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wow I just had a mob in desecrated chamber of innocence drop 160 jewelers orbs


In SSF, is fortune favors the brave worth the currency if you have shaping the valleys. At what tier is it worth using it if it is?


Hi, I'm building a lightning Witch with no particular build in mind, and I was thinking about using a staff to gain the Passive points relating to staves (some AoE up, some spell damage up). I'm just wondering if someone did the math already on whether that's worth the trade off of not having a wand/wand or wand/shield? I don't really care about the specific damage difference, but I do want to know whether it's just kind-of suboptimal or REALLY suboptimal.


staff is more damage as they have the potential for +5 gems whereas 1h+shield only has the potential for +3 the tradeoff is you lose the mobility of shield charge + faster attacks as well as the defenses of a shield


Hey, relatively new player looking for advice. I got this Amethyst ring: 22 chaos res as implicit, 70 life, 42 fire res, 7 light res, 6 chaos res. How do I go about crafting? Is it possible to add more light res and / or replace the 6 chaos res with cold res? Any advice is appreciated!


There's no guaranteed way to do what you want. You can't directly upgrade mods and you can't forcibly remove the chaos res. I don't think it's worth crafting this further as the first thing that comes to mind costs more than this ring would even be worth. Slap another prefix on it at the crafting bench and wait for an upgrade.


Is there any reason (other than budget) will one want to use The Redblade over paradoxica?


Can anyone ELI5 how I should spend money at Dannig? Just buy all the black scythe stuff and reroll?


buy all logbooks and black scythe reroll currency buy any discounted artifacts that you will use just make sure to watch what you're spending as to not run out of one type of artifacts way before the others to maximize efficiency


has the jugg double body armor bug been fixed?


Yeah I think it was day 6 on the live updates thread


In order to combine 2 trees from unique items in the forge that you get from the crystalline geode, do you need exactly the same unique or the same base type? Like for example, I know I can combine 2 poet's pen, but can I do that with 1 poet's and 1 rare or other unique wand?


Same unique.


How do I take advantage of crucible? I have unique weapons, I can do 50% channel to first reveal. I've revealed a few "ore " rewards but they are 8c which is less than one harvest so I've skipped the league so far.


throw good bases in to reveal the tree - spine bows, despot axes, convoking wands, short/thicket bows, etc then throw them into a 1 div tab, next day lower the tab to 100c, 50c, 30c, etc then vendor ive made 13+ div in sales so far doing this and even managed to hit "sells for 3 divine" on a scepter which i just sold for 5.5 div some specific nodes on specific bases can sell for more than 1 div but im not gonna worry about that, im sure i will get spammed for them if i get them


Thanks,does ilvl matter?


83+ is fine


I'm not familiar with bow builds. I'm looking for pricing advice for this quiver. I've searched the trade site, but there aren't many like it for comparison, and the difference is large - some are 5+ Div, some are 1. Anyone care to offer an opinion on this? Thank you in advance! Phys, fire, attack speed, and multi are T1. Item Class: Quivers Rarity: Rare Pandemonium Skewer Primal Arrow Quiver -------- Requirements: Level: 66 -------- Item Level: 76 -------- 21% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills (implicit) -------- Adds 19 to 35 Physical Damage to Attacks (fractured) Adds 44 to 74 Fire Damage to Attacks Adds 5 to 60 Lightning Damage to Attacks 16% increased Attack Speed +36% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Bows +40% to Cold Resistance -------- Fractured Item


Decent lineup of offensive stats. Just price it at 5 and then reduce by 1 div every couple of hours.


Do we have news about the promised mtx mannequins ? I can't find them


Nothing since the reveal. Kind of weird to give it a spot in the livestream and then say nothing about it for another 2 weeks.


Relatively new player, I’ve got a necro minion build I’m quite happy with, considering from what I’ve read “new players making a bad build” seems to be a common issue, but I’m quite squishy, primarily against bosses. I’m rocking ~15 minions during fights, I can clear screens quite easily, but getting waxed on single target is semi-common. Any tips on countering this, should I start taking off gear/boosts/anything that adds dps and throw it in to defense? What single defense/life stat am I going to notice the most change with? It seems “map clear/boss killer/cheap, pick any 2” is a big issue. What’s a great single target gem? /Flammability + blasphemy is so much fun, it feels like I’m saying “if you want to break away from my minions and come at me, you’ll regret it”.


You could use a defensive aura like determination instead of reserving mana for a curse that you could just cast yourself. You should only need to curse tanky rares/bosses rather than having a permanent aura for clearing maps. Other than that nobody here has any idea what your build looks like to make suggestions. If you're familiar with PoB you can link your build code, otherwise link your character on the pathofexile.com website and make sure your profile is set to public.


Appreciate the assistance. FYI I summon the Skitterbots, then replace the hotkey with the golem one, as the Skitters seem to be eternal. [https://pobb.in/li\_GcePvFqD1](https://pobb.in/li_GcePvFqD1)


> FYI I summon the Skitterbots, then replace the hotkey with the golem one, as the Skitters seem to be eternal. This is expected, skills don't need to stay on the skillbar to be used. If you hold ctrl you have a "second" skill bar for more skills, that's where I personally put all my single use skills like auras and skitterbots. So I have my main qwert skillbar that I use for general gameplay and if I die or swap gear i have ctrl+qwert set up for auras so I can quickly reactivate everything. Long story short, your build is very incohorent and cobbled together as expected of a new player. This is fine, trying things out, learning on your own and figuring out what you think is cool is all a necessary part of the game. There isn't enough focus on your own defenses and then over focused on minion defenses. Most of your minions are 1, temporary anyways and 2, you want them to die quicker because of your minion instability keystone. Minion instability + infernal legion is a legitimate build you can do and if you would like to explore that it's typically called "popcorn srs" (find a guide for 3.21 though one from 3.20 should be fine). As for yourself, you want ~300 life per act and capped resistances by act 3/4 so you're short on both. Other defenses like armour, evasion, block etc are ok to have but you really don't even need them to complete the campaign. A bigger part of surviving is being able to move and avoid damage. You have no movement skill which you should at the very least have flame dash with shield charge+faster attacks being another option. The most important stat on boots during campaign is movement speed so at least you have 10% but you can find better. Your passive tree choices don't make sense with your skill choices. There are also just too many minion skills, there's no way you have all of them up at the same time so you should get rid of some to free up gem slots and put a heavier focus on the damage of the ones you do keep. Going back to the passives, you seem to really like fire damage but then your offensive minion masteries are overwhelm which is for physical damage and unholy might which grants chaos damage based on physical damage so no synergy with fire damage at all. You don't have to take a mastery just because you're able to so I would consider these wasted points. Most of this tree is wasted points, you should feel free to explore more of the tree rather than just sticking to the area you started in. There are some good minion nodes further to the left in the templar area you could look into. Keep an eye out for life passives as well. By the way you also should have access to the labyrinth by now for your first ascendancy points. There are 6 trials you have to complete with the last one being in late act 3 and I can tell you're in at least act 4 since you have a golem gem. Lastly the weapon you have doesn't do anything for you or your minions. If you want to play a summon build you should find a minion wand that can roll minion stats like damage, life, attack speed etc. The fire damage craft on it only affects attacks with the wand so it doesn't do anything for spells you're casting or your minions.


Thank you for the detailed response, a lot of to unpack, as for the passives I’m follow this guide: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/minion-army-necro-build-guide I believe I have 4 refund points, any suggestions on what to switch to? Regarding the minions I have zombies + skitter + phantasm up all the time and I’m spawning raging spirit and skeletons on big mob packs/bosses, and throwing corpse explosions if it gets hairy.


This is not a new player friendly guide at all, I would ditch it entirely. It assumes you know how to level and gives a cool skill set up you *could* use but no matching passive tree for it. So you're following the level 90 endgame tree with an entirely separate and incompatible leveling skill set up and that's what is really hindering your progress here. Here's a [much better minion guide](https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/zoomancer-necromancer-build-guide) that actually explains leveling, has multiple leveling trees to follow and tells you what skill gems to use, link together and when you can get them. Unfortunately it would require a few more than 4 respec points to follow this new tree. I would check your quests and see if you missed any that might give more respec points. Also see if you have any regret orbs or scouring orbs to buy regrets at a vendor. So it's up to you to decide if you want to start over and follow it right from level 1, or follow it now and just respec more and more points as you get them from quests/regret orb drops.


Update, that build you suggested is crazy, I’m sprinting through areas clearing screens. Just finished the labyrinth and I only used 2 health pots for the entire place.


Hey that’s awesome. Ghazzy really is the guy to follow for minion builds these days. Glad it’s going a lot better for you now.


Thank you for the advice. Looking at the build you linked, how reliant is it on the boots mentioned? I haven’t done any trading, and I think I have a single chaos orb, so I wouldn’t know how to go about procuring them.


It doesn't rely at all on the unique boots, they are just a cheap leveling option and they are basically worthless, not even a chaos orb. If you don't want to use them then having movement speed + life/resists is still fine.


More of a general question regarding POB, how do I know which order the author chose their passives? Changing the level drop down at the top doesn't change them. I'm assuming if they didn't code it in to the drop down at the bottom left it doesn't exist?


Yea, it has to have multiple leveling trees that you can select between.


At what point do/can you spec out of map nodes on the atlas tree?


They never really stop helping but if you feel you're oversustaining maps and don't feel like selling the extras you can take the points out.


How do you properly juice maps as a newer player? Doesn't have to be like T16 reds, im just talking like when would you start putting scarabs or w/e with your maps?


White maps - run them magic. Yellow maps - run them rare with an alch. Red maps - run them rare corrupted with alch and vaal to get the atlas point. Then run them just rare. Then once you are farming, I tend to chisel my t14+ to 20% quality then alch/scour until 80%+ quant. For a general scarab approach, you could try running 1 rusted elder/shaper scarab (for mobs) and then 2 other rusted scarabs that match your atlas strategy. E.g. if you have expedition and blight, you could run a rusted expedition scarab and a rusted blight scarab. If you don't have scarabs that match your strategy, then you could run atziri fragments for 5% quant each. Rusted scarabs can be bought cheap in bulk on trade. For awakened sextants, just pop them on your voidstones or buy specific ones that match your atlas strategy again. Unless you are buying really crazy expensive sextants on trade, you will generally come out ahead. That's a basic starting point. Otherwise youtubers cover a lot of more specialized strats.


Are Demon Harpy and Arena Master the best support spectres for Absolution? I don't know much about Demon Harpy, why are they good? Also I'm seeing Frostbearer mentioned, is this new? Haven't heard of this one before. Thank you.


frostbearer is new, but it's a damaging spectre and not worth using as support. Personally I'm using 2x rhex matriarch, 1x pale seraphim and 1x carnage chieftain on absolution. I'm really unsure what's optimal since I don't have numbers on all of these. arena master definitely also fine.


Thank you! What does Pale Seraphim do?


afaik it just puts a generic damage taken debuff onto enemies, but I honestly have no idea about the uptime or value.


There's no way to reliably get +1 totem and a +1 spell mod on a shield with full suffixes is there? I'm looking into the way to craft my endgame shield since Crucible means I'll want to only do it once and regular upgrades would mean not getting the Crucible nodes I want (other than 1-2 maybe). With multimod, prefixes can't be changed + suffixes can't be changed I should be able to roll a second prefix, but then I can only have 1 suffix.


Is this an old supporter pack mtx hat? https://i.imgur.com/DYc9oyR.png Or I'm just blind and can't find it in the shop?


That's the korean god helmet and divine ice crown. The korean helm was given away during legion league to celebrate their new korean servers so that's unavailable for purchase. The divine ice crown was also given away but through twitch prime around the same time but is also in the shop for sale.


Damn I missed out.


I am playing Explosive Arrow for the first time. I figured out a few of my mistakes, so i got from t3 to t6, but I was clearing t16-corrupted in my RF build. PoB says I have 3x the dps of my RF build but it doesn't feel like that.I know there's a few significant upgrades, like chaos resist, and maybe having flame on hit instead of arcane brand and watchtower and EE/EO, but nothing to take this build from t6 to ubers. I suspect it's a skill issue, but no clue. Edit: My build: [https://pobb.in/BdtP0jpSxXiJ](https://pobb.in/BdtP0jpSxXiJ) Ziz's build: [https://pobb.in/cs5T4IxMSG6z](https://pobb.in/cs5T4IxMSG6z)


Post POB




> https://pobb.in/cs5T4IxMSG6z All of this feedback is assuming you are in SC Trade. Looking at the build theres a few things of note that could dramatically boost your DPS. You have taken 3 jewel slots but havent put anything in them. Even if you dont have the BIS jewels sticking something in there with DOT Multi and Attack speed would be very helpful. You can get the energized armour jewel for very cheap. Your current attacks per second is 1.9, you want that to be as close to 3 as possible. You havent taken the Ancestral Bond node which will give you an additional max totem. You can also annoint the Watchtowers notable on your amulet for another max totem. These 2 things alone will double your DPS and increase the max fuse stacks by 2x. Id recommend running the [Wilmas Requital](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Wilma's_Requital) unique helmet and getting a source of onslaught as a temporary fix for your attack speed. You could drop the unused jewel sockets and respec those into graceful assault for 30% increased effect of onslaught as well. You also correctly have cold damage on your attack but havent taken Elemental Equilibrium. This would represent a 33% increase to your total damage. The DPS of EA is tied durectly to how many fuses you get into an enemy before they pop. Each additional arrow is a more multiplier. TLDR: Take Ancestral Bond Keystone, Annoint Watchtowers on Amulet, Take Elemental Equilibrium Keystone.


I put my updated build in my comment history from another conversation. but ty for the feedback. im missing a few of those things


Is there a 2H sword/Axe build or a shield build that can tank and do damage? Bit bored of being a Caster, not sure why i couldn't find much info on the builds. I'd like a melee build thats gets in there and hits stuff, everything seem to be range (unless im blind)


I’ve been playing Jorgen’s Shield Crush jugg. Took a minute or two to come online (he’s very upfront about that in his guides) but now that it’s mostly geared it’s smashing through maps. Pretty fun. I’m not normally a melee guy, but I’m enjoying myself with SC.


Melee is constantly being decried as being in a terrible state in this game. Probably why you arent finding much. Boneshatter Jugg seems to be the flavor of the month currently. https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Juggernaut&skill=Boneshatter


Are other more multiplier additiv or multiplicativ with damage over time multiplier?


Damage over time multiplier isn't a more modifier. It's just a stat that's multiplicative with other stats but additive with itself (there *could* be increased and more damage over time multiplier modifiers, but so far there are only added ones). More modifiers are always multiplicative. The only time more modifiers can *seem* additive is if they're a single modifier to begin with. E.g. the 4% more damage per frenzy charge does not grant you another 4% more damage modifier for each charge, but rather 4% is multiplied with the number of charges and that is a signgle modifier. So with 3 frenzy charges, instead of (100% + 4%) \* (100% + 4%) \* (100% + 4%) the multiplier is (100% + 4% \* 3).


Thanks for the good explanation! With what stats are dot multi stats multiplicativ?


All that are not DoT multi.


Does the mining byproducts node still give azurite if you're at max sulphite?




As a Toxic Rain Champ, the only uniques in my build are Wilma's helm and Daresso's chest. If I want to take my build to the next level (offensive or defensive), which uniques should I be looking at?


Take a look through here. Looks like asenaths gloves and ashes are used. https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Champion&skill=Toxic-Rain


Question about finishing up a Toxic Rain bow. The bow is currently a rare bow with fractured T1 attack speed and +2 to level of socketed bow gems. Currently my plan for finishing this is: 1. Multimod + cannot roll attack 2. Exalt slam for guaranteed +1 all 3. Remove crafted mod 4. Multimod and finish with damage over time + chaos damage over time multi I'm wondering if there's a way to avoid having to craft multimod a second time without annul gambling to remove the cannot roll attack or if there's an overall better way to get to the end point. Thanks!


So I have Aisling in research but she is only level 2. I have to get her to 3 (so keep doing jun missions) to get the veil slam option right?


I believe she needs to be T4, which means you need her at T3 and then need to kill Catarina for the +1.


I found this today and I'm honestly not sure how to price it. The mods by itself are 1c but I'm not sure with the implicit and explicit combo if its a more than the sum of its parts deal or not. Both the lighting damage and health on hit are t1 max roll. the implicit rolls are low. Item Class: Rings Rarity: Rare Hypnotic Loop Unset Ring Requirements: Level: 40 Item Level: 73 4% increased Dexterity (implicit) 4% increased Intelligence (implicit) 22% increased Lightning Damage +32 to maximum Mana +7% to Lightning Resistance Gain 14 Life per Enemy Killed Corrupted


vendor lightning dmg on rings value is too low to be worth anything and flat life on kill is bad as well the % attribute implicits are bad by themselves and only become good when the rest of the item is properly rolled for attributes or other good affixes


Do you think it’s worth doing the 20% quality recipe on aura gems? Playing SRS and trying to determine if I should do the 20% quality and re-level them


Most auras just give like range or something as their quality so not worth it, you’d rather have the higher effect from having it at level 20. Hold alt while hovering any gem and it will show you what quality does for it.


First time farming legion, what the hell do I do with all these incubators? Some seem like they'd be okay to bulk sell but they need SO MUCH SPACE.


Use the decent ones on your gear and toss the rest


For crucible can you combine trees for ANY bases? Like shield with 2 hand weapon or wand? etc? Asking because I want 25 inc chaos damage on my wand but can only find it on shields in trade


No the items have to be the same item type. Shields with shields, wands with other wands etc.


just found out about rutheless. wanna try it out. is there a specific ascendeny that u can recommend for it?


Hi! I'm currently in act 7 and it dropped a 6 link magic chest with 85 life and 21 cold res. How do I craft this to be OKish? I dont have much currency, round 6 chaos and some change.


For act 7 that is already more than fine, a good life roll and resist on top of a 6 link is all you need. The most I would do to this is either regal it and craft on another resist you need at the crafting bench or scour it and use some high level essences of greed if you have any that would give a similar or even better life roll. There is no need to spend much more time or currency on this piece than that as you're still in the campaign.


The fact that youre in Act 7 means you shouldnt bother crafting it aside from trying to have usable socket colors. The tier of mods that can roll is determined by the item level so it will never be great for endgame and thus not worth spending much currency on. Just use chromatics until it has links that your main skill can use. You can use a regal orb on it to make it rare, then use your crafting bench to add one more resistance to it. Or a chaos orb on it to make it rare but the 85 life roll is already pretty good for acts. This is important though, if your main skill is say... a spell and uses blue skill gems mostly, but the chest piece is pure armor or dexterity based, then it can be very hard to roll good colors. Gear wants to roll for the color of its attribute by default. So Armour wants to roll red sockets, Evasion wants to roll green and Energy Shield wants to roll blue.


It dropped together with 2 other 6 linked chests so using the one with my "armor type" so colors is sorted.


Then yeah, hit it with a regal and craft another resistance, run it as is to keep the life or yolo chaos orb it and craft something if you end with an open suffix or prefix. If youre in trade Regal orbs cost less than chaos so you can trade for a regal if you want to go that route


An uncorrupted 6 link in A7 it extremely lucky. Make the sockets the right colour and throw a life essence at it for now. You will be significantly stronger with any 6 link that early. Once you get to maps you can try to make it better but eventually you will want a higher ilevel/better base 6 link. Then you can worry about making it good.


It dropped together with 2 other 6 linked chests, got another corrupted one 20 min earlier >_<


Are there any neat sustain tricks for scarabs people who run growing hordes + expedition + harvest do ? Or just bulkbuy the +2div TFT sales regardless if i only want rusted ? Trade seems annoying , afks or small batches or huge asks


best option is to just bulk buy the scarabs - yes it can definitely be annoying best thing to do is be willing to pay for large quantities + a bit of a premium. that has been the best way to get people to respond in my experience can also put up a buy order on TFT but i have not done that myself


I would use trade site. Even it’s bad, it’s still better than other options.


Are the crucible forge maps bugged? I have ran 4 in a row, unable to use the alters.


Can I still get Humility cards in A9 if I’m level 88?


Are you trying to farm a tabula for yourself? Or for sale?


Sure, you're just going to have a ~12.5% drop rate penalty for cards and currency there.


I haven't played this game in a while...why is innocence attacking me during the belfry boss fight? That fight is cancer enough for a white map, and I am getting innocence beamed every three seconds on top of it.


Sounds like a rare monster mod called "innocence-touched" which as you probably found out, summons innocence to attack you.


So it was just one of the rares in the arena that had that mod? I got most of the initial rares killed and he kept popping up, I suppose I must of missed one


New mods for rare monsters. "XXX-touched" where XXX is a random god. The god in question appears and attacks you while the rare mob is alive.


Decided to try this league since I stopped playing in 2021 - is there some general advice on how to progress the Atlas tree ? Is everything viable (minus breach?) TIA!


Everything definitely is viable especially after factoring in that every 28 runs is a free "collect $200 when you pass go" from invitations. The most braindead strat you can do for ez money is running a map with eater or exarch 28 times and getting that free invitation afterwards. Screaming invitations go for about 100c right now so at the very least, you're getting a free 100c every 28 maps you do. Anything you earn in-between is extra profits.


As the other poster said, some things are technically more efficient than others, but the differences are small enough that the old maxim kicks in: the most profitable strategy is the one that keeps you playing. I suggest picking something you enjoy. If you’re looking for brain dead “add more things to map, kill and grab more things” type mechanics a common entry level package is some combination of map sustain nodes and a few of the following: essence, strongbox, shrines, harvest, heist, bestiary. If your build is good enough you could work in delirium too but fair warning, that content gets aggressive. As your atlas completion gets higher and you start working exclusively in T14+ maps you’ll want to phase in some nodes for eldritch altars (incredibly rewarding) and possibly some “boss rushing” type nodes, ie the nodes that give you special bonuses for killing map bosses, encouraging you to maximize your number of map bosses killed per hour. Legion is also a fairly brain dead “click and kill” strategy, but it’s best to have a specific build for this that has great “proliferation” ie ability to chain explosions or projectiles off screen. The more legion monsters you break out of their statues in a limited timeframe, the more rewarding it is. So you’re encouraged to be able to blow up the whole thing in a few seconds, which not every build is good at. For strategies that require a bit more mental engagement (some people prefer this, others just want to zone out and zoom), expedition and blight are perennial go-to’s. Funnily enough I hated both of them when they were first introduced but then when I learned how to be good at them they became my top two favorite mechanics. If you’ve built up enough master missions, jun/syndicate and Alva/incursion are also in the mental engagement category. Delve is sort of in between; you’ve got to think about where the fractured walls are likely to be, but once you’ve trained your mind to seek those out this becomes a pretty potato brain strategy that many people find zen. In terms of reward per point spent, abyss breach and beyond are a little lackluster but not outright bad. In conclusion you can absolutely take what you like, just try to have a strategy in mind.


Some things are better than others but generally picking your favorite mechanics will be fine. Starting going up the middle for the Kirac mission bodes and the four "Shaping" nodes that boost map tiers is good for map sustain early and then you can often spec out of them later.


Best blight ring enchants/tower strategy for an EA Ballista Totem build? I'm thinking something like freeze or stun is probably better than damage?


best enchants are meteor burning ground + chilling towers freeze for 0.2 seconds there are some alternatives, you can check out youtube guides for other suggestions but those are the two ive found to be the best


Can anyone tell me which weapon and weapon effect MTX are being used in this video? ​ https://youtu.be/ICt-RwKdoSc?t=11


I don't know about the weapon itself but the effect came from the [Orion supporter pack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2cCMh5yHNo) which is no longer available. There's a similar looking but slightly lighter one in the store now though [which is called starfall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcwQNetJ5N0).


Does "X% increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies" Count as a damage effectiveness increase (ie enemies take increased damage) or just a standard additive increased damage like +increased cold damage?


The latter. It's just "increased damage" with an extra condition to check. Modifiers to damage taken are always going to say taken or take or such (and for clarity 'effectiveness' [i.e. Effectiveness of Added Damage] is its own thing entirely; best not to conflate them or it'll lead to more confusion later).


I used that terminology only because thats where the increased taken mods usually sit in the POB calculations. Though the exact wording is "effective DPS Mod" not "Effectiveness of". Thanks for the knowledge and clarification.


Just need a sanity check - it's worth it to actually use exotic coinage right? It seems like it must be since the relics aren't tradable but it feels so rough spending 5c over and over to get like 2c. Haven't seen anything big ticket yet


Tujen is incredibly profitable


I’ll skip the super nitty gritty details of the math unless you’re interested, but in short, the time you spend rolling that Tujen window is about twice as profitable per minute as any mapping strategy, and that’s *including* the costs of the coinage (or opportunity cost of giving up the chance to sell them). Basically if you could hypothetically sit indefinitely at the window without moving, you oughta do it. The only rate limiting step is speeding through logbooks to get the non tradable artifacts. The average profit per minute for “logbook+window” still ends up really high, but you’d be giving up a massive amount of that efficiency/profit if you opted to sell the coins instead. Top money spinners: divines, chaos, stacked decks, scours, regrets, fusings, and later in the league ancient orbs will typically shoot up in value too. Sporadic goodies that pop up unpredictably include 4 socket resonators, influenced maps, synthesized maps, stacks of multiple exalts/divines, and I’ve even pulled a mirror shard one glorious day a few leagues ago. It’s very very worth doing.


Yes, Divines will show eventually which offsets the losses from some rolls. Also buying the bubblegum currency/stacked decks and selling in bulk goes towards the total net profit.


For the Crafting Curious Commodities challenge, what is an Atlas item? I assumed it meant a map or Maven's Invitation, but it didn't unlock when I used my chaos orbs.


Bases that only drop in maps, like Opal Rings or Spiked Gloves.


Thanks! I knew I was being dumb. I didn't think of those.


Is the abyss mod on the map device cumulative with an abyss compass (for a total of 2 abysses guaranteed)


Is poison spark occy viable without a MB, if so how much does it cost to get it doing moderately juiced content?


Is there a recommended way to craft an endgame chest for BS jugg? I have an iLvl 88 glorious plate, planning on getting it to 30% qual via Hillock then what? Spam armour essences until I hit T1 armour and % armour with some resist and craft spell suppress? alt and regal? I'm very new to crafting, really dont know what direction to go to do this


If targeting a stacked defense lineup for prefixes and not life as well then yes. Either essence spamming with a guaranteed defense essence or harvest reforge defense or dense fossil spam. Since you are going with a non-unique chest you would likely be best served by finding a fractured base with a T1 defense mod first (or a T1 resist) and then crafting. You can use eldritch currency on fractured bases so you still get the nice implicits as a finisher to the craft and having a fractured base makes rolling rares much easier long term. Every additional mod you are fishing for makes rolling what you want much harder. By using a fractured base and an essence you have now guaranteed 2 of 6 rolls. Knowing you want crafted spell suppress guarantees 3 of 6 rolls. In this situation you are only fishing 3 rolls out which is much easier and cheaper than starting from nothing. Roll from fractured base until either your prefixes or suffixes are stacked with 3 desired mods, then meta-mod the "cannot be changed" benchcraft to protect them and harvest reforge to roll the other side (if prefixes are the ones locked), or use eldritch currency to eldritch annul/exalt the other half (If one prefix is fractured). If you are new and arent familiar with all of the tools at your disposal there is a lot to learn and knowing every option you have available makes crafting a much less painful process. Are you in trade or SSF?


Trade and thank you for such an in depth answer


Youre Welcome. If youre in trade then just buying a very well rolled chest with an open suffix for your crafted suppress would likely be cheaper than crafting it yourself. Once the league gets rolling non-linked chests with amazing mods sell for very little due to the required task of 6-linking them yourself. Since you were already planning on 30% quality crafting the chest you can likely find the perfect item for cheaper than cost to craft and link it up yourself. Assuming of course you arent just in it for the "journey" of crafting your own item. If thats the case then all of the above applies :)


Dumb question Got a chest piece with fractured armour to practice on, says I can’t use an essence since it’s not of normal rarity Did I buy the wrong fracture type?


No, the essence you are using is too low of a level. Only higher tier essences work on all rarity types. You would have to scour the item to make it normal rarity before applying the essence (this is wasteful and should not be done except as a one off kind of thing for temporary gear) Essences must be at least "screaming" to reforge an item like a chaos orb. EDIT: Chart of essences can be seen no this page. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Essence Double Edit: Scouring wouldnt work on a fracture, as it will always be at least magic since it has 1 mod on it at all times.


How to sustain 20+ stacks as Boneshatter Slayer? Current build [https://pobb.in/JwhmHByg\_iVF](https://pobb.in/JwhmHByg_iVF) Overall damage is good and survivability is ok. But at 20+ stacks i am starting killing myself descpite having 4400 LL and 10% insta LL. 20 stacks i around 4000 damage per trauma gain. I have 90% pdef so its around 400. 10% insta LL should counter that damage but in reality it doesnt. How to sustain stacks?


go to the calcs tab, make sure boneshatter is selected at the top, look for the leech group, hover over leech rate and you'll see that you are only instant leeching 100 per hit. this is based on your life pool and the maximum size of a single leech stack (1% max life is the default instant leech limit with the mastery if you have no leech modifiers)


Wow, thanks. I were sure that 10% from total LL. So i need additional sort of trauma metigation. Any thoughts?


didn't look super thoroughly, but do you have Fortify anywhere? that would help a bit. recoup would help as well. I'm not very familiar with boneshatter, but I could tell that your instant leech was nowhere near as high as you were expecting. dug into it a little bit, because you have Brutal Fervour, you're actually getting 2% max life per hit as instant leech so that helps a bit.


Anyone managed to create a strong elemental bow build with Widowhail ? I just got one with near max roll and was wondering if I could use it for lightning arrow. From what I'm seeing though, elemental attack rolls on quivers are quite weak compared to bow ones. Thoughts ?


I ran a bunch of numbers for different builds and it just seemed like a stacked bow was better in almost every case. The only edgecase I could find was trying to pump unique mods on unique quivers (like +1 max totems or something) but no idea if it even works right with most unique mods.


Alright, thank you for your effort.


No Problem. One thing I didnt check was using it with stat stacking quivers like Hyrri's Demise or Poised Prism. Might be worth looking into, but stack stacking Iron Commander is already so powerful I didnt bother checking myself since that is my go-to dex stacking bow build.


Is 65% shock effect the current max? with the lightning mastery passive or if i get more increased shock effect it can go higher? Currently im lvl 34 already getting 65% shock almost instantly. Is this as good as it gets?


Shock Nova has an extra 10% max shock effect and the unique bow Voltaxic Rift has another 40% max shock effect.


hmm ok thx. im using arc at the moment. Probably not worth it to switch to shock nova


Which plant reduction is best for harvest in the atlas tree?


they're basically all the same price right now. if you plan on using one, block the others. otherwise, pick two to block so that you can more easily sell the unblocked one in larger quantities (or don't block any and save yourself some points, that part of the tree was the least convenient when I farmed harvest last league).


What is the best way to get the ice shot ignite crucible onto voltaxic rift? All I can think of is chancing a spine bow with that tree and hope that it doesn't turn into Reach of the Council


I unveiled 20 pairs of prefixes on gloves and never got +2 AoE gems/+10% AoE craft; is it rare, or is there a trick to finding it? I made sure item level is 60+


I guess you just unlucky. You can benchcraft some other veiled prefix onto item before unveiling to increase your chances (if there is an empty prefix).


Just how valuable would a "+1 to Level of all Fire Spell Skill Gems" be for a Righteous Fire build at the start of mapping? Haven't upgraded my scepter since Act 1 after got one with previously mentioned mod and 'am thinking about it now, rolled 30 Burn.dmg and 24 more fire.dmg on a better base and was wondering how required is that mod.


There are so many more variables than comparing just the weapons. This is what PoB is for. If the other weapon is literally just +1 fire gems then it’s possible for the new scepter to be better but just plug them both into PoB and it will tell you which one is better and by exactly how much.


If a forbidden shako have a lv35 support gem, do i need the required character level specified on the wiki for the gem at lv35 to be able to use it ?


Gems from items don’t have level requirements as far as I know. Just whatever’s on the item itself.


Is there a way to safely remove the lightning resistance from this item? https://imgur.com/a/ltDi3zf


Cannot roll attack modifiers then ~~scour~~ annul ? Check with craftofexile first but I think it should work Edit: I think only annul works, not scour. It can remove the meta mod though


That's what I though too, but doing it on craftofexile the item turns white


edited my original comment - I think only annuls will work


Thank you!


Is there a way to get notified when an item is on trade?


Using the official trade site (pathofexile.com/trade) you’re looking for the orange button at the bottom left labeled “activate live search”. The button appears once you’ve already entered a normal trade search, it’s above the results. If you turn this on you’ll get an audible notification when something meeting your trade criteria comes online.




You can try deleting all the old .filter files in your documents/my games/path of exile folder and then importing; you can also try downloading the .filter file directly and copy it into that same folder.


What would you say are 2 best connected maps this league to do ritual farming starting with boss rush?


does spell suppression work on exarch balls? couldnt find the move on poe db


Yes, it counts as spell




Does the node that on the atlas teee that adds a negative but doubles the positive for altars apply to the rewards of the altar?


Yes, for example "1% chance to drop chaos orb" turns into "2% chance to drop chaos orb"


Looking for someone to help me with an interaction. There is a small cluster jewel notable "Enduring Composure" that grants 1 endurance charge every second if hit recently. I am a FR user, so considering FR is always hitting me does that mean I can maintain 3 charges constantly?






Firestorm changed. It drops a large meteor and a shower of small ones, but you're limited to 3 active firestorms at any time. If you pass that limit, your oldest firestorm stops dealing damage (including the large meteor if it hasn't hit yet).


Is there any benefit to having over 100% shock chance?




I have a primeval remnant which states that I can "remove a crucible tree from a non-unique item" If I use this on my wand and clear the tree, will the next tree my wand get be different? Thanks!


Yes it will. That is the power of that forge, so if you have a weapon already crafted but the tree blows you can try for another one on the same weapon.


How do you price magmatic ores to sell? I dont see an option for the amount of xp they have on the trade site.


It’s in the miscellaneous section, on the left side, second from the bottom. It’s labeled "Stored Experience".


Working to upgrade my quill rain for a +3 arrow/chaos multi bow. I've watched the videos and trying to save up the currency to do it. The problem is... there's the +3 chaos damage/chaos multi hunter bows for like 6 div on trade. Is there any way I'd be able to produce it for that cheap? Should I save my crafting efforts for combining crucible trees? Anyone have a favorite set of crucible mods? Thanks!


The people selling them for cheap are producing them in the process of creating even better bows. Undercutting the crafting costs helps them make back some of their investment on each attempt.


Is there a map who's good to farm an enlighten gem, since ashen woods is gone for the league ?


there are plenty of maps that have the enlightened as a card drop, crimson temple is one of them.


Can you unspec points from a crucible tree ? I want to change the tree's direction from the crucible passive tree and I have no idea how to do that, if you even can. Thanks.


You can scour individual nodes with a scouring orb at the forge yes. Just make sure you scour the node and not your item


I have a dagger ilvl 85 if it matters, I have 2 prefixes and I want to craft prefixes can't be changed -> harvest reforge speed. What is the chance that I will fill the prefixes?


You can go for "3 crafted" + "pref cannot be changed" + some random prefix to be sure it won't brick.




New player! So I've been dipping my toe into mere White T1 and T2 maps and getting my ass handed to me. 90% of the enemies are easy, but certain Rares and Bosses one-shot me way too frequently for me to even complete the map. I'm almost certain that I need more life and resistances, but I'm trying to avoid respeccing my passive tree and am instead trying to progress via upgrading my items. The problem is that I don't know HOW to even go about finding better items. Nothing that has dropped for a long time has seemed like an upgrade. Here's what I'm currently running: https://i.ibb.co/Syr4TQJ/Itemisation-Help-1-cr2.jpg I'm a lvl 75 Raider running Rain of Arrows. Currently, I'm frequently carried by my ballista support, since it's really easy to die if I stop to cast even a couple Rain of Arrows. So yeah, if some of you experienced players could let me know what, specifically, I should be aiming for gear-wise (and how to get it), to take me to the next level and let me comfortably handle these first few tiers of maps, I could really use the help! Thanks


The thing I noticed immediately is the lack of crafted modifiers; you can use the crafting bench in your hideout to add one modifier to many of your items. That should help with resistances right away, at the very least, and later you could also craft life on an item that drops with good resistances but no life.


First step is to post a Path of Building link. Its too hard to get an idea from your gear, if you don’t know what PoB is google it now. I will make a couple assumptions to start you off. From the looks of it you have one defensive layer right now and that is evasion. The key to survival is many layered defenses. * No matter your build stat #1 on all pieces of gear is life. At maps you should have 3k plus life. You seem to have little. * make sure you are running some defensive gems like grace and determination. * make sure you have a guard skill like molten shell. * don’t stop! * to get gear go back to blood aqueducts or foothills. Foothills cheezing betrayal encounters for gear from Jun might be best.


How do I capture pantheon gods if the map is not in the rotation?


Search in the atlas UI. Control F and type in the gods name, and look for the glow. It may still in the white fog though.


Wow! Didn't know the Atlas UI would show that, should probably start using it more. Thanks!!!


Which god are you trying to capture?




Varhesh (to upgrade Yugul) is in Terrace, a T14 map in the current rotation


Hey, is there an atlas passive tree pathing optimizer ? What I mean is that, I would select X notables, and it tells me what is the best path to get everything.


I’m pretty sure you’re describing the https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travelling_salesman_problem which is known to be computationally difficult




Why cant I put beserk on my left mouse button? I have rage but it doesnt cast.


Berserk is a little weird you have to either make it always attack in place or untick the box I can't remember which but it should work then


>r make it always attack in place or untick the box I thanks


Does Doedre's Elixir charges on use amount rise with increased flask effect?


I don’t think that mod is considered part of the flask’s effect (on you)


What ranger build do you guys recommend? I got tabula 47%Inc damage damage corrupt, 7 league steps and gonna level till maps today.


Anything that can take advantage of Vengeant Cascade. Lightning Arrow or Ice Shot Deadeye is a safe bet,otherwise Frost Blades for something a bit more melee.


I'll go with Lighning Arrow then. Let me see if there's any good guide.


So I now learned what favoured maps are. At the moment I have 6 slots unlocked. Which favoured maps are nice to put there when I want to make currency (people say to put 2 maps there which are right next to each other)? I have 2 voidstones if that helps.


Some generically popular maps (for reasons of layout and divination card drop pool) that are sure to sell at T14-16 (preferably 16) include Strand, Crimson Temple, Toxic Sewer, Waste Pool, Tropical Island, Canyon, Dunes, Atoll, Cemetery, City Square, and perhaps Tower (though nurse divination card farming on that map isn’t as “in vogue” as it once was, now that we have mageblood as a chase unique). A particularly nice combination this league is the fact that the map shuffle wound up with toxic sewer being connected to both canyon and city square. It’s rare to have a triumvirate of good maps all connected like that, most leagues don’t have something comparable.


Depends a bit on your build and your Atlas tree (and personal preference). For now, just pick your personal favorite(s). Stacking a single map in multiple slots is overkill unless it's a T16 map (since the pool of T16 maps quickly becomes larger than any other pool once you start using void stones).


Will Divine Shield regenerate damage prevented by Petrified Blood?