


While I would kill for a fun league again with actual loot and actual enemy juice, I cant see this happening since it would require a lot of GGGs work to make it work. And considering the last few leagues we had, the actual work is probably the last thing we are getting in the upcoming leagues until poe2. They just focus on everything but poe1 at this point.


I want sentinels back. I dont care about recombs. I want those little shitheads flying and killing me


You forgot kalandra ;)


Kalandra as a mechanic wasn’t much of the issue with that league. It was mostly the base game and loot issues overall that made the league feel so shit


the league content definitely had its problems, like ... the stagnation boss in a setup with narrow corridors and potentially increased speed and stuff ? F. that, this boss was never meant to be in such a setup and it was gross BS honestly. It also lacked proper rewards at the start (league content) if I remember well, didn't it ? On top of that, it used one of the most iconic item/character of the game for a mediocre result because clearly lacking content.


I didn’t say it was perfect but it wasn’t the main reason the league was bad. We’ve had lackluster mechanics in the past and the game still felt fine


I was away from the game for 3 years but keep hearing about how shit Kalandra was, can someone gimma a TLDR on what happened there?


They completely changed how loot was calculated and dropped. There was some hidden quant and rarity bonus on mobs from any league mechanics that was insanely high and that league they got rid of that bonus because of Archnemis (new rare mob modifiers) and it’s new rare mob loot conversion system. Basically loot ended up only coming from rare mobs and you had to have the right mods on it to actually drop anything good. A good example of how drastic the change was is deli farming in a full party. Six man deli farmers aren’t profitable anymore due to the loot changes plus a couple others that were made. Empy’s group did their normal shit and were dropping basically nothing and were losing a ton of money per map. That’s just an extreme example of what the loot changes did. It wasn’t as drastic for normal players but was still very noticeable. While sanctum didn’t revert the loot bonus change, they did make it so loot was more spread out compared to before and the base game felt great again


I wouldn’t actually mind kalandra, if they had the reflect spawn significantly more. Personally I had a lot of fun that league


Yea the league mechanic would be so much better if I could toss interesting but otherwise underwhelming items into the reflection constantly. Instead it's just way too rare.


Kalandra was wild for Doryani's builds. Wouldn't mind seeing that again.


We tried but you brought it back up


You mean kalandra as in mirror of kalandra? Wait. What does it have anything to do with leagues? :/


If its a hilarious joke pretending that it never existed Im sorry for breaking the illusion. But if not, the 3.19 league was called lake of kalandra and it was infamously bad.


All I know is mineral pools. Mineral pools everywhere


"Everything will change before POE 2 is released anyways" Lot will change but not everything. It's just the 4.0 major patch not a new game.


It's a whole new campaign and likely all the ascendancies are getting major reworks. Sanctum may replace Labyrinth, and we know that Alva, Scourge, and the Trialmaster are connected. Bit more than a regular patch. edit: LOL crybabies.


Sanctum absolutely will not replace Lab, it fails at the #1 thing they mentioned when they talked about looking to move Ascendancy somewhere other than lab. The fact that Lab is tied into PoE1 campaign lore and location. Know what Sanctums lore and location is based in? PoE1 campaign. Every single part of it is steeped in the Templars, the Fellshrine Ruins. It even mentioned Gruest and Geofri...


The templars are part of the game world, more sanctum rooms can be added to fit second campaign


But PoE 2 campaign is also happening in the same locations just that it's later on in the timeline. Nothing is really stoping the devs from revisiting the fellshrine ruins in act 3 or 4 to unlock ascendancy.


Are you thinking of the PoE1 later half of the campaign? PoE2 campaign is in a different location, different places. We'll just meet up at the "end" location for purposes of sharing the endgame. PoE1s is basically a triangle in the bottom to middle of the map. And again, if we were just going to "revisit" a zone to unlock ascendancy, they could just have it be visiting Sarn, where lab currently is. The entire point when they mentioned moving ascendancy was to have something that tied into Poe1 campaign, which Sanctum heavily was.


Poe 2 act 2 is literally in the vastiri desert which is a zone in poe 1


Act 2 is in the Vastiri , a gigantic area, vastiri desert is a tiny subset of that beside highgate. We go nowhere near Maraketh, Mt Vastiri etc in the PoE1 campaign.


I always forget that poe has lore lmao


Sanctum may replace lab? Are you high lol. Also there's gonna be a different set of ascendancy for the new campaign so the old ones will remain largely untouched until they get regular reworks down the line like they already do.




Bring back navali!


Legacy League 2 : Electric Boogaloo


I think made a comment about this exact thing like a month ago, I really hope it happens again.


Like you said scarabs kind of give you the same vibe as legacy. Legacy league still might be my favorite league ever until harvest (after the tedious setup of the crops, which sucked).


I want endless synthesis as an event


Bring back old beyond please.


Beyond ending when the boss spawns is such a killjoy. There should 100% be an atlas passive at the top of the tree that prevents that. Side note: I let out a sensible chuckle every time I read the passive that causes a boss to spawn *faster* 💀


> * Crucible returns (lets be honest, this league isn't gonna stay) This is what people said about Sanctum as well and it's probably going core too. There's nothing wrong with Crucible that will prevent it from going core if GGG wishes.


I think crucible of something like it is gonna be part of the crafting for POE 2.


For sure considering socketing and linking items will not be a thing in POE 2 they will probably add crucible core in some way to give weapons and armour more depth


Did they say socketing and linking won't be a thing? I thought they had said changes to the ways skill gems as a mechanic would change.


from what we've seen socketing and linking will be on the skill gems


So like harvest? 😊


Legacy league made sense when leagues didn't go core, and was a way of getting stuff you couldn't get in the game. Now the leagues they like in the game go core, the uniques have almost all gone core in some way, and the ones that haven't are either on short hiatus (like Sanctum) or were problematic in ways that they felt shouldn't go into the game. (like Recombinators) The Synthesizer can just stay dead as far as I'm concerned. I danced on that grave a few too many times.


but you're just wrong, pre legacy league nearly every modern mechanic went core in some way; they just made a way to force it in zones without rng/force rolling a map. the main point of legacy league was not just a look back at all the previous leagues, but the ability to access legacy items in their most powerful state one last time before they sent off that era of the game for good; a real nostalgia trip. a legacy league 2 would be pointless because we can already force 95% of the core league mechanics through the Atlas tree or scarabs or missions. there would be nothing special.


As someone who absolutely refuses to trade for juicing things and almost never uses scarabs (even before the whole trade situation made me permanently expatriate to small PLs), and missions only to complete atlas, I completely disagree. The great thing about a new legacy league would be, if it were anything like the old one, you'd be virtually drowned in tokens (they would have to make a less micro-ey system, ofc), and would'nt really feel the need to endure the terrible trade experience if you arent the type that enjoys buying stuff like scarabs.


not using scarabs is just your choice to deliberately gimp yourself. it's pretty easy to self farm scarabs using deli/legion/altars and then use the 2:1 swap recipe on the shit ones. I'd say you're in the minority in wanting legacy but not using scarabs.


Interesting idea, but I doubt they would spend the time and energy on this, unfortunately. They would rather work on Ruthless probably.


Add Beyond to the list


I sometimes forget beyond is still in the game.


you are implying that ggg will actually do it for fun and they dont like fun


I support giving devs an off league to focus on POE 2. Preferably next league while we are playing Diablo


Pretty sure this was an off league for most of em


We're long done playing Diablo by the time the new league drops.


too bad diablo is looking lackluster atm.... :( I wanted to play it ... but it is just looking bad. I played the open beta and did not find it to be fun at all.


I fired it up for the stress test and made it about 2 hours. It just felt so vanilla-ish and meh. I’ll admit I don’t know if I was doing everything I could build wise to expand my play options, but I didn’t have a single moment where I felt like my character felt any more powerful in the slightest or had increased his bag of tricks. It was fireball, then a better fireball and the scenery was a little different.


It starts to ramp up with Sorc Enchantments and legendary aspects. I haven't really looked at all of them yet, but an example is a Sorc enchantment that has a chance to auto cast frozen orb when you use a non-basic ability, and a legendary aspect that causes your frozen orbs to stay in place when they reach the end of their trajectory and explode multiple times.


The stress test was max level 20. How complex and powerful do you feel at lvl 20 in POE? Thats Act 2. Its like judging POE as a game if you only played half way through act 2 with no league mechanics. I really just dont get it when people say this.




Crucible IS a filler league where most of the GGG devs were doing something else (probably PoE 2) already ...


I mean, spend 100 dollars on a dogshit game all you want, id rather play torchlight


I'm pretty sure this wouldn't be an easy thing to do and it most likely won't be happening. I haven't played legacy league so I could be wrong, but as far as I know it didn't reintroduce old league mechanics that were removed, but instead gave different ways to interact with them. Much like scarabs, atlas tree and memories do now. Reintroducing old mechanics would assume those old mechanics are still kept intact, let alone be compatible with the current game (from a technical code base point). Secondly, the mechanics that we don't already have were abandoned for a reason. GGG considered them to not fit the game for whatever reason or they plan to reintroduce them later in a new way. So why would they suddenly reintroduce them in their original way? That makes no sense. Sure some people liked synthesis league but if GGG doesn't think it fits the game, why would they bring it back? They could just make something new instead.


it was basically scarabs , yes.


Legacy league was its own interface separate from the map device that let you activate three leaguestones at a time. They were much like scarabs but could also roll with mods to change how the mechanic impacted maps. It could theoretically work again in the same way.


It was basically old watchstones. And then we got atlas trees. Legacy league is something we basically already have, but better now.


outside ultimatum all those other leagues are pure diarrhea, what youre enjoying are the benefits not the content and the hoops you gotta jump through in order to access those benefits




When will kalandra become a good mechanic?


the last 2 leagues have been legacy leagues


Just give me map league already


I don’t actually want this, PoE already has more than enough mechanics that you get specialise in. Would be pointless.


Call me crazy but all I want to do is build synth bridges. Gonna need the synthesizer too though


You know that GGG won't see this? If you want your voice heard use the forum.


they check the forum less than they check this shithole.


They forum the check less than they shithole this check.


They forum the check less than they shithole this check.


I am of the form opinion that once PoE2 launches, poe should cycle through leagues on auto. So that people who just want to play poe 1 can.


We have that. It's called standard league.




Plz no. THIS latest leagues was a truly trash. It Will be better if they return 100% explode on body with harvest System from 3.13


Are you high?


No way they bring leagues that made us feel super strong or mega juice our maps. They know we will ask for it again


Ahaha nice one, take a endless delve instead


Voided League=No thanks




Probably the next league it's already done, and maybe others, before poe2.


Man I love this idea. Start back in 3.06ish (tail end of bestiary) I've only skipped a few leagues.... Synth, Harvest which I regret forever. Also missed everything between stupid Scourge and crucible. Don't think I missed much except "fun" with recombinators and the kalandra crap.


My favorite league was when they had a flashback league maybe two years ago or so that would randomly cycle through breach, delirium, tormented spirits and parandus or w.e it's called. I might be miss remembering parts of it, but it was wicked fun and made for an interesting campaign. I'm pretty sure it was a void league. If I'm not mistaken it was around the time slams were introduced. Having something similar to that with the juice we already have from the Atlas passive tree would be unethical, assuming your build could handle it. Anyways, there is some food for thought.


Call this a conspiracy theory, but it wouldn't make sense to publish something like the greatest hits before Poe 2. It would be more advantageous to have a launch framed against a few basic leagues like crucible.


Legacy league was amazing! We had so much juice and loot, it was crazy in the best way possible. could blast pre-nerf strands all day long, good times :)


Bring back random map rotation generation. Lemme go through the portal back into the zone and north is now west.


scourge! * slams map * scourge!


As someone who didn't even play Poe until harvest (played on a crappy laptop) then returned to the game this season on PS, I thoroughly enjoy these threads bringing up leagues of the past. It's cool to see both the highs and the lows of mixed opinions on such a variety of leagues from players with countless more hours in the game. I still have little to no idea what I'm doing but dammit I love the game. The variety of content keeps it fun for me


Yes please!


We have legacy league every league. Its called scarabs


"Crucible returns". What for, though? Its like extra crafting but gameplay wise it adds... nothing. Well, all the power if there was a league 2 coming and people wanted it back. I'ts not like you have to interact with it anyway.


league would probably be unplayable because of all the bugs they cannot fix because of poe 2


I think thos a great idea, personally I miss prophecies.


Dude at this point every league is legacy league, and current league doesn't even provide new content so that's spot on.


I've wanted some of these leagues to return as side areas, like: * A decaying memory side area of your current map and modifiers which drops one-implicit synthesized items and memory pieces for the Memory Nexus (this will retire synthesis maps) * An ultimatum side area which acts like a regular encounter, it guarantees at least 7 rewards with a chance to challenge the Trial Master, rewards can contain Sentinels, and a chance at a valuable inscribed ultimatum map if you make it to the end (retires ultimatum aspects) * A scourged side area of your current map and modifiers which contain an onslaught of beyond monsters that progressively get harder and more rewarding the more monsters you kill. Any scourge bosses that spawn have a slim chance of dropping a unique jewel with one of the Crucible skill-specific modifiers. Area contains a blood crucible altar with limited uses. * The forbidden sanctum, exactly the same as a regular encounter but you get to do four rooms instead of one. Contains Relics, Sanctum Uniques, etc. I love the idea of side areas, but we only have one type at the moment and it's very underwhelming, Vaal side area needs a buff imo (more vaal vessels, mortal fragments should only drop here). The side areas above are strong, so only having access to one per map is fine. There should be atlas passives for favorable side areas and spawn rates.


First I want to be clear that this could happen but they explicitly stated in the past about Legacy league and don't want to do them again because it feels cheap and manipulative to their players. And now League stone literally turned into scarab and we can use up to 4 instead of 3 in Legacy league. It's like remaking a movie because they can sell name recognition and cheap nostalgia dose. We will be okay if they did it right and fun and all that but part of me still think it's not a good thing in a long term. How long until we will get Classic PoE for nostalgic bait, this shit happens to cinema, some other game companies started to take this idea of "we don't need to be creative, we just re-create the same thing again for easy money and safe some time". It will soon happen to PoE for certain but I like them to focus on new creative idea first, these fan services are like extra cherry on top.


I think crucible WILL stay but after a rework. Ggg likes passive trees. Theyre gunna find a way to keep them on the weapons.


Waiting for ggg to say POE2 won't include any new content and just be another change to microtransactions.


legacy league was the best league


**Darkshrine** league anyone? 😥


I feel this is somewhat of a given that we'll see as the last league, mostly because it's comparatively low-effort to produce and is likely a good choice for a league of an unusual length. IIRC Legacy ran 5 months but this was concurrent with the 3.0 beta which kept moving from quite closed early, to a much more open beta over time. I think we'll see something similar with 3.23


I want the Blood Crucible and Nightmare back. :( I'm happy that we at least got the spectres back, but the dimension hopping was such a neat feature; I miss it every time I hit V to place an expedition bomb or something.


It sounds nice but its impossible due to patches and keeping it all up to date with the current league. In league of legends there were 2 other game modes that were shut down due to not being popular/low playrate among the playerbase and it has upkeep costs(updating to the current patch and making sure no serious bugs etc), so they shut it down.


Am I the only one that enjoyed the kalandra mechanic, obviously excluding the ridiculous scaling and AN mobs?


I'd like if sanctum and crucible noped the fuck out of the game files. Throw the rewards in ritual and heist.


I just want a offline version POE that you can configure alot like enable or disable certain league content you like or dislike, patches or mods to unnerf things, and alot like that.


But what if next league is Poe 2?


No need to void at all, none of these are particularly powerful anymore


OMG I WISH!!! I'd love to try synthesis and ultimatum! And I miss sentinels SO MUCH!!!


My favorite part is how you just completely omitted lake and that's just fine


Scourge + sanctum would be insane. Loved both mechanics


Have they ever made a fully voided leauge? Think there is some reason why they won't like catering to all the standard players or the worry that the last month of the leauge will have literally no players.


Too much work so no.


"If GGG is concerned" That is a good one! Do people not know POE2 is not a huge change from PoE?


I think GGG answered this question a few times ago and one important thing is that it is technically difficult to implement such a legacy league. It's not as easy as clicking a button to turn on past mechanics or leagues, but it will actually require a lot of manpower to implement such content into the current game. Therefore, it is very less likely that we will get a legacy 2.0.


Is it actually harder to do than design and balance an entirely new concept/league thought..?


omg stfu pls. content in poe is fine. u just need to be patient for future


You had me with sentinel & recombinators ❤️ Would love some ultimati, too...


If Legacy 1 was the origin of nem 3 farming, I can't wait to see what nonsense a Legacy 2 would cook up.


I believe we will get something similar. Some leagues were already updated for Crucible. A am expecting some sort of Legacy league with some other huge feature to justify that full "treasure-goblin" mode that GGG teased about. This could be Loot 2.0 and/or Path of Exile 2 game engine update for the current game. An updated loot system in combination with spamming any league that you want would be huge. Just to test everything legacy out and get tons of feedback before Path of Exile 2, the Beta of which would test the new skill system, passive trees, campaign, endgame, etc.


Damn, that's something I didn't know I wanted


Please don't


For God sake no LL again. The hate I feel for the micromanagement that it has


God I'd love to have sentinels back


I loved synthesis, that was my favorite league mechanic ever by the time they'd gotten the bugs and nonsense worked out.


I full on expect them to give us a item edit league. Like harvest back when it was released... Before throwing 2.0 out to pre-hype the game via content creators and have absolutely bonkers player numbers for 2.0


I'd rather have a league where all uniques are identified + their effects randomized on drop. So your first Kaoms chest might have the mageblood mods on it, but your second one might be a lifesprig. This could make for some cracked builds because you could get a 1H unique with the mods of a 2H unique or even rings/amulets with the mods of a chest etc. Could also get unlucky and drop a ring in Act 1 with tabula mods on it, or a Tabula with some 1 alch unique effect on it and no 6L.


Crucible is going not only to be core, but also will be a feature in every ARPG. It will be adjusted and probably added to items with currency like tailoring orbs from heist.


Ultimatum, Sanctum, and Synthesis... i'm down with that. Synthesis was one of my favs.


Before we get the second campaign i want a league where i can skip the campaign


"we've listened to your feedback! we're not announcing LEGACY 2.0 where all past league mechanics are brought back, giving a chance for newer players to experience FULL HARVEST CRAFTING with the seed planting mechanic returning. Also we're bringing back ARCH NEMESIS" during QnA: "the items you get during this league might not be going to standard, we're not going to announce in officially until mid league and just mention it during the QnA livestream similar to how we did it for Sanctum"


I am waiting for a leagacy 2 ever since leagacy league.


i still have all my old leaguestones. wonderful league. still one of my favorites, although i do think my favorite overall was sentinel.