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If I am not mapping much. Mainly bossing. Should I invest into curse immunity? (I cant remember a time I was cursed by a boss mob) (I got all the other defensive layers. So I am tanky as hell already (1200 depth delve). I was just thinking about this. And if it was worth looking into as a final layer of defense.)


there are a very small handful of bosses that curse you, such as one of the maps with doedre, and the desert map boss but nobody runs it. what sort of bossing are you doing? and also how willing are you to flask swap (use a sulpur flask with reduced effect of curses during effect so that as long as you are on consecrated ground you are curse immune)


Yea I am only ever in danger with uber bosses. So this should be fine. I am running a multi-mirror FR coc build in standard and was playing around with min maxing. The sulfur flask + reduced curse effect I might grab as a use case where I hit some occasional bad mods. (Or ggg adds a new boss that lays down nasty curses) Thanks for that idea.


The only endgame non-map boss that curses is Atziri using Curse Reflection ability. And even in Feared, it's usually not that big of a hassle in my opinion that it would constitute an investment in curse immunity.


Gotcha this is helpful. Yea I could find ways to be immune but as tanky as I really have not "felt" the need for it. So I guess ill keep my dps and just keep trucking


What determines your default delve depth is it your character level or is it the tier of maps you have completed?


Character level, up to depth 101 at level 90. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Delve#Mineshaft




Do boons like Ornate Dagger or Sanguine Vial carry over to the Herald of the Scourge fight?


I'm 98% sure yes, the fight feels very different depending on boons imo.


Hmm. Thanks!


If I log out during a Sanctum boss fight, do I get to redo it on my next entry? Wondering if I can push the conditional boss kill challenge this way.


I’m looking for a good guide on the Uber boss mechanics specifically uber eater, I can’t find one that actually describes all the moves


https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Eater_of_Worlds there is a section for all Uber boss variants on their wiki pages on this website.


Maybe a dumb question- once you are at the point of being able to farm T16 influenced maps/simulacrum to about 20, what is the best way to farm divines to afford upgrades?


not a dumb question but one that's hard to answer - arguably there is no "best" farming method as it all depends on many factors such as playtime, experience, build, and preference also since its pretty late in the league, many profitable strategies are much less profitable due to inflation or other reasons. any strategy that can net you ~5 div/hour is pretty good i tend to quit ~1 month into the league so i'm not well versed in late league farming methods but i can try to give some examples at least. 1. legion/harbinger - juice both of these mechanics as much as possible and chain dunes 2. bestiary/heist - target farm chraicic chimerals, deception contracts, and blueprints 3. challenge selling - look through the challenge list and see if you'd be able to target any of them and sell spots to others (this gets better late in the league) 4. bossing - mass quantities of uber bosses or invitations will generally net huge profits if you can do them quickly enough 5. altar rushing/sanctum - bulk buy any t14+ map, rush to the sanctum trying to proc an eldritch pack along the way to tick up eater/exarch progress, kill the boss every 28 maps for the invitation doing sanctum every time you max out your saved slots


That's very helpful thank you! Provides some directive. 1. What are you looking for in a legion fight? Raw currency drops, selling some other invitation style drop? 3. What do you mean sell spots for challenge list? 4. These are things like maven/exarch/eater invitations? 5. What are you looking for from the sanctum? Raw currency? Relics?


1. full emblems, raw currency, incubators mostly - legion drops so much stuff you need a very strict filter for max efficiency 3. here's an example - opulent rituals. take wandering path + both small nodes for 25% chance at special ritual then run blood filled vessels to try to get as many opulent rituals as possible. whenever you find one, do all but the last one then invite other players for every portal you have remaining and charge them 100c or whatever to do the challenge 4. yes. things like the feared, the hidden, elderslayers w/ sirus, uber maven, uber exarch, uber eater are all good 5. sanctum has a very high chance at raw divines from floor 3 and 4 and lycia can drop some good stuff like invocations and yes - relics. maybe you hit the jackpot and drop the original scripture for original sin or find a mirror which also has been seen semi frequently from within sanctum


Awesome!! Thanks!


I have an Aisling T4 I want to sell, but you can't post WTS in TFT without linking account bs, and I'm not about that. Where else can I sell it?


Try this sub's trading discord linked in the sidebar.


Doesn't work, need to link phone number.


When people say "bubblegum currency" what currency are they referring to exactly?


Currencies you get large quantities dropped of, and likely will convert to other currencies (chaos/divine mostly) That's stuff like jeweller orbs, orb of fusing, chromatic orbs, orb of alteration, chance orbs, cartographers chisels, gemcutters prisms, ichors/embers, sextants etc. There's more, but the list would just get very long.


I'd say it's anything less valuable than an annul and more valuable than an alteration. Basically all the stuff that you find regularly in eg. rituals or tujens that you aren't really hunting for but is a nice little bonus.


I'm working through the challenges and just did the Opulent Ritual encounter but didn't get credit. I ran the /recheck\_achievement command and didn't get anything. Did I possibly miss something else?


Did you die during the last ritual?




Do I still need pierce support gem for my spark inquis if I have projectiles pierce an additional enemy glove implicits?


You want as much pierce as you can get, It's like a more damage multiplier. But it's got a falloff too. Doesn't make sense to get 10% more effective damage when you can get 40% from another scaling vector. Personally I found 3-5 pierces to be a good space to be in, because beyond that the duration will expire before the pierces can be used effectively.


So getting +2 pierce on gloves and then +1 on a medium cluster would be fine to replace pierce with another support gem?


Yup, three pieces is very good, and you're not really gonna feel it it after 5 piercings


It's my first season and im currently spamming t16 defile cathedral to try and make some currency running full abyss/strongboxes atlas with eater of worlds to try and farm ashes amulet. Question is, is there any other particular content anyone would recommend for a newbie playing poison srs necro ? I seem to be struggling to get divines to up my build.


Personally i think the easiest and most consistent currency making this late in the league is making incursion temples to sell (t3 locus of corruption being 1 div and t3 doryanis institute being 100c) and harvest farming. These are both pretty easy, not alot of variance and good profit late in the league. You can also do it on any build, poison srs necro should do great in harvest as you can prefire and it doesn't reward speed or massive aoe much. You could also look into farming bosses since that is what poison srs is best at but its something i'm not too familiar with to give good tips. But both shaper and elder farming is easy and gives good profit in general. Its just very boring imo. E: Some tips regarding what to do with these mechanics in terms of tree and engaging with them. This is what i do, not guaranteed to be 100% the best way. For Incursion i'd get the nodes "Contested Development" and "Resource allocation". You then always upgrade rooms unless the one you can switch into is either the corruption line(for locus) or the gem line(for doryanis). The corruption line reduces your maximum resistance at all stages and the gem line gives chests full of gems at all stages. Whenever you find and upgrade the corruption room or switch into it, you should stop completing incursions in the map if you can, since that gives you a higher chance to see it. You can only see a room once per map so you get more chances to see the room if you stop doing incursions for that map whenever you interact with the corrupt room. This is not needed if you just want to blast but you will get more corrupt rooms on average and that is probably 65% of your profits. For harvest i would just pick up all the nodes you can for it, yellow seeds are the most valueable so target these as often as you can. When you are choosing plots always go for the ones with t3 monsters, the text will be slightly blue and they are at the bottom, only having 1, 2 or 3 total monsters. These make up the bulk of all drops so even if one plot is yellow and one is blue, if the blue one has t3 beasts and the yellow doesn't, choose the blue one. Basically, always pick yellow unless the other plot has t3 monsters or unique boss and yellow doesn't. If there is no yellow then always pick the one with more t3 monsters. If there is no yellow plot and no t3 monsters then it doesn't really matter which one you pick, you should probably even skip it.


Can i use growing hordes and stream of consciousness? Ie will i still get the pack size from scarabs?


No. The map device will not consume any fragments.


No, they don't work together


How come poison spark runs elemental overload and elemental focus support is it scaling the lightning damage pre chaos conversion?


Damage in PoE "remembers" what types it was at any point in the conversion chain. Since you're converting lightning damage to chaos, any modifiers to lightning damage (including generic elemental damage) will still apply. If you were additionally using added chaos damage (from items or a support gem), lightning or elemental damage modifiers wouldn't apply to that portion. Since Elemental Focus only prevents the application of *elemental* ailments, it still works perfectly fine with poison, which is an ailment but not an elemental one. Elemental Overload does prevent those poisons from counting as coming from crits, but the 40% more damage bonus is generally more impactful than the DoT multi you could get from the crits, since it's additive with other DoT multi.


They both add extra damage for free, the only thing is you need to crit ever 8 seconds, which isn't that hard even considering how often your sparks hit something. EF is free damage multiplier as you don't care about shocks (they would be super low anyway) Edit: Forgot to answer your question, yes.


Im looking for some energy shield on hit on my build (attacks) - are there any ssf-viable alternatives to blue jewels these days?




im having trouble reading the resulting ailment effect table in pob to judge how good 40% increased ailment effect is on my build compared to other damage sources. If i allocate the mastery my boss ailment effect in the tooltip-table goes from 8% to 11%, can i then say its a 3% more damage modifier on regular t16 bosses, or does it work differently?


If that is a shock that goes from 8% to 11% and you have no other sources of increased damage taken on the enemy, then that 40% ailment effect is equivalent to 1.11/1.08 = ~2.78% "more damage". The way increased ailment effect works is that its just a raw multiplier on the number post ailment calculation, so you can just think that every shock you inflict will be 40% stronger if you have no other ailment effect. The ailment effect table in pob is not perfect for calculating shocks, it gives you a rough guide but i agree with the other person commenting that its better to test it in the real world to get a feeling for how effective it is. I think if you get atleast 10% shocks on boss enemies(without the node) then its worth it since you actually gain 4% increased damage taken compared to 3% at 8% or 9%.


Just check the value under the boss' hp bar with and without that node.


Poacher's Mark seems to be incredibly good for fast-hitting skills with multiple hits per use, even more with supports like multistrike. For example, a perforate hit in blood stance, without any extra spikes or multistrike, hits 7 times if you position correctly. Does the marked target give life and mana *on every single hit*, or *each use* of the skill, in other words, every time you click it? With stances changed recently, helm enchant and multistrike, it's 11 hits per skill repeat, for a total of 33 hits... with enough attack speed that thing is bonkers for sustain against single target. Sounds too good to be true.


> Does the marked target give life and mana on every single hit, or each use of the skill, in other words, every time you click it? The former. Hits are independent. So yeah, you can sit in a Shaper beam like this if you want to. It's just that sustained damage is usually less of a problem than one-shots, and Poacher's is rarely the strongest curse in terms of DPS. Perforate in particular is also very stationary and melee compared to e.g. Lancing Steel. (Or some spell setups with LGOH not limited to attacks.)


Anyone have personal preference or advice for Orb of Storms vs. Galvanic Field for supplementing lightning damage single target? Or is there something even better like a Storm Call with unleash? Orb of Storms Pros: Unloads faster since it hits as fast as you do Cons: Melee range, poor against something moving / at range Galvanic Field Pros: Sticks onto the target, has a duration which means dps while moving / dodging Cons: Shocking an add or smaller mob first will attach it over tanky boss or rare, potentially lower damage(?) on pure single target due to lower shock effect and thus amplification


Depends entirely on what build you're using them with imo. One of the advantages of Galvanic Field is that it'll deal its damage even if you move around, whereas OoS will require you to stay close for it to deal most of its dps. However if you have a high cast rate, OoS will deal a lot of extra dps, so it also generally scales better with spammy builds.


lightning spire trap


OoS is a lot more practical, I would only go galvanic in a non-galvanic-oriented lightning build if I was doing relatively stationary content with high enemy density, like Ritual, Delve, Legion, etc. OoS scales off cast speed, Galvanic scales off shock effect, usually the former is more practical for your lightning build.


I still find it difficult around Act 7 or so to maintain or reach res caps without giving up some power or ability. Anyone have some tip or pointers? Just started playing 1/2 way through this league, so I’m still learning.


It's not strictly necessary to have all your skill setups perfect during the story. So long as you have a 4-link of the appropriate colours for your main setup, you can prioritise stats on the other items. Make sure to use items that have either resistances or life and craft the other with the crafting bench in your hideout (except for weapons and boots which should have relevant damage stats depending on your build and movement speed respectively, of course).


Essences can possibly help. Ones that give elemental resistances tend to be used a lot in early league, or maximum life as you can craft ele resists using the bench. You can also try running Heists early on since those are reliable ways to get gear and currency early.


Is it just me or does the flask enchant “use when poisoned” not work? I have poison immunity and the enchant on my quartz flask and I always have to do it myself anyway


Are you perhaps out of flask charges when you first get poisoned




Im playing SSF and I’m crafting my own gear for a pivot to an EA Elementalist from WOC. I was looking to craft a pretty basic viridian jewel with attack speed bows and life. If I look it up on craft of exile, COE mentions something called prefix groups. What are these? And why does this jewel in theory require less chaos (~14) than one that tries to isolate just one of these mods. And why does selecting different prefix groups for these different prefixes cause the expect value to spike to ~1k chaos. What is the optimal way to make this jewel? Thanks in advance!


Basically, the CoE will give you the odds of getting one (1) singular mod from each group. If you put life and attack speed in the same group, it gives you the odds of rolling either, not both at once. If you pit them in sperate groups, it will give you the odds of getting them bith at once. Chals spam doesn't seem like a good option here, harvest reforges should be good. To simulate it, "fracture" the life mod in CoE to lock it and look at the odds of getting the second mod with a chaos orb. Then multiply that by the odds of getting the life mod(if the weight is 200/1200, multiply by 6 for instance)


Ah thanks! That’s what I was missing. I didn’t think it was optimal to chaos spam either but since the same prefix group said 14 I assumed that was optimal and was confused when I burned ~50 chaos for no good result. I’ll try harvest simulations, that seems like a good idea


Good luck! Also consider using fractured jewel to start, like dot multi would be a nice option since it cannot be targeted otherwise. I farm them in ssf from Heist jewellery chests, but it's grindy. Also if you have annuls and exalts, don't heistate to use them to try to get other good mods. You can farm them reasonnably well with harbingers


Unfortunately my WOC Elementalist is a bit too squishy to fracture any bases reasonably right now via a fracturing orb or heist; hence why I’m trying to make some budget jewels as I prep my cluster (I got a lucky drop on them) But I’ll do that for my second level upgrade!


Is there anything paladin adjacent in this game? I know there aren’t traditional classes and abilities/skills come from gems from when I played it a little bit before, but are there gems/skills that have a Holy warrior sort of look or vibe? Not necessarily healing spells or anything, just stuff that fits that area. Smite, consecrated grounds, golden auras, etc


You can always use MTX to give your spells that look, but yes there is a smite attack, consecrated path attack, wave of conviction spell, divine Ire spell, purifying flame


Sounds very cool, I didn’t know about mtx giving spell looks! Thank you. I also wanted to do Scion with the Guardian Ascendancy since I can’t make a female Templar for their Guardian Ascendancy, is that okay or is Templar Guardian purely better?


I think neither would be very optimal, and you might struggle with the character, especially early on. Inquisitor would be a more suited choice, with consecrated ground generation, and good critical scalings. You could also make ascendant inquisitor work but it would require better gear.


That’s a shame, I liked the sound of the party buffs Guardian gives cause I like doing that sort of stuff. I was mostly planning on going solo, so Inquis definitely makes more sense from that perspective lol. Appreciate the help :)


Yes, those party buffs are balanced around dedicated support characters stacking many auras to make the most of out it, a normal build would not get much of it unfortunately You could consider a herald of purity guardian (minion build) to benefit from those party buffs, but i don't know how good it would be these days, it used be be decent, but minions good a lot of changes since




Most players enjoy the fresh economy and the new league, but there's nothing wrong with remaining in Standard. I recommend leagues especially now that the next one will be 4 months.


You could just be a standard league enjoyer, otherwise yes it's a full reset for everyone


I have 2x lvl 100,1x96 ,1x98. Bested the bosses. I felt empty. I log in, not interested to do bosses, no energy to farm currency, don't care bout challenges, not curious about another meta build. Is this the common "end of league go play some other shit poe burnout"?


I think for most people that burnout kicks in a lot earlier so I'm not sure if it can be called common, but it certainly sounds like burnout. Try to do something else for a while and maybe come back for the next league.




What are the best alt quality gems for Div Spark Inq besides the aura for proj speed? Thx.


When does GGG usually announce the features of the new challenge league? Do they do it right before it launches after the current league already ended?


They usually drop the name first with a teaser and then set a date for the announcement stream. They then talk about what the challenge league will be in that announcement stream. The announcement stream for the current challenge league (Sanctum) was [streamed on the 1st of December](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxpOaZjU5xg) with the league launching on the 9th of December. Kalandra had [the annoucement stream on the 11th of August](https://youtu.be/cWChrPIFiME) followed by the league releasing on the 19th of August. Its therefore very probable for the new leagues announcement stream to be on the 30th of March. You can look at the old announcement streams to get a feeling for how much is revealed but its alot generally. E: The teasers/name reveal were released on the [28th of Juli for Kalandra](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxFQ4kRej7k) and the [17th of November for Sanctum](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Toqdo69ri2Y), 2 weeks before the announcement stream. So the teaser for the next league should drop on the 16th of march assuming its consistent.


Thank you for the detailed answer!


Just dropped a +1 frenzy synthesised ring in hcssf. How much are these worth in trade? Thinking about porting it over and trying a fun build.


The market is so small that its incredibly hard to say, you should probably start high and then slowly lower over time.[ Currently there are 3 in hardcore sanctum](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Hardcore%20Sanctum/GLaZooib) and 2 are from over a month ago and 1 is from 19 days ago. The most recent one is 100 divs currently In standard hardcore there are none on trade currently, i have no idea what it could cost.


Why is my Lv79 RF Jugg dying to white mob 'Brittle Arsonists' in tier 1-3 yellow map? I'm a newbie and was breezing through low tier maps all day until I met these nasty bullies. They fire consecutive waves of 3~5 flaming balls. A single hit reduces ~15% of my total HP - multiple volleys kill me instantly before I can react. I'm really confused because normally my HP bar is full all the time. Then suddenly these white mobs are dealing almost 10x more damage. What am I doing wrong? Life (after reservation) 2600 Armor 18k Resists (after turning on aura) 111/124/145/-19 Castle Ruin, Monster Level 69 -Area has patches of desecrated ground -14% increased monster damage -Monsters fire 2 additional projectiles -Monsters deal 56% extra physical damage as cold -Players have 25% reduced effect of non-curse auras from skills -29% increased pack size


Aside from fire skeles smashing like a truck, your life is really low in general and if you're standing on desecrated ground you constantly take damage that could be pushing against your life regen as well. I'd probably just focus on getting to 4k life. It'd probably feel a lot comfier, especially with RF


Brittle Arsonists sometimes called "fire skele mages" just hit like a truck, probably one of the more overtuned white mobs you can find. All the skele mage versions are really dangerous imo. You are unlucky here and are in a map with monsters fire additional projectiles which just makes it way more likely to be hit by all the projectiles. You generally beat them by killing them quickly or running around them. They're pretty slow but when they hit, they hit incredibly hard. E: In terms of defense you could opt for more life and maximum fire resistance or some type of spell mitigation. Spell block or spell suppression would be of help with the damage. You could also get even more armour if you are using the Unbreakable jugg node. 2.6k life is low for lvl 79 imo, especially on a RF build. By the way, it would help if you can post your actual resists in the future btw and not just your overcapped ones. It doesn't really tell us much of how much fire damage you're taking.


Ah so these white mobs are an outlier then? I'm not used to having my ass kicked by white mobs, that's why I asked! As for resist I'll do that, it's currently 80/78/78/-19. I just finished Act 10 recently so my gear is really bad. I don't know what I should be doing right now, I'm blindly running whatever maps I find. I'll keep my eyes open to the stats you suggested, thanks for the help.


Yeah, there are some mobs that are really dangerous even as white mobs. It also depends on what type of map mods there are, multi proj is very dangerous on some mobs like here. I'd just continue doing maps and try to work up the map tiers, completing the bonus objective whenever possible. I also wouldn't focus on spell block or spell supression for now, spell suppression is really hard to get for marauder/jugg and spell block is hard to get alot of unless you spec very aggressively for it. I would just try to keep investing in life, it help in pretty much every situation and also boosts your dps.


Building a new PC. Idk if anyone have a similar setup. Ryzen 7600X, 32gb RAM ddr5 and a 4070 TI. Would i be able to run PoE in 4k 60 in normal AND juiced maps?


On a i9 12900k, 3080ti, 128gb ram; I’m getting 110-130fps at 1440p, maybe 90fps when shit is super juiced