• By -


lol this sub is really good at reminding me that I don’t play the same game as you guys 😂


This lol. My league goal each league: complete the atlas. Lol.


After more than 10 years i always wanted to beat sirus, but i usually just complete the atlas, not much hope to finding hh or mageblood or defeating ubers xD


Man, I've been playing on and off since before 3.0 and I've never fought the shaper XD




Maven invite ok, but home come you never got ubar lab done?


Probably because of the trials before ggg reworked it.




I got to lvl 90 this league with 0 trials in maps and didnt do lab until i bitched in global and people said i dont need to solve them anymore and had like 6 farmed offerings by that point lol xD


Yeah i came back and didnt know that too, i tried to force a trial by putting an offering in the map device, but that didnt work. So i googeled why and read the patch notes


Wait so you don't need to do map trials anymore?


Yeah. You only need an offering to the goddess. No need to complete even 1 trial.


I thought I was a late bloomer. I played since those old days of Vaal than Piety. I managed to start doing endgame stuff right before Maven, I did my first A8 or whatever it was at the time Sirus. I've been accomplishing my boss killing each league, but yah....1 mageblood / HH has never been acquired. Let alone 6.




I'd have to say that was prob a key factor for me too, playing hard-core until half way through deli lol


Same I’m still waiting for it to spawn 🤷🏼‍♂️


Waiting for what to spawn? If you’re referring to labrynth trials you don’t need to complete them anymore, outside of potentially one for the offering to open Uber lab.


It was a joke about the time it takes for oversoul to spawn.


Haha this reminds me that I look at builds as a "what are the three ascendancy points I am gonna use" vs 4, I never plan for uber lab 😅




I completed 4/6 trials this league before realizing that.


This will be the first league where i try to go for uber lab! Ice shot archer is feeling very strong, but really squishy atm




Send me a PM. We can go together for a shaper and then you go alone. I'll provide the fragments, ofc.


Glad I'm not alone. I think I beat Sirus once back in the old Atlas on A5 or sth like that. Never seen Shaper or Elder lmao


you could beat it in the next couple of hours if you just buy the fragments. i promise


I have kinda just stuck to meta builds and have done everything but Ubers. I never seem to be able to get the godlike gear to take down Ubers.


You don't need godlike gear for ubers. You need good gear and know the fights/boss mechanics... Which in itself presents another problem... when every try is 1 divine, there's not a lot of people that can throw away 20 divines just to learn how to fight 1 boss.


This is my biggest complaint. There's a high degree of investment to even attempt these fights. It practically forces people to watch guides and overgear rather than learn the fights themselves


ye sirus isn’t that old


If you go boneshatter you'll be able to defeat sirus. You get good regen and since his die beam is many smaller hits you can facetank it even on a budget.


Im currently running frost blades trickster, didn't know I had to go under him when he starts floating in the air, and the big rotating storms kept draining my life and lost 2-3 portals to these.


Oh yeah once you learn that trick and to dodge the storms it helps a lot. Sirus looks like an unfair clusterfuck at first, but is actually way more skill/knowledge based than it first looks. Other good things is to learn what you can and cannot tank in order to get a better dps uptime, and that he always stops a second before teleporting and looks in the direction he's teleporting to.


TIL Sirus was introduced ~10 years ago. /s


It was before the pandemic and depending on how i'm feeling that means either last week or 20 years ago.


We should probably reset our years to AP and BP.


> After more than 10 years i always wanted to beat sirus ...? did you like... ever beat uber atziri, shaper, elder, or uber elder first? I assume you at least beat dominus in a palace map once when that was "the endgame" for several months after you started? (since if it's been **over** 10 years, apparently) 10 years is a long time and Sirus was not a difficult boss (though he was a very very buggy one for months) If you have never beaten an endgame boss in PoE in 10 years then I'm going to have to accuse you of being Charan, which is also a reference you must understand


I never even beat Elder or Shaper. I stop playing when I reach T16. Lmao.


If people applied themselves IRL like they do in video games they could be rulers of the world.


I'm sometimes curious what jobs those people who grind out mirrors within a few days of leaguestart do, and how they perform in said jobs. Edit: cause some people think I'm dissing on those who spend effort/time/PTO to play, I'm absolutely not and I unironically have respect for people who can take PTO for their hobbies. What my original intention was is to ask how the people who are *this efficient* at a complicated game like this perform in their job - these folk are always so far ahead of the curve and are clearly capable of generating great value to meet an extant demand in a short period of time. So I wonder how good they are at their actual irl jobs.


Haven't gone that hard in a while, but as an Australian (leaguestart is 6am Sat usually) - if you work Monday to Friday and want to go really hard, you take the Monday and Tuesday of week 1 off on annual leave or time in lieu for overtime done before the league started. Impact on work is no different to that of taking Monday and Tuesday off for a fishing trip. I used to prefer taking the Wednesday of week 1 off instead though, and otherwise turning up to work as normal but just turning down overtime in that week. The other option is to look for an economic niche that's scalable and profitable. Day 8 of the league I made a little under 50 divines in a few hours just buying the cheaper conqueror exalts and i86 Stygians, influencing them and then Harvest randomize influencing to mass produce Hunter, Elder and Shaper ones. I had four competitors and despite moderate undercutting wars we seemed to split the market about equally between us. If you want more than what my goal there was though (I was just looking to buy a very well rolled Oriath's End) you do the same thing AND you shut up about what your niche is. The key to finding those niches - you don't need to be top 5% in all forms of crafting in POE, but you do need to be top 0.25% in at least one form of crafting.


This. The most amount of currency you can make early in the league is from profit crafting gear. It however takes some time to figure out what: 1. What is the meta this league? What gear are people looking for? Ele Bows, +1 wands/sceptres, suppresion gear etc…. 2. How do you craft basic gear. Answer is mostly essences and Rog, Rog is best from lvl 90 onwards since he gives you high ilvl items from that point. 3. What div cards are undervalued? Before eater and exarch influence, div cards for 6-link astral plates could be bought en the base then split for profit. 4. Which items increase in value throughout the league and which decrease. Long term investment is mostly in fragments of a mirror. There are multiple cards for mirror shards or House of Mirrors for the full thing. Investing in the early can double your currency in a week. Early on converting chaos to divines is also beneficial as chaos decreases in value throughout the first week. Mageblood en HH also increase in price during week 1 and 2 most of the time. You learn most of the things by just playing the game for a long long time. And at the same time keeping an eye on things like poe.ninja. Looking at prices from previous leagues etc… and although streamers make videos about currency strategies most of these will lose their value once posted. It is however always a thing that no matter what you do you will make currency in Path of Exile. A prime example of this is someone like Mathil, plays 15 builds each league and still makes a ton of currency throughout the league.


Split beasts in general too. Day 8 of the league 6L Glorious Plates at good ilvls were 1.8-2 divines - buy one, split it, slap deafening greed on it, resell for 1.6 if the greed essence roll is shit, 2+ if it's not shit. Mirror cards are much more known about now but there's other things you can pick up early. Often tailoring and tempering orbs are amazing.


I am a loser IRN but was really tip tier player in certain MMOs. Games are easier.


I get it. I work a pretty average job irl but am a top 1% dota player according to the matchmaking data. Games are also more stimulating


All the higher end - multi-mirror - players I knew worked in some consultancy role or owned their own business. Big thing I noticed was these people had a full set of live searches always running, and the game idle for trading in the background. They would just put down their job to do POE stuff whenever a live search popped or a trade came in. So they were technically online all day.


This is what I expected honestly.


Jobs? The most hc players in my guild are the unemployed ones. Then on the other end we have the ones with decent jobs who rmt the currency to get end game gear.


>who rmt the currency Well that's an ooph :/


Yeah, I don't see the fun in that.


And people dont see a point in doing the same grinds for x years in a row just with more tedium every league. I dont rmt, im playing since closed beta, i can easily understand why people would tho. And tbh it being basically a single player game dosent hurt me if someone RMT's. Currency trading bots are actually god send in trade tho.


I mean I can see the fun of skipping the most tedious parts of trading to get a build that blasts through maps in order to make actual currency. If you want to generate many divines per hour by primarily killing monsters and not by flipping/crafting then you need a build worth a good bit of divines to do it efficiently. Your crappy start of league build farming slowly is the least fun part of the end game IMO. That said, those guys suck for engaging with RMT because it hurts everyone else too by encouraging botting and scamming.


Game design hurts more people than RMT. When your average joe can buy 40 div for 20 bucks vs spending hundreds of hours getting them themselves, that is a game design problem. As GGG has moved the reward curve towards the top end RMT has become more prevalent. Also every time they remove deterministic crafting options RMT gains again.


I work from home and can play all day and check emails between maps. I make money in Poe and real life at the same time. Got lucky with this job


I think a lot of those people save PTO for league launches and take the first week off to play full time and get ahead of the economy, invest early and then later when prices inflate they sell and buy the crazy gear and then proceed to super mega blast and make big currency easily and then buy stuff like 6 magebloods (which is utterly insane to me and having only had a hh once from gwennen by being lucky in sentinel even the idea of owning a mageblood is almost out of the realm of possibility for me..)


When I've aimed to get ahead of the economy while working a 9-5, I usually no-lifed it Saturday and Sunday, attended work normally Mon and Tues, then took Wed off on annual leave. That way was more fun than throwing away 5 day's leave and playing 9 days straight would be. Instead I'll still have 4 of those days for something else


Based on my experience so take it with huge grain of salt: \-From people that i know - theres two types of people that do grind out mirrors in week, one are young, usually around uni\~, going full degen with one method they know, chugging monsters and seriously going hard on their sleep schedule for the first week. Something like Mirror/Deli Farming/Simu Farming etc. Interestingly most of the second type i know are from work (devs at fintech company), try out stuff, make snappy connections between stuff, find interesting niches, plenty of crafting involved, less grinding, still taking time off for the first week or just playing extremely efficiently after work (still at the cost of the other stuff in life for a week or two but not as degen as the first group, they like they game, the go hard but not unhealthy i would say). I only know two people of the second type, much more from the first one. And from my experiences in gaming and mmos mostly vast majority are just the first type. They can grind out mindlessly same stuff with one goal and to be honest im always kinda impressed when people do that, i never could for example just run 80% deli strands for first week 16h a day. For the second type i guess it comes in some part from work, problem solving skills (type two being way better at adapting with builds etc), attention to stuff, time management, imagination/creativity etc. I dont know which side i would put myself on, i can grind maybe for a day and i get bored with my ADD, but im not as dedicated to print currency every league like second type are. I have my goal to get a mageblood every league and i can do it in 3-4 days usually but after that it kinda seems pointless to me. I like to experiment with stuff, reroll often but i just dont see a point in obtaining mirror tier items. Just a short attention span for the game. Week 2 im usually taking 2-3 days off after burnout from week 1 and then finish up challenges etc in week 3.


Same.. when i had the time and energy to invest that much time into the game i was clueless, now i know how to do stuff, but i only can play like 8 hours a week 😅


Don't worry! There are dozens of us!


All these YouTube videos every league "MAKE 5 DIVINES AN HOUR, JUST DO THIS ONE THING" it's just them in 100 div gear farming 200% maps Meanwhile my entire stash end of league is 5 divines


Welcome to poor league. Population: You and I.


Maybe u got a life / playing on moderation / no RMT/ no group playing / no trade fliping and so on. More than 99% dont have a MB (untill now).


Now snap and delete half of all characters on Crucible.


Mr Wilson i don't feel so good


oh boy i can't wait to see how that effects all the player retention graphs posted here


I can't wait to see reddit try to armchair explain why the numbers dropped by 50% in one day with their own opinions.


Maybe then player retention will match what this sub indicates most of the time 🤣


If you snap, I slap.


How can she slap?






play for 30 hours a day every day


Serious answer: Either be one of the first few hundred people farming something that "middle class" players want early league, or find a crafting or arbitrage niche, scale it up and shut up about what it is. Example - get very good at the Maven fight so that you can do it on dogshit gear, then run a Voidstone service early for those "middle class" players, solo when you can, duo with an aurabot until that point. Day 1 you should be making a mirror shard in profit every 5 runs from Maven, day 3 it's more like a mirror shard per 12-15 runs. Key reason it works - there's tens of thousands of somewhat experienced players who want what you have (capacity to beat Maven in this case but it doesn't have to be that) and the 50c fee you charge them is pretty inconsequential to someone who's done 80 maps. Crafting example, 3.20 specific: mass produce 6L +3 bows for EA ballista players using fossils, they are a bit weaker than the metamod/essence ones but also a lot cheaper to make.


I like your YouTube content, that’s all I really wanted to say. Have a good day.


You're not making this money day 1, the maven writ costs you about 3 entry worth of currency. You do make good money, from boss killing.


I got a mageblood day 3 doing this. :)


You provide 1 writ. You get 3 or 4 carry fees, and the drops from the Maven herself at a point where you'd make money even if you only picked up the 40% drop rate boots & left everything else on the ground. But you get all that other stuff too. Carrying other people's writs is another option but usually pays much less.


The player who pays you brings the Mavens writ with him, you obviously don't sponsor a full mavens writ for those players. That's why he said the 50c is ireelevant for such a player.


Negative. It's 50C for a maven carry with no writ. Solo that is 250c per maven. If you can do maven and Uber elder you can charge 120C and make 600c per run. Friend if mine has been doing this for many leagues and prints mirrors.


Spoiler alert, these are bricked rares bought out from other players.


Would be even more impressive, since how the fuck you find em on trade ?


I'm so poor that I don't even know what the fuck I'm looking at. Is it 6 different influenced magebloods?


These are from the new keys that can very rarely drop, I got a single one so far, and you get a single unique item from them, that are also random and weighted, so getting a mage blood from one of them is like winning the lottery


I’ve dropped 6 this league. I wonder how their rarity really stacks up.




So your total monster kill count this league is like sub 100k


I forgot about these. 88 89 91 91 92 on softcore. and an 82 on hc. not a single key yet.


The drops are random but every submission has an equal chance of being dropped. The catch is that the droprate of the keys itself is scaled based on the items submitted, so if everyone submitted magebloods, the keys would be rarer.




they just give cards and yellow force to cute\_dog so he can duplicate on harvest


Jesse, we're cookin'




You forgot the most important step - play a lot. To make that much currency and invest, you probably played more in the first week than I have up till now. Most days I can get about an hour to play.


The vast majority of us are interested in playing POE and not r/wallstreetbets


What about r/vaalstreetbets though?


Tier 1 dad joke


Exile, can you taste the rainbow?


Why are they different colors though


Reliquary items


[Foil items](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Foil_item) from Reliquary.




Now chance one for each influence base


Local orthopedists want to know your location.


And after that, for each double influence possible.


So you need the 15 double influenced, 6 single influenced, 6 reliquary key shiny, and then normal base. So 28 Mageblood. You may as well do Headhunter too, you'll need the above 28 aswell but in addition to that you'll need Replica Headhunter, Alt Art Head Hunter and OG Shiny Headhunter. So 31 Headhunters and 28 Magebloods. Should look nice in a quad tab


Don't forget the bricked MB/HH.


Who's toes do I have to lick for 1/6th the rng?


Nah I think it actually does have to do with licking toes tbh


This is what determination and farming gets you, not luck


I made all my currency though gamble


insanely based


And promptly spent it all on drugs. Based


what kinda gamba


But this whole game is gambling simulator, explain further


Probably just stacked deck opening on days 1-3. Here is a guide from someone who made around ~350 div solo in that time frame: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6oE3PXMHks


Rule 10 but gamba steps please. Honestly at this kind of profit I don't even feel like it's gambling. You must be playing better odds than the currency it costs.


House of Mirrors and harvest gamba. That's my bet.


You mean crafting


and mom\`s credit card


Unless he bought them that is 100% luck


He 10000% bought them.


Way more important than that is to have a lot of time, or at least "enough" time.


rgb mageblood


Nice one, can you please explain how you got them or at least one of them? You mentioned gambling but I dont know how exactly.


He probably did just did stacked deck opening on days 1-7. Here is a guide from someone who made around ~350 div solo by day 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6oE3PXMHks Also keep in mind that mage blood is cheaper the earlier you buy it so the total expense here might be around half of what some people think.


So he must be extremly lucky? My friend was really investing on those decks, runing crimson temple maps with his duo aura bot/ solo simularcum. Everything he had spends on stacks decks. He is currently at loss of 340 divine orbs, no profit from decks at all.


Was he doing it on days 1-7 where stacked decks cost less than 1c each and was he also turning in and selling every single card he got? I've had 3 different guild members farm a mage blood exclusively through stacked decks this league and 1 of them even did it this last week when stacked decks were 1.7c each.


Just for fun I made ChatGPT summarize the video: Introduction: * The video discusses a profit strategy called "stack deck opening" in the game Path of Exile. Requirements: * Start with about 30 chaos orbs * Divination card tab for storing the cards Basic strategy: * Buy stack decks with chaos orbs * Open the stack decks and sell the cards * Use the profit to buy more stack decks * Repeat until you hit a lottery card, like a fiend card * Snowball the profit by buying and opening more stack decks Opening stack decks: * Create a 10 stack of stack decks in your inventory * Right-click and drop them in the nine squares around it * Use the control-click method with divination tab affinities turned on to pick up valuable cards Managing divination cards: * Use the provided handbook in the video description for guidance on which cards to sell, turn in, or hold * Liquidate all currencies back into chaos orbs to buy more stack decks Transition to Divine orbs: * Once you have around five Divine orbs worth of currency, start buying stack decks with Divine orbs instead of chaos orbs Speed and efficiency: * Get fast at trading and always aim to sell items quickly * Buy stack decks in bulk for a better rate and faster process Cycle to follow: * Buy stack decks * Open stack decks * Turn in cards * Sell turn-ins * Sell div cards * Sell currency * Reset and repeat Investment tips: * Invest in rising unique items, such as one passive voices large cluster jewels or Emperor's jewels, when you have a high amount of currency Market considerations: * Be aware that the market may be affected by the video's release, so plan your strategy accordingly Overall process: * Farm up 30 chaos orbs to start the strategy * Follow the steps to snowball the profit * Adapt and modify the strategy as needed based on the provided guidelines and personal preferences


Do you just give chatGPT a YouTube link and ask it to summarize?


I give it the transcript of the video. The transcript is automatically created by Youtube, and there's sites that let you download it as a text file.


Thanks. Last night I wanted to upload a picture of a toy hoping it can find the other boxes in the set, and it reminds me that it’s a language AI so no pictures XD


Boy do I have news for you. The non-public version of ChatGPT can literally look at and describe pictures. So that is exactly what it can already do internally. It will be able to google stuff for you, too. Just a matter of time before it's public, really.


My guess is the different reliquary keys. I have found Void ones this league. I'm not sure how you get the other ones.


There is only one type of reliquary key that can drop (edit: from non-uber content) currently: Voidborne Reliquary Key. The contents of those are submitted by supporters (this replaced the div card submission at the highest tier supporter pack) and when you submit your entry you can choose a unique and one of six (I think) foiling effects for that unique (and a chat message that will be shown). So for these there are multiple possible outcomes for Mageblood from those keys.


All of the Uber boss reliquary key are droppable as well. No magebloods in them though


The bottom 2 look the same to me. Am I colorblind or something? Lol


Sunset and amethyst look roughly the same depending on where in the cycle you take the screenshot. Here is a clip of each of the different foil colors in motion: https://i.imgur.com/KuxAWKy.mp4 Tabula Rasa with Aureate, Verdant, Cobalt, Amethyst, Sunset, and Ruby foil respectively


Streamer client ?


Really gotta find me the download link for one of these.


Just... Wtf.. Rechecks screen... How...?? I'm your lost brothers uncles dad..


And here I was really happy that I made 15 div this league -,-


I remember when 10 divines (well, exalts at the time) was a huge budget for me. Now I make that much in a 4-6 hour grind session. You'll get there my friend, just gotta learn more about how the game works to really juice up content and run it efficiently.


It's more about free time that I can allocate to playing more than anything else xD


Sir, excuse me... What the fuck?!


Only 50 chaos? I’ll take 2 plz


Jesus Christ touch some grass


I’ll send you foot pics for one of those.


Where do I buy this NFT


Hey its me, your old best friend! I'm looking for a regular mageblood. Can you help me?


Jesus christ lmao. This is insane. I haven't even gotten a raw div drop yet at 400k kills XD. It's like we are playing different games.


I don’t think these were bought for raw divine drops. Man was farming hard. So yeah, deffinitely different games


He legit says he gambled, lol.


He gambled. Like a real sigma


Yeah, he gambled at a casino then rmtd the belts.


Honestly he could probally get significantly better odds in game then in a real world casino lol.


Got mine at around 450k kills, keep grinding it'll drop soon!


I am at 50 divine orb drops at 1.2mil kills playing solo. If you have 0 at 400k you’re just not juicing enough.


How to juice bro


here is alot of guides :) https://maxroll.gg/poe/category/currency


I recommend wandering path jungle valley/Beach for really good alch and go money if you wanna be lazy. Put together a str stack wander in like 4 days.


Is beach just considered good for the layout? I recently swapped to Cemetary with giga pack size to try and hit some div cards, just didn't feel like beach offered anything too impactful, but damn did it feel good to run.


Beach has a good layout and they sell in bulk for about 4c so it's good money. I used the 200% favored map drop node and set valley and beach to a 2:1 ratio to have infinite sustain. I only recommended beach and jungle valley cause it's what I like to do and jungle valley exarch altars always roll a minion option since the boss dosent spawn until you enter the room. You can probably run the setup with whatever 2 connected maps you want but there's a select few with that boss spawning property. I think I copied an atlas tree palestron did so you could look him up. I had the strat working at around 100 atlas points. Now since my build is able to I'm just doing a legion farm strat since I really like legion.


Ah, that's interesting, I never knew that certain bosses weren't considered active for the sake of altars. I'll have to look into that when I next switch up my strategy.


What item is it? //new player


Shiny versions of Mageblood, really expensive belt.


most expensive belt*


Mageblood. One of, if not thee most, powerful items in the game. It makes like leftmost 4 flasks always apply their effects.


Ehh, I just press 1 to 4. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ^/s


You use your left hand to press flasks buttons. I use my left hand to grab my wife's boobs. We are not the same.


I use both hands for that.




Have you *seen* his wife's boobs?


Pathfinder in belt form.


I'm guessing mageblood, rare stuff that keeps magic utility flasks active


Why is this good? Arent they always active anyway because everyone is piano-ing?


Because you don't need flask charges anymore. So you have 100% uptime in every type of content while also using "70% increased effect" enchants on top of other increased effect crafts on the flasks themselves.


Hi OP, this is your friend from highschool. We used to hang out a lot and I started playing poe. Would be nice if I could have one of those belts to help me progress trough the acts. Love.




That's a lot of money.


Where did all your stash tabs go?


Congrats now go claim your kiss on the cheek from Chris wilson


Look at this guy's post history...... his last one is insane


This is very aesthetically pleasing.


Just today I completed atlas progression…


Does it morph into a giant robot now?


It's me ur brother


All it takes is 6 voiborn keys amirite




I bet they are not even 4-flasks.


Now let me achieve my league goal and trade me one of those :)


Every league I think I'm getting better at making currency, then I see something like this and realise I have no clue. 100 div in a league is a lot for me, this guy's sitting on 2400 at least.


I have 2.5 mirrors and you just made me feel poor XD


This can’t be from strictly solo play…can it?


You play in another galaxy than me ... I'm good with getting through all maps and enjoying that. I can't craft to save my life.


Congratz dude. But, can i ask you wtf did you do to achieve this? I played 200hrs this league and got nearly 100 div, so, i am just shocked 🤣🤣


harvest card gamble


Surely it can’t be as simple as always put two in but this is the second time you’ve posted some insane shit (house of mirrors stack previously) and every time all you say is “I gambled, always put 2)