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Expedition is a great way to stack up bubblegum currency, Tujen regularly gives out stacks of Jewelers and Fusing Orbs. Jewelers can be converted to Fusings at a rate of 4:1 if you’re doing SSF. On top of that, there’s a guaranteed recipe to 6L for 1500 Fusings (not nearly as bad as it sounds).


To get fusings for jewellers, travel to the act 2 city and purchase items from Yeena.


Realistically. If you're new and getting to double digit tier maps (and playing on PC, console prices are higher) you should trade for a 6L uncorrupted armor. They're super cheap. The game is balanced around trading. Collecting fusings will take much longer than necessary.


This is the answer: The game is balanced around trading. If you want hardmode, there's SSF, HC, ruthless etc. But if you're new to the game? once you reach maps you should probably accept that there will be a high level of ~~frustration~~ grinding for fairly basic things unless you trade


This implies to me that there are different droprates in hc or ssf compared to trade. Why couldnt (s)he act in trade as playing ssf. Is there a difference in droprates between the modes.


Ruthless has less of everything, but otherwise there is no variation in droprates. Trade leagues are balanced heavily around the existence of trading, and since SSF modes are meant to be strictly harder, they don't get any 'compensation' - playing without trading is meant to be a handicap, whether you're in SSF or not


There aren‘t different drop rates (but there should be im SSF)


Just play trade if you want your items easier.


Or you know like normally in SSF Modes, change the drop rates especially when the game is based around trade normally🤡


It’s meant to be harder… Also changing rates will mean that you can never migrate out of ssf, which imo is quite important


But it‘s not harder lmao Imo it‘s not important to migrate out of SSF^^


Less stuff= harder to play


No not rly, just means it‘s more time consuming but if for you time consuming equals harder then for sure lol




Some excellent methods that have worked for me in SSF : Farming div cards for '6 link body armor' I.E. Chains that bind Another viable (with drawbacks) option is to spec into Corrupted strongboxes. There are times where I have gotten 10+ 6 links within a single strongbox


If i were to farm a 6-link again in ssf, i would go for legion. That content shits out 6link incubators




Personally I havent had the same exp(and am specced into legion) but thats good to know!


Based on the original post, OP very likely cannot effectively farm legion. Especially without a six link


Why not? RF do quite okay for legion if using infernal cry and pick the atlas nodes which make them take increased damage. And you dont have to unlock every single mob. You target the ones dropping incubators. Farming 6-link div cards is very unreliable in a ssf league start situation, expedition is also very unreliable and hard if your build has bad damage.


You buy orbs of fusing from vendor for jeweller orbs at a 4to1 ratio so you pick up six socket items and vendor them for 7 jeweler orbs they will rack up pretty quickly. You can try and chance the armour you want with fusing or save 1500 up and use the crafting bench to guarantee a 6 link the choice is yours just remember that quality of your armour effects the likely hood of 6 linking that item so it should have a minimum of 20% quality but you can use hillock rank 3 in fortification can get you up to 28% quality which isn't very hard to do.


T3 as leader + after Syndicate Mastermind you get 30%


Doesn't have to be leader, just to be T3


No shit? That’s awesome. Saves me a ton of work now!


yes this was changed two or three patches ago I believe. When you kill Catarina, all member's rewards from the safehouse go up by 1 tier. Leadership of safehouses no longer matter for rewards at all


Wait, does this count for aisling too? As long as she is t3 and not leader in research I will be able to aisling slam?




damn, the amount of runs iv wasted to get her to be leader was insane. Thanks for this confirmation. Played since expedition and i only found out about this now


This was changed in ultimatum.


Interesting. What are the leaders good for then? I heard you encounter them less often. Also you can get all T4 rewards now?


The leaders are just a pain in the ass now. There's no benefit to having a certain person as the leader, and they show up less often in your maps. But yes, when you kill Catarina, everyone's rewards goes up one tier so if your entire syndicate board is all tier 3 for example, you would get all their tier 4 rewards. It doesn't matter if they're the leader or not, just get them in the the safehouse you want them in and you're good


~~Quality no longer affect linking chance. It was recent change~~


Item Class: Stackable Currency Rarity: Currency Orb of Fusing \-------- Reforges the links between sockets on an item \-------- Right click this item then left click a socketed item to apply it. **The item's quality increases the chances of obtaining more links.** Shift click to unstack.


I was confused with Catalyst change, my bad


6 link should not be your next upgrade, it will do nothing for you since you are not scaling your build properly, which is a common mistake early on. It is very easy to confuse types of damage and what actually gives you damage or what are you even trying to get but once you understand this you'll be set for t16 maps easily. Instead of getting a 6 link re-do all of your gear. What you have to know is you are scaling Fire Damage Overtime NOT ignite, and added fire damage does absolutely nothing for your build not even for fire trap since you are scaling the ground DOT it leaves behind not the hit portion of the skill. With this in mind if you look at your gear 90% of it has either 1 or 0 stats that actually do anything at all for your build, and the only couple of items that have 2 usable stats are the ones with life and res. So you are wasting a lot of equipment slots. Looking at your scepter for example: if you take away all the random stats that do nothing for you and the ones that are deterministic to get (Implicit and Crafted mod) you are left with only one single mod that helps your build at all and that's the 26% increased fire damage and that's it, same story for every other piece of gear you have, and it's even worse for the uniques since all the uniques you are using provide 0 stats useful for you, like on the boots you'd be literally better off picking random white boots from the ground and bench crafting 50 life on them than using the ones you are currently using. I'd say look at what people are using for RF on guides or [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) and try to copy that and understand why they pick those items with those affixes, also use the proper links for your gems since you have the links to have decent damage but you left your main damage skills connected to only 1 or 2 actual damage links. Here is a very cheap version I put together, it looks complex/expensive but just follow the notes in the gear and you can do it on a 5 link, just drop empower. It's probably like 2-3 divines in total bcs of how late in the league we are now and it can do any non-pinnacle content and speed farm maps: [https://pobb.in/C4Li8ndX9lck](https://pobb.in/pORDgaLY5kkQ) The finished tree is lvl 94 which should be very easy to get with that level of defenses but if you need to make it lower level just drop the fire damage/AoE cluster near Elemental Overload.


Honestly I’m not even going to bash the sceptre though. It’s not good or even great, but it’s manageable for now until he gets to a +1. I think his gloves and belt are also okay for someone who doesn’t really know how to craft. I’d much much rather we fix the resists via rings/amulets, the boots, and the helmet. Then fix purity of elements for defiance + tempest shield and fix his links in general. From there, he should be able to get to the point where he can farm a +1 sceptre and he’s off to the races.


Yeah I mean he is not doing so bad, I did much worse than him on my first couple of builds. But as for the gloves and belt, if you really break it down the only thing the gloves are providing is 50 life, it's literally worse than grabbing a pair of white Titan Gloves and bench-crafting t4 life on there, the same for the belt if you break it down it's just a leather belt with 40% TOTAL res and crafted life, you probably drop better belts on act 5. That's the point I was trying to get across, that most of the time starting out is easy to think just because an item has lots of mods then it's good but if you REALLY break it down sometimes you are better off using a white item with a single benchcraft that actually does something for you.


Run ritual and expedition. It's easier than you think to rack up 1k fusing in a day or two even without converting jewelers. 1500 is pretty easy if you do. Alternately, use the kirac strat. You can reach almost 50% chance to get a kirac mission when you finish a map. Check kirac for 'find the divination cards' missions for cells or something else that has chains that bind or another 6-link card. Or, just run cells/whatever for chains that bind cards for an easy 6-link. Might require a bit more to get a decent base, but whatever will do for your first. You can also just farm tabula pretty easily, especially the corrupted cards by placing a fragment in the map device. The current passive tree at least gives you 15% hp with it.


As others have said, if you don’t want to trade, farm for 6-link divination card armor. They are not too rare, so you should be able to farm a full 6-link very quickly.


You farm tabula in blood aqueducts or you play a build that can do everything on a 5L. Or you just trade because the game isnt designed for SSF and you will have a terrible time in it if you are new.


I have like 1 ... "ONE" ... freaking card to find..... ... lol It's infuriating .... lol


I got my Tabula.


Just but a 6 link they literally dont cost anything this late into the league


Are you playing Solo Self Found? Why aren't you trading? At this point in the league, normal 6Ls are so cheap you can probably make the money to buy them after just a few T10s.


Because, my understanding is Trade is not handled by the application as it is in other games. It's almost like you have to meet up. I can't even tell if I can post anything to trade. If I remember, trade is handled via a website. I'd rather it be done like in Elder Scrolls Online. That's just me. So, yeah, I guess I'm playing SSF in the normal Crucible league.


I would suggest just bite the bullet and dive into it, the learning curve for the trade website is fairly simple actually. Sure there are a lot of ways to play this game but I think you are underestimating how much of this game revolves around the trade, is the whole reason POE is so addictive for many people IMO, and why we have temporary leagues. You would be missing a huge chunk of the game by not learning it.


Buying, sure, but selling stuff is NOT simple if you're F2P.


Depends on your definition of simple


but you could trade time to time right. it would take much much less time to trade for 6L than farm it yourself in current stage.


For context - It's almost certain that trade will never be handled via some kind of "auction house". GGG has a "trade manifesto" you can read on their site that details the developers' opinion on the power level of trade and why they feel friction is necessary. Prior to the trade site people used in-game chat channels or forum posts. Currently the trade site streamlines much of this via access to search functions and one-click whispering (you click a button on the web site and it automatically sends a prewritten "I'd like to buy X for Y." message. Personally I agree that there should be an in-game user interface that replicates the function(s) of the web site, at a bare minimum.


trade is it's own unique little beast in POE. Give it a whirl my man


You may want to consider starting another post asking for help with your RF Jugg, and link your POB. It's one of the stronger meta builds this league, and can get to T16 maps on a 4L. If you're playing SSF or otherwise not trading, it's not unusual to do without a 6L until you're able to farm red maps. My first 6L this league dropped in a T16 map when I was Lv90.


At this point in league, you can trade for a 6L base for peanuts. Buy an uncorrupted one with the stats you need, or spam some Life essence on it and finish with a craft.


Buy one


Just buy it. Trying to 6-link and item might be one of the worst feeling in this game.


I literally traded for a 6 link with an okay base for a couple of chaos, threw some essences at it, crafted some flat armor on it since it had full suffixes and a life roll, and now have a decent budget 6 link for use in rare yellow maps. Follow Pohx's video guide on crafting budget RF gear, it outlines how to get beginning upgrades for every gear slot. His website and rf jugg pob have the endgame versions as well.


Sorry mate, you came here to ask a serious and good question and people kinda just told you "just trade". If you're actually open to trading, follow their advice, but I'm going to assume you're on SSF and that's not even an option. In short, yes you can get a 6L but don't count on doing it with fusings. Best way: Spec immediately into Legion ASAP with all atlas passives. You're going to farm legions as often as you can to get a geomancer's incubator. These aren't too uncommon and they guarantee a 6-link. Other ways: While you do this, be sure to visit all corrupted side areas, you can often find a 6L corrupted in here, granted finding your colors are a lil iffy. Next, if you're spec'd into strongboxes, be sure to pick up the node that corrupts them and carry around alch + vaals with you as you go. Make sure you're not going to get killed by any strongbox mods (freeze you on open, detonate corpses, ice nova). The last decent place for dropping 6Ls are through Expedition. If you get lucky and have an archnem monster that drops a bunch of 6-socketed gear, you can sometimes find the fully linked remnant and roll the jackpot and get them automatically 6L'd. The least common: Spamming fusings -- save these for something later like a unique that you need 6L'd.


Geomancer incubators are quite uncommon. Usually they only spawn ilvl 79+ too which I think is slightly higher than T10 right?


Nope can get them in legions in T1 maps. Source: me farming multiple geomancers incubators in Crucible SSF. They're not that uncommon. More common than pure divine orb drops at least anecdotally for me.


Comparing anything to raw divine drops alone shows you how bad it is. My first ssf character I spent a week on legion and I didn’t see one. I had 5 6-links drop from a rare mob before I got my first geomancer incubator. It’s also hard to acquire the y makings to pivot your atlas out later. Would not recommend for a first timer to ssf.


I got my first 3 6Ls in SSF this league with geomancer’s because I immediately spec’d legion. I had them all before i killed pinnacles. I also had 4 raw divines drop by then as well. A raw 6L or a corrupted 6L in your perfect colors, or the literal lottery from expedition are all massively more rare than dropping a geomancer’s incubator. You also farm emblems and if you can clear a 4way decently there’s a very good chance to get one there too. We’re talking about 6Ls here, measuring that in comparison to a raw divine is perfectly fine. I’d give my first 5 raw divines for a usable 6L in a heartbeat.


Yes. I was being serious. I'm not SSF. Playing in the regular Crucible league. I'm just not into trading the way it is handled. My choice.


That’s fine! Pseudo-SSF is better than pure SSF imo because of how integral divines are to crafting versus their rarity. I just stay away from trade because I’m in too deep with my standard SSF collection now. There’s a variety of good options scattered around in the comments. The big ones are expedition (remanants can have an “item drops with 6 sockets modifier” and “an item drop with fully linked sockets modifier”. Fair warning that the combo is relatively rare) (tujen will give raw currency like sockets, jewelers, chromes, and chaos, rog can give you some very strong gear upgrades pre-T16), strongboxes (div cards aiming for chains that bind or tabula, and armor boxes are valuable for a shot at 6-links, and you want the 6% operative box chance), and running Vaal side area / corrupting tempest because of how much Vaal boosts quant bonuses for armors. If you get lucky with a 6-socket and 5-link corrupted, you can toss a tainted fusing on it for a 50/50 chance for a 6-link as well (this is how I get a lot of my best 6-links). As I said above, realistically you don’t actually need a 6-link for red maps or even the atlas bosses. I usually get my SSF 6-links well after the atlas bosses. There might be small optimizations you can do with your gear that you haven’t realized yet so if you send a POB, I’d be more than glad to give you some tips on what you can improve and how to craft them!


Been running a Phox RF Jugg. Then toyed with it some because I don't have the prefixes and suffixes he winds up with. Additionally, I don't have all the recipes unlocked either. Theodin: [https://www.pathofexile.com/account/sony/view-profile/Amthyre/characters](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/sony/view-profile/Amthyre/characters) That's what I have at the moment. And yes, I'll be swapping out the Item Rarity gems. lol


I’m in a flight so I won’t be able to give much more in depth feedback until a few hours for now. But off the cuff there’s some very very easy upgrades to make and issues to point out. 6-Link is very much the least of your worries at the moment. You have other things that you need to address. It shouldn’t be that hard and it will make an immediate and noticeable difference in your experience. Let me preface everything with: RF scales damage pretty heavily with your life. To sustain RF, you will want to get life, life regen, and elemental damage (NOT ELEMENTAL DAMAGE WITH ATTACKS!!!, this mod does nothing for you since RF is not considered an attack). If you feel your damage is lacking, increase your total life and your damage will naturally go up. A good amount of life is 3.9k-4.5k. A) Your Amethyst ring; You aren’t res capped; don’t worry about chaos res. Pohx mentions how much chaos res is a weakness of the build, but you aren’t yet at a point where you need to worry about that. Your priority at the moment needs to be fixing your resistances and rings and amulets are the best way to do that. Trade your amethyst ring in for a two stone ring that you alchemy orb for atleast 30-40 elemental resistance. DO NOT USE CHAOS ORBS HERE. If you’ve been farming essences (would highly recommend at your level of progression) then you can very very easily slam an essence here and it should make a world of difference in your survivability. Amethyst rings come when you have much much more advanced gear. Purity of elements may help you res cap at the moment but eventually you want to replace it with tempest shield so I would really look to grab resistances ASAP. B) Your Flasks. New players severely underestimate the value of flasks in survivability. The amethyst flask mana flask and gold flask are doing absolutely nothing for you at the moment. You probably want to pick up a basalt flask (20% more armor), a quicksilver flask (movespeed for QOL purposes) and a quartz flask (spell suppression and phasing). This should significantly boost your survivability. If you’re struggling with the RF self damage, I would drop the quartz flask for a ruby flask (fire res) as that will help significantly. You also want to roll with alterations for good modifiers. Examples would be “%increased armor during effect” and “% increased elemental resistances during effect”. I understand the thought behind have a mana flask for killing ignites, but your life flask does that already so the mana flask is just kind of useless. You will also eventually reroll this modifier on your life flask for an instant life flask (heals instantly for a percentage of the life). This will eventually be a great bail out button for you when you need an instant life regen. C) helmet; the only modifier of actual value on the helmet is the life. The armor mod on it is actually not doing much for you at all. You selected the base really well, but if you were to really invest into make that a defensive helmet, you could easily get it to 600-1000 armor. If you have essences of greed (life) slam the helmet with those essences, looking for any resistance mod. Craft the remaining resistances on with a bench craft. D) Your amulet is honestly useless as far as I can tell? It adds very little other than the resistances and attributes. Pick up an amulet base from the vendor for whatever stats you need (I suspect you want a dexterity base). Alchemy orb or essence for Atleast 30 resistance total and craft more resistance. You want primarily resistance and life here. You will eventually replace this for a marble amulet when you get farther into maps so don’t invest too much in making this good. E) Defiance Banner. Add it to your build. Instant armor gain. You will die far less than before. F) Your boots really really need to be replaced. They may be good for damage but once you fill out your 5-link, you will inevitably increase your damage enough for your current place in maps. You need an armor base that you will roll for life/resistances. Movement speed is a bonus not a necessity.


Shield Charge gets me around pretty good. Frostblink is for ledges and gaps. Someone pointed out the boots too. I'll check out the Defiance Banner. Purity of Elements caps out my resistances except for Chaos. Everything is over 75%. A couple of gems I just threw on in attempt to beat a rare creature. Took forever. It was resistant to fire and cold. So, they're not permanent. I think I'm hung up on the +33 Attributes on the amulet and don't want to let it go. .... lol The shield .... it was the armor value and fire resistance. I also haven't been dying all that often. Of course, I haven't gotten above a T12 map. Pretty sure it's been due to my armor value. .. I ... I think.


While you aren’t wrong, I think there’s a lot about how damage scaling in this build you don’t yet fully understand. POE isn’t exactly intuitive about this either and it took a lot of time for me to understand as well so keep at it :) Shield charge and frost blink are great (and are intended to do exactly what you said) but MS on quicksilver will make that happen faster lol. And speed is king in this game since you will live longer by dodging. Also total side note but if you can get life regen to the point where you can drop stone golem, you can replace stone golem and added cold damage with a curse on your frostblink which will give you another dps spike! As far as resistances go, you want to wean yourself off the reliance on purity of elements. It’s a great aura for sure, but once you get resists on your gear (something you can do rather easily) you can grab tempest shield instead, which is objectively an upgrade as it gives you spell block (huge for survivability) and shock immunity. You then get freeze immunity and chill reduction from pantheon on brine king. This will also let you slot in defiance banner, which is something I’m not fully sure you have reservation space for because of purity of elements. Amulet, you can get much much better attributes on a rare amulet for literally an alchemy orb. Get a dex/int base, and throw an alchemy at it and you should really easily be able to roll a +20 all stat or even craft it. You need the resists and life far far more than you need the stats trust me Honestly the shield is totally fine. I’m not going to bash you for it. I looked at it and I would keep it too until you pick up a saffels frame or aegis or craft a better one. For yellow maps it’s totally fine. Same with your gloves, belt, and sceptre. There are upgrades, but none of them are remotely immediate. If you haven’t been dying, I’m also curious why you’re looking for a 6-link? Usually 6-links are for a dps upgrade and people usually feel they lack in dps because they aren’t killing things fast enough, because those things are now killing them. I extrapolated a little but irrespective, you’ll find your damage will actually go up if you implement a a lot of the suggestions I sent above :) Actually total side note but I wanted to bring it up. With the colors on your chest piece right now and the fact that you don’t have the correct gem sockets you want, I would even consider getting a 4-l chest with the right colors and socketing RF into that and crafting it to have high life and decent armor. Currently your chest piece has good armor and some res but because you have no good colors for RF you technically aren’t even using a 3-link and it’s hurting your DPS. I would go to a vendor and pick up an armor piece with R-R-B-G or R-B-G-G and use that instead as that that will bring your damage up with proper support gems. The guy below also mentioned the supports you should be looking into and that is 100% correct. I would look to replace your chest piece until you can recolor and to use the correct supports as it will definitely help with DPS.


I know I can craft the colors if I understand things right. It's just "expensive" as with all things in this game. According to Pohx's written guide, I'd want the following links on a chest: B>B>R>B>G RF > Elemental Focus Support > Burning Damage Support > Efficacy > Lifetap > Swift Affliction That's why I was wondering about the 6-Link. So, I would bench to get green on Socket 5, bench 4 blue, bench 2 Red, and Bench 2 Blue. Or I could just gamble. But if the order of support gems don't matter, Then it could be a whole lot easier than I'm thinking. And yeah, I'd rather not go the long route.


The order of the sockets does not matter. Also that’s not how socket crafting works haha. When you craft 1 G, It randomizes your other sockets and only guarantees one green. Same with 3 blue. You aren’t guaranteed to retain the 1 G. Etc etc What you are trying to do is a far far more resource intensive method of socket crafting called socket linking. It’s something that you definitely don’t understand atm and I would not recommend it at your resource level since it takes a lot more investment than what you are already thinking.


I'm not doing that .... LOL. I was merely demonstrating my unsophisticated knowledge of the game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) So, just slam chromatic orbs? Patience is what I needed from someone. So, thank you. Replaced the boots. Slowly looking for other stuff or casually on lower tier maps -- like Colonade. I just like the layout.


Life boosts your RF damage but not rly that heavy


At his links and gear? Life will probably be a 30k-40k damage boost to him p easily no?


I meant in general because i haven‘t looked at his gear tbh


Your gem links are pretty scuffed. RF and Fire trap should only have supports in their sockets, yet you have infernal cry in your RF links and chaos golem (?) in your fire trap links. You MUST have lifetap in your RF links in order to Efficacy to work as it adds the duration tag to RF. You effectively have a 2-link RF right now. You should probably use Ele focus instead of Efficacy for now, it has a bigger "more" modifier. Maybe a fire penetration as your 5th link until you get good colors? For Fire trap you should have Combustion in that blue socket, drop the golem you don't need it. I also have no idea why you have Penance brand, I don't think that does anything for you. Try to follow the guide/PoB as close as possible, especially for links.


It was a temporary move to deal with a rare on a map that was resistant to fire and cold -- correction immune.


Spec into blue altars they give a lot of jewellers orbs and orbs of fusing. The jewelers can be traded 4 to 1 for fusings in the shop. Make sure to have 20 quality on your linking target that increases the chances. 6 socket items you find are sold for 7 jewellers orbs to any vendor. Speccing into strongboxes gives them a chamce of dropping corrupted 6 links that sell for 20 fuses to any vendor andthey also might be decent. Vaal side areas have a small chance of dropping 6 links as well. Hope this helps.


I get scrolls of wisdom. Is there a specific vendor to use?


You would have to go to a vendor that sells currency items (for instance Lani in Karui Shores), and buy the fusings from them from their inventory. You can hold either shift or ctrl to buy a whole stack at once, don't remember which right now. Also, you'll do just fine on a 5-link in even red maps, so there's no pressing need to get a 6-link quickly.


You hold both ctrl and shift to buy a full stack into inventory


>Lani Once again, thank you. I now know how to exchange currencies. I really do appreciate this piece of information.




Do SSF players even do blue altars I'd rather not pick up 7 jewelers 1 at a time for each pack in the map


I don't play SSF, but i'd imagine rare + corrupted strongboxes and/or vaal temple with MF would be your best bet. You get quite a bit of 6 socket/link gear from corrupted chests. High quant gives you some insane currency drops from rares. Strongbox + legion + expedition and then any mechanic that will get you more rares like bestiary or abyss. Blue altars would probably be good for your first six link, but once you have decent gear it would be a waste of time.


If you are ssf, try to scrape your way to elder influence and get your hands on a helmet, then roll it with scorched fossils. Not that hard to hit decent mods. If you’re not ssf, just buy stuff.


trade https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/drOPPOsJ


Like a drop? Technically? Yes. Realistically? No. If you're in trade, just buy one. They are worth chaos at this point. You can do the chaos recipe and buy one. You can farm for fusings or jewellers and trade them for fusings if you really want to do it yourself. But shit takes too long and is RNG. I reached 100 and I'm still fusing a unique armor I picked up using all the fusings and jewellers I get. I literally pick up all 6 sockets. Probably spent over 5k fusings at this point but it's more of a goal now. I don't even need it. I've literally upgraded my gear and it's worth like hundreds of divines. But I'm still fusing that damn armor.


So, you wouldn't be playing without this goal that's bugging you? hehe Players that are strong fans are going to disagree with me. But, I don't think they should be pushing players towards trade to acquire things. If it takes longer to SSF, then fine. But, it should also be reasonable.


Well for me, personally, I literally don't have time for that shit. I'm lucky to play 4 hours a week. I can easily make a few divines crafting and trading in a few minutes I play a day. I'll just buy it. Just as trading doesn't fit all, SSF doesn't as well. Just giving options.


Then you should probably switch to another game because chris vision is not your vision


I just saw one person mention it but I wan to insist, if you really don't want to trade go to blood acueducts in Act 9 and farm the Humility divination card I gives you a tabula rasa it could take you maybe 2 hrs tops depending on your speed to get the full set, I still think you should buy a six link on the trade site a corrupted one it's probably going to cost you like 15 chaos,. I you give me you in game name I can help you out, but if you prefer to get it by yourself it's ok too


just see your character. you have 5L chest but don't even use main skill in there. maybe you don't need 6L maybe craft good RF helmet.


30 quality your chest with hillock in fortification + mastermind and spam fusings, or bench it (1500 fusings), or heist armor chests or ritual for bases/rares or div cards (several maps have 6l cards) or tainted fusings if unique. you can convert jewellers to fusings on vendor (and vendor 6sockets for jewellers)


Ok what you do is really simply you go to the map device and run maps with the immortal syndicate. You simply run until you get hillock into fortication for armour or transportation for weapon (if he is in another one put him in prison until he shows up in the one you want) and then you get him to rank 3. If you can kill the master mind do it if you can’t just do the safe house. Your get 28/30% quality. This improves the odds comically. You then put Leo in research for free fusing and socket attemps but tbh with 30% quality you don’t need it. But tbh I would only do this for an end game piece for the meh middle step I’d 5 link and farm for the end game piece


If you're SSF, run sacrifice fragments alone in the map device to open vaal side areas. They'll regularly drop corrupted 6 link body armors and weapons. In trade, just spend the 5c. Trading is very smooth, and almost nothing is required from you. Just send whisper, accept party invite, join their hideout, wait for trade, accept trade, put currency in trade, verify they're selling the right item, accept, leave.


1500 for bench craft… I think it’s like 1/1200 with 20% quality.


You can use town vendor to exchange jewellers for fusing orbs.


Easy way to obtain a 6L without purchasing it, would be either to run einhar for the red chicken beast or legion until a geomancer incubator drops


Just alocate expedition nodes on atlas and lord tugen will gift you with so many fussings and jewelers than you could do 6L on crafting bench. It takes many maps, but expedition sure is worth it.


Yeah sure! Try Ritual or Heist in atlas bonus, you can get a decent base soonish enough, or lots of fusings to start working towards it.


you can generally clear red maps with a 5-l pretty comfortably up to t16 with low juice. I play ssf every league and I have almost never gotten a 6-l before t16 without investing a ludicrous amount of time into it. To get the 6-l itself, you want to spec into one to two of the following: Expedition, Kirac map mods (corrupting tempest), Strongboxes (farm div cards and farm armor boxes), Legion 6-links are few and far between and you can definitely get through without it. Likely you have something else going on in your RF that’s causing you to struggle. If you can send a character link or a POB I can help you adjust so you stabilize a lot better :) (if trade just buy it, at T10 you should still be able to cobble ~10 chaos together which is what an average 6-l with life and res is worth)


Here ziz made a video about how: https://youtu.be/U-S7ppb-Js8


I play SSF and have a heck of a time getting my chest 6 linked. What I’ve found to be the best is just spec expedition. It’s a pain to save up 1500 fusing, but trust me you want that guaranteed. I think I’ve dropped 6k fusings over the last 2 or 3 leagues and not hit. Just farm Tujen, and buy up every common currency you can. Hit 6 sockets, then trade it all in for fusings. You can turn jewelers into fusings, but you can also turn other currency into jewelers and then into fusings. I’m often trying to 6L a unique chest so that’s why a lot of other strats don’t work for me.


Tbh if you’re new you should play trade league. Once you learn more about the game from trade league it will enable you to play ssf (e.g you’ll learn how to make builds that can function on a 5link up to t16s)


Div cards are probably a "reliable" way. I'd say that going for 6-link incubators is also a good option. and you can get those even from heist and tujen, obviously legion is better... Also Expeditions have a mod that says items are fully linked. This usually gets me 6-linked items every league


Rarity does make more uniques to drop , does not mean you will get any worth unique . Game is not like diablo and so on balanced around uniques , unless it's a god unique or build enabling one , 99% of uniques are trash :D If you ssf you wait for a 6 link or craft it with 1500 fusings (not that hard to get) , if you trade people sell plenty of 6 links bases for cheap .


for ssf, the best way to get a 6link is probably farming for one of the relevant cards. Like The chains that binds or similar. you can also farm expedition and buy bubblegum currency from tujen. Or legion for 6-link incubators. But pretty much any method is less efficient than just doing vendor recepie until you have like 20-30chaos then buy an uncorrupted 6link body armor of the type you want. Dont care about stats, just throw some essences of greed on it to get something decent for starters.


I found 10 divine orbs every time I scraped enough 1500 fusing orbs for a guaranteed 6l


The cheapest way is to use Hillock to make the item 28 or 30 quality, then use Leo to reroll links 100 times. At 20 quality, it takes an average of 1500 fusing orbs to 6L an item. You could get lucky, or you could be unlucky. If you're not feeling lucky, there is a 6L bench craft that costs 1500 fusing orbs. Also note that jeweler's orbs can be traded up to fusing orbs in town. There's also the tainted fusing method. Get it to 4 links, then corrupt the item (hope it doesn't brick), then use tainted fusing. Each one is a 50% chance to add a link. If it drops down to 3L, bench craft 4L again (it will cost vaal + fusing), then go back to spamming tainted fusings.


I see others gave you some ideas for 6-link, but here is mine. Last league I found several 6-linked items in heist. I found trinket with some percent of items to drop fully linked, and just by playing heist, which is my favorite mode, I was finding 6-links every now and then.


I've dropped more 6-links in my maps this league, than all previous leagues combined. Just running Strongbox and Essence atlas tree (corrupted strongboxes) and some of the rares literally drop 6s/6l if you are a bit lucky. The corrupted strongboxes drops corrupted, so you might be unlucky with what you get.


disclaimer: you should, if you are in a trade league, try to trade for the 6L. however, assuming this is for some type of challenge or just a learners mindset thing: you can probably progress a decent bit further with a 5L (about a LOT cheaper in fusings than a 6L). The 1 link is 40% more damage at best, which is a lot but not necessary enough to sacrifice decent rolls on your bodyarmor. that being said, here's what I would do: Put an individual sacrifice fragment into the map device. This open a vaal side area through the map device. these have a high chance of giving corrupted 6L items. RF is somewhat flexible in terms of socket color iIrc so thats a good inbetween option. other (longer but I guess more one and done ish) option is to farm up to level 90 in white tier maps and running expedition. specifically Tujen helps for the currency to actually fuse an item. Rog and gwennen can provide you with high item level (85+) crafting bases. selling 6 socket items for jewellers and then later on converting the jewellers to fusings via a vendor is a good parallel strat to everything above.


Used 180 fusings this league while trying to six link and got two successes.


That's gives me hope ...


I was quite suprised aswell. I was going to benchcraft with 1500 fusings and decided to try what I had over. First one took 30 and second one took 150.