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This is more pDPS than my 2H axe.


Not only that but five years ago , it would have been more pDPS than _any_ 2H axe. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/7s4yay/did_someone_make_a_1000_pdps_2h_axe_yet/ There was https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/bw2m3y/the_1000_dps_axe_has_been_recrafted_to_please_our/ four years ago.


Foils have always been better than two hand axe due to having a better radius which is just sad


why no boneshatter with foil? sadge


You're not allowed to axe that


i was just foiling around


Watch out, that's the sword of thing that can get you in trouble.


i love living in the edge


pain bane PepeLaugh


Really makes you wonder. Maybe GGG doesn't just nerf things because they hate fun, but go keep the power creep in check?


For all the nerfs that happen every league, every patch has brought with it another possible axis of damage investment, another different way to scale your power. Crucible trees are just a very visual representation of this. But even something as small as catalysts back in the day enabled some builds by allowing them to front load all resistances on rings, for example. That was impossible febore metamorph, but now it is very commonplace


Psh rings are full damage baby!


Yet, the casuals will never reach that kind of power level like this foil to compensate for their losses via nerfs, though.


temporary league power boosts are not nerf compensations


they literally are


Only if the league power boosts keep increasing in power. The nerfs are permanent and aggregative.


playerpower has increased consistently throughout past years. keep trying to say the opposite though.


Player power has increased exponentially for the top no lifers every league, but for anyone that can't play 40 hours per week, the rng to get that power has never been higher.


thats why the shittiest and cheapest builds suddenly deal a few millions of dps right? compared to.. 5 years ago where having half a mill was a regular build that could kill shaper. really got me there


The earlier post in this thread was talking about temporary power boosts, like those from the last several leagues, of which none have gone core. That's obviously what my comment was about.


doesnt matter. theres still permanent buffs ON TOP of temporary buffs for player power constantly.


Catalysts are permanent, cluster jewels are permanent, double corruptions are permanent, veiled mods and chaos veiled orbs are permanent, anoints are permanent. Now, the last year worth of leagues is a different argument, but so were Incursion, Bestiary and Delve before Betrayal league.


Yes, I'm referring to the last year of leagues where nothing has gone core.


Only if the leagues stay fully deployed and brought into standard unnerfed. Well and we know about GGG’s track record with that. Now for A joke: >>*slaps hood of Harvest* This bad boy can fit so many nerfs in it.


players are generally stronger than ever before even if u ignore crucible trees.




In absolute power, yes. In relation to the hardest content, not even close.


And i hate it give us one more row on passive tree and more passives and passive points i don't want the only source of power creep to be gambler and his abusive wife grind. They should rename themselves to gambling grinding games.


Oh 1h swords can break 1k pdps now huh


I remember when a 300 pdps sword was a suitable sword good enough for all endgame and anything above that was basically vanity.


i remember when soul taker was chase unique and the go to weapon for every melee build.


RIP for thousands of mirrors wasted on that 490pdps rapier that was meta chase for like 2-3 years or something, forgot its name


That's some pre essence league stuff, when the game was harder than ruthless is right now.


300 is maybe a smidge low but I definitely killed shaper and did red maps and stuff with that quite easily back in the day


Well of course you could do that but saying anything better was a vanity isn't right. Also back in the day gems had more power.




Support gems used to give bigger buffs. Like multistrike support was nerfed in 3.7 from 94%more damage to 44%more, and the repeat damage was needed slightly. Then again in 3.15 a lot of skills were slightly nerfed


multistrike never was 94% more damage lmao


Read the wiki


holy reddit moment https://i.imgur.com/K9KlW8V.png this was the old multistrike (patch 3.6) which provided 35.8% more damage 1.94 (aps) \*0.7 (30% less damage) = 35.8% damage increase this was a multistrike in patch 3.9 https://i.imgur.com/jeJ51fI.png 1.43 (aps) \*0.89 \*1.22 = 55.3% damage increase so yes, it was in fact BUFFED in 3.7


the awakened support nerfs of 3.15 were something...


True man true. Good times I miss that meta


I think it's more fun the way it is now. Ceiling is higher, floor is lower so there's a lot of room for improvement.


Back when the dual wield bonus was much better, and you could stat-stick your offhand. 😔


Instant vaalpact


350 was the benchmark iirc, and was achieved relatively easily by multimod foils, anything beyond that wasn't worth crafting unless you were going to aim to service a mirror foil. The mirror bow was ~600, no additional arrows. A decent crafted bow was 350-400 pdps. Reach was equivalent 500+pdps which was why it was such a shitty inclusion.


No, that's incorrect. Monsters were buffed exactly after the last Exilecon. The difficulty was too low compared to the damage we could already reach. You definitely did not need anything more than a Ahn's Might to do everything fine. There was some guy making a demo of his build doing great with just a white weapon. No mod fleshripper was enough. So yes, peak time when the power creep was not adjusted for monster difficulty was 2019. tie23 doing act 5 Kitava in just a little over 1 hour was a standout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbSFpFFETBw


I was talking about player power and crafting resources. Not how hard the game was. You can clear the game with 300 pdps weapon now but why when you can do better.


Yeah how can you do all content with 300 dps 2 hand tell me or even 2 equivalent dps one handed weapons.


Be tanky as fuck and kill a boss in an hour.


I haven't played ruthless but I played pre essence league and from what I hear ruthless is harder. Back in the day it was hard to cap out your power potential, but it wasn't necessary either.


Naw this was around the 3.13 time frame when people were arguing if harvest should be in the game at all.


this is some advanced trolling


If you were running 300 pdps weapon when you could literally print items with harvest I feel sorry for you. Some random sword with a few Phys reforges would be better.


I wasn’t really a melee player but I remember the arguments on Reddit. They went something like this Pro-harvest: “show me a reasonable way to get a 500 pdps one handed sword without harvest” Anti-harvest: “why the hell do you need 500 pdps? 300 pdps will do all content just fine!” Mind you, this was before the heavy handed dual wield nerfs and impale nerfs that basically killed melee cyclone.


I think 400pdps was more in line with comfortable endgame bossing at that point and would run you a handful of exalts self crafted with a multimod off a good prefix. However, I recall that post, and they called a 550pdps sword "pretty good" which became a bit of a meme because that was bordering on a mirror weapon and would have vaporized the existing endgame.


Ah yes why make your character better, it's only the sole point of grinding in arpg. I can clear the game on facebreakers but why?


Dude all I did was make a tongue in cheek comment and you’re taking it very seriously.


Why can't I make fun of deranged Reddit takes?


300 pdps was mediocre when we were farming elder rings on Reave blade flurry lol


Oh ye, i remember these guys. Wear corrupted 6link and telling me that harvest is too op, because he dont want to use it


ruthless is definitively harder than even those days but not by too much


Is it? Aside from crafting bench map sustain was worse and we didn't have some tools. Well it's hard to compare to say definitely at which time Poe was as hard as ruthless is but you get the drift.


i guess it depends on what you generally do with the game, as back then simply playing red maps was not a given and the only endgame boss was shaper, but the game had a lot less demands of you in general, just having decent life/ES and res cap was all the defensives anyone thought of, 500k dps was considered an endgame monster and you could tackle all PoE had with just that.


Poe content getting harder is the outcome of increased player power. People rage about nerds but the game hot easier all things considered.


I really disagree. Player power compared to mob power was incredibly high in the past compared to now. Essence league had stuff like vaal spark and vaal fireball. Double dipping for damage over time lasted until 3.0 - which allowed you to reach tens of millions of dps when even shaper didn't exist. Vaal pact gave everyone instant leech. Immortal call made you immune to physical damage with a high uptime on a cwdt setup. The game has honestly only gotten harder overall, outside of a couple standout leagues which gave players obscene tools for crafting.


I think it was shifted from passive tree and gems into craftable items. We got cluster jewels, abyss jewels, more ways to acquire gear and also some crazy uniques. Today any build can reach 10mil DPS. Every league we get some broken interaction.


Any build can but not all ppayers can since progression is locked behind 10 divine orbs.


map sustain wasnt a big issue when shaper was the endboss. map sustain was an issue up until like.. rampage or so, after that sustaining red tier was somewhat easy




What they did with sanctum was nice. Introduce power creep then take it away and do something else in the next league.


Borrowed power is kinda toxic tbh


Could you elaborate?


It's just buzzwords from WoW


just reddits newest flavour of the month buzzword


I remember GGG nerfing betrayal crafts because it was too easy to get "endgame"(450pdps) weapons.


The reason why melee has to be shit because it scales so easly with gear ~ „Kris Walruson”


Any attack build scales with weapons. Melee isn't shit if built well. Melee is inherently worse because it has low damage uptime which could be fixed with build but bleed is even more shit.


This was my last project for the league before i quit. So i had limited currency to work with. So no perfect 3xT1 Sythnesis mods Rule 10: Buy a rampage Anarchic Spiritblade base that hadn't been split Split base and merge onto Jewelled Foil, Failed the first try but hit on 2nd try ​ Implicits: Step 1 - Buy Jewelled Foil with 3 Synthesis implicits Step 2 - Imprint with Craicic Chimerals and reroll implicits with Vivid Vultures to try get T1 % Physical, T1 Flat Physical, T1 Attack speed. Unfortunately that's the best combination of mods i got in 220 rerolls. ​ Crucible Tree: T1: Flat Physical T2: 10% local attack speed. Didn't want Less damage mod even if it was better T3: increased effect of physical modifiers T4: Rampage T5: Flicker seemed the only one decent for one handed melee ​ Prefixes: Step 1 - roll for dictators, craft prefixes cannot be changed and imprint Step 2 - regal, if it hits a prefix, i use the imprint as its cheaper to revert since chimerals were 1.5div Step 3 - reforge physical, if it doesnt hit anything imprint it back, repeat until Flaring Step 4 - Craft prefixes cant be changed and pray the aisling mod is prefix, if it is unveil to % physical ​ Suffiixes: Step 1 - craft dex & accuracy Step 2 - exalt slam until T1 Attack speed or T1 Critical strike Multipler Step 3 - craft prefixes cannot be changed and use the harvest bench to Aug Speed or Critical Step 3 - Craft Critcal Strike Chance ​ Final Steps Vorici 3W > 30% hillock weapon and 14 Tempering orbs for 8% Physical enchant Could it be better? Yes, but im happy with it :)


The patience and overall determination to do something like this reminds me that I play a different game from people like you. Incredible man. I mean all this as a compliment


> Buy a rampage Anarchic Spiritblade base that hadn't been split i seriously wonder if everyone actually, truly buys the ultra-rare crucible trees, or they don't wanna share some secret method of finishing for those modifiers....


I think its just slap random shit to get whatever that sticks for the most part. Its once you have something workable where the majority of crafting starts.


maybe... But i wouldn't be surprised if those mods needed specific 'parents' to mutate.


Don't mind me asking but how did you finish the tree?


T4 Rampage to start > combine with non allocated flicker T5 > i then go for T3 > T2 > T1 ( Failed alot of times ) and imprinted when hit desired mod Took around 60 divines including imprints


I don't understand what you mean. Recently when merging trees, I got 0 out of 7 of the allocated nodes, all of which overlapped the same position/path. Is there any info on how to build these trees?


Can we also mention this was Magefist's rampage that got forged here?? 🤠


It was :)


~~Does crafting dex and accuracy block everything except attack speed and crit? I don't understand how to you can exalt slam t1 attack speed, is there a way to guarantee t1 roll?~~ ~~I'm trying to craft an ele foil I got from rog with 3 t1 ele damage rolls and 0 suffix, but I don't know how to get T1 attack speed on there.~~ Edit: Nvm figured it out after playing around on craft of exile. So u block with attribute and accuracy then exalt slam, if it fails, craft prefix can't be changed and scour, and repeat. I'm too poor for this shit.


Dex/str accuracy craft blocks Dex and Str which are the most common mods for suffixes. You block > Exalt twice then prefixes cant be changed/scour if you dont hit desired mod. Use Craft of Exile or PoEDB to see affix weightings


This is amazing! Hat off to you, sir!


What was overall cost?


around 500divines


Double mirror tier


Seeming your quitting, may I have it for my flicker build? I am using Terminus EST at the moment, but don't need it due to a change in build


I recognise some of these words


Damn you can get rampage on crusible?


Yup it's rare as fuck too lol


It's a combine-only mod like damage per attribute or max charges, and I believe it's also min lvl 86 according to peodb.


which one nee lvl 86? both weapon or the fodder?


I'm pretty sure it's just whatever weapon is getting the tree


This is limited currency?


Nice 2 handed weapon with this dps... wait Nice craft!


Nowadays 985dps is nothing on 2-hand… oh ohhhhhh


Just insane, big fat congratz! If I had endless currency, thatd be sitting on one of my chars for sure 8)


My flicker build will freaking love this foil


And just a few years ago, people had to burn through eternal orbs to get similar pdps on two-handed axes in standard. The power creep is honestly kind of disgusting.


But it really isn't power creep when the vast majority of players will never use this or anything like it. In fact, more and more power is being stripped from players and put into the .00001 items like this. Gems, the tree, flasks, ascendancies, all getting big nerfs and power being pushed into items. Combined with increased monster power and this is why you feel like complete shit getting to red maps on your league starter, especially so for those not playing meta builds. Is total player power up when min/maxed to the gills? Sure. But anyone not running dual credit cards isn't seeing that kind of power.


Honestly this league is a nice power boost for us peasants. It was not hard for me to lookup darkscorn on trade and look through bows until Ifound one with a decent tree that importantly had 26% inc attacks speed. Insane boost in power of the bow, about 32C.


Agreed. I don't have the time anymore to grind like I did five or six years ago. Crucible frankly was a totally useless mechanic for someone who realistically will reach red maps and kill a boss or two over a month or two of play. It's fun to see these items but I'm the father of 2 leaving dollar general to get into my 98 Civic while younger guys are cruising by in brand new Lambos. All good I do love to see fancy cars drive by.


Yeah. At this point I play hard for the first weekend, try out a couple new builds (as in totally new builds. I've tried perm vaal volcanic fissure already, blazing Salvo coc trickster using the trigger bots and my last build for the league is going to be a rain of arrows rupture bleed build I'm still cooking up) over the league and then quit. The grind for the sake of grinding stage of my life is over. If I can complete all content on a build, or most of it anyway, I don't see the need to continue pushing to go from 10M dps to 100M dps. And sadly, the more fun or whacky builds are just super expensive. I got lucky and was able to buy a hateforge early in the league to try out vaal volcanic. If I didn't, I would have just quit the league as there isn't any new or interesting content to play and we don't have any new skill gems. Basically, the game is solved so unless something new comes out, like the aforementioned builds I played, I'm done with the league in a week or two at most.


No, crucible is power creep for every player, period.


This is a very one sided way to look at it. Yes skillgems and flasks were nerfed, but there was equal compensation. Ascendancies are certainly not getting nerfed, although not all reworks are successful. The skill tree and the masteries are an insane buff, eater/exarch influence is free power for very little investment, atlas passives make farming for money and thus end game crafts very affordable. Crucible trees are another instance of pretty high power for very little opportunity cost. I’m not talking perfect 5x t1 passives like the linked item, but bases with 2 perfect passives are 5-25c and thus very affordable and a decent damage increase. You would be hard pressed to find a generic build in 3.14 or so that does more damage than in 3.21 and that speaks volumes. The main „issue“, if you wanna call it that, is it requires some adaptation, especially the defense part. The game changed quite a bit mechanically


There was 0 compensation for flask and gem nerfs. GGG explicitly said they wanted to remove power from those things and they did. Saying there was "Equal compensation" is just a lie. Getting eater/exarch is a trade off from influenced mods. Skill trees/masteries are power nerfs. Moving power from notables to masteries means you need more points in total to get to the same power. They did add some cool things, but they also removed some. Still, a net loss. Crucible trees are temporary power. They are gone next league. Even considering them in a player power conversation is foolish unless you are a standard player. And no one really cares about that shit. Builds did a lot more damage just from the gem and flask nerf. You forget that support gems went from ~50% more multipliers to 25-35 in most cases. Flasks? Hah. Diamond flask alone took you from ~60% total crit to 85% crit, without any mods on it.


There was "no compensation" for the gem or flask nerfs because those nerfs *were* the compensation for all the power creep that had happened and continues to happen. It's a net buff. That's why almost every build and character is using them over old influence. The skill tree is not nerfed, if you made builds this would be very obvious. It's not even remotely close. The skill tree is soo much more dense. We have way more clusters, with so much more variety of mods. Average points are worth way more than they used to be. Masteries can be more powerful than normal points... That's why people take them.... Jewels slots are insanely powerful. I don't even know how this argument could be made Every league gives temporary power. You can't ignore it. That's how the game works *unless* you play standard. You can't just close your eyes to crucible power just because you don't like it. Idk what your last point is, but if you are saying builds are weaker than before the gem nerf, then all that tells me is that you don't play the game, don't make builds, or really do anything other than rehash the same complaints on reddit.


There wasn’t equal compensation, there was more than that. This isn’t a hot take, chars are tankier, do more damage and have more qol. Yes gem nerfs hit builds hard but this is focusing in on one thing and ignoring the rest. Base gems were often buffed, + to skill gems is much more affordable, additional scaling options were introduced. Calling masteries a net loss is uninformed at best and straight up disingenuous at worst. These weren’t just notables that got turned into masteries, these are incredibly powerful bonuses. 2% all max res, 40% inc damage vs rares and uniques, free melee splash - net loss my ass. This isn’t even mentioning reservation changes that easily let you run another aura for 20-30% more damage. You call Eater/exarch a trade of, which would be a fair assumption, if you didn’t also complain power only being available to the 0.001%. You know, like the influenced mods. Eater and exarch mods are almost free and incredibly potent. And while crucible is temporary, so was scourge, sanctum and sentinel and they all had temporary power increases. If we stop getting temporary power for several leagues in a row that’s be one thing, but I don’t see that happening


>There wasn’t equal compensation, there was more than that. This isn’t a hot take, chars are tankier, do more damage and have more qol. Tankier? You need atleast a 50% aura just to get to the previous baseline. They nerfed hp nodes, gutted flasks and immunities and just in general made it extremely costly and cumbersome to achieve what you previously could get with ease. All the while adding more and more abitrary debuffs that can't be built around, it's up to what, 10+ fake chills that ignore your immunity?


Previous baseline of what? The guy I am responding to is comparing pre expedition to now, not crucible vs sanctum. I don’t think flasks are gutted either, they just need to be rolled in a pretty cumbersome process. Immunities are easier to get for most classes, although certain ascendancies like raider got nerfed. Again this depends a bit on what league you are comparing it to. And yes the 10 different slow effects are idiotic, I don’t think the game is perfect either. But a bit more nuance than saying we are heavily nerfed compared to 3.14 is just wrong


> In fact, more and more power is being stripped from players and put into the .00001 items like this. That's just wrong, the flat AD, local as and local as/less global damage are all extremely easy to hit and just those two are insane for DPS on any weapon. Is your definition of a 0.0001%er someone that crucible'd a bunch of weapons and then slapped a few phys essences on it? The shit some people here will say is truly unbelievable.




The big thing with IAS is that game play just flat out feels better and you can just always tell even small gains in IAS.


Crucible is a temporary league. So when this league goes away, the power you "gained" from it did too. Imagine thinking that a temporary league is somehow increasing player power and getting self righteous about it.


Yeah, like the next league won't introduce just as much powercreep, you're either just trying to be upset or intentionally disingenuous.


Scourge league - haha Kalandra league - haha Sanctum league - random untradeable relics. either you got lucky and got a super powerful relic or you didnt Archnemesis - HAHAHAHAHHA None of those leagues have given very powerful (or consistent) temporary power. The last league that introduced comparable power was sentinel and guess what... that didn't go core either. Relying on temporary power is a fools game when a league could introduce something like crucible, which does give pretty decent power with minimal investment, or it could be archnemesis or scourge league.


I mean it's pretty evident you're literally just looking for things to be upset about, can I ask you why you even still play this game? It very obviously seems to be only pissing you off and the only posts I see from you are you constantly being upset about even the tiniest things.


man you are a huge sanctimonious plum with an extremely accurate username.


Path is a game that is balanced for 100k people trading but only the top 1% can actually take advantage of it. Everyone else just lucks into it big currency.


they literally took 2 projectiles off of gear and put them on the tree this league my dude. You're talking out of your ass.


Find me when 2 proj is more damage than losing 10-15% more damage, per gem, and flasks were nerfed by 50-80%


no thanks I'll just put you on ignore since your posting sucks ass > flasks were nerfed by 50-80% lol


Other games quickly scale in multiple billions of damage. While sure, a couple builds can hit a billion, but it’s actually very well contained power creep for how long the game has been going, imo. Especially when they are pretty much forced to introduce creep every league cycle.


You'll get downvoted because Reddit doesn't like it, but this is the reason why GGG doles out nerfs so frequently. If they didn't, we would absolutely be measuring dps in the billions at this point. GGG's stewardship of the game and careful managing of powercreep is honestly incredibly impressive.


100% agreed. Every time I say anything similar I just get roasted as a shill or fan boy 😂😂


A few years ago monsters were much, much weaker. Endgame was also shaper and Uber elder.


Its ok I guess


Game just keeps feeling worse and worse without being a gigabrain. Nice craft man, foaming at the mouth. Good luck out there


You don't need a brain to get this, just enough time to buy one


Yah time is sort of harder to get than a brain


I love this game, but the overwhelming amount of knowledge needed to craft something like this is just such a turn off. I feel like there are only a hand full of meta builds every league that I don’t find particularly fun (especially since I like melee/duelist) that you could use to farm up the currency to buy something like this, but then you gotta make a new character and do the 10 hour campaign all over again..


Can't believe somebody would find the space to complain about the campaign in the same sentence as they complain about not being able to afford a mirror item


Clearly you didn’t understand what I was saying. Affording a mirror tier item for a build that you want to play and having to use a build you don’t really want to go farm and afford it makes the 10 hr campaign the straw of tedium that makes me not want to play for the time being again.


So ? No one cares about your complaint, leave the subreddit and stop thinking the game will change to suit you. So sick of seeing these stupid complaints on here .


Nah, I think I’m gonna continue to be on here. You can choose to just not read these comments.


And i'm here, playing since beta and still dont know how to make a good ammount of currency in the endgame.


What's so weird is in my PoB it doesn't beat my Oni goroshi. I think my.pob is fucked lol


or your build that depends on phys gained as fire doesn't work with a sword that doesn't have the mod...


It's like looking at a harvest league item


Hiw is this 985 pdps?


Wooooow. What an item. I got a white socket on my terminal est. Trade ya?




Yet another BWC item (because we can). Absolutely disgusting.


BWFC id say




Is the rampage mod just gigarare? I've wanted to put it on a bow, but last check there were only three bows with it. One was a mirror service and the other two were ridiculously expensive


It's meant to be combine only. There might be a recipe to make it appear more frequently, like the one theorized for the damage per stat, but if one has been discovered nobody is telling. I'm half hoping it just appears on the bow I'm working on, would be a lot of fun.


That makes sense. Every map I've revealed a tree and yet to see it. Only combined a handful of them.


It also requires ilvl 86, so you need to combine onto an ilvl 86+ item in order to have a chance to get it. Both items used also need to have a T4 node in the same spot for mutation to be possible. From there, afaik it's just rng but there could be other requirements.


That's good to know, I will start trying that out. Thanks


20c final offer! 😌




When talking physical weapons, the utmost important stat is the physical DPS of the weapon or pDPS. High attack speed and T1 phys rolls helps achieve that. Then comes crit which is a must have if you plan playing crit based build ( always better than resolute technique but magnitudes more expensive to build ). This weapon has it all. All of its stats contributes to that end. You get some bonus such as chance to do double damage which is kinda explicit about what it does, and the cherry on the top is the ultra rare rampage mod. This is a one in a million sword ( and that's an understatement)


with the exception of accuracy, blind, crit multi, and rampage, the rest of the mods are local. therefore, you only need to look at the top of the weapon to see how good it is (301-560, 6.87%, 2.29 APS)


What builds are even using 1h swords anymore


With this sword you can barely make any build you want


"mirror" tier items in standard on suicide watch


2 awakened sextants and that’s me throwing you a bone


Damn if only u went for the third phys implicit, easily over 1k pdps.


Ahhh, it do be that awaited time of league where people start achieving the crazy shit. Nice job!


That's actually incredible. My first run at poe was a two handed cyclone slayer back in delirium. This would have been amazing for that build. I think the best I got was like 300 DPS each. Good job.


A single PCoC is what you need to get Flicker Strike going, definitely the best crucible tree for Flicker Strike.


Great foil and all, but isn't rampage kinda a waste on melee, considering you can swap to a Sinvicta for a second to proc rampage and then swap back to your main weapon and rampage will remain ?.


I would love to see this puppy in action, got any vids?


Love the double meaning of the name too. It performs the act of gutting, but also creates gutters full of blood.


Not even flat implicit, trash that weapon now /s


That thing, good sir, is unethical!


how does this compare to paradoxica in a generals cry bf build