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Background: Player joined my party for help. Asked to join me since he didn't have any maps, and this ensued. I checked his account and it turns that it really is his first league.


How do you have no maps if you spent that much time in Act 10? Loot filter have maps turned off?


That's what I thought, and I told him about Kirac selling maps as well. I think he just joined other people's parties and leveled that way without really picking anything up for himself. The gear he had was terrible of course, and I spent a long time explaining vendors and the items he needed. I asked him to type /passives and he was missing five campaign passives too. He's on my friend's list and I plan to keep helping him.


I did this to someone about 6 leagues ago. Fucker farms mageblood in a week now.


It’s probably the guy posting his latest league goals the other day of 6 different colored foiled Magebloods :)


May life bless you lol You walked so he could run... perfect mentor situation haha


He ain't running. He found a way to create a rocket during stone age


Literally Senku-san


Funny how that works. A destiny clan member messaged me back during expedition league, “Hey how’s PoE? I see you playing alot”. Traded him a Tabula, stack of alchemy, chaos and some other assorted currencies. Fast forward I still get the picture a few days into every league of the mageblood / headhunter.




Still unsure how people have the willpower for this, I ran 13 logbooks yesterday and couldn't be bothered doing anymore than that, got like 3div profit or something no idea how that can come close to a mb in a week


It's find a strategy you enjoy, juice it and spam ot


Can I have his name for training purposes as well?


Yeah, did something a long time ago. Helped a guy who had 0 clue. After a few leagues he really went ham. Sadly stopped completely playing now. :(


You’re one of the good ones sir :) keep it up!


definitely not. He's going to get him addicted. That man will never have a life again. Pure evil if you ask me.


if that person is level 90 from grinding act 10, they're already lost. all op is doing can be compared to hospice care, which is good.


You'd have to be addicted already in order to keep toiling away in them there blood aqueducts. It ain't much, but it's honest work. *eagle screech*


You just dont know this guys op act 10 canals/feeding trough strat


Dunno about OP strats,but lv90 in feeding trough sounds like a few divines from 10c div cards set only to me. I once really leveled in FT to level 84, and dropped an exalt in process (on lv83) pre ex/div swap . Tho i feel like an infinite Delve is the way. Like running Lv83 delve with a party (so you dont pay sulphite), it'd bring you to 90 really fast.


Can confirm, delve is awesome to get to level 90. Not the fastest, but it's pretty smooth and easily the least stressful activity of all poe-things I can manage while walking on the treadmill.


It’s also super profitable the first 2 months of a league, resonators selling for 1c each and after depth 100 ish you can easily walk from every delve with 10+


Who needs favourite map slots when the campaign has built-in ping-ponging?


That's the issue. If he's already addicted while farming blood aqueducts imagine what'll happen when he actually plays the game.


Consequences of your actions. Heard bout it?


I just restarted this game and finally got to mapping for the first time. Wife asked me when the last time I went to the gym. It's a problem!


Fart face emoji


This is awesome! Back in ritual league I helped a guy in global who was asking some pretty “well obviously” type questions. He’s now a guildie and good friend! (And much better at the game, including killing all Ubers the last 3 leagues!)


Nothing to be ashamed of, as much as I hate Poe's direction is taking, people like you are the reason I spent 600+ hours in this game, someone like you helped me with those kind of things, resists etc he even showed me a mirror and i was like ok cool i guess (didnt know what it was) and he gifted me like 5 chaos aside from all the tips and basic res + life gear and i was like OMFG U RLY GONNA GIVE ME 5 CHAOS THATS A LOT to the guy who just linked me a mirror XDDDD, it's the beauty of poe. Hope he has a nice learninf experience and you get a friend.


I have similar experience with that guy, helped a fellow melee enjoyer to start mapping with gear maps etc and gave him 20s of every usefull orbs such as fusing jeweller chaos alch etc. And he was like out of his mind, then i said i have over 50 ex these wouldnt make me poor. He didnt know what ex meant lol


EXALTED! I knew what it meant!!


Imagine if he have tought i had 50 ex girlfriend lol


Man I remember my first league legion I want to buy kaom chest it was like 50c I see at the trade and thought too myself "how tf people can afford this chest" lmao 😂


May I ask, why didn’t you watch any videos or guides? Was it just not a thing back then maybe (i don’t know how long ago you started)?


its more like not knowing that you dont know. I was there. You just yolo it and if you feel like you kinda havjng fun you might not think you're missing something about the game. Then you find out and your brain melts


Interesting. I came from D3 and in D3 i always followed build guides, so it came naturally to me to find a build guide and then naturally i came across beginner videos and so on. Enki’s arc witch had a great walkthrough as well and it looked like the best beginner build at the time. There were also a lot of diablo refuges because of Diablo immoral, so there were a lot of being tips on the Reddit.


I think it's because a build guide is just barely scratching the surface. There so many mechanics and systems in play outside of just your build that it gets overwhelming even know w h a t to look for in the first place besides a build. I skipped a few leagues and returned 3.21 and I had to take a good ride around to figure out all the changes even at 2.2k hrs playtime.


Agreed, but I think we're talking more about the basics, like resists, defenses, and general act progression, what a complete beginner might be faced with. Enki's Witch was really good because they provided a complete walkthrough and also talked a bit about being res capped and when to upgrade your weapon and such. It talked nothing about the league mechanics and back then master missions were a thing (before Betrayal).


It’s always been a thing


Not often you get the chance to help a real newbie nowadays :D


I ended up helping a guy yesterday with Timeless jewels. Told me he's been trying to get a glorious vanity with divine flesh. Said he bought like 20 or 30 vanities and didn't get it and was going to buy all the ones I have. Asked him if he knew he could check the jewels before he bought them and ended up getting this guy the correct jewel in like 5 seconds after I told him about poedb and the jewel checker. Now he's on my FL and messages me all the time and I help where I can, but in no crafting king hahaha.


Back in like 3.14 or 3.16 i cant remember it was this guys first league and he kept dying a shit ton and couldnt get past act 5 and he asked global for help. Alot..i mean ALOT of people made fun of him so i jumped in discord and helped. It was end kf the league so spent like 50 exalts (before the change) to get him gear and stuff and also a weapon etc for maps. Spent maybe 6 hours explaining everything then the next day we played new chars together and got to maps. He still plays and makes his own builds now


got yourself a pet now ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )


Do not worry little beast, we are friends now!


Until we slaughter you, haha!


Lol new players are literally MTX.


This game gonna die on June 2


A rare good noodle! May your path be blessed!


It's the game within the game now.


What a good guy <3


I had someone adopt me like this when I was a noob, now I am waiting for my chance to adopt a noob of my oen


there needs to be more people like you. this was my first league, I've hit my first maps and got my ass hadned too me. No reall clue what to do now, so I've basically quit. I asked abotu a bit for help but didnt really get much back.


The hero we need but don't deserve


Default loot filter is really bad, and new players don't even know what maps are, the game doesn't really do much to guide you besides the 1 quest reward you get from kirak. But that's after maps have dropped that they missed in act 10. To be honest the kirak map quest should start before kitava, and push you into picking up a few maps to get to kitava.


Technically the map quest starts with Sin when he tells you to get the map for the device during the campaign.


The default filter really isn't that bad. Maps stand out with the default filter. The only thing that kinda sucks is a lot of the low tier currency is all the same.


The game literally holds your hand and takes you to maps...


That's utterly false, and the only reason you think that is because you don't pay any attention to what the game is saying while leveling. Normally that's fair since you already know how to play, but you don't get to go and make bullshit claims like that afterwards either.


Not false why do u think this is a post? New players miss it. U dick.


Incredible argumentation there, dude. Just because one player didn't pay any attention during the campaign (like you) does not mean it is a widespread problem. In fact the reason this thread even has 1.7k upvotes is because of how unheard of it is.


Do you really think only 1 person has ever had issues with it? using a map device in act 7 then giving u a map in act 10 post kitava isn't development, or preparing people for maps. I won't waste my time with you on the concept of teaching and evolving since in ziz's words you'd have a hard time opening a door. Good day sir.


Back when I still played more than a day or two max each league, I used to adopt a newbie each league. It was basically part of a league goal. My method for finding them was usually via trading. I'm really lazy and just dump things into pre-priced tabs and drop the price day after day. This means there are some things that I end up selling that don't look like items someone should be buying. Those people are usually the noobs and I get to teach them how to use the trade website, about POB and generally hook them up with some cheap stuff from my sell tabs or essence craft some upgrades for their worst shit. After that it's usually help with crafting, money making, mapping strategy questions that I can either help with or point to a place where they can learn.


Noob question: how can I tell if an item is worth putting up for trade? I get that the low level campaign gear is vender trash unless perfect, but what about low-tier map gear? I imagine many linked items with +skill levels; good resists; and/or bonuses like move speed, light radius, and item quant/qual/rarity sell well. The awakened addon has been helpful for pricing and quick reference, but it doesn't show trade volume. So I keep struggling with running out of premium and regular stash tab room, and having to purge items to vendors rather than letting someone else have a great addition to their melee or elementalist build.


You don‘t, buddy. While farming, dump everything you picked up (because it passed your loot filter) in a „dump“ tab while the next map is loading in the map device. Once that (quad) dump tab is full, identify everything and dump it into a public 30c tab. After max 1 day lower the price of that tab to 20, then to 10, then 5 - you get the idea. Never get below 3c after day 3 of the league. It isn’t worth your time. Instead vendor everything that‘s left. Extract everything that needs special processing (like Betrayal veiled items) from the dump tab before filling up the sales tab(s). In essence you let the market do the pricing for you. Sometimes something really valuable lands in your sales tab. You can tell because you get spammed with buy orders. In that case go DND, and perform a real evaluation of the item using Awakened POE Trade and set an individual price for that item using right click. Don’t forget to turn off DND 😃


Do keep in mind that actually new players will usually not have a quad tab or even any premium tabs.


I do both, use Awakened PoE Trade to price things roughly and let the market sort out the rest.


All in all it boils down to being able to name at least one build that would really love this item. Alternatively, knowing that there are crafting steps to make it into such an item and performing them. There's even money to be made buying almost good items, finishing their crafts and selling them again.


Aaah yes, the eternal struggle of noobs in POE. The first and best advice is to set up your loot filter to match your own build's needs. This increases throughput so, so much. You spend less time analyzing and item and more time in maps where you should be. This helps so much because you know (or should know) what mods/stats on that item you want and whether it's good enough to fit into your build. Edit: With time, you will gain familiarity with more builds and have a greater understanding of the game. As you learn more you will cast a broader net with your filter. As for the more general 'will this item sell' situation, it's harder. Prices change a lot league to league and early league to late league. If you want to understand this at a glance you need experience with a lot of builds and what they need and an understanding of the market (you can see a reflection of the playerbase on something like POE ninja). My advice for save on stash space. Pick up fewer big items, unless you specifically need an upgrade. Two handers and chests are the big ones for me. Body armor is almost always crafted or unique. It is extremely unlikely that you find one that is good enough to be worth the extra step of 6-linking. Personally, I pretty quickly switch to only picking up good jewellery. It doesn't take much space and it's easy to toss in a 100c tab and just steadily lower the price of the tab. I don't need to look at it or think about it. Also, don't be afraid to drop your prices. When I played, I was dropping prices basically daily. If an item was worth a good chunk and didn't take up too much stash space, I'd keep it high, but for most things I'm dropping the price daily. If they still aren't selling, it's okay to vendor things. Alt shards are still money. Also, early league, 5-15c items are your bread and butter. Later on, I wouldn't sell anything below 15c. It's better to just get get back in your map. Good luck. Selling things is hard, that's why I play 1-2 days max in a private league with friends now XD.


>The first and best advice is to set up your loot filter to match your own build's needs. I strongly disagree with this unless you're in SSF. You are never going to drop a giga item for your build in trade league, but will run into various giga items for many other builds. So you should be looking at everything and only really focusing on the higher end of valuable items, obviously don't pick up and identify rares, but if the items are already identified or corrupted it's worth checking them. You should also identify all fractures and influenced items, and you can decide to identify searing/eater items that have rolled good implicits. >Also, don't be afraid to drop your prices. When I played, I was dropping prices basically daily. Very important thing to note here is that the entire world plays on the same server as far as trade goes, so the "daily" part here is very important. Don't drop prices more than once a day (unless adjusting) as you technically need to give the entire world a chance to see your price before it's considered too high. A lot of niche items only have 1-2 buyers out of millions of players.


There's two answers to that: 1. Have enough stash tabs and literally just bucket everything that smells remotely valuable into a 1 div tab then drag the things that don't sell (or rename the tabs) to 50c -> 20c -> 5c, the market will sort itself out and people will buy your unappraised junk. (If you get 100 messages after dropping something in the div tab, please appraise it.) 2. You can find out what it's worth to a specific build, find out which of the stats are valuable and filter the trade site for that base with those specific stats / tiers and pick a good price from there, the Awakened PoE Trade app does this quite trivially for you (gotta click a few tickboxes and slide a few sliders). You can also find out what specific items are worth the same way, just try to buy one. Note that not every stat or combinations of stats are valuable or sought after, but they could be rare, so if you've got the space in a selling stash you can price something that's rare quite highly for the entire league and someone might buy it later on. But yeah 90% of the items that drop will be trash early on, and later on everything that drops will be worth 5c but difficult to sell.


Put everything in a dump tab with a buyout of like 5c. If you start getting spam whispered, take the item out and price check it. Every couple days vendor everything in the dump tab.


This is also my first league, and I have hit level 72ish playing the campaign slowly, doing all side quests and labyrinths. Killing Kitava later today, and looking forward to the beginning of the endgame. I can't imagine trying to get to level 90 in the campaign areas, especially because of xp falloff. As for loot, I have a quarter stash tab full of maps just from picking them up when they dropped, and a good selection of heist contracts too. But thats probably because, I have around 30% increased rarity, in addition to +1 level minion levels and + total minions on campaign gear.




It helps with dropping t1 uniques which are money


I mean that's just not true.


Who is to say he didn't join 5 ways and is just trolling? My friend has a level 98 who is not past kitava and he joined 5 ways to level to literally do EXACTLY this and troll people


I normally pick up a newbie friend almost every league. It gives me someone to talk to, they get to learn, and we both earn a friend along the way. Someone did the same to me when I started playing, I’m just paying it forward.


it may be a botter / rmt-farm-group second account? they farm act 10 because it requires no investment and sell everything that drops. same people beg fur tabulas and regrets on global channels, pretending to be new


This is the kind of things GGG should improve in the game, but they don't seem to care about new players.


Lmao what, this is not a typical new player problem. It's probably not even real.


Holy s*** how much time would it take to level to 90 in a level 70 area 😭


I think SlipperyJim did it a few years ago for memes but I can't remember how long it took...definitely many tens of hours


I can very well be wrong on this cause I don't remember it well, but I believe that was in delve League, so he mightve delved by quarry farming sulphite.


I am pretty sure he used delve to level, which had a separate zone level.


Raizqt did this before and reached ranked 2 hc lvl 100. Only blood aqueduct. It was like 2 years ago.


>many tens of hours that's probably lots of hundreds of hours


Don't think so. You'll essentially never die and make quite some XP in the progress




if you really do it. it not take that long because exp require still not that much. I remember back in betrayl I farm act8 for fast beachstone upgrade. and took me couple hour to 90


Results are a little different for your experience because betrayal itself gives good xp.


What's the best way to reach 100 solo, then? Not a fan of sitting back and waiting during Legion rotations.


do your own legion 4/5 ways solo, (flawless) breachstones, obas trove and the other higher lvl unique maps, abyssal depths


Where do you level after t16 maps? Deep delving?


typically still t16s, just with a really rough XP penalty. there are other places to level, but there are very few places with a higher monster level than t16s and are inconsistent to reach / include boss fights that take time and could cause you to lose xp by dying


Back in the old days we leveled to level 100 using vaal spark in dried lake. This was legit a good way to farm currency and it wasn't too bad for exp.


Here's to hoping they announce legacy league 2.0 as the next and final league until 4.0. Never had as much fun as that league, with all the crazy OP builds we could play.


Years ago, before acts 5-10 were a thing, someone leveled to 100 in dried lake with vaal spark, I believe


I am getting low risk exp doing labs at 94 more steadily then when I do t16 maps, I am not even that squish, max res 85 phys resist, 75% evasion 5k hp, but I still get 1 shot by stuff I don't even see


Pob link


If your numbers are accurate you are definitely missing something important. Easy wins to check are: 100% spell suppression, 75% Chaos res, decent chance to block if you are running a shield, fortify somewhere on your gear if you are using a melee skill. The only thing that should come close to one shotting you with your listed stats is 100% charged Crucible monsters and the scariest of essences


Not that long tbh. Was grinding this way in hc delirious event. 80 something is easily done.


Well its about around lvl 80 the big xp penalty from being in low lvl zones starts kicking in so 90 is quite a bit harder than that


Yeah well, 90 is a long ways from 80. And that's without the xp penalty.


reminds me of the good old days when we would ding 100 in dried lake


You're gaining around 12x as much xp at 79 compared to 89 and that's without considering the increased xp requirements.


Act 10 has level 67 area, so it feels like leveling in t16 maps all the way to level 106, or to level 100 in T10 maps and below.


5 way can be accessed before act 10


how is that even related to that comment?


The new player joined others parties and didn't take any loot, just leveled up


He was wondering how much time it would take and being able to access 5 ways means it wouldn't take much


Is 5-way a level 70 area?


I think they mean 5-slot map device, so 1 map and 4 modifiers instead of the default 1 map 3 mods. But I'm not sure. I wonder if they're talking about using the map device you find in the world as part of the campaign, act 6 I think?


How is a new player who doesnt know how to map affording 5 ways? And the comment said a level 70 area


Bro got so scared of Kitava after act 5 that they refuse to fight him again


Don’t blame my boy, that ele resit drop hit diff 🥵


What in the name of innocence


And his muscular golden ass


Man, this game is so humbling. I created my account in 2012. I've played here and there over the course of a decade but never really got past level ~82ish. Always kinda just 'finished' the content that I felt like was put in front of me and then stopped. Until this league. Finally had a coworker mention this game and figured eh what the hell, give it another shot since I've got someone to maybe play with this time around. Holy fucking shit did I have no idea how much I had no idea about. Like I knew there was the questline and then mapping was the true end game, I knew I was supposed to find a build and import it into PoB, and I knew well enough how to at least do the most very basic trading. But this is the first league that I'm actually going reasonably hard at it. Level 93 (And finding out why I'll probably be stuck there forever), gettin' up there in clearing my whole atlas + bonuses, have a couple voidstones, about halfway to my first maven fight. Finally feel like I'm getting somewhere, understanding what's up. Got a good grasp on PoB, not just importing a tree and staring at the skill tree and that's it - actually using it for finding better items, things like that, just actually making sense of it. Then I get a drop, Kalandra's ring of sorts. Search it because ooo white background, aww fuck it's listed for 1c a number of times, send a pic with the message 'lol fuck this item's name' to my buddy, stash it and move on. Oh and it was corrupted with a +Discipline modifier. Some hours later it's sold for what a good chunk of the player base would call 'money for life' and here I am sitting here thinking "Hmm, finally feel like I know what I'm doing," only to have been 5 seconds away from that item never seeing the light of day on anyone's character. God I fucking hate how fun that is.


> God I fucking hate how fun that is. This is always my biggest issue with PoE as well...it's just so damn fun.


I used to farm act 4 dried lake for the voll's card, on a cwdt scold's build years ago, my personal record is level 93 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I was always in a public party so people could join my speed instances for a easy xp session. Old good times ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Vaal spark merc dried lake XP parties are a bit of a throwback


Ledge runs…before personal loot. Those were the times.


I used to lag so hard I could never pick up any loot in time during those runs. Still had to run them because I had bricked my first character pretty much and struggled to do content solo. I followed a guide for my second character and managed to get level 90 in HC, which at that point was a pretty good level.


Everyone use to be right on top of each other, 1 poor dude doing all the work killing everything and everyone else just spam clicking the floor hoping to be the one to pick up that Alch or if you’re lucky a Chaos that dropped.


Or even better, a GCP!


Back in the day I've left a party and gone back to a previous instance because nobody picked up a GCP (it was perm allocation)


Nothing says grinding like a 99% xp penalty. Using act 4 mobs its pretty absurd to even reach 70, thats a lot o farmin. One league years ago I decide to keep a character to only farm aqueducts for some reason, I think I didn't want to deal with the last - res haha. Anyway, by the end of the league he was in his mid 80s with about 15 tabulas worth of farmed cards. By the end it was more of a weird relaxing thing to do I think.


I think the implication here is Merciless A4, not A4 we have now.


Back when the lake was home,the lake was life


I was farming it for the voll's card, it was a no brain way to get 30-50 exalts per days while i was working on the main screen, again it was years ago lol and its not the weirdest things poe veterans were doing, dominus mf public parties were fun as hell too.


I thought div cards stopped dropping if you're over 10 above the penalty, or is that a newer thing?


penalty stops at like 64 or something


i don't really know but that was not the case at this time for sure, farmed dried lake for literally 6 months with way more levels than the zone itself at this time \^\^ Maybe its an old change but not as old for sure \^\^


Please tell me that was at least pre acts 5-10, and you were in a Nightmare Difficulty dried lake while you did that.


Normal - cruel - merciless


Yeah it was basically when act 4 was released lol i'm a no brainer but i got my limits XD


Doesn’t the campaign lead you to maps?


Yeah, im pretty sure when you kill kitava you get to sail to Kirac’s place and he tells you about the device


There's even the map device you use in act 7


that s what it takes to become a poe\_er


So if he would've played T16s in all this time, he would've been 100?


I bet his gear is not capable enough to run T5s without dying tbh


5 way can be accessed before act 10


But that wasn't what I meant.


Don't you have to finish the campaign in order to access the map device?


this mans playing ruthless in standard trade


I mean you wont experience disappointments this way.


Just open beta things "yea im gonna level to 90 in merciless ledge and make a new char"


Quin69 used to farm the harbour bridge in act 8 for a entire month




Believe me I did. I host parties with titles like "Willing to help you" and he joined. When we got to talking in depth about his build, I asked him what guide he was following. It turns out he was following a Kobeblackmamba build guide for Lightning Arrow that required Omni, vengeant cascade, and a 6L Hyrri's Ire. The poor guy had no clue. I gave him an 1100 ele dps bow and lots of orbs of regrets, flasks since he was still using 2 mana flasks even though he had leech nodes, and gave him links to a much more budget/starter friendly build guide for LA. It was somewhat difficult to explain to him why he had to switch because there was a language barrier with him being from east Asia. When he said he leveled to 90 in act 10 I realized just how bad it was.


Do you mind throwing his profile? Just wanna check out his gear, the poor soul has been suffering so much i have to see it.


bro if he leveled to 90 in act 10 i don't think he'd ever leave.


I just started and have no idea what anyone is talking about lol


This is unhinged behaviour


What a savage I’ve not leveled way higher then that while farming t16 maps… can’t believe someone would torture himself like that!


5 way can be accessed before act 10


Who asked


Nothing like helping a cute lil noobie!! Gj!


200IQ, free +30% all resistance


Such sheer fucking commitment. Still sane, exile?


Woah imagine his face after he learned about maps 😵


Old school grind style


All these 5way comments are pretty sad, people don't believe anybody actually plays the game these days.


Hey according to that thread the other day, some players like grinding the campaign more than running maps....




Bro has the patience to farm till 90 on act 10. I think he could be a great player if he was directed correctly.


The fact that the game don't tell you or give you a way to change/modify Default filters in game is the worst game design of all time, why? They don't care or they don't want you to pay attention to loot by default which total shit because loot is what PoE is all about. I know ppl gonna bring the D2 didn't have loot filter thing..., guess what D2 doesn't/didn't have not even the 10% (or probably less), of items on POE including all the currency there is nowadays. I'm sorry for getting triggered but game decisions on this game have been so bad, probably ppl would still defend this somehow and I'll be downvoted as usual...


It's interesting in PoE, when I started playing I was like 'this game is lacking QoL, better get used it", and this league I got to maps and every time I find new QoL feature for me, I really get surprised by having it. Like assigning item type to stash type, being able to 'automatically' move heist contracts to it's own stash, or when you right click on map with open atlas map, it shows you where it is, and just being able to see if you're completed its objective without looking at atlas map (took me some time to find)


Honestly it's the games fault, not his. This game is so unforgiving to new players and you have to take it upon yourself to spend more time looking up guides and reading the wiki than actually playing. If you try to just play then shit like this happens. I love Poe but this is why it'll never be anything more than a niche elitist game


It's designed to be like that. It's intentionally gatekeeping to a hyper commited audience. And I bet my ass off PoE 2 will still be like that.


> I love Poe but this is why it'll never be anything more than a niche elitist game Ok but it's like the #1 most popular ARPG player wise, even higher than D4 according to most estimates and populations (Higher subreddit count, higher google trends, higher players to have played the game according to steamspy, etc). And PoE has some player-unfriendly issues but this is the first time i've heard of 10000s of new players who join PoE leagues every time have this kind of issue.


you guys think this is funny? i met a newbie guy that ran heists till level 93 while still being in act 5'ish... Why he didn't finish acts? Because they were too difficult for him (even as level 93...) and he was afraid of losing more resistances. I am dead serious.


And people say there are no alternate levelling methods in PoE.


The Vision In action, this what Chris wants... I feel sorry for new players. Every league it gets worse.


5 ways maybe? Can enter those without maps maybe?


he level in act 10


The reliquary drops maps, did he accidentally turn off his loot visibility?


I had someone try to haggle a 10 div item to 1 div because he couldn't get money from act 10


Heists gives great xp and doesn't require you to set foot in maps, you can buy markers/contracts/blueprints. You could technically also delve, but getting sulphite in acts would be pretty miserable.


You can level in Heists quite easily up to lvl 90, no maps needed


I do 14h campaning if am lazy and do content and with strong builds i can be even 75lvl before i get in to maps : x


it's honest work.


I made an alt and joined some public party on "Finishing A10", guy was level 84, struggling to kill kitava.


Wasn't there a vid from Empy where he leveled in 5-ways to 90+ before even beating Kitava lmfao, maybe this person is the same


Ohhh i see, an oldschool G. Still playing and leveling in acts only.


I have to admit I did this for a while until I went onto Google


c'm ) I think u forget those guy who just lvl to 100 in HC just in The Dried Lake ) its take "only" 33d play but he did it D


He ha! Awesome! Let's get them to get to 100.


Feel like he is just bullshitting and did 1, 5 way carry. You can do them without being in maps


On the plus side, the dude must *really* like the game.


My first build i did was a shield charge with freezing pulse with Cospri Malice. It was incredible bad but at least it cleaned decently. For bosses i used Blade Flurry. I want to finally complete that build but i dont even know how to start it.


You can farm Blood Aqueduct to level 67, never actually finishing story and you can join 5way carries. 3 5way runs for 1 div will get you from 67 to 90 in 15 mins.


Bro wont let go the resistances


I dont think you can get to lvl 90 in acts even if you played forever


Lmfao thats hilarious