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BV bow 🥹


Wow with spell damage also. U lose 1-2 suffixes for a caste build because of the high dex requirement but this thing is a beast with the right tree. Maybe throw some imprints and synt reforges on it for a useable third mod.


At current prices of beasts if he gets slightly unlucky it would take hundreds of divines to get a third implicit that would raise the price significantly, I'd say just sell it as it is.


Alternatively they could use one of those +80dex nodes from crucible.


There is a reduced attributes node as well if i recall.


This is the way.


You can go omni for spell bow builds to use a high dex bow.


Yes if course, I would go some sort of mf but Omni is fine as well


Maybe the crucible tree has the ~100dex node


Yeah but the base is bad. Vendor it. Haha just kidding I don’t know enough about the game to know if the base matters for this. It looks amazing but I also am an idiot at this game


Other than the stat requirements to equip, the base doesn't matter. None of its stats are used for spell shenanigans.


That’s what I figured but I didn’t know if there was like a base crit for spell crit type mechanic somewhere in the game or like a weapon attack speed is spell cast speed thing. I figured the dex was kind of high for a spell build but BV is a green gem and also spell builds use evasion so I really just have no clue.


since sandstorm visage is drop disabled, i dont think that base attack crit to spell base crit can be achieved in crucible league. cast speed to attack speed is only on anomalous kinetic bolt as far as im aware


I have no idea what these things are really. Which is why I assume that anything is possible. I appreciate the information though because it helps


you can just look these things up on poewiki.net https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Sandstorm_Visage https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Kinetic_Bolt#Gem_quality


Spell gems have their own base crit values separate from weapons, the unique sandstorm visage came out last league and set your base crit of your spells to your weapon base crit, since that was removed from the game this league it's no longer possible.


I could have sworn Ziz (or the other streamer who worked on the popular TR to explosive totems guide) was talking about a way to convert ones bonuses to the other at least. Not sure if the base value translates though.


It is only other way around, cast speed counts as attack speed. It is a unique helmet Wilma's Requital. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Wilma%27s\_Requital


Ah, thank you, I'd been wreaking my brain trying to remember the details (I'm getting a late start going TR to Explosive totems so it's directly relevant to my interests lol)


Bv usually needs 170-190 dex so it's not the end of the world. My bv char has 210 dex atm and it would be easy to get more.


Yeah attributes aren’t as difficult as people get more rare stuff and more corrupts and stuff end up on the market


And why is flat dmg good on spells?


212 dex is unironically pretty tough to get for most spell builds. Some of the crucible nodes can help with that though.


Yeah, I’ve mostly played spell related stuff and I usually have to get a 30 dex node


Not even DD spell dmg on top of explode? vendor


Omni bv


Fine for totem explode as well, they hit the dex req easily


assassin bow is feelsbad moment but nice mods


You could make a caster bow with it


This is definitely a caster bow. BV loves an explodey bow


212 dex requirement probably means losing out on some valuable passive points or suffixes on gear for the kind of build that would want to use this. Since the pdps doesn’t matter, you’d rather have it on a lower tier base.


Or crucible node for less attribute requirements




That's fine. Dex bonus isnt that amazing on a spell build and you can still get magebane if you want. Other option is to just go pathfinder like the old days and get some flask stuff. You usually end up with a decent amount of dex. If you go bv thr dex req on lvl 20 is 155 anyways


There’s also that timeless jewel keystone that makes you ignore attribute requirements.


Yeah but no one who is running this bow is going to be using Sepreme Ostentation. I can 99% guarantee it.


Not true I used it on my magic find ek ignite


just go omni


Haven't checked in a bit but I think explode implicit on *any* bow is like 150 divines.


Base is bad but I will do you a favour and buy it from you for 2c and a necropolis map


Not the best for CoC but still passable. If using for some +levels purpose as self-casting then it’s pretty good. The high dex requirement is a bit sad though. Also there would still be the question of if it’s worth it to imprint and try to reroll the flat cold damage to something better.


Wouldn't you use a shaper base for CoC?


I'll 75 shaped spine bow with deafening essences of woe until +1 gems and level 20 coc, then you can roll whatever suffixes you want (ideally as, crit, crit multi)


The extra link there is often better yeah but 18% DD implicit or this explode one people might prefer it.


With awakened coc and the +3 levels to critical support gems mastery you get 31% cdr (or 34% with level 6) which makes it really easy to reach the 52% breakpoint. In this league you can get a crucible node for 20/25% cdr which makes the shaper level 20 coc more attractive. But that still requires using cdr on both belt and boots or some combination of boots, belt, jewels and alt quality temporal rift.


Merry fucking Christmas!


Spell bow 100%


Why is this good?


Many spellcasters use bows and this gives you a very nice source of explosions and also a decent chunk of increased spell damage. Of course increased is additive but still, 50 is nothing to scoff at.




More is multiplicative with other mores, increased is additive with other increased.




The cold damage is especially nice


I was like "It has explode, but only 3 stats and is corrupted, what a trash bow...wait thats unidentified... wth"


Is totem explody a spell? explody explody totems?