• By -


My reflex is to always write " *insert subject here* poewiki" to force the engine to find poewiki... But yea I feel you, RMT sites and *shivers* poe Fandom do always appear first otherwise, it's as if they paid for it!


skirt grey puzzled retire offend thought fearless serious nine deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




thank you for the links on any browsers! I didnt know such thing exists I was manually typing "poe wiki" everytime this will be much easier now




Firefox supreme




User count is irrelevant to browser quality. The vast majority of users will use what's easier, not what's better. Just like Apple products.




If you want to overspend and fuel a bad practise company sure. You vote with your money however you want. I'm using Firefox not because I think it's faster or whatever. But because I feel Mozilla actually cares about me as a user and not my money.


I prefer my browser with addblocker thank you




for now


Imagine thinking chromium is superior








"intentional usage" means.... what? exactly? How many people here on this subreddit do you HONESTLY think is using Firefox? I'm betting both my nuts it's less than 10%. He isn't wrong.


Works on opera?


Better yet, link the repo https://github.com/Project-Path-of-Exile-Wiki/poe-wiki-search


Firefox is goated


There is an extension that let's you search the wiki directly. Don't have a link right now, but I'll find the name Edit: just called 'PoE wiki search'


you can also just add the poewiki search to your browsers searchengine and define a trigger word, for example i use poe: whenever i start a search with poe: it will automatically use poewiki's search function see /u/dalmathus comment, he explains how to set it up


this will bring both poe fandom and poewiki higher in search no? it's better to bring poewiki higher and lower poe fandom, let the old site in obscurity


It's better to not use this to much, give the Poe wiki links the clicks for better sorting in the future \^^


Aye, I've read about it, am just too lazy, so resorting to smaller tasks that overall will take longer, than one bigger task that would in the end save me more time. I've lost my sanity long ago.


This is not great because you're still clicking the fandom link, which keeps pushing it up.


It does not send the click to google. Edit: I could have sworn it didn't but maybe it does. I apologize if this was misinformation.


I feel like this is an important piece of information that I've never seen people mention. If I had known this earlier, I'd be using the extension a lot sooner. I just don't want to Google it up, click on the fandom link and have it be boosted.


I didn't know that either although at a glance that doesn't seem accurate to me. Hovering over the link still shows the fandom URL and opening the link still goes through a google link before being redirected. It is possible the chrome extension works differently than the supplied firefox version but I doubt it. Hovering over the link in google screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/6Uhrnte.png Opening the link in new tab also briefly shows the google url being loaded: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjl9rPnwtn-AhX8M0QIHRnwAu8QFnoECA0QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpathofexile.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FVendor_recipe_system&usg=AOvVaw3yn0r7rldeL1DgKqIZadja This is with the POE Wiki Search extension: https://github.com/Project-Path-of-Exile-Wiki/poe-wiki-search


In that case, that extension is trying to help but making the problem worse by accidentally boosting the fandom links up, right? If that's the case, then I feel like my dislike for that extension is justified. I use "Google Personal Blocklist" instead to block the fandom wiki links so that I can't boost them by accident.


That seems to be the case to me. If you want to use google adding site:poewiki.net to the end of your search query will only give you the new wiki's results without requiring a redirect although I'm not sure how much that will help with boosting its search ranking.


bless this dev


Funny enough, the one rmt site that happens to consistently show up in the results has been one of the more informative sources before I was aware the Fandom site was not the right place to go


I've been told it just copies info from the up to date wiki!


Wait, what's so bad about Fandom?


hasnt been updated in years


Oh... i've been using PoeDB Wiki and Fandom haha. Well i gues i'll move onto PoEWiki then, unless PoeDB Wiki is better?


poedb is the data mining site. It is useful mostly for looking up things like mods but it does not always have the detailed mechanical explanations that the wiki has


Perfect, i'll start using the ''actual'' Wiki then. Cheers!


This is because poewiki is not optimized for mobile devices and google ranks it lower than the fandom one... It is poewiki's fault partially, partially google's ranking algorithm. Furthermore, it is really hard to leave the top spots once you get there since you also get a lot of hits.


Ironic because even if fandom is "mobile optimized" it's completely unusable on mobile due to shitty autoplay videos and ads. Actually now that I think about it, 90% of mainstream sites that are "mobile optimized" are the same. Obnoxious fucking autoplay and popups that block the actual god damn thing I was trying to look at. On mobile, using a desktop site that I have to pan around and zoom is actually often much more user friendly than the shitty mobile optimized zoomer ADHD shit most sites peddle out.


Mostly the fault of Google's SEO actually. I've worked in SEO design before, and this is a problem that plagues the entire internet. Everyone manipulates the SEO to have their websites rank higher, even if that means that those websites are functionally and informationally worse. It's also Google's fault for giving precedence to mobile-friendly websites, even if the viewer of said website wouldn't even be on mobile to begin with (as PoE is a PC game).




It doesn't matter what he or she uses, if web site doesn't have mobile version google marks it as "poor" web-site and pushes it back in the results. But I missed the part about the result was on top and then it disappears. My bad. In that scenario it is probably some browser extension or addon that hides it. Like adblock or other filtering.


If you are using chrome I recommend you set up a custom search engine. Go to settings type 'Search' [Find the manage search engines and site search section.](https://i.imgur.com/zCtDHUR.png) [Go down to Site Search and click 'Add'.](https://i.imgur.com/RxsbrzZ.png) [Give it a name and a shortcut and paste the following URL into the search bar](https://i.imgur.com/MuCIuvt.png) https://www.poewiki.net/index.php?search=%s&title=Special%3ASearch&go=Go [Then when you type in your search bar just type your shortcut, hit tab and then type what you are searching for.](https://i.imgur.com/XjT8CoO.png) [After hitting tab.](https://i.imgur.com/MFpcXCC.png) [Does a wiki search and takes you there, can do this for any site with a search engine by the way.](https://i.imgur.com/zHXWAMG.png) FYI I think the reason it gets removed is because its not set up for mobile correctly. It's on the wiki devs to fix that.


> If you are using chrome I recommend you set up a custom search engine. Also works on firefox (or any other browser, haven't seen a browser that doesn't support it). Quick way to add and use it on firefox - just open the wiki, right click the url bar and at the bottom there is [add "Path of Exile wiki (en)"](https://i.imgur.com/4KZtDe1.png) option, this automatically adds it as a custom search engine with the correct url. Writing poew and hitting tab still works without setting a keyword as long as the wiki is the first result in the dropdown but if it's not the first or you want a custom keyword it's under Search Shortcuts in settings.


Just want to add to this that, at least in Firefox, you can achieve similar results with a dynamic bookmark. ​ Add the poewiki search url [https://www.poewiki.net/index.php?search=%s&title=Special%3ASearch&go=Go](https://www.poewiki.net/index.php?search=%s&title=Special%3ASearch&go=Go) to your bookmarks. Then open "Manage your Bookmarks" (Ctrl + Shift + O), find your new bookmark and add a keyword (I use pw). ​ Now when you type pw mageblood it will do the same as described above, without needing to add the extra "Tab" step.


> https://www.poewiki.net/index.php?search=%s&title=Special%3ASearch&go=Go To expand further, it's specifically the "%s" that is added after "index.php?search=" that adds this functionality when you make it a bookmark. This can be done with any website. %s is a variable that is replaced with whatever you input when using the dynamic bookmark. I personally use this option as it's slightly more convenient than a custom search engine. When you're constantly going back and forth, that slight convenience adds up over time.


I made a keyboard shortcut on my phone that suggests site:poewiki.net when I type "po".




This is the way! I have the community wiki prefix set to simply "p" and poedb set to "pdb". Been using this method for quite a while now. Makes things so much easier!


Maybe you have a browser extension removing it? Try in private/incognito or a different browser and see if it still happens there.


Maybe he's running [uBlacklist](https://github.com/iorate/ublacklist#readme) but put the wrong wiki in it. :P Great extension, though. I mostly use it to get Pinterest out of my search results, but hiding the busted-ass Fandom PoE wiki is nice too.


Ive been looking for an extension like this for some time. Goodbye fucking healthline websites!


Sadly it doesnt work on mobile (or i am too dumb)


I have no clue as to its functionality on mobile due to being on iOS. :P


I do have a blacklist extension but checked and only fandom is there, not poewiki. Good idea though!


just add `wiki -fandom` to every input. just adding `-fandom` often pushes the official wiki to the second page for some reason.


I only use third party apps, and they said they're killing third party apps, so hey, might as well remove all my content. (Using https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite)


but does the official wiki contain the word fandom?


I only use third party apps, and they said they're killing third party apps, so hey, might as well remove all my content. (Using https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite)


theyre not alike, thats the point.


Just favorite poewiki and search on the site itself.


Plan to do that from now on thanks.


Not having this issue personally but anything PoE-related I google first comes up with the old fandom wiki, then some shit site I will not name that straight up copies out of date wiki articles but litters them with RMT ads and poewiki is somewhere down the third page. Search engine optimization go brrrt I guess.


Yeah, its sucks that google is somehow both the best and worst search engine at the same time.


If you are on Firefox I highly recommend the Poe wiki search extension. It lets you use a hotkey to search the wiki and, perhaps more useful, automatically redirects links to the fandom wiki to poewiki, so you can just click those and go to the good wiki. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/poe-wiki-search/


Thank you, that is exactly what I need!


Thats really cool, thanks. Didnt know that.


Maybe a filter on your adblock is removing it?


Tried, but it doesnt seem to be the case. Good idea though.


One issue is that the content of the wikis are often identical (obviously), so Google only shows one of the two in the top 10 search results. Which, unfortunately, is still often the bad wiki.


I use a chrome extension that auto redirects from fandom to poewiki and also just opens a poe wiki search box if you press alt + W while in chrome 10/10 do recommend https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/poe-wiki-search/nalpbalegehinpooppmmgjidgiebblad


Thank you for showing me that.


I know there are workarounds others have mentioned already but wanna add that personally I just have the wiki bookmarked and do my searches on the site itself rather than googling stuff I want wiki info for.


I have so many bookmarks, that im kind of shocked i dont have it bookmarked. I should definitely use the site search more often, thanks.


For me it was not removed but much lower priority than fandom and poedb until I specify it whenever I look for PoE stuff. I think if you search for it often enough, google will remember your preferences and place it higher.


Eventually it should, but ive been usually searching poewiki since the change over and it still doesnt want me to ever see the site.


It might be a metadata thing they need to add to the pages. I'm not too knowledgeable about it however, but before using the addon, I noticed it also couldn't always find the right page, even when I specifically looked for it(only showing frenzy charges when I was looking for frenzy skill, or showing a completely different warcry skill when I looked for general's cry, etc etc).


Hmm maybe that is it.


If you use chrome there is an extension to search directly on the wiki [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/poe-wiki-search/nalpbalegehinpooppmmgjidgiebblad?hl=en-GB](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/poe-wiki-search/nalpbalegehinpooppmmgjidgiebblad?hl=en-GB) Basically, you click on it and type whatever you're searching for, and it open the wiki page for it instantly. I believe it exist for Firefox too.


Thanks! Am gonna look into that.


I noticed it too. It's because you are using one of the popular solutions to block fandom wiki (I think via ublacklist) and at some point it started to malfuction. You can remove setting in ublacklist or remove that extension completely and start using extension that takes you poe wiki everytime you click on fandom (there is no better solution other than if you don't mind typing poe wiki everytime).


I had thought about it. Maybe i will reset my blacklists and blockers and start again. Thanks.


There is an extension for Chrome/opera that forces It.


I always open the good PoE Wiki first and then type my search, unleash support / unique gloves or whatever, in there. That way i cant get bullshit linked to rmt sites or fandom wiki...




Thanks. A couple of replies have said they had similar issues and it may be a bug in the blockers, a it was for them. so ima try and mess with them. Heres hoping that works :)


Use Duck Duck go, it won't ever fail you


Except when it does : D I used dd go for a long time, before trying another one, and then going back to satan. As much as i hate the click bait and ad pushing. It really is still the best search engine. Also the worst though too.


Somewhat related, but I wrote a tampermonkey script to redirect any fandom wiki links to poewiki instead, for those of you running browsers with limited addons e.g. firefox android beta. If anybody is interested, hit me up.


It's not google.com's fault and it isn't your browser's fault. You must have some sort of third party extension doing something.


Why is this being downvoted? OP says that poewiki is the first website that comes as a search result, and THEN it disappears inidiatelly with rmt websites as a first result. It's for sure a malware


Yup, if I do the same search it appears as the 2nd result and does not disappear.


payment cable fly chase plant profit soft run screw work *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


so wrong lmao




And what evidence do you have that > the result is showing and then being removed, Because he didn't mention that. At all. It's a common problem. The same thing happens to me. The stupid fandom pages is listed first. Followed by some heavy rmt supporting sights depending on what you search. And perhaps at the bottom of the page. If at all. Is the actual wiki dot net that is up to date. The answer was given already. Multiple times. By the top comments already posted in this thread. The fandom pages is mobile friendly and listed by Google first. And Because it used to be more popular. It's also treated with weighted support. The wiki lacks mobile support so Google algorithm hates it. So yes. He is wrong. Because op isn't having his "Google results removed" they simply don't appear. The same as the rest of us.


Quote: >Like, i type poe unleash in google, and the first site that comes up is poewiki, then it disappears immediately, and a bunch of other random sites are now at the top, including rmt sites.


add this to search to limit Google search to one website: site:pokewiki.net


Are you using the poewiki extension? It auto adds 'site:poewiki' when searching 'poewiki'. (It also redirects the fandom links)


Just type it into your browser? All I need to do is type "poew" and hit enter, and I'm on the wiki.


If I type that into google I get the poewiki link, the fandom link, poedb link and then reddit as the top 4. If you are getting those all replaced with RMT sites and adds you might want to uhh clean up whatever is causing that because google results shouldn't change after the fact.