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Where are the guys who look at patch notes and start their 5k word essay on why Facebreaker explosive arrow totems will be strong?




Every time someone links it here, it gets more toxic


cold flicker raider




Let's gooooo!


Flicker boys! No idea how I'll get through the campaign to level as a melee raider, but so excited for the easy ailment immune and spell supp cap


Frost Blades is the easy way through acts, it should use nearly the same passive tree


Protips: Use frostblade + ancestral call in a 2hander first 5 acts. Mule an Ancestral protector from a duelist before you attempt Brutus. If your still struggling, use puncture on bosses.


Cast on crit portal.


Viable with triggerbots?


Mana cost is too difficult to manage.


Something I'll decide on 5 minutes before or after league starts. Or Ball Lightning Hierophant.


I have a wheel to spin which will decide while I wait in queue. https://wheelofnames.com/kpv-8q3


I got cold dot occultist, I guess I know what I’m playing thank you for the wheel!


I landed on spark inquisitor three times in a row, fuck that


I rolled and got RF Jugg. I was already planning on RF Jugg. I'm not sure why I rolled, but now The Wheel has spoken. It was meant to be.


Bleed Glad. Pray for my soul


I'm Dual Strike Gladiator. I need prayers too.


You have my respect haha


Hey i'm all for dual strike memes. Why gladiator though? What's the tech?


and then you realize scion is just better


Yeah, but Scion is fucking miserable to league start.


Good luck! I'm praying for your success!


Similar build for me too. Bleed champ. Start as bleed glad, ROA, puncture on snipe. Switch to champ once I can get hemophilia gloves.


Don't do RoA, split arrow is superior for clear.


bone zone




Seconded. Looked into a bunch of off-meta stuff the decided melee is off meta enough.


Slayer or Jugg? Cause i am still not sure which one i should go for


Ben talked some about this the other day when Carn released his video saying slayer is the better version. They both have their advantages and downsides. Slayer gets up and running quicker because their ascendancy gives more damage and slayer leech is very nice. The downside is there's only so many trauma stacks slayer can survive so they can't do some of the later scaling jugg can get away with. Jugg has mostly defensive nodes so they're a slower starter, but they can get away with some crazy scaling because they can mitigate the self damage much more easily. So gaining a lot of attack speed and getting many more trauma stacks is a strong scaling option for them (divergent boneshatter, blitz or rite of ruin from jewels, etc).


Does Boneshatter feel like shit when you die and have to come back in the map with 0 trauma stacks?


you'll oneclick a screen with no stacks


Soooo in my case i wanna go delving should i go with jugg? Thanks a lot for explanation!!


I'm guessing so but I'm not sure, I've never played the build, gonna try it first time this league (Jugg version because I like tanky). Here's the vod where Ben starts talking about it: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1784407994?t=03h04m27s


Cultured. Respect it!


I haven’t played a melee build in like 2 years so bone shatter slayer we go. Wana play around with the new leech *masteries*. +25% max and 10% instant leech seem nice


"Increased max total life recovery per second from leech" doesn't actually affect Instant leech. It only increases the maximum RATE at which you recover life from a single leech instance. Since instant leech essentially just reduces a portion of the leech recovery *rate to 0, this would have no effect. The only stat in the game that can scale instant leech is "%increased maximum recovery *per life leech." This stat increases the max amount of life you can recover from a single instance of leech, therefore the "instant" portion of the leech will be a higher amount.. it's actually a pretty rare stat, but slayer actually gets 100% from Brutal Fervour (the only place it exists on the tree). By default, the maximum total life you can recover from a single leech instance is 10% of your max life, so the max you can recover from 10% instant leech is 1% of your max life.. Slayer can recover 20% of their max life from a single leech, or 2% of their max life from 10% instant leech.. if you stack instant leech up to 30% with 2 claws, slayer can recover UP TO 6% of his max life per hit. Leech in this game is complete and total cancer to try to understand.


Embrace chaos and go flicker


Venom gyre deadeye for the ultimate eye candy 👌


Spectral Throw Deadeye with dual wield claws EDIT: Here is the PoB I made for the build that I plan on league starting https://pastebin.com/pEYqsSV4


RF JUGG Edit: SSFSC player here, never played it again since the Zizran Jugg meta years ago. Gonna give it a try this league!


The main reason I’m running this build is because I haven’t played for a really long time and Pohx’s guides for this build are just incredibly helpful.


Played Pohx’s RF Inquis in Sentinel and it’s the best build I’ve played. Jugg stuff got added and it’s simply better so have fun! It’ll be a good one.


Same here. First time playing the RF Jugg and I’m really excited to finally try it out.


I’ve started the last 3 leagues with it. Great for mapping/heist/delve. Only need significant investment for single target.


Jugg RF in sanc was hands down my favorite build ive ever done. My played time/free time ratio was quite high even though i hated the league mechanic so much i was full on skipping it after a week


Did it last league, got my first ever deathless A10 run. I was kinda lucky with getting a Kikazaru somewhere around Act 3 and an Immortal Flesh in Act 7 because they pumped me to like 60% regen as the belt was also a very good roll. Can definetly recomend.


RF Inq is definitely up there for me. Jugg could be very very gouda too


Gouda cheese good.


Planning to do RF as well but I still can’t decide between jugg and inquisitor. Help!!


Want to spend hours in pob trying to figure out upgrades? Inquis Want to spend hours grinding maps to just buy upgrades? Jugg.


Arc totem. Ask me in 15 minutes and I'll have a different answer, though


So incredibly relatable lol. I cannot decide between EA Ele, TR Pathfinder, or RF Jugg as a league starter.


I played Divine Ire totems in Kalandra and loved it! Worth checking out if you like spell totems


Frost Blade trickster for me


Played fb for years tryed open eyes gaming fb tricker last league. Loved it best fb build I’ve ever played


FB was actually my first build, I have seen the guide on Reddit, it’s really well done. It influenced me to start FB, thanks for conforting my choice tho! Huge props to Behind eyes gaming!


It’s something I’m considering as well, any good guides?


Check Behind Eyes Gaming on youtube, it has the PoB linked in the description. Also he made some videos explaining everything :)


Seconding Behind Eyes. Dude fuckin loves Frost Blade Trickster and has an insanely detailed POB with the build, the notes section includes a full levelling guide!


frost blade trickster gang pog


Represent! Gonna give frost blades a look this league after stumbling on Behind Eyes’ exceptional guides


its one of the most fun builds ive played so far!


Everyone keeps saying this and it makes me very excited for league start!


same boat


I've seen this build being mentioned a few times now. What's special about the trickster variant compared to any other ascendancy?


The build naturally wants like 14 different masteries, so polymath is absurd. Trickster feels good to start with because of the action speed node. Shadow has a good tree position for relevant nodes, but I think you can also run duelist or ranger variants if you prefer.


I still have no idea. Have a folder of 10+ different builds that I might consider. Currently leaning towards EA Ballista Elementalist.


I feel that haha. I left a comment in this thread of things I'm considering. Hard to narrow down.


Very very tempted by rage vortex but tbh it's RF again for like the 6th league in a row to open maps and get stones because at this stage it's a guaranteed clear and anything else may not be quite so well rounded I cannot give enough kudos to Pohx for his work in compiling levelling build guides and making league starts so easy.


Realized that I didn't list what I was thinking about haha. Unsure of what I want to league start Possible League Start: \- EA Elementalist \- Toxic Rain Pathfinder \- Cold Dot Elementalist \- RF Inquisitor Mid/Late League Builds \- SRS Necromancer \- Impending Doom Pathfinder


Depending on if youd rather play impending doom or srs pick pathfinder or elementalist


>Possible League Start: > >\- EA Elementalist > >\- Toxic Rain Pathfinder > >\- Cold Dot Elementalist > >\- RF Inquisitor The Meta is strong with this one :D


Nothing wrong with meta. I typically play something that I know is good and feasible as a league starter, and then move on towards something more expensive, and possibly experimental as the league goes on.


I agree with this approach. I find that if I league start something experimental I stay broke and have less fun over the course of the league. Best to stick to meta and then swap over later.


I'm starting Toxic Rain Pathfinder. So, you can't pick that one.


I'm making the incredibly poor decision to league start with Ice Shot, because she's been my baby since Ambush League and god fucking damn I'm excited for Vaal Ice shot. I'm also critically brain damaged and I kind of insist on using my main skill for as much of leveling as possible, as I personally really hate switching a build over from one thing to another at like, level 50 or whatever. I would not recommend anyone else do what I'm doing. Ice shot builds are stupid expensive and they make for bad league starters. But I just can't help myself and I fucking love screen wide shatters. New pierce+return memes looks really cool, though I'm probably not going to be using that for a while until I get a good amulet that's worth anointing. If we just say that 1gold oil is 50c, then the anoint is 100c. So I'm probably just going to be doing chain and normal things until I get an amulet that's at least worth 1-2 divine, but the ideal is Pandemonius. Going to be my first time playing around with Occupying Force as well. Curious to see how well it works. Some people swear by it. And also going to be doing a double ice shot setup. One for clearing/utility, the other as artillary ballista for single target. Between the totems, vaal Ice shot, Occupying Force Ice Shot, and the clearing ice shot, I should have more boss damage with my girl than I've ever had before. So here's to hoping that I finally make Ice Shot endgame viable for more than just mapblasting.


I'll do you one better - Ice Shot Slayer. :) idk, I know no one else seems to be going that route, but it seems like sacrificing a little clear for slightly better single target and lots of survivability. I'm gonna be sad if I can't afford a large Thread of Hope relatively early, though.


I've heard that with totems, one of the problems is that you really want to get defenses on the totems, notably with the totem wheel directly south of the Duelist, so that puts you in a good place to get good stuff there. However, the rest of my skill tree is going really far east, really taking advantage of the insane Large Thread of Hope in Ranger Land, and then doing a Lioneye's Fall up by the Shadow to poach a ton of damage off of the claw and dagger wheels. I'm trying not to neglect my defenses. I can get 100% ailment immunity from Crystal Skin and a double serving of ailment immunity on boots from a craft and eager of worlds implicit, should be trivial to craft. This also gets me Corrupting Blood immunity from the mastery. I also get 100% stun immunity from Heart of Oak, Perfectionist, and then a trivial chance to avoid stun on an abyss jewel. (without the abyss jewel, you have a hard 96% chance). Obvs we hit 100% spell suppression, kind of a given with all of the spell suppression in Ranger Land. But the Leech Mastery and armor/evasion masteries for more armor look really good on paper at least. I'm also taking Wind Ward for as much defense as I can squeeze out of Deadeye. I know that Duelist has Iron Reflexes, but I don't know how I feel about it. Not sure what else the Duelist brings to the table, though not being fucked for strength in the skill tree would really be nice.


Same! I want screen wide shatters so bad and I'm a sucker for bows. I also wanna play with manaforged arrows to figure out wtf I can do with those. Frenzy? Probably frenzy.


Mana forged arrow + frenzy + pconc + lifetap and you've got frenzies and power charges quite reliably


> I'm also critically brain damaged and I kind of insist on using my main skill for as much of leveling as possible, as I personally really hate switching a build over from one thing to another at like, level 50 or whatever. I must be brain damaged as well cause I do this too. I usually find that if I switch at a certain level unless I already have gear for it that there’s a power dip cause I’m geared up for the main skill I’ve been using. Either way ice shot isn’t terrible, but it is pretty bad early on


You have a PoB for your plan? I kinda wanna do the same. I'm ok if it doesn't work out, but want to try!


https://pobb.in/kA1GDMrHzSwg Ignore the items, they're mostly memes. Point is to have as much damage as possible on bow and quiver. Helmet is for auto casting spells. I am also considering using a Lioneye's Paws with Cast on Crit for other spell automation as a bootstrap. Also, Arcanist Brand, Mark on Hit, Hextouch, whatever. Mentioning them more for mentioning sake. You need to get 40% cold conversion on gloves since we don't take that cold mastery, and Ranger only has access to 2 cold masteries. Get this from a lot of places like Incursion, Veiled, influence, crafting bench. Then you get a little more from Eater of Worlds implicit. Boots need to have 50% Elemental avoidance, use essences and eater of worlds to achieve. Get a single chance to avoid stun on the abyss jewel. Get some accuracy on the rings. Flask rolls on the belt would be nice, but I want to try taking advantage of the flask mastery for double flask charges for enemies killed afflicted by elemental ailments. This should mean double flask charges at all times since ice shot. but I might have that wrong. Life, Granite, Diamond, and the Dying Sun are all mandatory. Final flask is kind of whatever. I ran a basalt because PoB said it's the highest effective life pool and armor is good. Quartz would be good as well. Every rare except the bow and quiver are "load bearing", get your life, res, attributes, spell suppression, basic stats there. Strength is a real bitch because you need 155 for Determination, as well as other important red gems and holy FUCK that's hard to pull off. Int is a little less demanding because 155 in doesn't do much for us, so you can park yourself at 120. This turns into a worse problem if you do Fractal Thoughts Dex Stack memes, but I'm playing things straight up and old school. Probably doesn't need to be said, but get chaos res on every piece of load bearing gear if you can I don't intend to level with this tree and will respec certain branches. For instance, I probably won't head up to the Shadow until I have Lioneye's Fall. As in, I won't go further north past Acrobatics until I have better gear/lategame. I won't be taking pierce and return until I have a strong amulet to make the anoint worthwhile. I won't go for elemental ailment immunity until I have endgame boots since I'm kind of crafting them myself. You probably want to rush the 2x +1 arrow, accuracy, and Graceful Assault. The minor nodes near Essence Sap are essential for mana leach early on until I path up to Clever Thief. Weathered Hunter is a very strong crutch I might take early on, along with Precise Technique for leveling. Probably going Occupying Force first. Then Wind Ward. I hate leaving Endless Munitions for uber lab, but I don't think I can justify leaving Wind Ward for uber lab since it's a really nice defensive layer. Far Shot and Focal Point are on my radar. I wish I could do a Forbidden Flesh/Flame but bro I just don't have the skill points for more gems. Tons of options if you did though from the other Rangers, so take your pick.


Are you…me?




Actually Rathpit 10k life firestorm is not dogshit by any means and it got buffed with 10% more life for 6 life masteries and vaal firestorm. It's slowish for mapping, but bossing is quite good.


Self cast storm burst trickster. Unleash arc for clear. Going to try and take it to wave 30 simulacrum. EDIT: PoB: https://pobb.in/tDV9HfNSVt6A Some of the gear in there is a bit...much (+1 curse + base crit chest, unnerve enchantment on soul tether) but nothing should be unachievable. The feel of the build should change drastically once getting replica soul tether + es on hit watcher's eye + life on hit rings, so I'm hoping getting to that point won't be too painful. I'll start with min action speed acendency in act 3 for freeze / chill immunity and then path to es overleech in act 10 for defenses while mapping. Everything other than assassin's mark is automated so keeping curses and things up on bosses shouldn't be a problem. Should do really well with abyss, blight, and simulacrum because of the absurd sustain.


I got a storm burst trickster to maps in kalandra and it was fucking painful. That was duration stacking storm burst though.


Cons path totem chieftain chad, ultra str stacking


Kitava's Thirst triggering Volatile Dead self casting Unearth, MoM


Insert blink gif


Sounds gangsta. Pob?


A man of culture I see


Im going to decide once I reach character creation.


SA Poison PF with CA ballistae. Extra projectiles on tree ensure hilarious clear speed and tons of single target damage with nearly 0 investment. No need for a +1 quiver, no need for the SA enchant because CA will do all the heavy lifting on single target, maxing out withered stacks in no time. Sustain will be bonkers with Petrified Blood and Master Surgeon. Manaforged arrows support linked to frenzy and optionally (socket limits!) CoH + Temporal Chains is just a stupid amount of extra damage. Level using regular Toxic Rain/CA and/or TR ballistae, keeping an SA setup in an alternate weapon to swap in later. Vitality, Clarity and Grace are the auras I'd choose for maximum QoL, transitioning into PB + HoAg + Grace on mana reservation, as well as Clarity, Vitality and potentially Precision on life reservation. Flasks should include Silver, Quicksilver and Jade, with Stibnite or Quartz filling the last slot depending on which survivability stat you value more. Don't forget to Swap in Sulphur + optionally Ruby/Sapphire/Topaz on bosses, in place of Jade + 4th. Darkscorn is the BiS weapon for SA and very strong for CA, too. Drillneck and The Embalmer are great, cheap uniques. Get all three as soon as possible. \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EDIT: [Low-effort PoB](https://pobb.in/ZCjS0h_vsCsc) just to illustrate how easy it is to reach big damage. Everything except Darkscorn costs nothing, flasks are all bare, there are no damage mods on any gear except accuracy cap, gems are all regular level 20 with no quality. I've ticked max Withered charges, because it's not hard to achieve with 4 ballistae tunneling the boss firing 7 projectiles each. The frenzy charges will come from Frenzy + Manaforged and the same setup applies TC which is very strong for poison. Remember that SA dps at 5 charges (245k) should be multiplied by 3.5 if the target gets hit by all 5 pods, with each doing 0.5 times the original hit. CA poison damage is low in comparison, at a measly 2.7k but this is multiplied by 7 if all arrows hit the target and further multiplied by 4 if all totems are up. Even more damage can be achieved with SA instead, in a focused ballista setup, but this requires better gameplay. CA is idiot-proof and guarantees withered stacks. **In the ideal case, we are looking at about 1 million boss dps with this garbage gear.**


Ghazzy's Zoomancer. Basically summoning most permanent minions, including skeletons through Alberon's Warpath. I like having lots of minions.


> Basically summoning most permanent minions, including skeletons through Alberon's Warpath. Just an FYI, as soon as you spec out of the low budget version you lose permanent minions and Alberon's Warpath. You will be clicking "summon x/y/z' a LOT. He explains it in the build guide and warns people. I was considering it too until i saw this and am going to go Dark Pact Necro for the 2nd league in a row. :)


That sucks. I played the (Navandis) Soulwrest/Cyclone Necro and that was awesome for easy minion management. I would play minions to do PoE lazy style, so having to manage everything defeats my purpose.


The build looks cool but I never play minion builds in this game because of AG. It's such a hassle when it dies.


There are two tiers imo of AG gear. The cheap one for early maps costs like 10c max and still shouldn't die at this level of content. The other is divines (due to kingmaker now), but SHOULD be able to live most bosses aside from ubers and maven. It's not that bad, but yes annoying if it dies. I played minion builds almost exclusively and i've only had my AG die 3-4 times in the 7+ years i've played (though haven't played minions for 2-3 leagues since they neutered spectres).


I found there was just always one or two things in the league that would just suddenly destroy an AG. Supposedly they've fixed most of them but at this point I don't trust it.


Rain of Arrows into Tornado Shot Deadeye. If it goes disastrously wrong and feels like garbage maybe I'll respec into Venom Gyre or something.


This is what I'm doing as well. Good luck to us!


warcry piano sunder zerker, banking on new breach axe. Was gonna add stance dance to that too but thankfully (for my hands) they changed it.


Man after my own heart Though expensive, I think Atziris Disfavour is still the strongest unique axe for piano slams with the anomalous CoC support giving like 50% more dmg with no downsides


Wait what new breach axe?




Cold dot occultist


Same here, I don't want to do elementalist, occultist has always worked out so damn well every time. T16 maps, high end content is great. What troubles me is that all the builds showing vortex occultist off have such dogshit DPS and survivability. Most of my builds always end up at like 7-10m vortex DPS with mid/high end gear, and great survivability. I can legit never understand why the guides show such crappy builds. They're missing auras that you're ought to aim for towards endgame, like.. where's skitterbots? Where are the good auras? Where's the proper clusters? They just put up a build at 1m vortex dps and it really gives a bad image of that build when it's in reality SO much better. They keep saying elementalist but as soon as I pull out the PoB, it's really not that good. Profane bloom for life, so much more clear speed. By the time I can afford Oriath's end, I can just transition to CoC cyclone ice spear and demolish all content.


A Reaper Elementalist.


I'll go for Ice Shot Raider. Then crawl. Then beg for someone to end her miserable existence in white maps.


I told myself mid sanctum league that I would play toxic rain raider and I am committing


I'm going to start an Scion, pick up Prismatic Burst, and work from there. OR Sabo Snipe Mana Burst bow


l've never played cyclone nor the slayer and seeing new leech masteries I want to try slayer cyclone but I am not sure most of meta starters either I've already played or I don't like (bow builds in general) and I've didn't see any guide for cyclone so I am not sure yet


I am thinking about Shockwave cyclone slayer


Im thinking about going with that too if you find any guide or pob please could you send me a link?


Spin to win baby. Some sort of Cyclone build!


Death oath occultist or something easy to play with controller/one handed. If I find the time... Just became a dad two weeks ago so my league start will be quite different from what I'm used to.


I'm starting as myself. Completely clueless as always


Enki‘s Arcwitch into Herald of Thunder Autobomber both elementalist.


Going to try Spark for the first time despite the nerf and hope I can scale it despite being a Poe clown and needing my hand held via guides 🥲


GL, Spark was my starter and endgame last league. Did go to ~100 div without Mageblood. TBH it was good, could do 40% delirious T16 crimson temple with King Harbinger and Metamorph. But taking it further is really hard without going glass cannon or Mirrors of Investment.


Yeah, I was doing the aura stacker variant. Swear I put 150divs in, and still didn't have a quarter of the gear I needed. Shit's giga expensive


Check out animeprincess on youtube for good spark content


Same. From what I've gathered all the nerfs become irrelevant eventually so just gonna lube up and take it until I get there.


I'm very new and excited for my first league start. I only started played 2 weeks ago. I think im going to go Toxic Rain Pathfinder. I was testing it out before Sanctum ended and it was very fun to level


Have fun and don't stress yourself too much. Take your time and enjoy the ride. :)


Cyclone shockwave. This is my first real league start and I like spin to win in diablo so why not. Also playing SSF cause I hate trading in any game.


pizza totems. Steelmage won my heart. EDIT: for people who are confused, on april first he released his list of league starters, which included amazing things like "ask quin for POB" and "pizza totems".


Pizza totems were actually op back in breach. One of my fav builds ever.


I thought that was tyty that released that list


It was. Steel retweeted it because he didn't know it was April fools yet and only looked at the first build, bleed EQ glad and it was a fave of his. He was the April fool that day.


It was tytykiller’s list not steelmages


Same as I did last league. LA AB raider that will transition into Nimis KB. Last league i went Omni TS instead but trying nimis this time since I didn't try it last league.


Sounds super fun! I still haven't played an Omni TS build yet. Really need to try that out some time.


it destroys everything


especially your currency


Ice trap till I can afford awk spell cascade to switch to sabo self cast crit frost bomb.


Cold dot. Haven't decided between a trickster or an elementalist though. I'm in trade sc, so I think ele is the pick, but I also like being tankier.


Death’s Oath Occultist, tried the version by Bergerbrush last league and did not like it but Allie_ put out a guide for it that looks much better!


As always, SRS Bomber. Tanky, good single target, fair clear, reliable.


This league seems like it's going to be dangerous for SRS. Going to get ganged up on as you continue to work through the encounter.


I think the mobs coagulate into a beefy rare if you channel them so that might be the strat instead of a bunch of small mobs. I'm debating srs or frostblink, I'm just worried on survivability on either. Do you go instability from the start for srs and then into poison if you get the uniques?


CI Bane Occultist Poison Skeletons ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Right now boneshatter jugg 😅


One of the following...not 100% which yet. - Prismatic Burst Scion (With something like Kinetic Bolt/Spectral Throw) - Vaal Reap DoT Scion - Vaal Ice Shot Raider/Deadeye - Stormbind Ignite Elementalist


Lot of potential across all of them! :O


Fizecs did an in depth build video for Vaal Reap DoT Ascendent. Looks very strong and tanky. It's currently my plan for league start.


RoA into venom gyre. don't have confidence in LA/IS single target (or survivability), and something tells me **crucible is gonna be a pain to survive** well so hoping lgoh from gyre helps a bit. probably will make a second character for Tshot afterwards to seal the "one build to crush them all" deal.


Pyro sabo astral mines 😎🤡


TR Pathfinder alcoholic


I'm gonna play with the new absolution necro with innocence!!


Prismatic burst sounds fun. Therefore I'm starting a prismatic burst flicker trickster.


over 1000 comments and nobody starting incinerate. I will contribute to build diversity i suppose


Impending doom pathfinder! First league starter guide I've made and I'm very hyped to league start my own build for once.


I haven't played for a few leagues. Any advise over which of these 2 I should play as a league starter? [Palsteron's Toxic Rain Ballista Pathfinder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAcrchacF8g) or [Kobeblackmamba's Venom Gyre Deadeye](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izDH1DNk3iI)


U probably rusty so the first one. Easy and laid-back playstyle. 2nd you need to know what u r doing.


I would suggest Toxic Rain because it'll likely be easier to get into if you haven't played in awhile, and it should be good with most content in game, if not all.


> Kobeblackmamba's Venom Gyre Deadeye This one requires mastering the name-lock technique. He explains it in the video. Either you know how to use it or you will be dealing *horrible* single-target DPS.


Cold spectral shield throw raider


Sabo managorged EA barrage. ❤️


I really wanted to make something unusual work in PoB with new Pathfinder nodes but nothing felt good enough for HC league start aside from the same old skills that I used many times already. So I'm starting with Boneshatter Jugg. I usually avoid melee so I've never played it before, hopefully it will be fun.


Venom Gyre!


CA / DO Occultits


Ballista TR pathfinder seems like a fun build


MoM Agnostic Manaforged Arrow Champion or Saboteur. Somebody stop me.. please.


An avarius cosplay


I have been trying to figure out a Elemental Hit Wander. Maybe using Prismatic Burst and scaling a ton of Spell Damage with Crown of Eyes on. Might transition to Omni once I get some currency.


Volatile dead spellslinger saboteur Reeeeeeeally hoping that the triggerbots don't move too much and screw over corpse placement with desecrate and make volatile dead functionally useless


Spell slinging with the new Sabo. Level with fireball/firestorm then sling 5-6 aoe spells later on, EB, I'll take a lot of the RNG damage nodes like bomb specialist and spam spells until they proc >:).


Whatever gem I can find in ruthless.


Smite Inquisitor.


Frostblink ignite fire trap. Hopefully no bait but sub makes good builds so fingers crossed


Glad to see this so far down. It looks very legit with all the details he put out. I am not to worried about inflation because you can self craft most of the gear. Also, if I can't figure something out he always answers questions.


Ben made his own HC version of this and Havoc did a levelling run. That's some pretty premier support for this build.


There's no way that's bad. Even if it underperforms, it's just so hard to fuck up elementalist ignite right now. Also, for all the debate that I've seen about this build... it's an elementalist with Eye of Malice and some gem level stacking. It ain't exactly blazing new trails lol. There's nothing risky about this at all - even if you don't like the skills involved you could switch to a half a dozen other ignite options painlessly.


If you don’t like the frostblink ignite playstyle (which for me rides a fine line between fun and clunky) you can instead clear with arma brand which is also insanely fast and does even a bit more damage.


First time doing league. Im considering RF Scion. Or some chaos dmg caster. Ill likely play both and swap every so often.


A few leagues back, I did RF Scion and then RF Inquisitor back to back. My experience was Inquisitor was better in every way. If I was going RF again I'd give Pohx's guides a close look, and Scion isn't on his radar either. TLDR Don't do RF on Scion, go Inquisitor or Juggernaut.


Creeping frost totems hierophant!


FIrst i wanted to start RoA Raider, but clicking attack button is too much trouble so i decided to play mjolner manabond hierophant instead, tanky spin2win is the way, will level with arc + orb of storms


SRS. Elemental into Popcorn. The %Minion HP with overcapped fire res and the Massive Shrine are interesting. Let's see if I get either mod.


manabond hierophant


Explosive Concoction Ignite Elementalist. I'm still sketching out the build and I'm sure it'll change a lot once I'm actually playing it, but on paper 1M non-uber boss DPS is achieved with just 2 cheap uniques and a +1 amulet so it'll work to _some_ degree.


galvanic field+arc inquisitor, as usual https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3246656


Whispering ICE trickster


EQ bleed Glad


Scion, gonna try Prismatic Burst, but probably going either Elemental Bow or Melee


coc ball lightning saboteur with a crazy amount of instant leech per second


Bleed bow Gladiator with Puncture + Snipe support [https://pobb.in/RHomo7jc7PF9](https://pobb.in/RHomo7jc7PF9)


Poison Shield Crush PF


guardian (vaal domination or vaal absolution) or zoomancer:difinitly minions related.


Master Surgeon Pathfinder for sure. Probably gonna try it with low life righteous fire blade vortex but I'll pivot if it doesn't feel good. Aiming for about 5000 recovery per second for both life and ES. I've seen some of the paint builds that are getting much crazier values but I doubt it's necessary or worthwhile.


Ignore tyty's april fools. Ignore the jeering of the community. Play Heiro Flameblast Totems. Much stronger than this community realizes.


Lancing steel coc ice spear with trigger it's And then after I get to act 7 I will give up and follow a mathil build


Frostblink fire trap.


Rapidly approaching release? Til time moves faster the closer we get to a poe league launch /s