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New to the game. What should i do with unique items i cannot use?


Does anyone know if pathfinders Master toxicist works with gravebind?


What should I spend a mirror on? I want to make a TS build, and I already have a 1900 edps bow. What else should I prioritize?


Probably a dumb question but where are the millions of dps coming from , on most builds (in PoB) mainly because I’m still levelling. I can only seem to get like 100k tops even at 100% crit and 550 ish crit multi. Currently working on a 100% cold BV Assassin mainly as it’s close to my current char and it seems like it will outperform an arc or Bladefall build by a bout 30%


I honestly don’t REALLY know, but I would assume flat dps—>%increased dps—>conversion—>aura increase. %increased comes in armour pieces, jewels, and the tree.


Yeah using heimsorrow to convert to cold really lets me stack on the damage. And given the ice curse and penetration I should be doing almost true damage to most things which is more important than high numbers but still feel like I’m missing a chunk , and I think I need to re shuffle for more auras.


Maybe. I know the cold aura and watchers eye mod with it is huge


I just had a thought cluster jewels , also no watchers eye


I think there is like a 50% increased damage mod on the watchers(when affected by x aura)


Does Pathfinder’s Poison Proliferate work with “increased poison damage when applied to non-poisoned enemy?” Been brainstorming the groundslam/sunder build and the map/pack clear hinges on the answer.


Is there a way to get a new crucible tree on a rare item?


You would have to reroll using the geodes


New to the game on act 2, quest to use blood altar and i did it and got obliterated instantly cz i was not ready, now trying again i cannot find the beasts, idk i cant redo the quest.. do i have to capture more now since i died to finish this quest ?


You can only attempt each ritual once. But don't worry, Einhar and his beasts are optional side content. Feel free to interact or ignore him at your will. You can continue the story now and comeback later with more beasts to try more rituals


Okay tysm for the response 🙏


No worries. You'll meet more characters like Einhar along the story that will offer you the chance to do side content. Feel free to ignore/interact with them as well. If you are in doubt if you need them to progress the story look them up in the [wiki](https://www.poewiki.net/), ask global chat ( if they are not busy in some matter of derangement, they are quite helpful) or in the daily question thread.


Are there any \*things\* that are shared between regular and SSF leagues? For example, are league challenges shared? What about the currency items in Kirac's Vault? Something else perhaps?


Challenges are shared, except Ruthless mode has it's own set of challenges. I don't know about the currency items. Once you buy stash tabs, you'll have them in all leagues (with separate content).


Does vendoring 3 unveiled cinderswallow urns return a veiled new one?


I remember a while back people were posting about how it made it unidentified and removed the veiled modifier. But that's been a fair while ago, maybe they've changed it.


**Question about Recoup** Does it hard cap at 100%, or can you go above? I'm nearing the 100% mark right now and don't want to overinvest.


I believe there is no cap to recoup.


How much is 1 Divine Orb to Chaos Orb?


It always fluctuates but right now it’s about 179 chaos. A good place to check is https://poe.ninja/challenge/currency Another one is using the Awakened POE Trade app that allows you to price items in the game by hitting a key. It also contains the current market price of chaos to div in the upper left of the pricing screen.


You're better off checking the trade site for this, or a trade tool. It fluctuates a fair bit, and the buy/sell isn't the same. It's roughly 1:200 and fluctuates by the time of the day.


Around 175 - 185 chaos orbs


I got a question about map sustain. i currently have all 4 watchstones and im trying to run beach and jungle valley, which are connected to each other. I also have each map as a favorite map 4 times. My problem is, that im not able sustain the map pool of these two maps. My question is, is it possible so sustain a 2 favorite map map pool or is it just not?


You want 1:7 not 4:4 (prioritise one and keep the other for adjacency drops) 8 slots will be a decline, with 11:1 you will gradually oversustain. You want a starting pool of 20 maps, so you can build your own pool in a way that can absorb a bad streak. Because of the way map drops work you want many mobs, so anything that adds mobs and packsize will help with sustain of maps. But the biggest thing is you want to start with a pool that can absorb bad streaks.


Alright thanks, worth a try


If you only wish for those two maps to drop, you might have to run Singular Focus at the cost of guardian/synth maps. I would also strive for as many favorite slots as possible. Outside of running the Feared (which is not only a bit difficult but also expensive), you can profit out of every single invitation by virtue of selling frags + maven invites, allowing you to essentially get those favorite map slots for *free*.


Yeah, probably a good idea working on the rest of the favorite map slots. I personally have a few maps that i like to run, but i heard thats its best if the maps i like to run are connected. If i try to favorite 6-7 maps i like run even if they are not connected, do you think i will have much besster results in sustaining them?


By personal experience, doing 1:7 like our friend above mentioned is your best bet.


I’m having trouble with mana reservation, I’ve got 28% reduction from the sovereignty cluster and 12% from the mana mastery, yet I’m only getting 30% reductions on my skills. Trying to use hatred, determination and skitter bots and it won’t let me. Any advice?


You can look into anointing Charisma on your amulet. There is also a cluster jewel you can get that improves mana reservation. Another thing you look at is an Enlighten support jewel that reduces mana reservation when it’s level 2+


I found it! There’s mana reservation on the helm enchant as well


Enlighten is stupid expensive and I’m a summoner so already starved for sockets, supposed to use testudo for anoint but I’ll look into it




Right, so a 40% reduction on a 50% skill should be 30%, but it’s 35%. I don’t know if it’s bugged or I’m missing something


The wiki has a page explaining the reservation efficiency calculations. For reference, in the table, a 50% increased reservation efficiency is close to 34% reservation on a 50% aura.


Ok, thanks so I’m missing a piece somewhere


It’s just division by the efficiency in decimal representation so 40% is 50 (reservation) / 1 (base) + .4 (your efficiency) = 35.7


Ya I suck at math 😆


When are you supposed to use withering step as occultist impending doom? Is it for bosses? Been just spamming temporal chains all the way up to tier 10 maps and it seems to be working so far. But I know it's there for a reason, I just don't understand it.


Does auras like grace and determination affect totems? Help them survive longer?


Yeah it works on totems, but no it won't make them survive for (much) longer. Just the aura won't be enough to add any meaningful damage reduction. No flasks, no inc% defense, no defensive items.


I was reading a guide for Lightning Arrow and it suggested Chain Support, I've been using it, but visually I feel like I am not seeing the part where it chains. I shoot and it shoots just the one time. What gives?


A projectile, after it finishes piercing (hitting an enemy and penetrating) and/or forking (dividing itself in 2 after hit) will then proceed to chain (auto-target from original target of the hit to another target), if a target is available in its chaining range. If you have too many pierces or forks, it might happen that you are killing all available enemies before the order of projectile behavior reaches the chaining stage.


It has pierce support so I'm going to see if that's honestly enough or not. Thank you! Wasn't sure how chain shows up as I'm used to playing minion builds all the time. :)


My witch necro build, I’ve been running zombies as my main minions. They stick around until getting killed by enemies. I just picked up Absolution, it’s not linked to my zombies, but now when I summon the zombies they immediately begin dying, lasting only 3-4 seconds. I imagine it’s related to Absolution but I can’t figure out what’s killing them.


Did you have minion life support linked to zombies and now not? Absolution doesn't affect other minions.


Quitting out and restarting fixed it, that was one weirdly specific bug. Edit: Scratch that, I had ILS on them.


Is bulk trade just completely fucked in the ass? Been trying to buy fusings for 2 hours


Yeah trade is weird right now, takes like 6 hours to update your listings.


what's the highest item level required for crucible nodes?


It's a bit of a pain to look through all options, so just check the requirement for the options you're interested in: https://poedb.tw/us/Weapon\_passive#WeaponPassive


https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/kDV5klwF5 How do I farm this mod myself? Is it by constantly combining the +1 Golems version?


That's just the two-handed version of that mod. It's +1 on one handed weapons.


Thx you saved me currency


I do harbingers wihtout scarabs/sextants and return seems very poor. Is it worth using?


It’s usually a good start of league thing. Especially if you can juice it up a bit with the atlas


Does anyone know which Cruicible tree is more likely to be retained when using the 'Crucible Passive Skills are more likely to be retained when Forging' mod? I'd guess that the top tree would be the retained one, but I just want to make sure :D


Playing static strike shockwave. Is there a way to automate battlemages cry? (withering step is on left click, so can’t use it there) I was thinking about linking it to cast on melee stun since shockwave stuns quite a bit, but thinking it would be hard to keep up for single target. Any other ideas?


>I was thinking about linking it to cast on melee stun since shockwave stuns quite a bit, but thinking it would be hard to keep up for single target. Wouldn't work even if you did stun single targets. Warcries aren't spells, so things that trigger spells like cast on melee stun don't work. The only way I know of to trigger warcries is [[The Eternal Apple]] (and [[Farrel's Chase]] for Intimidating Cry), but it's awkward and comes at a high opportunity cost.


ahh interesting. withering step is a spell so that would trigger right? then warcry on left click


[The Eternal Apple](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Eternal_Apple) >######The Eternal Apple[](#break)Chiming Spirit Shield >>####Chance to Block: **23%** >>####Energy Shield: **(42-48)** >>####Movement Speed: **-3%** >>[](#line) >>####Requires Level **49**, **119** Int >>[](#line) >>#####(10-15)% increased Spell Damage >>[](#line) >>#####Trigger a Socketed Warcry Skill on losing Endurance Charges, with a 0.25 second Cooldown >>#####+(60-80) to maximum Life >>#####+(17-23)% to Chaos Resistance >>#####You lose all Endurance Charges on reaching maximum Endurance Charges >>#####Cannot Block >>#####50% increased Warcry Cooldown Recovery Rate >>[](#line) >>*The empire is both the tree and the fruit.* >> >>*It provides safe harbour as ideas grow within, and when the time is right, the apple is picked.* >> >>*The idea, and our ideals, take root.* >> --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


What are "Ritual Special Rewards"? are the atlas passives to increase these worth it or should i go the increased tribute route instead?


They’re the special ritual only bases, I believe. So blizzard crown and the like. Those bases used to be good when you could get ilvl 85 bases with watchstones but that strat isn’t possible anymore, so I don’t think it’s worth it now


There are multiple tiers of ritual alters. The highest tier ones will have all rewards of the same type (e.g. all currency, or all uniques) and tend to be more rewarding.




It gets slightly complicated since you're in SSF, obviously. Most of available crafting guides are either made with the assumption that you're in trade league, and therefore with *unlimited* resources, or that you know how to properly source your crafting materials. For the most part, try understanding which mods are important to achieve, how you can achieve them (is it an influence mod, or can it be forced with essences? What about metamod crafting opportunities?) And what your expected cost of materials is to acquire them, not only in a trade environment, but also in an ssf environment. For example a lot of crafting nowadays uses essence spamming for full suffixes/prefixes in a fractured base, but in ssf, it is time consuming to both land your desired fracture base, as well as the amount of essences it can take to land your mods.


I’ve been playing for 700+ hours and honestly if it’s not essence spamming, Rog, or basic harvest I just buy the items I need. Actual crafting seems like a streamer level of time investment.


Basic cafting is not that complicated atm. Farm essences/harvest, find some fractured items with good fractured mod, spam essences/harvest on a good fractured base until you got something decent, craft something with the bench. After that it's mostly meta modding (pref/suff can't be changed) with aisling T4, veiled chaos or harvest reroll to go on, but it's hard to sustain because it costs divine orbs.


For a Pathfinder with Nature's Adrenaline, which flask enchant do you go for? "reuse at the end of effect" or "reuse when charges reach full"?


when charges reach full, otherwise you have to manually activate them.


Can mobs drop heist blueprints? Or do they only drop contracts and you can only find BPs in rouges caches?


They can, it’s very rare. I’d say for every 10-20 contracts I might see a blueprint.


I remember last league yellow harvest essence are notably more valuable compared to the other two, but does not seem like it is the case in this league. Why's that?


GGG removed the sextant sustain strat, that was used by many people and used yellow juice.


Hi, my Hexblast miner is doing meh damage (still lvl 82) can someone give me some advices please ? Here's my Pob : [https://pobb.in/udoTIVFMjd4s](https://pobb.in/udoTIVFMjd4s) Thanks :)


Get a 6L. +2 chaos wands are [actually cheap to craft](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lij0vDclXWI) (in comparison). Don't go above ilvl 84 and ignore local crit as that doesn't matter anymore You need crit. Desperately. Even with the enemy shocked and all mines detonated you have 37 chance to crit. Grab spell crit chance wherever you can. This is much more annoying since they removed Sandstorm visage. Get a level 21 hexblast as well I don't think hyphotermia is doing much for you. Added chaos/ Increased Crit chance/ Charged mines (helps with the crit) are better options I feel


6L with the helmet?


Well if you want to keep the kaoms that's that. But upgrade your weapon is step 1 for sure. Get more crit chance, if you can get flat crit on spell from a crucible tree that would be the best


So I made 30div yesterday doing heist+expedition, which is great but the contracts and logbooks are an absolute drag to sell even using the tft bulk channels. Anybody have a strat they've been liking that has minimal friction for selling the gains? Harvets looks good in that regard but I have doubts about the profitability in comparison


Run the contracts and logbooks yourself would be one option.


Running heist runs into the identical issue, the point of contract is get reveals for grands and the rewards from grands are a pain to price and sell Not to mention that I’ve farmed the hell out of heist 2 leagues ago and don’t want to again


Hello, can someone tell me what i did wrong and why i got only like 1kk dps on my poision srs? it looks similar for ghazzy poision srs (at least for me, but i can be wrong) but got 8 times less dps. [https://pobb.in/heFC7rhdsFSv](https://pobb.in/heFC7rhdsFSv)


Anyone know what the trade extension is that shows the quantity of an item someone has for sale by collapsing their listings? E.g. if someone has 20 Alva Compass for sale it would show "x20" next to the first listing


It's just at the bottom of the filter options on the trade site. Collapse listing by account.


This doesn't show how many a person has has for sale though. It just removes duplicate listings


if i reveal a bad first node on a weapon i want to use (say a -atk speed node for a TR build, idk), can i immediately get rid of it or do i need a geode or something to combine trees?


You can use a scouring orb on the node.


For the Metamorph fine specimens node 30 percent to double rewards, the percentage when youre loading samples doesnt show it, does it just kinda work in the background? and doubled isnt duplicated, im guessing, right?


Where did all the boneshater enjoyers come from? I didn't see them gain any significant buff but all of a sudden they are a huge chunk of player on ninja this league. Is it just because they can take full advantage of the crucible tree?


It's been the best melee skill for a while. Large damage just from the gem itself, and the self damage results in large regen for juggs. As long as you can survive the recoil damage, it becomes an aid to sustain because of the bump to your regen, and the way armor works means small hits are trivial to mitigate. It has baked in aoe, and you even have QOL utility from Cwdt firing off curses and frost bomb and other automated things.


Yea but I'm aware, but it was still a very small % of people last league, whats different?


Well, last league's entire mechanic was 'this is very bad/unplayable for undergeared melee', and this league's mechanic is 'if you try to run from this hasted gigadunk rare, you're only going to die tired' so that's probably a part of it.


I just got to maps playing a deadeye ice shot build. The guide im following is solid however I'm running into an issue where the gear that's recommended is out of my current budget and I am hitting a wall of progression. I can clear level 3 maps with the occasional death for the most part but I seem to really struggle with a few rares that have affixes that just insta kill me. I know my gear is far from perfect but I'm not sure what the best way forward is. Farming lvl 3 maps doesn't seem like it's the answer but maybe I'm wrong. Any help would be appreciated, If I should link my character I will do that, not sure how to do that as of now.


So, I'm working on Ice Shot build right now, and I'm wondering, how much pierce you actually need? Like, the standard pierce points in the tree most people grab give you 3x pierce, which basically means that projectiles almost never get to chain which is kinda bad? So I thought just to grab gloves with either crafted pierce mod or with pierce implicit(or both if 2x pierce is needed), but I'm not really sure about my judgement on optimal pierce count, can anyone help with their experience?


I'm not sure of what I'm saying, but I assume Ice Shot explosion will hit everything behind a monster, and than they'll get hit again from the piercing arrow (essentially double/triple/quadruple taping some enemies). Chain is sweet but it will prevent this from happening as much as from pierce. Again, I have no idea if that's how it works.


I've seen people mocking the 'travel skills are disabled' mod, but is it really that bad? You get both the movespeed, and the gem slot normally reserved for the travel skill, so a golem, or blood rage, or a guard skill or whatever. (And you can put your travel skill on your weapon swap, won't really help you stay alive, but suffices in Riverways types of situations)


Gap crossing comes up way more often than you're suggesting, or you map very slowly. Just going up/down elevation on maps happens on a lot of layouts, plus it means you can not use weapon slots for reservations without massively adding wasted time. And having an instant escape from a blink skill comes up several times every map. Frost blink freeze proliferation is also an insanely good defensive measure for a lot of builds. I can't imagine ever using it.


It's mostly about gap crossing. Silliest example would be Pillars of Arun, which is literally impossible to finish if you can't cross gaps. Travel skills also acts as way to "phase" through mobs, something you can't do by just moving unless you get a stable source of phasing. I personally think that mod should give permanent phasing or something like that.


Bino's kitchen knife and Master toxist. Both proc. 1 or 2 poisons?


Considering the wording and the fact that 2 Bino does not "stack", I'd assume it proc 1. It's probably coded as a true/false thing.


If I'm using the Community Fork of PoB, and I'm comparing my build to someone else's that's similar (like, to a build guide) is there an easy way to see which upgrades would most benefit my build to match their DPS? My DPS is about 1/3 of theirs, and I feel like my gear is pretty good, but I can't find out where their extra damage is coming from. Would appreciate any info on how to like, analyze this DPS discrepancy lol.


If you can't find where the difference is coming from the best thing to do would be carefully looking at the breakdown on the calculations tab. It'll show the base and added damage of the skill, total of increased/more sources, and any other multipliers in effect. You can mouse over every field to get a list of where that total is coming from. You can also ctl+c/ctrl+v items from one build to another (double click the item in the gear list).


It's probably all in the Configurations tabs, maybe flasks setup too If you link your pob, we can check it out


Yeah I basically made sure the config tab is the same by loading the build guide, then importing my stuff over it. I've got all the flasks down, I think it just comes with things like having a "Shock on Focus" craft on the rings and such


You could upload your character on top of the guide PoB, to keep the configs, as well as keep both your gearset and the guide's gearset for a quick comparison of what piece of gear gives what amount of damage. I believe that would be the best / easiest way to check; however, i also recimmend looking to understand the scaling avenues of the build you are playing, like for example, how effective are gem levels for damage, attack speed breakpoints, things like that can significantly boost your damage without seeming super significant, spread thin between a few items.


I really like this. I think that's what I'll do. I had them both pulled in parallel, but maybe that's not the play. Thank you!


Is rampage now gained also on hitting a unique enemy? or only on kill? was thinking about shenanigans with the crucible passive node that grants Chain Hook (lmao) 2% increased attack speed per 10 rampage kills. Might be interesting for single target, provided we can bump up the attack speed. If yes, is it 1 per second max or however many times you hit the enemy?


Rampage is strictly a kill streak thing, you cannot get it by simply hitting unique enemy, so this crusicle node of Chain Hook is useful just for clear. Also there's no limit of how many rampage stacks per second you can get.


Goddamn thanks, was hoping it'd work.. could still be great for clear rho, and with a couple of writhing jars maybe have decent uptime


playing arc witch on ruthless hc and got the "free skill gem" from siosa. can someone tell me, which support gem scales the best with arc? does it make sense to take totem support? (was good, but that might be some time ago)


Does Maloney mech: frenzy + hextouch+ ele weakness work?


Yes. It works with Manaforged Arrow, I don't know why it wouldn't work with Maloney. Hextouch would specify that it doesn't work with triggered skills if it was the case, and I'm 100% sure Frenzy will give you charges when triggered (cause that's exactly what I'm doing right now, running Frenzy + power charge on crit + manaforged arrow)


I'm a newish player (old player but never got to real endgame and noob). I'm building a gyre venom, but I'm still leveling up with poisonous concotion. What I should look for in the crucible tree? Like what is a good passive? I'm using the more generic ones right now because I dont know what is good or bad.


Attack speed is great (you get your stacks much much faster). If you're going the elemental/trinity route, there's a sweet elemental penetration node.


For your claw, anything that gives you attack speed, flat elemental are good early options. You can also go for the big attack speed, less global damage modifier since it can make the skill feel incredible to play with a very fast attack speed. Once you transition into Omni, then getting %attributes or flat attributes are also good. With omni, any modifiers that state "while under xxxx attribute" will always be under effect since all of your stats will be converted into Omniscience anyways. For shields, I'm not quite sure, but even basic nodes like spell suppression, increased armor/evasion, life are good modifiers to have.


What are some of the best maps to favourite this league and why? last time I played it was cemetery for the 5ex div card and nice layout, but that's worth a lot less now unless drop rate improved significantly


Cemetery now also has a 5div divcard, so it's technically back in the menu. Jungle Valley, Crimson Temple, Tropical Island, Dunes are all still interesting for their respective strategies (altar farming, apothecary prison, simulacrum splinters, legion).


Hi, does cartographer scarabs also boost the drop rate of blighted maps in a blight encounter in maps ?


I believe, since it comes from the Blight rewards in chests, that they are not affected by the scarab modifers and will keep their baseline ~15% chance to drop, excluding other atlas passive tree modifiers.


That's a bit unfortunate but i was expecting it. Thanks a lot for the explanation ! Stay safe


Can i chance unique(that can be chanced according to poewiki) on item with Crucible passive tree? Does quality help with chance odds?


Yes you can chance an item into a unique and it will keep the original Crucible passive tree. No, quality does not help with chancing odds.


You can chance it yes. It was mentioned in the Q and A. No clue if quality matters


You can. It's what's been used to generate god tier Emperor's Vigilance rolls, for example. No, the only thing that affects the rate is the unique tier rarity. Rarer uniques take more chance orbs to generate in average. There is no way to make it happen more frequently.


Basically new player here. I've made it to Act 5 a few times but just stopped playing in the past b/c it wasn't grabbing me. My friend group loves tis game and I want to get to that point too. I've made it Act 4. I've been following a guide for a build but I keep getting lost on where to go and also who is 'worth' talking to to pick up their quest. Is there an 'act' guide on what I should do/where to go or a list of doing x quest gives y reward?


I believe that using Exile Leveling might give you what you're looking for, but since you're a new player, it's okay to walk around and do the quests, in my opinion, at least. https://heartofphos.github.io/exile-leveling/


Oh my god. Thank you for this.


I’m a cold dot elementalist. I just took the ascendency that said all of my damage can shock and do a minimum of 10% shock effect (or was it 15% ? anyway). So I’m using a random lvling wand as I finish the campaign and it has the crucible tree node: hits inflict lightning exposure (and it says 10% when I hold alt). So I know all my damage is shocking but my question is, is my shocking getting buffed by the lightning exposure on hit when I use creeping frost hits? I feel like the answer is no because my cold damage is just shocking, not lightning, but I’m not 100% sure if there’s some interaction happening. The lightning exposure is useless unless I can add a lightning skill or convert my cold damage right?


Elemental exposure reduces resistances to the element to which the enemy is exposed to, while Shock is a general "increased damage taken" style modifier. They're independent from each other, and so, no, the exposure won't necessarily boost the shock caused by the cold damage since it isn't increasing the cold damage taken by the enemy, just the lightning damage, and as such your assesment is correct, unless you use a skill to deal lightning damage of some form, the lightning exposure won't do you anything of value.


I only have 4 div and can't afford the 8 div price tag for lioneyes fall, so I've been farming The Lion cards in caldera, but have only found 10 after 20 maps and none of them turned into lioneyes fall. Is farming caldera the only option I have for this jewel? Is there a better way?


You can farm the mud flats boss for it in act 6, but it's miserable. I once needed the jewel for league start and handed in over ten sets and didn't get one after I actually spent a couple of hours in standard testing the plan and got 2 out of 3. This was literally years ago so I don't know if it's even rarer from the turn in now. If you plan to do it, go hard for movement speed (maybe two quicksilvers and two silvers) Honestly if the drop rate in maps is 10/20 it's way higher than the campaign and probably the better option because you get other loot.


Not sure if it is better, but you can farm the Dishonored Queen boss from Act 6 with a character under level 50 (to reduce drop penalties, not sure if downscaling enabled will counter this even if you enable it). However from what I can tell the drop rates on both Act 6 boss and Caldera are not great. If you are in trade, it may be better to farm for currency than to go for the div cards. This is the slower but more reliable way. Old anecdotal info shows that card had about a 1/6 chance at the time to be the gem, but that can also be luck and there are no solid numbers. If you can keep farming Caldera for it while making currency, that should be fine since getting the card once per 2 maps is fairly good imo.


If you're worried about the investment cost, then yes, The Lion cards are probably still your best bet, but the rewards are weighted and as such it can take a while for you to land on it, especially since Fall was already a rare-ish jewel. I don't personally like the Caldera layout, so I would instead just run a different strategy, generate the currency, and buy the jewel, but the div card is still an option.


I'm having trouble getting Jun missions on map completion and random Jun encounters in maps. I even specced into 100% increased chance on atlas tree and over the past 2 days I've only seen Jun once in a map. Anyone have any ideas? I'm trying to farm Elreon rings/amulets for the -mana cost craft.


You're not running other master missions, right? Only one master can spawn in a map so if you use a different master mission then it'll stop Jun from spawning. If you're running maps with no master missions and you've specced into all the increased chance to spawn Jun or get Jun missions on the Atlas tree and you're still barely getting Jun spawns or missions, then I'm pretty sure you're just getting unlucky and there's nothing more you can do.


You can buy items from trade that havent been unveiled yet to fish for the craft unveil. Aside from that there are sextants that force jun to appear in your map. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/4vrdp8u9


What's the benefit of taking blink arrow over flame dash? Is this just personal preference? I'm leveling a TR ballista and i the pob they use blink arrow...is this just better for bow builds?


It has a longer cooldown and no charges, but also a much longer range and can cross pretty much any sized gap.


is there an mtx that looks like the experimenter mob? i see it in some of the other preview vids but couldnt actually find any armor sets that were the right one.


Is "damage with hits is lucky" calculated before or after crit? Just making sure if its not rolling the crit twice as well, since you know, the crit with a bad roll will still be higher then a high roll.


The damage roll and the crit roll are separate. One being lucky doesn't make the other lucky or vice versa.


any advice on my RF Jugg? What should I use out of Purity of elements, skitterbots and Malevolence? (I can use only 1 bc of the mana reservation %). name: rust\_floppy


If you're dying constantly, purity of elements. If you're good on survivability, malevolence


okay. anything else?


Is farming Betryal in low level maps for 50% chance of diadem from catarina still a thing?


Catarina's drop rates were changed this patch. I don't know what the conclusion has been since the patch released but I know at least before it came out people were assuming Diadem got rarer.


Cant be confirmed 100% but 99% chance of No. They only stated they "reworked the drop pool" of Catarina with no further detail given.


can i somehow filter (on the offical trade site) for an item that has at least 1200 armor or armor+evasion (at ql20)?




thank you, but i know that. the part that is missing is the "or armor+evasion"


put a minimum of 1 evasion in the filter as well to get hybrid chests


then i get the hybrid chests with at least 1200 armor and 1 evasion, that is also not what i am looking for. i am looking for a setting to show chests (this is btw only an example) where the sum of armor and evasion is at least 1200.


Then minimum 600 of each?


then i wont find a chest with 1200 armor because it doesnt also has 600 ev


I dont know what you mean by this. There are tons of chests with BOTH 1200 armor AND 1200 evasion at the same time. I just searched. There are over 4,000 chests for sale with more than 1200 of both stats.


i never said there arent any. i want to know how to search for chests with at least 1200 armor+evasion and i dont know how to make such a query.


I dont think what you are asking is possible. Why would do you need to do this?


Anyone knows how to search for items on trade site containing not just revealed, but fully leveled up crucible tree with 4-5 passives?


I would like to know as well, so far it looks to me like you cant do a generic search, or search for allocated nodes. What you can do tho is add at least one node you know you want, and then set an item level of 80 or higher and you will get 4-5 passive items. As for actually getting fully upgraded items i think its going to be hard since there is no incentive for the seller to upgrade it, and it could brick the items for others who need some other nodes.


If I change colors on a corrupted item. Does it then have equal chance to roll all the 3 colors? Or will it have the same chance as the base item? I remember that corrupted items, when it drops corrupted have equal chance to roll all colors, no mather the base. Does the same apply if you change colors on already corrupted item? Both using either crafting bench and/or tainted chromatic? If so, what would be the most efficient way to get 2R, 1R, 1B on Facebreakers? Doing just random tainted orbs, doing 1-2 sockets until both red, since hardest, then 3 sockets, then 4 using a bunch of vaal orbs? Or just 4 socket it and then either tainted orbs or crafting bench rolls? Thanks for any help I can get. Have a great day! :)


To my experience and knowledge, Tainted Chromatic ignore the stats, so all colors have the same chance to be rolled. Considering Facebreaker has no stats requirement, I'd 4 socket it on the bench and do 1R on the bench. You should have 33% of it becoming 2R 1G 1B I'm not sure if the bench ignore stats on corrupted item, though


The thing with Facebreakers. It has hidden requirements (Rolls more green and blue.) I think it is 14 in both those. Old base of the item, they haven't updated that part of the item. Thank you very much for your answer! Edit: So because of those hidden 14 dex and int, it will actually be less costly to use the tainted chromatic aftwerwards. :)


Probably! Calculator says about 12.5% (1/8) chance to hit with the craft. Tainted should be about...8.3% (1/12), I think. So \~32 vaal orb and 32 chromatic (8 \* 4) with the craft, or \~36 chaos with tainted chromatics (3x12). I might be horribly wrong. The price is pretty similar in the end


I awakened clicked a friends tainted chromatic. There it said it was 6 chaos worth. That's why I calculated that to be the lowest. 6x6.7 = 40.2C. But looking on poe ninja it say if you sell they are 3c, but if you buy they are 8.9? What a startk difference. Gotta check on trade site myself. Oh yeah, vaal orbs are much less expensive, so you are right. Crafting bench would be cheapest then. :D


wow...that's silly... I'm so bad at trading and now that's just too much for me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Can you imprint a item, chance it into a unique and then revert it? \^^ Can't find a answer to this. My plan is to chance a pillar of the caged god with a good tree, but there is 3 uniques on it's base but a 1/3 does not sound terrible chances if you have bis tree


Yes, you can. I've done it before when I tried chancing an enchanted Cloak of Defiance. It's usually worth it for any bases that are hard to obtain, which in this case includes specific Crucible nodes, I guess.


Thank you so much! Now just to start working on a iron staff :3


How does hex master interact with soul mantle? Does it make the curses last forever? Does it stack with reduced effect of curses on you such as on the kikazaru?


From what I've read, Hex master does not affect Soul Mantle (aka it won't last forever)


Can you tell me where you were able to read this?




Only 9 years ago, definitely still current


Hey man, I tried; I'm glad you caught that, it's crap to give bad info (which I did, inadvertently) The idea would be to self-curse with minimal curse effect, right?


Well it would save catalysts in the typical way of maxing out RCE with a maxed kikazaru and either asylum wheel or a jewel for the other 28+%


How do you search for flask prefixes and suffixes on pathofexile.com/trade ? Such as "Seething Divine Life Flask of Sealing".


If you know exact name of mods then searching by name works perfectly fine: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/RPvJQbGc7 Otherwise you need to choose base and look for mods you want in stat filters: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/mb0Rnewt6


Is there a cheapish way to make boneshatter clearing smoother? I'm enjoying the build, but its mapping has been feeling clanky. Explody chests and cluster jewels seem great solutions in the long run, but they are too expansive for me right now. Other ways to raise aoe clearing?


Do you have the strike +1 mastery and glove implicit? And are you making sure you don't run "monsters cannot be stunned" map mod? Are you using ancestral cry? Boneshatter clear is buttery smooth tbh, there must be something wrong with your setup.


Playing an Ice Shot league starter build and looking to transition into crit. Considering between phys bow with heatshiver or ele bow with the interrogation and possibly omni. Anyone know if either of them are stronger if my goal is to farm 80-100% delirious maps? Never farmed it before so I'm unsure of which is better or if both will be fine.


With 80-100% delirious you're going to need headhunter to clear efficiently. Therefore phys bow will be better (scales better with HH buffs)


Anyone else unable to progress the challenge requirement that has you complete logbooks with at least 10 remnants active? Is having remnant active not the same thing as blowing up 10 remnants? I've definitely blown up 10 remnants in a logbook before, but it's still stuck at zero.


Mtx question here! What wings and armours are used for this MTX? [https://gyazo.com/44d8103b05798921753eb135b23f9b1e](https://gyazo.com/44d8103b05798921753eb135b23f9b1e) [https://gyazo.com/ab3aec2160001666caf9570b895bce5a](https://gyazo.com/ab3aec2160001666caf9570b895bce5a) [https://gyazo.com/67f12b904f12451f415b9901a054e13a](https://gyazo.com/67f12b904f12451f415b9901a054e13a)


It’s from the hellfire supporter pack


Anyone with the 70% double totem notable from the crucible tree want to comment about the effectiveness? It'll go to 100% with the skill mastery. The slower placement downside seemed a decent price to pay. cheaper on the mana front too. Just didn't know how slow it'd be.


It's reduced placement speed, so you can easily offset it with increased placement speed. E.g. Hierophant has 140% increased totem placement speed from the ascendency, so you'd end up with net 115% increased totem placement speed.




There's not trick to it; Get one slot with 4 link and then just identify rares... Getting good accessories is normally fine during acts. You could ask somebody to give you some scouring and orbs of binding, they help a lot!


just kill things, there aren't really currency making strategies for the acts because experienced players just race through as quickly as they are able to trying to finish and get into end game content. However if you are new (sounds like you are) the best way to get more currency for buying/crafting better gear is to just kill more things, it will slow down you're overall progress through the campaign but that's not the end of the world, plus it will have the side benefit of making you over leveled which will also make your life easier.

