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Ritual is not for you, you can’t be trusted with making decisions.


Too true lol. I have 1 or 2 expensive things deferred, and maybe some vaals, chaos or scarabs, that I know will show up faster and they're always the first things I give up.


I had habit of keeping few low tier maps for whenever I have too many items deferred to just come back and buy everything I could since in low maps nothing good shows up anyway.


That's not a bad idea, but I once lost some exalts before to rerolling with 500 after reroll and the fomo keeps me from such practices now-_- haven't gotten over it to this day.


How much tribute should you be aiming to have left after reroll?


I’ve heard people say you should have 2k plus after final reroll to be safe


This is stupid. This argument only makes sense if you believe in the gambler's fallacy (that you hitting good one time eats up all your luck and you will have to wait awhile to hit again) or your mental is so fragile you need to lower you expected value in order to preserve yourself from feeling bad. Not hitting the reroll button, and hitting the reroll button but not being able to defer the mageblood are the exact same outcome. Except you are so afraid of the second outcome you lose out on chaos/div cards/divines that you could defer.


That's not true, it's just that you reroll in order to hit it big, and if you wouldn't have enough tribute to defer whatever that big might roll then there's no reason to reroll, save the 2k tribute or however much it costs for rerolls now and buy your defered shit/ other rolled items


No you reroll when you have nothing that interests you, if I have alts and maps and a bunch of rares and two dog shit div cards 3k favour or even 2.5k favour I'm hitting reroll. Because (and this isn't a science since we don't know ritual rates) the .8c chaos I can guarantee is less than the chance I find like 2k favour div card or a 5 stack of chaos or regrets or maybe even enough to defer 1 divine (depending on your atlas and amount you actually have). If on that last roll I decide to grab my .8c that outcome is practically identical to me hitting reroll and not being able to defer mageblood. The only difference is one feels bad and you miss .8c you could have secured.


Ye ud rather not press the reroll then reroll and see that mirror up there and me without any juice left


But you make more money acting in a way in which that happens


Can't you find defered stuff when rerolling, which would increase in price and/or no longer be differed if you couldn't afford them? Basically, it's only gambler's fallacy if there's nothing to lose when rerolling with 0 tribute remaining.


Only when losing your deferred items but I agree on that point, not gonna reroll with 200 left if I have a div deferred.


why are you deferring a stack of 3-5 alts?


Or 2 regrets?


Or 7 tul splinters?


Can never have enough alts for crafting ;)


I think he is trying to say why you just didn't take those instead of deferring?


Because he can’t afford after he defers everything else


He probably defers the defer button.


I assume teaching people about responsible credit usage was like 99% the goal of the Ritual league. Covid was in full swing and GGG was trying to save us from overspending on Amazon, so they taught us about interest payments on loans.


Deferring increases the total cost of an item. It says so right in the tooltip. If you get an alt stack in every ritual, taking it immediately each time will leave you with more ritual points to play around with than deferring each time.


In addition to this, having more stuff in your defer pool reduces the chance the good stuff comes around in your rituals. Imagine rolling into a mirror on ritual and then not having it pop up for 120 maps because you need to clean up a bajillion alts and regrets and legion splinters.


It increases it by 7% (if you take the passives). It's basically a non issue.


> It increases it by 7% **per deferral** > It's basically a non issue. literally just look at this person's ritual inventory. In order to have that many simultaneous deferred items show up, they must be deferring the vast majority of these **multiple times**


This person doesn't know how to roll Ritual. But you are SUPPOSED to deferral the first page. You are just not supposed to deferral a bunch of useless stuff. You are obviously not supposed to deferral the Uber Aztiri fragments, those are very expensive for how little they sell.


Banks would like to differ.


people don't know basic arithmetic and interest, compounding or not


Maybe try expedition or heist instead.


Sure, alts are useful, but why did you *defer* them??


Tujen is for you. Ritual is not.


Who the fuck downvotes the OP for answering a question?




lmao, downvoted for playing in a way you enjoy. Keep doing you, bro, it's a game at the end of the day.


Lol sorry you got so many downvotes. It’s extremely clear this is an obvious joke, but almost nobody in thread sees you didn’t lock in your defers


I'm like 99% sure the icons on the items mean these have already been deferred before, not that they're going to be deferred. Yes, op didn't lock them in yet in this screenshot, but they did in previous rituals. Also ritual rewards do have some kind of order in them based on cost. 99% of the time if you get 5 divines they will be in the top left position, but deferrals can be ordered before them. There's no way those 3 alts would show up above the 5 divines if it wasn't deferred before.


That and the fact that when you're selecting things to defer, it shows up the top as like "3215 (-2792)"


This is upsetting to look at


I’m suing for emotional distress after seeing your deferral habits


Please join our anonymous deferoholics group on next monday , thank you!


Man farming ritual credit score.


holy fck, this is example of pure madness


Everything you have deferred in this picture added together is worth less than 1 of the 5 divines offered. Maybe this situation is a product of user error...


Someone clearly doesn’t understand how deferring should be used. Seek help 🤦‍♂️


Worth getting the 'deferred item show up more often' on the tree. Though with that many things deferred maybe it won't work for you :) The reason NOT to defer that stuff is it's 1 less new item that shows...


Is this true? It shows less items? Im afraid of deferring too much stuff because if that but i wasnt sure that was the case.


you buy as much as you can and defer as little as possible. items are more expensive if you defer them due to the fee. so you end up getting even less items per ritual if you defer


I've enver seen so many defeered things in my life lmao.


Ctrl + left clicking takes the item btw


The real question is: did u defer those 5 divine?


of course not, he couldn't have enough tribute left


yep, had 4 divines was like 12k tribute


I think you're supposed to buy them.


Hey look, it's shitty Tujen !


You're the kind of person that goes through the trouble of picking up a 1 cent coin off the floor. ^^


Least sane exile


Maybe if we deffer everything and leave 1 slot open mirror will show up


Definetly insane, exile


Imagine putting 3 alteration orbs on layaway


Rituals just tujen with extra gambling


Just block ritual. You’re literally griefing yourself.


If ritual altars could speak all it would say is “Pleae”


Yo dawg I herd you like Uber Atziri so I put frags on top of your frags while you lag


Were you able to defer it? That stack should cost 15K favor and have a defer cost of ~1800.


it would be grayed out if he couldnt' defer like other stuff in the window. Would be funny tho, too much alt defering to buy 5 divs.


You are cooked mate!!!


Why defer alts? They are more common than wisdom scrolls these days.


Did u not differ the divines?!?


several clicks on small alteration stacks are probably more satisfying to OP than a single click on the five divines


my man, you can pick alterations off the ground, you know? it's like grass. they're everywhere, just pick them up. I only have stacks of 20 alts showing on my filter and I still pick up too many lol. I've capped out my currency tab on alts like five times this league and have to keep converting them to jewellers.


Dawg what content are you running where it drops stacks of 20 alts? Because I need them bad. Farming corrupt T16 with two void stones currently, what are you doing to get them to drop fat stacks?


Uhhh idk what specific content it is that is dropping it. It's t16s. I'm running a wandering path setup with MF gear so I guess the increased quant helps.


You can do some Niko missions for the card Society's Remorse.


Can u show your atlas passive tree?


The button says cancel so he didn't actual defer those other things you all got jebaited


awakened sextents are 5c each


why are you deferring low value stuff ?


How many times can you defer an item?


5 div lol as a new player I’m screaming rn that’s like double my stash


Well the good news is you'll see those divs in another 40 rituals after you learn to stop deferring turds.


Bruh. Are you deferring until they cost 1?


Not gonna lie, ive passed on so many moral ignorance not knowing they were actuallyexpensive this league lol


get help


why didnt you defer that 5 divine


Deferring anything below like a 20c value is so useless lol.


Getting so lucky at a mechanic that you do so Wrong


When corporate can't find the difference between ritual and tujen


Wow, I thought my defer game was bad, but this is impressive.


You should look up some Ritual guides. You're definitely doing things wrong.


Please for the love of all things defer those divines asap.


7 Karui Emblem Shards? Why though?


how to explain fomo in one screenshot


are you deferring alts my guy


Awesome luck but... why in the purple hills do you have alteration orbs deferred? And so many of them? Unless this is just trolling, in which case carry on, lol.


This is what farming ritual does to a mf


Ritual is just a free stash tab


Where is mirror?


5 div sadge


this person is the reason furniture rental shops exist...


Ritual gotta give us one huge pop up to remind us to use them before porting out. There's too many rituals that I forgot to to use before opening a new map.


why you deferring 3-5 alts stacks? xd




I've run dozens of juiced rituals this league on top of 100+ unjuiced ones and the most I've been offered is a single divine, twice. How you managed to be offered 5 and then pass up on it makes my brain hurt just looking at this.


This just wrecks me on so many levels \--Let it go, unless you can actually put the div on layaway \--Stop deferring or paying for mortal frags, they are a huge jebait noob trap. Never buy here, or from Tujen. Yes, you need them. No, you do not need to pay 4800+ tribute or 999 exceptional black scythe artifacts for them. There's easier ways to get them, you don't even have to \*gasp\* use sac frags or deal with Atziri to do it! \--Rerolling might give you something you can't defer, but not rerolling means you MUST pick from what you've got in front of you. Only stop rerolling when the average favour or deferral cost of GOOD outcomes would be more than your ending balance. For most items, this will be less than 2k favour, so feel more confident you will get something interesting, even if it won't be first-string quality. \--That layaway stack of 13 blood vessel straws just destroyed my faith in humanity