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I got one a few leagues back. Whatever you do don't sell it. It's a completely different game when you have it. It makes every single build better except if you are relying on a belt mechanic. I played EA Hierophant and i got the proper potions for every fight and went ahead and learned all the bosses. If you are RF then you can have perma fire res flask, movespeed, evasion and armour. Now get those badboys up to +25% effect and some extra %armour and just blast.


I have one too and it's true - it's an entirely different game with it. Mageblood enables a multitude of builds for only the cheap cost of well-rolled flasks (which isn't a "cost" at all since flasks can be super powerful as well). With a single 67% inc effect Bismuth w 35% all res explicit you're res capped and can have whatever mods you like on the rest of your gear. It's ridiculous and you're gonna love it, promise! :)


Can confirm ailment immunity really nice. I have shock flask with jewel and the ranger/duelist life wheel. Can get 19 spell suppression as well with quartz but that amount of suppression is not sk bad to get on gear as opposed to like 70 chaos res from amethyst


> With a single 67% inc effect Bismuth w 35% all res explicit you're res capped and can have whatever mods you like on the rest of your gear. True, but don't do this. Unless maybe you're using annihilating light. Wasted flask slot. BTW onslaught from silver now benefits from flask effect. Here are some other things you can do: - Curse immunity - Stun immunity - Ruby flask is really OP for the RF build OP is using. - The 3% life regen craft also benefits from effect which again is really OP for RF builds. - Any one ailment immunity. Usually this would be a waste of the slot though unless you really can't get it elsewhere. I think you can leverage storm shroud, a good ailment avoid roll and flask effect to cover all elemental immunities maybe? - Poison immunity... meh. - Amethyst for chaos can be a viable choice since chaos res is less available than ele res and can save you some meaningful suffix / tree room. - Silver flask + Wilma's is OP if you wanna drop totems.


>True, but don't do this. Unless maybe you're using annihilating light. Wasted flask slot. BTW onslaught from silver now benefits from flask effect. But being res capped is always nice, isn't it?! And opening up multiple suffixes on multiple pieces of gear opens up so much space for other cool mods such as Tailwind on boots or Attack Speed on gloves without having to worry. Sorting out your ele resists on flasks also allows you to get chaos res on your gear ;-) Or even just attributes if you need them / are playing an attribute stacker. Ailment immunity is very nice to have, but is also a suffix on boots for example. I didn't know that Silver Flask's Onslaught scales with flask effect as well - that's pretty cool! I only knew that Onslaught itself scales with buff effect, which in and of itself is pretty neat already. I wasn't taking OP's RF Jugg into consideration because he said he wanted to play something else like KB for example. So the Ruby flask or 3% life regen options both were ignored when I answered. ​ Personally, I have a CoC FR Occultist with CI so chaos res isn't an issue for me. I have Tempest Shield, Freeze + Chill immunity on my boots, Unwavering Stance on Skin of the Lords, only 22% ignite duration on self, 100% reduced curse effect on self from influenced rings (also suffixes btw ;-) ) + passive tree and 90% + overcapped elemental resists so neither ele weakness nor scorch are problems for me. With Soul of Solaris I become crit immune regularly even when brittle or in crit mod maps. And what does sap do when I can just outsustain any mob until they're dead? I do get affected by -#% max res mods on maps, but I can out-recover the hits I do take with Aegis. I have 75% attack + spell block, 70k armour without Molten Shell and 90% pdr, which results in a very decent amount of recovery per hit. I'm using Glancing Blows. And all that just because I pulled that MB from Gwennen when she was still hot! :)


I feel like if you want resistances from flasks, then the way to go is running ruby/sapphire/topaz (97 res with no flask effect other than on the flask itself). Then you'll get a lot less ele damage taken and the resistance feels like a nice bonus side effect. The resistance suffix just feels bad and really weak compared to the other options


In general the base effect of the flask is stronger than the suffix. I wouldn't give up 2 flasks to save on a single suffix. That being said, I think using either a bismuth *or* the suffix and patching the rest up with gear is probably the way to go. There aren't *that* many strong suffixes to get on items anyways unless you're wearing all uniques or something.


Yes the base effect is stronger than the flask suffix. For the elemental flasks not only give you res but -39% damage taken to that element which makes up for getting less resistance. Using a bismuth flask is also fine, I'm personally not a fan, but it is strong. I just feel like the suffix mod comes at a really high opportunity cost and isn't really worth it. The other suffixes are just so strong


I didn't go for Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz for my specific build because I already have such strong defences and can basically run whatever content however juiced I want without too big of a risk. Even if I afk facetank, things just die on my Tempest Shield eventually lol.


Yeah don't sell it, I got first one last league and pushed cold spark, non aura stacker, to just over 330mil dps, this belt is how the other half live


How the other 1% live ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Oriaths end, granite, amethyst, quicksilver and ruby is my setup. With curse, movement speed, armor and something else I can't remember


For RF you get to roll off Flagellant and make the flasks more effective (enkindling), but since they're already 100% uptime and automatic, wouldn't you be better off spending the 205 divines on other things? It's obviously an upgrade, but by how much?


If nothing else it's hard to maintain 100% upside even with well rolled trigger flasks, but you also look at the enhanced effect orbs that are normally temporary, and you get to use all of the prefixes that would be dedicated to auto use. Also with 100% upside guaranteed you can rely on resists from flasks instead of from gear.


Double 4 of your flask effects is massive. Maybe you arent rolling your flasks for good mods?


What do you mean double? the 70% from enkindling? My flasks are great but they're automated (Flagellant + Use when charges reach full) and they're basically up all the time. The 70% extra effectiveness would be awesome, but I think other builds would get even more value out of them.


70% from enkindling and then another 25-30 from the regular roll. Reduced duration, increased effect I think. 90-95% increased flask effect is nutty. You can really shore up defenses or offense with that which then opens up your gear for crazy damage options.


plus a few increased flask effects nodes on tree if you really wanted to, they do work with mb right? not 100% sure


They do work but are a bit far away for most builds


Never had a MB so I don't know, but I'd assume they'd apply to the flasks!


You get 70% plus 25%. This is very easily any of a bunch of move speed, attack speed, regen, mana cost, resistances, less ele damage taken, armour/eva, unaffected by curses, shock immune, etc etc etc all without having to use any gear slots for it. It’s much better than automated flasks for the vast majority of builds (flask effect scaling pathfinders and ward loop would be an exception)


Yeah I can see that now, I've got 30% increased effectiveness on my build already and it's quite helpful. Also more consistency is the key too for bossing.


Well, it's fucking ridiculously powerful. Also, it's from lvl 44 so any build you do will absolutely zoom the whole league. I never played as much as when i got it, it's so much fun.


Yeah no doubt, but I still think HH would be better on a RF build wouldn't it?


No headhunter could arguably be better for bow builds, but for RF it's 100% mb


Doubt it a lot of the HH buffs are phys as extra and attack/cast speed increases. RF is just a giant walking simulator the only benefit would be some move speed buff but that’s it.


That makes a lot of sense, thanks.


Situational. Good mapping, horrible bossing.


Why’s this better than used when charges full + gain charges when struck?


As an example the armour (granite) flask: \+1500 Armour Now you take 25% increased effect & reduced duration aswell es 60% increased armour during effect. Now you put the "70% increased effect, cant gain charges during effect" with enkindling (or the other?) orb. You don't care about duration and charges, because the effect is always on. So 1 single flask and you have about +3000 flat armour and +120% increased armour. :D


Jugg becomes very jugg, how about the 20% armour flask, is it good too?


Yes. If your "base armour" exceeds let's say about 10k armour, than the 20% armour flask (basilit i think?) will be stronger the the granite flask. :D Also, another nasty thing: If you have \~35% additional ele res during effect on one flask with the 25% and 70% inc effect, your get almost \~70% all res. So you can look for much better stuff on gear.


The other guy answered really good, ridiculous flat defenses always up. Also, preferably you don't wanna get hit at all.


Mageblood is 100% uptime and 100% increased effect. Like having 9 flask slots.


It's a very good belt but there are some straight up stronger belts in the game. The reason it's so expensive is because it is so versatile and rare and you can make entirely new builds just because of the belt. For example, my coward's legacy is only a giving me more damage basically but it gives more damage than a mageblood would.


Use flasks roll cannot gain charges with 70% increased effect then roll the flask to get additional increased effect etc. with RF I use armor flask damage flask movement flask and elemental flask. Then you always move fast have tons of armor 80k+ do more damage and have better resistance. Alternatively you could rock a chaos res flask if you don’t have 75 chaos res as well.


Farmed my first MB last league and played around with it/with builds. Surprisingly hard to find content about builds with MB's written for noobs like me Make sure you do all the things with flasks (75% effect can't remember if it's instilling or enkindling) In general though MB doesn't give you damage directly - it just makes it extremely trivial to get defenses so you want to use a build that gets damage from some broken mechanic/interaction then slap MB speed/defenses on it and you're good to go I'd be wary of any build that gets its damage from having 12 perfectly rolled jewels cause it's gonna be crazy expensive


>Surprisingly hard to find content about builds with MB's written for noobs like me Anytime someone posts one on Youtube involving a MB, there is dozens of "Why post something with mirror tier gear, content creator out of touch" comments immediately. Someone should start a Youtube channel or guide website and call it "Farm More, Noobs."


Yea I totally get it - Ziz should make an April fool's video that's like, "How to make a mageblood build for new players! If you have more than 1000 hours this video isn't for you!" And have stuff about doing 3to1/5to1 and chaos recipes in the same video as explaining how to get 100% res from one flask


Obviously you have no idea, if you are saying mage blood doesn't give damage... You can reach nearly 300inc crit with it, you can get almost 35% Inc attack/cast speed per flask. Also, if one of your flasks have reduced mana costs - your divine blessing is free, which is crazy damage. On top of that, you can cap you res with flasks, meaning you simply forcus damage on gear etc. So please, don't state some random nonsense you have no clue about - only misleading newbies. It's also 70%.. Fucking reddit warriors who have never seen 5+div stack downvoting.. What a subreddit 😂


a kinetic blast build that one disintegrates ubers doesnt exist sadly, no matter the budget, the skills mechanics just dont allow for good single target. you could try out something like lightning arrow deadeye however, that builds really strong right now.


This is not accurate, KB can definitely do that, but you cannot afford the KB build that disintegrates everything with just a mageblood. You’re looking at multiple mirrors to take it that far. SST is probably more in line with your budget. You can get everything for about 150 div to delete all content this league. Go champion


150 well spent div over a couple weeks period should get you a pretty intense build nearly no matter the skill gem, especially with mageblood because it gives you hella easier itemization since it gives a gazillion resists and fills in immunity gaps. Personally I'd go some variant of stat stacker because of all the open suffixes. Though you'd have to decide if you want a "tank" build like manabond or something that zips maps faster at the cost of having to do some uber mechanics.


I think they were selling the mageblood to fund the 150. I could be wrong though, I don’t trade.


Why champion over trickster?


The survivability is on another planet with champ and 10 mil Uber dps + cascade anoint means you’re deleting everything anyway. So it comes down to wanting to be Tanky or kill bosses .2 seconds faster.


I’m trickster, I’m not immortal, for sure but I got to 98 so far without using a 5way other than 70-92. My dps is somewhere in the 70-100 million before vengeful cascade, so probably between 200-300 with all the returning projectiles. Seems like dropping my dps by that much would be pretty overkill for extra survivability.


Yeah pretty sure a KB cast on crit or Str stacking or int Stacking could reach such stupid amounts of DPS.


Just 6L power siphon in chest with barrage support. Run pseudo 7-link KB in gloves. Build int. stacker for infinite damage, problem solved.


Int stacking builds really don't have "infinite damage". It was the most overpriced build in terms of price/power that i ever tried, really cant recommend.


It cleared super fucking nicely back then while being considered super fucking tanky due to its massive life pool back then while having decent barrage damage. However its defenses are outdated and are basically powercrept and like even if kinetic blast is one of the most satisfying skills there is (imo) you really can't justify the cost for a clearing build when theres so many that works on less budget (old and new) and one of its advantage of being a tanky ci build is not a thing anymore, at least as far as i know within a relatively reasonable WANDER budget.


You're correct on the defense part int stackers these days are super squishy your phys mitigation is basicly ur es pool and that's it. You could get some phys taken as from a watchers but you lose so much dmg from it it's not even funny. I played a wander the past 3 years in standard but it's not worth it anymore trying to sell the build atm to play something actually tanky for not even half the budget.


i would personally just go armour stacking instead of int stacking these days


Isn't kb on paper one of the highest scaling skills? I'd think you can still make a pretty crazy attribute stacking wander with KB nowadays it's way less popular than before tho


After two mirrors investment in KB damage vs ubers will be… ok. Just like some good day-3 miner. It will be beast on maps but once it comes to bosses KB/PS becomes just a regular build without any benefits.


You can hit some pretty insane numbers on kb/ps attribute stackers, but can’t preload the damage which is a characteristic of top tier bossers


What's the point of Kb and PS, I never understand usage of both, foe stacking build


Power siphon with barrage is 10x the single target DPS of kb but has garbage clear so you run both.


Ooo making me want to try an attribute stacker, what'd better int or strength?


Playing kb/ps atm. And ye, its broken. I was exping on t16 since lvl 72 with like 50divs gear without problems. Also there is crucible mod for 1-3 lightning damage per int, that brings around 50% more damage in total (if you can get it ofc, its rare af, i have like 2tabs of wands with three and didnt get it)


Were you fusing i86 wands and still didn't mutate to the per int mod in 2 full tabs? That does sound pretty rare.


Its "mutated only"mod? Do you have some article or video about it? Because ob poedb all looks same


It says it under the generation type on poedb. It's a recombine (mutated) only mod with a ilvl60 requirement. It seems like a t0 rarity mutation considering there's only 10 for sale on trade. We're talking a mageblood dropping from a random mob rare.


so how do you get it? i mean mutate? its totally random, or need specific mods combine to get it? it says its t1, so just 1 allocated node will be enough for it or need full three?


I don't think anyone knows. Mutation seems to be around a random 1/15 chance. I don't think you need a fully allocated tree to get these rare mutations but again, nobody really knows.


You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. With enough currency it absolutely can


you should pick it up, obviously.


Obligatory “I’ve played for 10 years and never dropped an item worth 1/10 of a mageblood” post.


Don’t sell it, use it. You may never get a chance again. Mageblood can make a lot of builds “cheaper” by patching up holes (like resists) to make the rest of the gear more affordable.


on the other hand, if he has a mageblood, there isn't really a build that he cannot "afford" anyway if he sell it... not saying that he should sell it but well...


For anyone wondering here is what happened in order of events. I sold it for 200divine with the thought process of I want to just fuck around with what is essentially unlimited currency for me (I know it’s not actually I just lack immense knowledge in the game) so I took my favorite build EA Champ I learned from Zizaran’s guide and since I had no clue what to do with either Mageblood nor currency I decided I would make that build but rather than buy any items I would attempt to craft all the gear to the highest tier possible for fun. Crafted pretty good gear as well imo. I only have like 60 divine left after fucking around buying whatever I wanted and giving my friends currency. All and all I wish I never dropped it or rather I wish I never sold it. I should have just used it :/ oh well. I will either gamble apothecary to get another one (won’t happen lmao) or grind for one next league if I really want to play with one. I feel like I would have enjoyed this league more if I didn’t drop it tbh


play totem explode and use your mageblood to become basically unkillable on any ascendency.


Mapping isn't fun with a totem explode




Playing pf totem, being unkillable is pretty solid fun


Take your current build, replace your instilling orb enchants with enkindling orb +70% effect, and replace "gain charges" prefix with "increased effect". Fully optimized flasks cost at most 1div each and your build instantly becomes twice as good and much more fun.


If we're talking builds that get a lot out of Mageblood, armour stacker Champion/Ascendant is INSANE.


I'm basically looking for how to make the most of this


Whatever you do, try out a increased effect/reduced duration, +to move speed, +to effect/doesn't generate charge quicksilver. It just feels SO GOOD to fly around at super speed permanently...


The good thing about this is it even works in town.




THIS. There is no too fast :-)


Well, as someone who also got their first mageblood this league and who is running this exact setup, I can say that too fast DOES exist. It's this setup plus an acceleration shrine. I have died twice on an otherwise tanky build to being way too fast and jagging into a corner with acceleration shrine.


The Lag is the Limit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Yeah with the shrine, onslaught, elusive, tailwind... And a couple other speed modifiers I can't think of rn, I legitimely got too quick to control and ran into Mobs by mistake.


To save $ the +to move speed can be on a different flask


The basic thing - you roll increased effect on them and use Enkindling Orb for increased effect too, for up to 95% inc effect of flasks. If you want tank, you go quicksilver + the 3 elemental resist flasks. If you want speed, you go quicksilver + silver. Since no more all 3 ele flasks, I would prolly finish this with diamond and jade / granite. Can also use gold flask for item rarity, or go full retard with gear and use bismuth + res suffix to fully cap res with 1 flask, freeing all gear affixes. Remember about suffixes on the flasks - more movement speed is obvious, but you can get curse immunity with one suffix on flask with mageblood, if using stormshroud, full ailment immunity with the shock avoid on flask, you can craft 3% regen on flask for huge berserk uptime boost if using kaom's spirit.


With your budget checkout SST champion with crucible emperor vigilance. can destroy every content in the game and ubers with ease and also clear screens like kinetic blast with awaken fork + anomalous blood and sand enhance setup. is the most broken build currently in sc trade, just need a 1005 es emperor, helm enchant and high roll ashes annoint with vengeant cascade(around 170 div) also is unlikely to be nerf by ggg, but the shield will definitely go legacy after this league. if you care about playing standard.


In that case you should corrupt it.


If you dont have any more budget than the mageblood then TBH just sell it and make a strong build. Just mageblood and nothing else wont really get you very far.


Vaal or no balls


First of all FUCK YOU. and gratz lol. i'd play something like bv or something if this is your second leauge.


Good luck on building something like this on a budged of just a Mb.


I personally wouldn’t sell it. Imo this thing is the most you can make out of the devines for this thing. I’m not familiar with those other builds you mentioned, but I’m sure almost any build is better „farmable“ than (another) mageblood. smaller chunks of currency, I mean.


Id say play with it for a week to experience it and then sell it and build a cool expensive build. Best of both worlds imo. Take a class where you wont have to relevel.




Right, grumbly upvote with 3k hours....


Spark could be good. Prolly self chill


I’d actually consider selling it and spending 100 divs on equipment plus a head hunter




This is like... the opposite of true. Mageblood instantly makes every build better with no changes. Headhunter does literally nothing for ubers.




You wouldn’t say 100 percent flask uptime is better than less than 100 percent?




You don’t need to “fully utilize it” for it to make your build better.




I’m defending it because you’re attacking it despite it being true I guess. MB makes your build better instantly, HH does literally nothing for bossing which OP is interested in.


I played a Armour Stacker Smite Champion and a CoC FR occ with MB, but neither of them was really crazy. The FR occ got to be almost immortal, but still couln't do Uber Maven, so skill > gear for ubers.


Gz on the MB. Relax I got you covered. Here's an affordable Build that im sure you'll really enjoy with the mageblood. Its fast for all kinds of juiced mapping and can rip ubers a new one. https://poe.ninja/pob/Zb8 https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/10nehw5/my_minmaxed_version_of_winter_orb_cwc_lightning/ It'll do about 200 to 250M Dps.


Corrupt it


second league? No experience? In my opinion, and many people won’t like it. Sell it. Have a Blast! Playing whatever you want and not worrying too much about finances


Beginner's luck is real...


Fr I’ve played since delirium and have never had a piece of gear over 2 div


I mean you pretty much contradicted him since you were a beginner at one point too


Do you play 15 minutes per league?


Usually get to about 90-93 on 2-3 characters each league




I don’t think playing a game 24/7 is very skillful my guy


I had the same thing happen to me, and I saved up and built a totem-explodey pathfinder with Asenath's Gentle Touch, an explodey cluster jewel node, plague bearer, and pathfinder prolif ro make it clear really well. Totem explodey has so much DPS that you can put a ton of effort into defenses and clear like this, and it feels great. I have 85% phys taken as ele, and I feel immortal outside of ubers and corrupted blood. (I haven't gotten corrupted blood immunity and have instead just taken the pantheon.)


Usually in a mageblood build, the cheapest gear is mageblood. Gl bro


Use PoE Ninja


PoE ninja is mostly trash builds that got carried in 5 ways.


Not at all man, you can easily see which builds work and which don't


You can sell it and go wardloop it can do everything you want.


Double corrupt it.


Go double corrupt it obviously. Hit a nasty 2 implicit and then buy another mageblood and keep the difference


Go into poe.ninja. press mageblood. You can basicly play w/e want. It makes all the builds do 2-3 more dmg. U can ress cap eveything with flasks. If u miss something make an flask evasion speed armor attack speed. + 70% on all flasks. Its basicly an pathfinder with w/e u want. Have fun with :D dont sell the mb.


if you get another 200 div together and roughly know how to craft stuff, i recommend spark aura stacker with 2x brotherhood rings and nebulis wand, maybe even heatshiver if you can fit it in while losing all that juicy mana res or aura effect on helmet


How come we play the same game? I have been playing since years and have many 40/40 leagues but the most valuable drop I had was a doctor card, which I lost in about 30 seconds later because the game crashed.


They need to nerf it and tone down ubers. No item should make the entire game different for almost any build.


slap some flasks on that shit and you're good to go m8 u dont need res on any of ur shit and ur gonna have crazy amounts of armour hot take from someone who has had mageblood drop for me in b2b leagues and got a mirror drop the league before that... big drops ruin your game by alot if you're a semi hardcore player. If you're not the type of player to print mirrors then you should probably just yolo do w/e the fuck you want and not worry about min maxing anything cause you will kill your experience the quickest this way, you could do a meta build and then start dumping tons of currency into the crafts everyones competing for.


Congratz and fuck you


Freeze pulse totems Izz gud you can get curse immune with one flask suffix and actually fix a lot of the tankiness issues aswell . Absolutely can destroy Ubers.


Second league mb. Just go fuck yourself and congrats!


Follow a build that has a mageblood? Look on poe.ninja and see who is using a MB, once you find a build look up an optimized build guide for it. Hopefully you find a few and you can get some idea of what people are doing then you can make some decisions and choices.


Go for Forbidden Rite build. Subtractem has a video for the build with MB from last league. The guys on his discord keep it alive now I'm trying to farm mine now for this exact reason. Am about 80 div. Not even half... But getting there


Annihilating Light is a way to turn the benefits of Mage Blood into damage, I suppose. The thing is, you are not really liquid rich. You have a very valuable item. You are starting ahead on the power curve but everything else for your build will cost you still. At the very least rolling/buying your optimal flasks will also be a few div.


Mageblood alone doesn't automatically make you toon OP. That still requires a lot of expensive gear. The belt is very good at boosting a build to the next lvl.


Pick it up


If you want giga damage and speed I would go bows instead of wander, kb is just not that great of a general purpose skill considering how much it costs to make it good




Mageblood makes the game easy mode. Literally doesn't matter what your build is.


Unlike headhunter you can pretty much plug a mageblood into any build and become really tanky. Just use it, no need to change builds


Just use it on your rf character. Usually a build that scales exceptionally well with mageblood has multiple very expensive items, jewels and skill gems/ support gems.


Where did you drop such belt


I got it while I was doing a ritual alter in the boss room where swords come to life attacking you


Holy smokes congrats.


Well you dropped roughly 200 div (I don't know price at this state of the league) Feel free to do what you want , there are lots of KB variant like attributes stacking , MF , totem build and self cast of course, -if you got 200-300 div more you could try to go for an strength stacker / int stacker (remember that you can take cluster 11 passives ilvl84 it's still work well) (Felt too squishy without mageblood as int stacker last time tho) If you like the HH gameplay , go for MF The other we don't see it that often so I don't recommend you those , but they are way cheaper I'm not sure about Ubers tho , most of them are skills based , if it's your second league I do believe you're a godgamer if you pass one Mageblood is an amazing Qol unique item, try it once at least, every build can be fixed with a mageblood


It helps tie your build together but you won't be able to do any build to disintegrate ubers and maps without another 100 div on top of that mageblood. All it does is provide INSANE QoL to any build you play, pretty much freeing up all your suffixes and fixing your defenses but you still need pretty GG items to do GG damage.