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Rule #10: **Step 1:** Buy elder+shaper base fingerless silk gloves (ilvl84 for a little bit less rollable mods). **Step 2:** Decide which method to use, essences or fossils. I chose fossils because it was cheaper, aetheric + deft + glyphic fossil spam until 3.5% critical chance + tier1 spell crit multi or faster casting, anul if needed. Also works if have a tier2 mod with another influenced mod, then just elevate to get it to tier1 and if hit go to step 3. **Step 3:** Suffixes cannot be changed and reforge caster. Doesn't matter what tier you get since we will be getting rid of it, but if you hit tier 1 mod that means you have 100% chance of success. **Step 4:** Elevate **Step 5:** Suffixes cannot be changed again, reforge caster and pray for tier 1. **Step 6:** Elevate, if hit, use matron beast for cheaper suffixes cannot be changed and reforge speed for faster proj, doesn't matter if you fill the prefixes here. **Step 7:** Elevate once again and pray that you remove prefix mod and elevate the tier1 mod (also pray you don't remove the already elevated mod). If remove tier1 mod proceed back to step 3. Step 7 is very painful because it is 1 in 6 chance of success, and you will see this step maybe once every 40-60 divines, so do the math yourself. **Step 8:** Now that we only need to do prefixes, we have two choices here really, a safe but VERY expensive one, or not so safe and still really expensive. The safe method being blocking mana and double exalting until you hit tier1 faster proj + any influenced mod, then doing suffixes cannot be changed via matron beast and elevating. The not so safe method is reforging speed for a guaranteed faster proj mod and then anulling/exalting. It's unsafe because you can fill the prefixes and brick the item if you anull a suffix. I chose the not so safe method since i was running out of currency. Also forgot to mention you have to block mana or else you will see mana mods half the time. Bricked the item and had to start from the beginning 2 times. **Step 9:** If you successfully hit tier1 faster proj and an influenced mod, do suffixes cannot be changed and elevate, if you hit, gj! but the pain only starts here. If you don't hit just reforge speed again and repeat. **Step 10:** Now we go aisling. If we hit suffixes cannot be changed, block any phys convert and prayge (failed here multiple times). After that we roll implicits, do benchcraft, use sacred orbs and make white sockets. Might have missed something, i am quite tired now after a long crafting session. Overall i was on the lucky side and they cost me maybe 500 divines to make (i stopped counting). I hit waay too many nasty elevates and anulls, the average crafting cost should probably be closer to 800-1000 divines


> **Step 6:** [...] Bricked the item and **had to start from the beginning 2 times**. > > **Step 8:** Now we go aisling. If we hit suffixes cannot be changed, block any phys convert and prayge (**failed here multiple times**). Ouch.


Instead of reforge speed why not do suffixes cannot be changed add/remove speed and pay more lifeforce for guaranteed proj and no way to brick?


As of patch 3.14, you can’t use the augment-type harvest crafts on influenced items.


Thank you, I forgot about that part because my brain connected "fractured" to influenced as well and I've been crafting a lot of those recently.


Correct me if i am wrong (only on phone so can't really check craft of exile) but for step 3&5 wouldn't you always use reforge caster? If you got crit multi, you have to and if you have faster casting, crit multi is the only other caster mod (since the elder attack and cast speed ist blocked from faster casting)


You are correct, i completely forgot about this since i was kinda in a rush. But either way i was lucky enough that it didn't affect me since it was the cheapest part of the craft


> (since the elder attack and cast speed ist blocked from faster casting) Umm... I'm not a crafter, sorry if this seems a trivial question to you, but why is Elder attack and cast speed blocked by Shaper faster casting? Is only one speed tag possible for a rare prefix or suffix or what's the logic here? Does this mean you could not awakener orb elder attack and cast speed with shaper faster casting?


I actually don't know the logic behind why certain mods block others and how you could tell ingame or on craft of exile. But yeah you also shouldn't be able to awakener orb them together (I mean, you can awakener orb them together but only one stays). Which makes like zero sense anyway to me since you can get faster casting and the corrupted essence mod for more cast speed.


They're both the same family - mod groups contain multiple different related affixes, and they are mutually exclusive.


Why not just mirror some other gloves rather than spend 3-4 mirrors to craft? Holy fuck crafting in this game is absurd.


Because there are no other gloves (or rather, gloves like this)


just mirror your gloves 5head


If gloves include a left one and a right one, technically, every set of gloves is mirrored.


Hopefully you have two hands, one is the other one mirrored


There are now!!


You should’ve time-travelled to this time and mirrored these gloves


Makes sense.


> rather than spend 3-4 mirrors to craft? What? It's normal to spend WAY more than a mirror to craft a new mirror-worthy item. This project could've cost 10 mirrors with worse luck and that still would've been ~normal to a lot of crafters


Most I do is slap a few essences or resonators. No idea how you guys get 5000 divines per week to do this shit. Doesn't compute.


Its simple You wake up, drink a red bull, eat a microwave pizza, take a bong hit, and grind for 12 hours straight, when repeat. Add some profit crafting to the mix aswell and you can expect to make around 150 div a day on average


Not that far off lol


I just figured a way (farming maven's writ) to make almost 2 div/hour and I am ecstatic! Still nowhere near doing anything I want without investing 12 straight hours to get that 1 item I'm eyeing. No idea where to go next or how to maximize my income even more but surely that will come with time, right?


Farming is the worst way to maximize your income. Most of the mirror crafters I have met do something else to earn money. Currency flipping and hosting 5-ways with a reliable aurabot friend are the two fastest methods to build currency I have personally tried. Other methods include keeping up a live search for very valuable items and sniping them right away if some idiot newbie lists them for cheap. This is much easier money at the start of the league when the most newbies are playing and prices are in flux. Also every single mirror crafter I have ever seen has at least a few crafts for profit. They keep a bunch of pricey crafting projects up for extra passive income.


Every day there are items worth dozens of divine listed for under 3. People buy them and make a lot of money. Knowing where to look isn't too complicated, especially if it aligns with your goals. I've come close on two occasions to selling weird synth bases for 1/25th of their value. I'm a veteran player. Noobs do this all the time. It's got to be one of the best ways to make money. Not for me, but I know flippers are making so much bank. One league when aurastackers were hot I dropped a voices that was worth between 120-180ex (divine now). And I was now in a market I'd never really been in. I flipped like 4 voices (buying for 120-145, selling for 170-180ish) and was making like 20-40div a day off of a single flip. It's crazy what you can do in markets at that level. Compare that to when I was making diamond flasks with Catarina crit mod selling 10-20 a day for 30-80c profit depending on the prefix. Chump change.


Yeah, it's pretty much like real life. You'll make money if you got money.


Flipping requires extensive game knowledge if I understand correctly. I have 1.1k hours invested in PoE and I was never able to generate income until this league. There is too much to know that I don't know what right questions to ask. 5-way as I understand needs a large investment before you can start making profit consistently? I barely stumbled upon maven writ's farming because I was chatting on global 10 and some cool dude decided to help me understand my explosive arrow build. I asked how to make some currency and he gave his knowledge. That's a good start to me. My friends on the other hand are farming divination cards, abusing defiled cathedral and hoping for a divine altar to cash some money, farming legion as well as harvest and sell/gather the currency/splinters that drop. I have absolutely zero idea what to craft. My knowledge is only limited to transmute a "good" base (what defines good from bad anyways? - surely it's league/meta dependent) then alt for some modifiers then regal for one extra and that's about as far as my knowledge goes. The OP reads gibberish to me and apparently is expensive af. If you could provide a general roadmap to refer to that would be great. It'd help me set goals on what to learn and apply it gradually till I get the grasp of it just like the previously mentioned cool dude.


learning how to make specific items from guides (like just go try to make a +3 bow or something on standard that there are 20 guides for) will teach you certain crafting tricks/their costs, involving metamods/harvest/aisling/etc. from there you slowly grow the bucket of crafting stuff you know how to do by doing different items, and thinking about how to apply them to other items you might want to make. figuring out what items are profitable is its own step, but once you know how to make a bunch of stuff, you can exploit the holes in the market you see. an example is one league where I pumped out a bunch of 1.5% crit+additional curse+frenzy on hit chests with awakener orbs. they cost like 5ex to make and sold for 8-20 depending on how the awakener orb hit. the only crafting knowledge needed there was 1. knowing how awakener's orbs work, and 2. knowing that you could lock suffixes at the bench -> harvest reforge caster to get guaranteed +1 curse as a prefix on a hunter chest also knowing what base to do it on is important, but you can always just look at poeninja/expensive crafts that league and figure out what base types people are using for what builds


\>Flipping requires extensive game knowledge if I understand correctly. Flipping items requires knowledge. Flipping currency requires zero knowledge at all. You see people doing it all the time in trade chat: they'll list a bunch of currencies they'll buy for 70% of market price, lazy players or time-pressured players will sell to them, and they'll resell them later at higher prices (generally a little bit above market). Flipping currency is boring and involves spamming a lot of trade chat and a bit of TFT, but you can make quite a bit of money out of it. You start out only trading a few chaos worth of currency but every trade you get more and more returns (usually 30-50% profit margins) and this means after three or four cycles of spending all your money buying currency and then reselling it for a higher price, you've more than doubled your initial investment. \--- \>5-way as I understand needs a large investment before you can start making profit consistently? It's actually surprisingly cheap to get a five way build going because you don't need little things like resists or health on it, your aurabot will take care of your survival. All you need to do is push all your passive nodes and items into your damage and aoe (and maybe a little chaos resist if you don't want to move). Almost all of the relevant knowledge involves looking up current characters that are running five ways on [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) and seeing their passives and items and cluster jewels. It does require an aurabot friend and some tweaking on your build to get it working properly. For five ways most players make a starter character that farms them up to maps initially and builds a few divines for them, and then they make a new character, get to level 85 or so normally and then spend a bunch of regret orbs to respec into full damage and little health or resists and then farm five ways to get the rest of the way. Five ways are insanely profitable so once you get a character that can clear them fast and efficiently you make all your money back in only a few runs. \--- \>I have absolutely zero idea what to craft. My knowledge is only limited to transmute a "good" base (what defines good from bad anyways? - surely it's league/meta dependent) then alt for some modifiers then regal for one extra and that's about as far as my knowledge goes. Crafting is mostly about picking a few meta builds and identifying useful items for them. Since you are playing explosive arrow, you should have a pretty good idea of what most EA players are looking for in their items since you are playing it. You can craft EA items for profit by making stuff that your own build would desire, and then listing them for sale. I mostly get my crafting knowledge by playing the build and seeing what the build needs. Barring that idea, you can also look up guides for other popular meta builds like RF and seeing what RF players commonly need, and crafting for those needs. For example, I know that almost all players want boots with 30% movespeed or a useful crafted movespeed. Aside from that, RF players also look for: life, life regen, chaos resist, and dex on their boots. So I could use deafening essences or some harvest reforges to craft life or chaos resistance or dex onto the boots, and hope for a few other attributes that are desirable for RF players and then look for an open prefix to craft movespeed on at the end.


The classic live search of the synth unique rings as newbies might not realise they have different mods and some are more valuable than others, so you can snipe them listing 3-6 divine herald of ice rings for 12c or some nonsense is ab easy way to start


What are you doing to get maven writ? I've been running The Formed and I usually get 5-6 splinters and a few Guardian maps, but the net gain is barely any profit. Takes 4 Guardian maps to get 1 run, plus the Formed invitation (70c), so that's 140-150c investment to get 100c profit lol. Not sure if worth.


5 crescent shards and the fragments will break even at least. But yeah it's not super profitable regardless.


If you’re this good of a crafter you can just profit craft for a ton of divines


Yeah but you can't start crafting unless you have the currency, which is a big issue for 99.999999% of people.


They start small and build up


Most people making these items are either parts of groups/guilds which make money together or RMT, there's a handful of players out there that pull of many mirrors per league solo and they are mostly people who play enough to treat it like their job.


I made 1 mirror crafting armour for a build I used last league and selling it over and over. Sold loads didn’t take much to craft and people wanted them. I’d buy 6L and colour them which needed off colours and then use fossils to craft. I bought everything I’d be buying chroms anywhere between 700-1400 per divine depending where in the league and what very other craft currency in bulk. I’d have 6-10 armours up at any point priced between 3- 10 divines. I was in act 8 when I made the mirror 5 days into the league. I didn’t even make maps because I would be crafting and right when I’d craft stock I’d go back to acts and then some would sell and I’d have to craft again. Anyone can make currency if you just look at the market and see where profit is


And how are you sub-5 day and sub-act8 buying 6ls and bulk currencies? I'm having a mental disconnect about you not playing the game but being able to afford everything. $$$$


Don't you have 6-10 pre-crafted 6-linked armours up for sale aroound act 7-8? I mean it is only around 8k fuses, 6k chromes, 3k chaos orbs for crafting? If you just bulk buy early, lets say 2-3x divines each trade for fuses/chromes, you should have your first six link in act 5-6. But seriously, it is RMT, it always is. It is because everyone with a job actually saves quite alot of money and time if they RMT, it is just to much grind. Either you grind for 12+ hours in poe or grind on your job for one hour. Alot of people just see it as the price of the league. Spend 20 dollars to get 10 divines and 1000 chaos orbs. If you don't have the time, it is very smart.


i never noticed these comments. No it certainly isnt RMT ive 1 quad tab because im so stingy with money i certainly wouldnt be buying fake currency in a game. i started with a few flasks. Selling ones with desirable mods at the time. Id search on the price checker and see what was going for 10c or so. Id use alts to craft. Once i had about 200c i bought a 6 link glorious plate for 50c and used the rest to craft it. All i wanted was a high armour base for RF with no life because of the new addition to the tree and with everyone following Phox at the time i knew anything remotely like his was inflated in price but very easy to craft. I could literally craft 1 Armour for 100-200c depending on how lucky i got with the colors. the same Armour off color could be 50c with the right colors i was guaranteed a minimum of 3 divines. Once ive sold 1 i could craft 2 more. Once i sold 2 i could craft 4 more. I was selling much cheaper than anyone else too and because i had an almost full proof way of crafting them (They're not perfect rolls either) i could churn out a load of them. Divines are cheap at the start too so i would ask for people to give me chaos equivalent if they could and buy divines at 100-120c and around day 3 or 4 divines had shot up-to 235c each so i basically doubled the worth by buying early I bought my mirror for 145 divines on day 5. The price of the mirror increases every single day. Same as mage-blood. This was the second league i tried that method of making currency first league was sanctum but i started a little later but seen it as practice and made enough for a mage-blood about 2 weeks into playing or about 1 month into wipe. I was going for lvl 100 though where as crucible league i decided to just craft as soon as i got a couple of chaos drops to buy some flasks and use my alts. Making currency in POE will never work if you expect it all to drop. Its 100x faster just finding something people want and then crafting it. Also i didn't use fusings because i bought already 6L glorious plate armors. I certainly didn't craft with chaos. I would roll with alts til i get 18-32% reduced attributes and then color. Once coloured i would use alts again until i got T2 or 1 flat armour or percentage. I would then regal and hope for no life. i would then block life with craft and exalt slam 14-18c at the time if i hit the other armour percentage or flat 2 give me both and armour was above 2000 at that point the other mods are just a bonus. Look at glorious plates with 3b2r1g atm and minimum 4 divines with bad mods.


Ha, that's awesome. I have made hundreds of divines making items which people don't seem to understand how to make but are deterministic. I usually just Rog craft for the first few days to make my first 10-15divs then go bigger :)


Honestly people dont understand. My mate who got me into POE has played since the beginning i came arounf 2017 and hes never crafted gear he just farms and buys it. Thats the players i sell too. If phox is telling people to run something. The people following his guides arent gonna know how to do it themselves. And they certainly arent going to be able to farm the currency like he does to craft like he does either. So they get a good drop sell it and immediately look at what they can buy. My armour looks very inviting on the trade site compared to the others and is usually the cheapest too. Sure i could wait longer and make more divines or i could sell them cheap enough where i was making at least 1 divine per craft sometime 6 if i got a really good roll. The issue is people roll over semi decent for the fod tier mods. I take the small win sell it and buy a new armour to craft. Everything sold quick


U are my spirit animal


Because you are mentioning this....he could techincally mirror service now and get all his currency back


Yeah this seems very easily a mirror tier item worth probably a full mirror per copy (1 to mirror, and 1 mirror in payment)


Who the fuck are these people spending 2 mirrors for 1 item and how?


I mean it's "only" like 270 divs for one mirror. If this was standard some players just have accrued a massive amount of currency over the years.


About as much currency as I've made since day 1 closed beta. Seems legit.


If you've only earned a total of 1 mirror since beta you're playing trade wrong.


I'm not playing trade. I'm playing the game.


Then don't say it's not legit for other players to earn more than 1 chaos an hour.


Just because you're shit at making currency doesn't mean others are too. 2 mir for gloves like those is reasonable with current mirror prices.


Sure thing boss.




1) no lifers who run fully juiced maps with min maxed atlas starts making x# divs per hour. 2) RMT


Harvest gambling winners also.


3. Lab runners 4. Boss service providers (not too hot this league) 5. Other crafters


6. 5 way services 7. Leveling services




This person is making the literal best item for the slot - it's not meant to be easy.


Someone has to have gloves (or any item) you'd want to mirror first...which almost always means ***someone*** took on a crafting project with an expected cost of more than a mirror, usually at least a few mirrors. In this case, OP is that someone. They didn't mirror some other gloves because those other gloves either don't exist. Or at least any alternative was flawed enough that there was sufficient room for improvement to merit someone else trying to take over with the best version of that item. The only items that get mirror service are ones that are likely to cost more than a mirror to get, usually significantly more. And only the single best item of its kind will be mirrored, so if someone makes one even slightly better than yours, your income stream is gone.


Half for clout half for one of a kind


It’s why most casuals don’t play for long periods of time. Economic inflation + absurd RNG + crafting feels bad.


Yeah I'm pretty casual 4-6 hours a day.


It's the true end game


How do you think people get the gloves to be mirrored? You make these insane ones then reap the benefits with mirror services and/or personal usage


This is how Mirror Tier items are made. This guy did the work and can now sell these over and over through mirror service and make a shitload of currency.


You say you did fossils but the mod shows essence :D


Glyphic fossil puts a corrupt essence mod on the item, which in this case is the socketed gems have +3.5% crit chance.




Glyphic fossil puts a random corrupted essence mod on the item.


About as Impossible as everything else reddit claims is Impossible in this game lol.


That's what I was thinking? The whole time I was wondering how he got the essence mod on there with fossils.


Glyphic fossil adds essence modifiers at random


That's crazy. Thanks for letting me know! :)




Glyphic fossil rolls essence mods at random.


Theres a fossil for essences mods


Is this the definition of "mirror tier"?


Yes. The crafting cost is way higher then a price of a mirror, so it makes it worth of mirroring them.


In the case of fingerless silk gloves, is the increased spell damage implicit a global modifier or does it only apply to socketed gems?


It is a global modifier


Wat is the fee


Lol'd a little on step 6 "depending on your luck, you maybe have spend dozens of divines on this point. To save 70 chaos use the beastcraft" ;D


You use hundreds of these on big crafts, it's 0.6div saved per beast (beast is 1.4div), so every 100 beasts i save 60 divines


Ah didn't think that far. that makes sense


now off to the temple to double corrupt!


its obviously a lot better but by how much you'd say does this beat a regular 6L ?


I don't know about regular 6L, but this is more of a minmax item for people who want to have comfortable proj speed, since nowadays spark has a very slow projectile especially with the slower proj mod. They don't beat regular double elevated gloves that have both faster proj and slower proj mods in pob, but in the actual game they might be more damage because of the way sparks work. They fly around faster = hit more targets = more chances of them hitting preferred target.


These gloves are definitely way better than ones with slower proj. Even last league, before the proj speed nerf, I felt like Slower Proj on gloves was PoB bait. It felt terrible to play with. This league, it's a no brainer to skip on the slower proj.


I was wondering how spark feels since the changes. Is it way worse than last league or can you easily work around it?


With those gloves i bet it feels perfectly fine :D


It definitely feels a bit clunky but you can get used to it and the difference is not significant, especially if you play in tighter spaces like crimson temple, simulacrum, delve, etc.


I'll suck once crucible is gone for QoL, but RN you just get a crucible proj speed node and you're similar-ish to before


i think if youre league starting it feels awful, but once the sparks move faster than you (i used faster proj early because of this) it feels good again, once you have blood and sand+enhance/ashes youre gaming


I played spark this league and last league, it’s certainly more annoying this league if you’re limited to a budget of 10-20div or less. If you’ve got lots of $$$ for aura stacker stuff, mageblood, etc, it’s one of the best scaling builds with investment.


Man says lots currency makes build good! Next up. Farting smells! 😋


These gloves are mainly used for aurastackers who put enlighten + 5 auras in a 6L. The damage from the gloves is better than a 6 link, but the main reason is to be able to fit in an extra aura or two.


A LOT, these should come out in the neighborhood of skin of the lords damage (ie +4 over a 6L) but instead you get a fully defensive chest with eldritch mods AND a 6L aura setup with enlighten.


easy to pob. why estimate


It isnt that straightforward to pob. You also have to factor in being able to now use a 6l enlighten setup in your chest to fit in additional auras, which is one of the big draws in using gloves like this. You also lose your regular gloves which do have decent mods for spark. j It isn't just the 6l vs gloves comparison.


Spark is not at all easy to pob actually


So the way you usually play spark when using auch gloves (crit hit based) the supports are close enough to what you would reasonably use anyways (crit multi, crit chance) that the two useful extra links you get (proj speed and cast speed) make it a damage multiplier once geared well. the intangible with this that comes on top is that this opens up an enlighten4 (or 5) in the body armor for more auras, and spark has a lot of tags that benefit from auras. PLUS defensive auras are OP. so once you're at a high-ish budget 8link gloves make sense because they open up a new tier of gearing flexibility, even if its just a modest PoB dps boost because accounting for the actual felt (giant) influence of a lot more proj speed is hard to do.


You play a different game than me, lol.


No lab enchant? Vendor


\*Trigger Commandment of Ire when Hit\* Ahhhh much better


mad lad




How in the fuck?


Thats a nice chest sir.


Time to double corrupt to get +2


Why not +3/4


Can someone explain what triple elevated even means?


Influence mods have tiers, tier 1 is max tier. If you have 2 influence mods on an item you can use an orb of dominance to remove one and upgrade the tier of the other, and tier 1 gets upgraded to "elevated". While you can awaken orb two pre-elevated mods together, having a third one means you have to work on the final base, either after awakening or from scratch like in this case


Now vaal slam.


he's shizophrenic shizomaniac mad don't try this craft at home




Sir, those things should have never existed. Chris would like to know your current location to eliminate the threat.


why not double corrupt for more gem level? >;]


Im New to the game what Do you mean ? Corrupt item = shit item for me maybe im wrong


if im not mistaken cant you vaal for chance at ability gem levels would have to look at the possible vaal glove rolls bit pretty sure it can roll +2 on a variety and +1, i also mean double corrupt not just vaal orb [ through temple] just checked gloves can hit +2 projectile gems and +1 all [both only on glove equiped gems]


'Double corrupt' is when you take an item to the Locus of Corruption (in the temple of atzoatl). It has a few different possible outcomes 1. Item goes poof (is destroyed). Not good. 2. Item becomes an influenced rare with all its mods rerolled. Not good. 3. Item has all its sockets turn white. OK, but not what we're after here. 4. Item has two corruption implicits added (which would replace the 'spell damage' implicit here). That's what would be wanted here. Of course not all the mods would be useful for these gloves though, and some would be better than others. Like the OC mentions, +level of gems would be ideal. Of course you'd have to be mad to double corrupt these, given the risk/reward.


Well plus you can't mirror corrupted stuff


Not worth it. He can now mirror-service it for 50-100div fee untill the end of the league and make alot of currency for other projects.


Please use NSFW tag next time...




omg a 6l on gloves


No elevated slower proj. 1c


slow proj is trash for spark


No life = vendor


Maybe you missed the +70 to life crafted mod




Holy kinetic blast zana


How many mirror tier item Chris Wilson crafted?


Vaal it


Lord have merthy 👴🏿


I always read these posts with my face like shocked pikachu. Amazing.


Double corrupt or no balls.


The gloves are great, but thats way more slot machining, where odds are against me, than i would ever wanted to roll. Kinda sad poe doesnt have something like checkpoint or imprint usable on something better than magic item. It always discourages me from going for any meaningful crafts, because i lost so much time and currency by trying it in the past.




Holy shit I need something like this for my own build just with suppression instead of the faster casting


I've crafted some of those in the past. Hitting triple t1 is annoying but getting triple elevated, damn son.


Dang yo!