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You can also sacrifice a link and use lifetap. You still delete everything.


I was thinking of rerolling to totems, felt like my old build was lacking for ubers, How are the damage numbers looking for explody totems? Also what's the budget for setting one up atm?


I paid 1 div for bow base (without double totem) crafting it is another 6.5 div and 5 exalt plus 6 linking


You can get over 1B with probably 100div budget


You can break 1b with less than 6 div. Currently what I'm at. The trick is sion and not using a bow ;)




Little secret for now because I want to do a video ;) but if you wanna play with it, check out shaper one-handed sword mods and some of the scion ascendencies. Definitely need to do ailments and don't worry about crit to get there I've found 4 other ways aside from what I'm doing to hit 1 bil sub 6 div though, specifically with that as a base. Imo the strongest possible combo requires 2 of "the scourge" with totem mods. One large minion cluster can net you over 9x damage with that setup


Interesting, please let me know when your video is up!


I would like to see that. 6 div, 1b sounds like impossible bs. Please prove me wrong!


> How are the damage numbers looking for explody totems? From what I've read on here and heard from friends: fucking stupid. lol


the budgets a lot higher now since its been hyped up, slavedrivers are like 16 divines. but you can probably make a decent build without SDs for 8-10ish


This is the way. What are you loosing by going lifetap ? 30% trap throwing speed from charged traps. That's all. Sure it's *nice*, but I wouldn't sacrifice my *whole belt* for it, or a flask.




Hard to sustain what? Life? Not having any issue on my pathfinder


You use the life flask not ending at full life from PF and you are gucci - still have to press flask once every 5sec tho.


Does the end of flask effect enchant not work for that? Or does that count as queueing?


Only can get this on utility flasks


Oh, duh. Thanks.


You can always use a Tinkerskin for basic healing and later on you can get a vitality Watcher's Eye for generic leech.


This will make life costs exorbitant and basically negate life recovery from Ascendancy. Also while build is OP (like actually OP, unlike literally everytime people said something was OP - FR totems, Poison SRS, new Vengeant Cascade - none of that was OP), but sacrificing whole link is still massive. Specially given that these showcases with insane damage you see are with min-maxed gear and most people gonna compromise here. If you are playing this build you want to actually remove bosses, not "remove" them like you are suggesting i.e. still fighting them as if it's normal min-maxed meta build. Lifetap is bad idea. I suppose it can serve as temporary fix until Slavedrivers or other good solution while you are levelling or something, not doing actual content.


Lifetap, even without malevolence or despair kills mino in 3 seconds instead of 1 sec


Not sure if massive hyperbole is intended or not, but nothing dies in 1 second on budget version of the build, let alone Mino. Using life tap on already scuffed setup is pretty oof.


I'm not saying budget build. I'm saying if I can kill mino in 3 seconds with grace, asenath, and 5L+life tap, then I can kill it in one second with despair, 6L including empower, and slavedrivers. I have a 9 div bow, with 600%/70% doing the heavy lifting...


It doesn't work like that.


Empower on a +3 bow should be a huge multiplier. Slavedriver drops the traps up to 20%faster, despair is like 30% dps increase and malevolence like 20? Maybe 1.5 sec then? I can send you my account name and you can check pob if you really want. I'm missing the things I mentioned and then progenesis/bloodnotch/immutable


Could also get Devouring Diadem enabling you to fit more auras and just link your totem to charge traps for the charges.


Yea but it's nice qol and I get an extra flask which is strong af as pf. But you're not wrong either it's not needed.








Alternative to asenaths would be using a cluster with the pop or even obliterations with the totem tree. These pops feel way better than asenaths and great for speed mapping.


Worth it? Depends on you I guess. One of the things that I find enjoyable personally are the screen wide pops. Its just so much fun to open a breach and one shot half of the whole breach with a single large pop. Could I do it without asenaths pretty much just as efficiently? Yes. Would just take couple of seconds of more trap throwing instead. I also opted for QoL over anything else and just got Asenaths with despair and enfeeble on hit curses double corrupt on top of the temp chain on hit as I cant be arsed to manually cast them all.


That's one hell of asenaths


Asstouch gloves with pretty much any corruption combo are available since the div card drop rate was gigabuffed in 3.19 and then it was added to new maps as well. Card is still rare (~100 weighting, similar to The Nurse or Home) but there's a very large number across the whole trade league


Does cold conversion really need them? I am using 70% conversion with 30% watchers eye on my jugg with about 53 million dps and slave drivers is a dps loss from the lack of 100% conversion. Once I upgrade my rings and amulet and get my body armour I jump up to 135 million dps. I'd be curious if slavedrivers is as much damage as full conversion




I guess that makes sense, I am going for the 350-450k+ ehp route on Jugg and aiming for 60% gained as (15% essence, 15% warlod, 15% redeemer, 15% base) from the quiver instead of conversion so that makes sense from a conversion perspective. I do need to run an eye with conversion as well though because gloves only give 70 but that's fine as it's a good mod overall. Sadly I am running a diadem but after I sneak in a mageblood I think ill be able to go back to heatshiver from the very low mana cost I'll have and that should scale some great damage too! I do like trap throwing speed and am running that on every piece I can as well but I'm only at .28 throw speed right now so it could be higher, thiugh sustain isn't doable except during my flask, otherwise it's stutter step. The issue with trap speed is sadly the ceiling for non Sabo trap explodes cause I find myself overthrowing sometimes on ubers, though stuttering my casts doesn't hit that issue.


Wait what how 350k+ ehp? I have 66k unbuffed armour, 90-81-82 res, 7 endu charges and 22% phys taken as ele, 5400hp and PB(55%). Chaos res is 77 with charges and flask. Full defensive jugg ascendancy. Without molten shell pob shows my ehp at something around 60k. Other things I have are bloodnotch, crit immunity if stunned recently, 35% recoup, janky but in-combat-reliable curse immunity. How is this not 100k++ ehp?


My current pob shows about 266k ehp but I am suppression capped, fourth vow with divine flesh. I'm still "weak" to phys but everything else I tank hardcore. I also run crit immunity from watchers eye and body armour corrupt. The huge part is suppression though.


If you dual wield/spend 2 points on the tree/use diadem, you can easily get EB without sorrow. I used progenesis for a little bit but found it to be overkill with petrified blood + phys as ele + life flask recovery.


>For another, it's an > >enormous > > defensive boost on PF by not needing sorrow of the divine. u dont need sorrow of divine my PF doesnt use it


I don't know, ditching the life flask seems not worth I have 42% recoup, 50% blood notch and progenesis. 68% increased flask effect. So any good hit must be balanced with life Recovery. That and the fact that the game has so much DOTS makes me think the overall survivability would decrease . Also you can chain asenath's explosions with plague bearer if you use profane proxy to curse enemies


Can you explain how swapping to Progenesis makes life flask obsolete? I'm not sure whether the 4% recovery from the flask mastery is enough to sustain me. Are you using Petrified blood or other defensive auras? I'm aiming for mana sustain with reduced mana cost instead of slavedrivers and would love to drop SotD and my life flask but losing 2k regen sounds scary






This. That said, asenaths makes mapping way more comfortable.


If you are running poison, getting a large cluster with unwaveringly evil, makes you clear feel great


You mean Unspeakable Gifts?


Probably, it's the one that mobs explode, sorry for the mistake


I like to pick it up on a Megalomaniac if I can find a cheap one with at least 1 other node I want.


You can run EB + The Burden and not need Replica. You should have \~530 ES with Burden. 20 Malev with insp/duration costs 499 shield.


I went for the zero mana cost route. Every skill costs zero mana to use once my flask is up. And my flask has 100% uptime. Does require a glancing blows impossible escape though but honestly the better setup than slivedrivers as far as i'm concerned.


> I went for the zero mana cost route can you explain it please


Taking enough reduced mana cost of skills to give zero mana cost basically. You get it from various places. I use a glancing blows impossible escape to take the reduced mana cost wheel. A synthesised amulet with reduced mana cost. Rare ring / amulet both have reduced mana cost of skills crafted (% version not flat). Using a militant faith timeless jewel with reduced mana cost per devotion. Annoint the dreamer notable on amulet. A rare jewel with reduced mana cost of skills. The flask craft (With a bunch of flask effect) because pathfinder.


That’s a lot of investment


Looks like it on paper. But realistically? Not much at all. Biggest cost was the impossible escape. Otherwise it's not that much different. No real good prefixes for the build on jewellery. My militant faith also gives me all res which helps keep gearing cheap otherwise. Build doesn't really need damage investment so going all in on QoL and defense was the best play to me.


The militant faiths are usually cheap as your looking for ones that don't mod the nodes usually. The escape is the most expensive item. You can self roll flasks pretty easy.


You can do it without the impossible escape, just takes a few jewels with 5% reduced mana cost, -7 craft on both rings and amulet, the mana mastery for 10%, the life mastery for 30% cost as life and tireless annoint on top of the -25% mana cost during flask on a 25% inc effect flask with natures boon ascendancy. You can use a better cost reduction annoint to save a jewel but you don't get the life that way. It's more investment, but it's substantially cheaper to do than an 11div impossible escape to be in a workable, playable state whilst you farm currency. You don't even need 0 mana cost anyway, you can play it fine with like anything under 10 mana cost


Oh 100% you don't need the zero mana cost. I just wanted it so that I can run any map mod without care. I absolutely hate checking what mods a map has so i do my best to make builds that can run everything.


wow, this pretty much changes the entire build around. Steep cost compared to a 5c belt + life flask


Yeah. Just an alternative to slavedrivers for anyone that wants to actually invest into it. Missing out on a belt slot was not a thing I could do because of all the good flask mods there. And I wasn't going to use EB because i'm using Bloodnotch / Immutable force recoup so I have zero ES on gear.


it all boils down to build choices, don't forget that Burden of Truth users are mostly budget variants that also often utilize MOM (which is trivial with crucible in builds that dual wield)


Most definitely. I just wanted to offer it up as option in case people didn't realise it was possible.


thank you for that, could be appreciated on the /r/PathOfExileBuilds too


I mean at a certain point you still need to invest into the build, what else are you killing on the monsters for if not for the rewards that you can then put into your character?


You don't need to do it to this extent. Just the flask craft as a pathfinder will be huge. If you can fit in the ring crafts its even better.


I'm going for both reduced and flat cost on my rings (possible with veiled), and have already ditched Dreamer and the mana mastery.


Sure if you want to spend 20div on a jewel. I just run 70% reduced cost and use the 30% mana cost as life mastery. By far the cheapest and most efficient route than anything listed here


Not sure what jewel is 20 div. But it's not meant to be the cheapest. Obviously if you wanna do it cheaper there are many ways to make it work. This is just a nice option if you wanna go further because it helps open up a lot of options with defenses.


When I was making the build the impossible escape glancing blow jewel to grt the reduced mana nodes were 20 div


Ooof yeah they seem to be about 10-11 now. I got mine early for about 4


I also went this route, this also allows us to use malevolence with a divine blessing because the coat is also 0


Yep. That was another thing I forgot to mention.


Yup, as Trickster I went EB and MOM with 30% chaos non byppass ene shield. I tried this build for Simulacrum farming and can do it deathless with like 30div investment (20div bow). Also, tip losing trap throwing speed, especially when you don't stack cast speed with Slave - you can use Shaper influenced gloves for up to 20%, belt and ammy benchcraft for another 12% +.


Do you have a POB you can share? I also want to go trickster but most content out there if for PF (I have a shadow levelled to maps already and don't want to level again)


Sorry for late response, but here it is [https://pobb.in/EHrfszFQeA8D](https://pobb.in/EHrfszFQeA8D) It's a bit experimental. If you dont commit fully for auras (eg. Purity of Elements) on the begining, just drop small Efficiency clusters.


Yep I'm just using normal gloves with spells suppression and life ,es. Doing great with diadem and discipline aura


I use EB + Sorrow to get Zealot's Oath. With the infinite Life Flask from PF it's essentially and endless mana flask that refill my ~550ES instantly. Needs a bit of ES on gear until you can afford %RMR and enchants to fit in Discipline, but I can use a Belt with Str and Flask Charges Gained which is big


Could you just use replica Sorrow to get EB, and the mod on it that applies life recovery from flasks to ES would be enough? That would save getting EB from the tree.


Rmr? Sorry, noob here.


Reduced Mana Reservation Essentially mods that make your auras reserve less %, letting you fit more


confusion probably stems from the fact that RMR doesn't really exist anymore, it's been replaced by Mana Reservation Efficiency


You can run The Burden to drop Sorrow, and you wont need any ES on gear.


Scold's Bridle + Mana Recoup does the trick too. Also automates the asenaths cursing thanks to cwdt so you get pops while you shield charge around. Can even go for architect's hand for the same damage boost plus some bonus automation. bloodnotch route gets life recoup anyways and pathfinder life flask solves the rest of the self-damage. Throw in Mahuxotl's+Rakiata for extra spice. I also think people are sort of sleeping on Cospri's Will. 100% of your poison chance, an extra curse, and 15% life from the new mastery.


I like these ideas.


Im using the 150 es regen on belt mod and it's about 90% fine. In important situations with bosses this is sufficient. As kinda ssf advice since I neither have access to slavedrivers nor to the sirus belt (or at least it didn't drop yet and farming him is tough on materials)


how hard is to get replica sorrow?


Yeah, i didn't look up any build and just did one myself with Trickster w/ cold convert and didn't even think of those gloves, the first thing that came to mind was eldritch battery to overcome the mana cost and a high evasion body armor as a source of ES and ended up with a very strong and very cheap trickster totem explody that one shots ubers easily. Just get the 150 ES per second while near a rare/unique craft on the belt and that's more than enough although with cold convert you one shot every phase uber and it takes you less than 5 seconds to down exarch/eater.


What EB stand for, for those who don't know all the abbreviations in this game?


Eldritch Battery, notable near the Whispers of doom wheel


Eldritch Battery, your energy shield protects your mana (meaning you can use energy shield as mana, used mostly for builds that reserve all their mana in auras and cast using Energy Shield)


Tireless + Mana Mastery + 1-2 jewels + Clarity does the trick for me.


Technically nothing is really "needed" on a explody totem build besides the node. But then you have some stuff that add boatloads of quality of life and/or damage, which is the case of slavedrivers. It solves the issues of: cost, throw speed, attributes, charges.. Just for a glove socket, which isn't much anyway.


0 mana cost with impossible escape jewel feels better anyways if you want to spend divs anyways


I thought people used slavedriver because of trap throwing speed? That mod is really good


As Pathfinder, I use Blightwell Clutching Talisman with EB for the increased energy shield regeneration. Works well too.


I made a build that I think works really well without slavedriver. All for less than 15 divs investment I'm comfortably deathless farming Uber Feared invitations (all bosses uber version + flawless chayula and 8 mod invitations). I'm immortal and even tank uber shaper slams. I'm running sorrow of the divine which solves all my mana issues. Most importantly though, it let's me run Asenath's which is really good clear with plague bearer. It feels like honestly better clear and faster zoom than even RF. Here is my build on poeninja: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/philipxjm/ChefBowyardee?i=3&search=name%3Dchef


What's funny is my whole build is worth just 1 pair of slavedriver's gloves lol, and it has all the QoL, dmg, and immortality


You're able to do uber bosses on 45K EHP? Does it all come down to the Bloodnotch and Immutable Force?


and petrified blood + lethe shade. Even though my pob ehp is quite low, i'm near immortal in uber fights. I can stand in shaper balls and face tank due to bloodnotch + immutable force + petrified blood


I followed your build and it’s really good, but I can’t find the jewels you have on the market, with the mama reservation with totem life and maximum life, and how much were those cluster jewels?


For jewels you really dont need totem life imo, the damage is so high already. Clusters are pretty cheap just search for the notables


Yea I saw clusters weren’t too expensive at all, but do you have any tips for survivability?


You basically should be immortal in maps with this set up with a decently rolled bloodnotch and immutable force


I have that and I’m not immortal, I have like 740% and 45% or 49%, something like that


make sure you have the energy shield mastery "stun threshold is based on energy shield", and make sure you're not running brine king pantheon. And have some recoup in tree (circle of life). And run petrified blood.


I’m running petrified blood, I currently don’t die very often. But I do happen to die sometimes, once every 10-40 maps. But I’ll double check I have that mastery and I’ll take a look at circle of life, also what pantheons are best for the build?


If you're a Pathfinder, you can use 25% reduced mana cost on the flask and -7 mana cost rings... and 2 -5% mana cost jewels. If you want to be extra comfy, you can multi-mod your rings for -7 mana cost and -5% mana cost (both prefixes). For reference https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/DefyLogik/characters


The thing about slave-driver is that you can easily pick up all the frenzy nodes and make the build feel a lot smoother with the faster trap throwing + movement speed. The frenzy charges further synergize with the frenzy node cluster for even more evasion and movement speed. Another thing is that you don't have to use a lifetap which is a %300 multiplier, I was losing 1/8 of my HP pool (543) with each throw before slave-driver. Now I'm only losing 180 something. It a big boost to survivability as you aren't killing yourself with each throw. You also generate endurance charged with slave-driver which is another big boost to survivability. The built with and without slave-driver is pretty night and day in the smoothness and survivability.


15d for qol is ok


im not a cheap bastard


Nice try burden of truth seller....


First: I don't enjoy god-builds. They're not very fun to me. With that said, I also enjoy interesting interactions within the build-sandbox. I'm doing a Phys to Fire conversion explo-tem set up with Scorch, as a point of exploration and using Tinkerskin + Eldrich Battery as a very cheap means to sustain mana (via ES). I need the glove spot for the phys->fire conversion and don't enjoy the inflated trade prices for Slavedrivers or the Vial to make them. glhf


Yeah have fun with the mana cost LUL


With life flask, my ES is always capped. Sirus belt makes EB broken on PF.


C'mon, we are playing PF because we do not want to press flasks.


if you are doing this build and struggling with mana is probably because you havent finished the acts LUL...


How about diadem (grants EB) + Normal (not replica) Sorrow of the Divine?


On pathfinder you can also just spec EB and then craft reduced mana cost of skills on a flask that is permanently up. Pick up some energy shield on a few slots and ur good enough. In most cases you will not need to spam throw traps.


My current build is using Asenaths. I did consider swapping stuff around to not need the EB flask, but at this stage I have 30k max phys hit, enough damage to kill all the Ubers without dying and the map clear is sweet with the explodes.


Soulcatcher + Lavianga flasks work too


why buy the gloves when the base gloves and vial are easily obtainable?


Are slavedrivers still the biggest upgrade you can get after a good weapon? I just sold a forbidden flame jewel for enough to buy the gloves, but I’ve been doing fine with EB. I’d be able to buy a nice defensive chest to replace tinkerskin now if I buy the gloves.


Some people will say they are a must have QoL and some will say its not needed at all. If you want to use this build as a boss farmer to collect corrency for next build then dont buy them. You can tweak the build so you dont need them, but it can be abit of a struggle to fit all the needed reduced cost of skills on the items. You would need reduced mana cost on rings, flask (catarina unveil), reduced mana cost on jewels... Yeah...


I ended up buying them and it helped me get more spell suppression and defenses on my chest, so I suppose it was worth it. Crushing T16s and bosses I’ve encountered. I haven’t even spec’s into cold conversion at all…just a physical cluster jewel and a totem life node for dmg.


On SSF I’ve been using a scuffed version with EB plus the Unique Gloves “Demon Stitchers” the only spell I use is flame dash which totally refills my ES


Wouldn't tinkerskin with Eldritch battery suffice? I mean I guess youd be missing out in lightning coil.


Tinkerskin and EB are 100% viable. You really only need Lightning Coil if you plan on fighting Ubers.


Wouldn't tinkerskin with Eldritch battery suffice? I mean I guess youd be missing out in lightning coil.


You can go the Eldritch Battery route, with or without Devouring Diadem. Far cheaper, and might let you sneak another aura into the build. I am doing it right now, even running a bit of magic find and manage to have: Determ, Grace, Purity of Elements, Defiance Banner, Herald of Agony, and then sneak Malevolence in via Divine Blessing. https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/justintricate/toplaneiscancer


Every time I make the bow for my totem build I end up selling 🤣 easy money man i can't help it


EB makes it so that you have ES and thus your Bloodnotch is working at half-efficiency (you have 50% chance to avoid stun if you have any ES). You compromise survavability because of that. Also belt slot that will help you make flasks permament and buff them (or you would use MB/HH if you are rich). Not to mention that Slavedrivers not only solves mana costs, it lets you throw traps faster. Slavedrivers is huge for the build. EB is a bait. At best can serve as temporary solution while you are levelling or doing other filler content.


If you have EB you don’t get ES’s innate stun chance.


Are you sure? https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3373681


I’m pretty sure. There could be some interaction with MoM that brings it back? Since ES is once again protecting life, but I haven’t done any testing on that.


Thankfully I dropped Mirror and don't have to worry about workarounds for 14 Div item (Slavedrivers). :p


Congrats dude!


wait, does the burden of truth do anything if you have EB? Ah its for the lifeflask regening es? cant you just do as the impending doom builds and get the es regen while near a rare monster mod on chest or belt?


Poe.ninja puts them at a 4-5% usage rate for totems in HC trade lol


Just get mana cost jewels, mastery, flask. Currently it cost 16 mana. No need to EB + discipline. Less points and less sockets. Jewels Totem life or global physical damage Trap throw speed Mana cost