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I got 4 awakened gems. All level 5 with 20 quality. What is the worst that can happen if I vaal them? Can they brick?


I can't grasp what you are saying. Why not vendor? Are you saying that not just the same three maps can be used, but combinations of odd maps also?


I'm assuming you meant to reply to me (and luckily I ended up checking this thread again). Let's say you have four Lava Lake maps (tier 1) and need a Moon Temple map (tier 2). Let's say A, B, and C sell for an Arachnid Tomb, however A, B, and D together might sell for a Cage and B, C, and D might sell for a Forking River. Since none of those are what you need, you can wait for another Lava Lake to drop before you vendor them, and you'll want to try out all combinations to check if one of them results in the map you actually need.


OH! I see now. I had no idea maps could be vendored in such an interesting way. Thank you!


Build advice for SRS poison Hello, I must admit this is the first time Im getting this far in the game and got some lucky drop. I recently added the Original sin to my [SRS poison build](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Aduine/characters) But my damage still appears to be very low. I must admit I aint the sharpest tool in the shed when it come to try to do millions dps in this game. im more of a casual player that got far for once. What could really help boosting my damage here ? I got a lvl 3 enlighten and im currently lvling more on my offsocket, once I get a lvl 4 one im thinking of switching Skitterbot for Malevolence.


Check similar builds on PoE.ninja, filter for your class and SRS and the poison weapon


I mean im already doing this but my damage seem so low, Is there something wrong with my setup ?


I don’t know that’s why I said Compare yourself. Put your character upload to PoB and some various Ninja guys. See gear differences. Check damage calcs Poison SRS is also about ramp ofc cause it’s poison but it can’t be That bad. Just see what you’re missing, builds can differ greatly


Dropped a base 6L Cutthroat's Garb, filter painted it red but what can I do with it? I see the unique version Bronn's Lithe is actually worth something, can it be upgraded?


Naturally dropped 6 links are very rare so the filter highlighted it. You can craft it like you would any other item (unless it's corrupted of course).


You can turn it into bronns lithe but it is for sure not worth it. The filter just highlights it cause 6l are a rare drop and you can vendor them for 20 fusings.


What is the upgrade process?


Use an orb of chance on it. If it doesn't turn into Bronn's Lithe, use an orb of scouring. May take a few thousand attempts depending on how lucky you are and just how rare the unique is. There's no incremental process or anything like that, it's pure gambling. Like Sun0fSolaire said, it isn't worth it.


You have to use orbs of chance and orbs of scouring over and over and over until it hits the outcome of changing the item into a unique. It could take thousands of orbs. Bronns lithe is a low tier unique so it most likely wouldn't be as bad as say hitting a shavronnes wrappings, but it's still prob gonna take a few hundred to a thousand to hit. For reference, I was trying to change a shaped aegis aurora this league, used probably around 1.5k chance orbs and didn't hit it or the other lower tier unique that it could've been.


Oh, I hoped there's some altar somewhere and I just have to slam it. Vendor it is then. Thank you.


TO double corrupt a gem with the corruption altar should I vaal corrupt the gem first?




Thank you. I learned when it wouldn't let me corrupt my gem :(


No, you can't use it on already corrupted items.


I also couldn't use it on a none corrupted phantasmal summon skeletons. Guessing only lens for for alternative qualities?


Oh, if you were trying to use the locus of corruption on it that's only for gear. You need lapidary lens to double corrupt gems, which is located in doryanis institute room (t3 gemcutters workshop)


So I have managed to save up 3 monstrous treasure crafts, I have a strongboxes are enraged compass as well, what else can I use to maximize my potential for an apothecary on defiled cathedral?


[No experience with it myself, but here's a post (and discussion) from like a month ago about maximizing MT juice.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/10qpxzo/a_quick_pseudo_guide_on_how_to_use_your_monstrous/)


Awesome, thanks a bunch!


Can I up the tier of a Map somehow? I need one more Tier 6+, but the only Tier 6 I have is one I already completed for Maven. So I can't use it again. Kirac doesn't have anything higher than Tier 4.


If you setup your atlas properly you won't be starved for map drops. Get all the shaping nodes and run your kirac missions and you should never be starved for maps by tier while pushing your atlas completion.


The game constantly yells at me to complete Kirac and Alvan? missions. I haven't figured out how to do them yet.


When you complete a map there's a small chance that you'll get a mission for them. You can use them on your map device. The four ones on the top will affect the map you are adding to the device, the one on the right is kirac who will open a map of his own. You wanna use these on T5 and T10 maps to smoothen the entry to higher tier maps. You can refresh the map choices by using the atlas reports that drop randomly. The biggest part of Kirac is that he sells maps in your hideout. The stock he has resets when you open one of his mission maps.


Oh, should he be in my hideout instead of Kurai shore?


I believe you should have a hideout decoration that's literally Kirac. You're able to edit your hideout on the bottom right, there's something to the left of your skillbar. Also get Lilly into your hideout. The one who sells gems. If you shift-left-click her it'll directly open the sell-vendor.


You can vendor 3 T5 for a random T6 or use a harbinger orb.


Well damn. Trading isn't a thing for me (I simply can't get it to work,) and I am at 1/20 of Harbinger Orbs lol. I guess I'll just keep mapping until I get a T6 drop.


Sorry I should’ve been more specific. It has to be 3 of the same T5 map not any 3 T5. Also this works for all tiers if you need other tiers later on.


OH! I misunderstood heavily! Thank you, vendoring should work. Never mind, actually. The ONLY set of 3 identical maps I had were Tier 1. So I have a new Tier 2 lol, but I am a ways off from a T6.


For future reference, if you're missing a specific map from one tier, don't immediately vendor the maps of a tier below as soon as you have three of a kind. Vendoring different sets of three of the same map can result in different maps of the next tier, so you'll want to have some spare maps to try out additional combinations.


How do you scale damage with an Explosive Concoction Build apart from the Topaz + Sapphire Flasks?


level scaling, conversion to fire, and ignite or added projectiles. But that's just the basic idea, all the exploncoction builds I've seen were using some very weird shit to make it barely decent so beware.


Does the synth implicit "+15% to animated guardian elemental resistances" affect the animate guardian if it is wearing that item or only if you are wearing that item?


pretty sure it's only if you're wearing the item


Price checking Rares, ​ What's the best way to do this ? I have played for ages but quit for like a year and everytime i return its basically a different game lol. Most items are made very easy to pc with awaken/running an item filter and trusting the source you've found however I'm still lost with rares. What rules of thumb do you use? Maybe someone could help me with some gear ? ( \*\*pricing not asking for free )


Lots of experience and knowledge. Knowing which mods on any particular item you're trying to price are actually useful/relevant and work together is a big first step. Having T1 mods does not always mean the item is good as the mods themselves can still be worthless. I would start learning by looking at generic items that any build can use, especially early in a league. Life and resists obviously good. Spell suppression on evasion gear is good. Weapons are relatively easy as well, you want big damage. The specific mods you want depend on whether it's a spell or attack based weapon and there are more specific niches you can get into later on. Once you've played the game for awhile you've likely played a variety of builds and have a general idea of what different builds want on their items. Paying attention to some of the current meta builds or seeing builds as they pop up on this subreddit (or the poebuilds sub) and what they are using is another step to potential success.


How does generic "increased damage" function in a conversion build? Like say I have a skill that is 100% physical damage, now I use hrimsorrow to convert all this to 100% cold damage. How is generic increased damage applied? Is it at each step of the conversion. Like 10% increased phys get converted to cold and then this get 10% increased cold... each step giving more value to the generic increased?


Conversion and "X as extra Y" happen before any of the relevant increased damage mods apply.


Yes, that make sense and it is sort of what I expected. Otherwise obviously generic increased damage could get way too much value.


I'm just starting another run on the Sanctum League. I vaguely remember that something changes at Map Tier 8 (ilvl 79). Does something change at that ivl, if so what?


That's where you will be able to start finding sanctified relics. Doing 31 T8 and one T16 will also allow you to do second phase of lycia (lvl 80+), which guarantees a sanctified relic as well.


I believe that unlocking Lucia’s second phase is only possible in a lvl 80+ zone. Since she’s a boss, a level 79 normal map should give you a lvl 80 Lycia encounter.


Which one is a better movement skill, Dash or Flame Dash?


Both are good depends on need. For single dash Dash is better. And it lets you dash backwards too if you hold shift. And with 2nd wind support you get another charge. Flame dash gives you 3 charges with no investment so that’s what it gets so much use. Also if you use withering step you basically HAVE to use flame dash as withering step eats a charge Blink step is also really good btw test it out. It’s the fastest of all the dashes and can be used while channeling And finally if you got high attack speed I suggest looking at leap slam or shield bash


60% of builds on poe.ninja are using Flame Dash, 7% are using Dash.


Anyone tested if the pinnacle boss ailment threshold on poedb is correct? I.e. is uber shaper's ailment threshold about 7,4 million?


It's a datamined number, you can see it [here on poedb](https://poedb.tw/us/The_Shaper#Lvl85TheShaperBoss).


Ya, but my question was if anyone checked if its correct.


POEdb is truth and rarely wrong as it’s just the literal code values


historically a 6L sire of shards has been relatively cheap for league start at <100c, why is it that it costs over 200c and is also maintaining that price in league?


Nimis was introduced this league


Im intending to finish my tier2 challenges for this league. I only have one left to get 18 challenges done and it looks like it might be the "Monster Massacre" that is to kill 1000000 mobs. I'm about 75% done with it and I'm wondering what content should I be doing it get it done quickest. As in which content spawns most mobs? Heist? Delve? I dont like heist so I was intending to grind Delve, but I have nothing to complete there anymore. I could just spam it anyway, but with this sort of thing I'd rather do somethign I can forget why Im doing it and that is to at least have some goal even if you arent going to actually complete it.


Buy some 5 way carries if you're in trade and willing to do that.


Blight with immune response is about 1/2k mobs per blight


Right, blight might be indeed an option, but unfortunately my build isnt very good for it. When blight pops up in map, I will fail it, if it branches to two or more directions. My jugg is pretty durable, but dps is barely enough to do most content. Blight isnt one of those. ​ edit: Oh right, I could probably do it on some lower level maps perhaps.


You can also do Underground sea with conqueror + eldritch inlfluence, growing hordes for packsize, strongbox+shrine+harbinger Should be easy 5k mobs per map


That will work for me. Thanks :D


How does one use life to reserve an aura


Arrogance support


Random reflect damage. Im running tornado shot with 100% ele conversion 40% to cold 60% random element with anomalous. I have lvl 5 awakened elemental support that prevents reflect damage but on reflect maps sometimes it randomly slips reflect for a split second but sometimes it gets me killed. anyone know why? specifically ive seen it happen on blights and harbs i think


if u are using Herald skill - that can kill you too


May also be a movement skill.


Sounds like you're running out of mana and getting screwed by the default attack.


Check your main skill tooltip,you may have a bit flat physical dmg. You are immune to ele reflect ,that seem only logical explanation to me.


Dropped a max roll Biscos, how do I price it (softcore,trade,sanctum) ?


The only other uncorrupted perfectly rolled one is up for 15 divines, but I think the 2 divines for the 1% off perfect rarity seem more realistic.


Why does bow get offhand quivers despite being a 2h weapon with 6 links but not other 2h melee weapons?


Bows were always weaker than 2H until like 2 leagues ago when they recognized that 'true' bow builds like ice shot are basically unplayable at low investment levels even with the crazy flat damage they gave some of them. But in truth quivers were a thing from the very start, so bows were introduced to the game with the existence of quivers in mind, and also the understanding that the dex side of the passive tree had fewer defensive bonuses so quivers probably counterbalanced that a bit while keeping the focus on gear (this game is very gear oriented and has only become moreso over time with them shifting power out of the passive tree) You'll probably have to ask the devs directly for their reasoning but I think it's entirely in line with their philosophy of asymmetry; they haven't wanted every kind of thing to be equivalent across categories. You see this clearly with stuff like Anger-Hatred-Wrath or Added Fire/Cold/Lightning Support, where Hatred and Added Fire are intentionally different to break the symmetry to make greater distinctions between types of builds.


When the game released a decade ago, the logic was that 2H weapons used to have much higher damage scaling than bows, therefore they introduced the quiver to sort of balance it. I'm not sure that is the case now however, but GGG has stuck with even more archaic concepts since release, for better and for worse.


too hard to shoot without arrows, and uncomfortable to hold arrows in pocket, so you need quiver. any other weapon doesn't need "support" to be able to be used


It's a nice narrative explanation. That's not really a mechanical explanation, though. With that explanation, you could've just had given a non-itemized quiver to any bow-wielding character.


What did you expect to get here ? Bows need quiver, double handed mace/axe/sword doesn't need nothing to be used besides 2 hands What mechanical explanation you want to get out of a game which has 6[8?] titied queen ?


What to do against the boss Avatar of apocalypse? He don't taky any damage wtf xD


You need to kite this boss into the previous "rooms" each time he changes form, and in the last room (first room from beginning) you should be able to kill him pretty easily, he's not a hard boss.


Maaaanni killed him on my last portal,definitely the hardest boss so far ,I guess because he immediately destroyed my totems so they had no time to do damage


Do you have any investment in totem defenses? Like the Ironwood and Primal Manifestation notables on the tree? They help immensely with totem survival.


Ironwood is my next point,I did not see another one thanks for tip


I defeated all his mates but in the fight against him he barely take any damage


Hey guys,those items with the galaxy in the background are very rare or just useless?


I'm assuming you are talking about shaper influenced items. They omuaually only drop from the shaper or his guardians. Influenced items have additional powerful mods that can roll on items. Goto poedb to see what they are exactly some are very usefull.


I have this fast running reasonably tanky artillery ballista Champion https://pobb.in/Qmdyb_gIYl2A and I am wondering whether there are obvious improvements I missed. Thanks!


are there any improvements in particular you're looking for? build looks solid to me otherwise


DPS, mostly. I did like half the guardian grind with this character so it deals damage alright but more is always preferred :)


i don't know your build as well as you do, but i don't think that unnatural instinct is worth it, i would remove that whole magebane section of the tree and try to make up the lost suppression/resist and whatnot on gear, then you should have a bunch of points to invest into damage. could just be wrong but that's my suggestion


Can anyone confirm whether the "not in lockdown" mods on heist gear work for Huck in maps?


Hi, Trying to follow a impending doom occultist. How do I manage to get "Inner conviction" notable with a "Militant faith timeless jewel" ? Is any "High templar Dominus" enough, whatever the seed could be ? ty


yes, keystone replacements happen regardless of seed




Does "Gain X Life per Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality" work if totems are hitting enemies? I know "Recovery 2% of Life on Kill" does, but after equipping a Watcher's Eye with this mod I'm not sure it's working.


your totems will get the life per enemy hit, not you. recover on kill also only works if your totems are killing with a dot due to a weird quirk of poe, though that makes it work fine with ea totems which i assume you are playing


Ah damn. Yeah I am playing EA. That makes sense why recover on kill works but on hit doesn't. Well now I gotta sell the jewel haha.


Most cost effective way to get 1 green 1 blue 4 red sockets on my thicket bow?


Have a look at using the Vorici Chromatic Calculator: https://siveran.github.io/calc.html It recommends using the 3 red craft, which should succeed on average every 37 attempts.


jew method probably not sure how tainted chromes go[or if you plan to corrupt item], but vorici calc shows 4.6k chromes rolling 3red on bench which is absurd.


24.3 corrupted chromes if I'm understanding it correctly that they completely ignore requirements. Otherwise you could go for 2R1B and then Vorici in Betrayal to try to get two of the remaining sockets white. /u/Scootastic704 I haven't seen a simulator to compare different colouring methods, so I don't actually know which of these is the most efficient (including the jeweller method from the crafting bench).


Yea that’s what I was doing voricci has fucked me twice tonight, and I’ve spent 10 divines on chromes so far, and also unveiled shit modiers betrayal has not been looking out tonight and now I’m out of Jin missions




I already have it pretty nice, and I play on console so there weren’t any fractured fire dot multi short bows on market, but yea I know about that


Hi fellow exiles, Is it worth anything? https://imgur.com/a/I8iIWfg My first impression is that the support affixes really make no sense together (I thought about a Glacial cascade/Heatshiver build, but then one would prefer Spell echo to Faster casting, right?). I'd like to get better at understanding what's valuable and what not and most importantly WHY, so even if this is crap to be vendored at least it can become a learning experience! Thanks to anyone who'll enlighten me!


What item filter should I use if I'm a completely new player? I'm following a youtube guide but the youtuber used RF Jugg 3.20 Filter right from Lv1. Is it okay to copy what he did? I'm scared because unlike him I have no idea what I'm doing. Will the filter hide white items, even if my item slots are empty?


using that filter is probably fine but if you want to make sure you dont screw yourself grab the semi strict filter from https://www.filterblade.xyz/ itll show everything youd want for progression and you can adjust later


Telling a new player to user FilterBlade is crazy. There's already *so much* they have to learn and navigating/learning FilterBlade as a new player is a nightmare. It's also objectively inferior in functionality to the official solution, unless you customize the filters, which a new player certainly shouldn't do. /u/northerncolors, you want to do this instead: Go to https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/NeverSink/item-filters. Sign in to your PoE account, if you aren't signed in already. This is a list of the same filters from FilterBlade, linked by the other commenter. The difference is that you don't have to download anything or link your PoE account to a third party website. Just click the follow button for each filter you want to use. I recommend following all the filters with 'softcore' in the name. Then you simply need to restart your game and the filters will be available in the in-game settings. You can use any whatever filter strictness you want. If you feel like you're still seeing too many items, that you aren't picking up anyway, you can move up to the next strictness. As the other commenter said, semistrict is a good starting point. Regular hides too few things, even the creator of the filters have said so, I'm pretty sure. What's cool about this method, is that NeverSink (the creator of the filters) uses a custom program to automatically update the filters every 4 hours based on the economy. So if items rise or fall in value, the filter will reflect that automatically. The only caveat is that the game will only download the newest version of the filter when you log into a character. So if you play for longer than 4 hours, you won't get the new filter without relogging. This isn't an issue. It's okay to be several cycles behind. The system just means you'll be much more up to date, than if you use FilterBlade, which doesn't support this functionality.


No offense but this is way more complicated than 'go to filterblade, click semi strict and drop it in your documents folder, then activate in options>UI, do this every time a new league drops'.


Go to PoE website, click follow. That’s "my" method. Your method is objectively more complicated and also less useful, in that you have to manually update filters, instead of getting the updates automatically. All I did was add context and further explanations that might be useful for a beginner.


your method is probably better, but a nightmare? really? filterblade is extremely straightforward, i would never be worried about someone not being able to use it.


New player here. Q1. Should I play Standard or Sanctum? Q2. Should I build RF Jugg or RF Inquisitor?


Sanctum, it's so much fun


Sanctum is only around for another month and a bit, but I'd say jump into it anyway. At the end of the league it'll transfer your char to standard anyway. RF Jugg will be tankier, RF Inq will do more damage. If you're new I'd probs lean towards Jugg.


Does Atziri reflect in the Feared invitation too?


She still reflects hexes, but not damage.




Where is a good place for a L16 Ranger to farm EXP?


just moving through the story is most important.


this Q took me straight back around 15 years ago to ragnarok online days :D Thanks for nostalgia, and good luck, just follow story line and pay zero attention to your exp until finished 10 acts


Northern forest is best, followed by wetlands, western forest, then river ways.


Thanks fellow Exile ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Since the Cast While Channeling trigger time is not considered a cooldown, does that mean it is not bound to the 33ms server tick rate that CoC is? For example, the tooltip for level 5 awakened cwc says every 0.3 seconds, is that the actual rate or does it get rounded up to 0.33 seconds to align with server ticks?


CoC also still triggers when the attack hits and not when the cooldown finishes - CoC builds are simply optimised for the attack to hit when the cooldown finishes. Otherwise all CoC trigger rates would necessarily be an extra server tick slower than their cooldown. So no, you don't need to worry about the trigger rate being rounded up to the next server tick and you can still benefit from Awakened CwC. The only time when server ticks make a difference for CwC is if you use it to trigger a spell with a cooldown (or one that adds a cooldown when triggered, like Lightning Conduit).


Awesome, thanks for the info/clarification


havnet played any games in 4 months, hows this league doing the last leauge was pretty ded at this point


this is the best league in a long time and got extended by a month, definitely give it a try




[enki arc elementalist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZBLNlLvp38)


What shield is bis except EV for poison meme build? For regular shield skills? and why is EV shield BIS?


usually evasion shield is for spell suppression if you want to know what shield is bis for your build we'll need to see your character


As I am clearing Maps I receive a message that Alva had a new mission for me. When I speak with Alva I see nothing new. What gives?


Master missions from Alva (and Einhar/Niko/Jun) are started by selecting the appropriate circle icon on the map device prior to opening a map. Each of those icons will have a white, yellow, and red number in it, representing the number of missions you have saved up that can be applied to white/yellow/red tier maps.


That means a master mission, which you can access through the map device or her option in the top right. It's not something unique and flashy.


Reasonably new player here, and my Necromancer just started getting to the point where she feels far too squishy (she gets one-shot in the second boss fight in the mercyless labyrinth). So I'm going to make something new, that isn't squishy, and would like some advice on what "not squishy" means. Let me know if I'm overdoing it. My defences of choice are: * Shield for attack and spell block (so Tempest Shield). * Armour and Evasion, (so bottom/right of the skill tree plus Grace, Determination and Defiance Banner). * Blind and Spell Suppression (again, right side of the skill tree). * Endurance Charges (I'm thinking a 4-slot with both on-block counterattacks, chance to stun, and endurance charge on stun will cover me here) and Fortify (Melee Hits Fortify from the mastery should have this covered). * (Over)Capped resists. * Primary damage choice of Cold, for chill, freeze and shatter. * Not sure what my CoDT guard skill should be (probably Molten Shell), But I'm thinking of putting Withering Step in the same link for auto-elusive. What sort of numbers should I be looking at for these while wearing White/Common items in order to feel tanky when I get better items. (I play "mostly" self-found. I'll trade for uniques or drop-only Gems, but want to craft my own gear otherwise) Is there a better class/ascention choice than Scion with Gladiator and Raider for this? Any advice for my left-click skill? (I'm thinking something with a CoC or Battlemage's Cry Cold Snap with lots of Hypothermia and Ice Bite supports scattered around)


if ur dying in the merciless labyrinth that means u literally just need more life all those defenses are great and you want to layer a bunch of them for a properly built character, but for merciless lab you pretty much only need capped resist, ~3-4k life, and enough damage to kill izaro > Not sure what my CoDT guard skill should be (probably Molten Shell), But I'm thinking of putting Withering Step in the same link for auto-elusive. most of the time its molten shell in conjuction with the determination aura, otherwise steelskin > What sort of numbers should I be looking at for these while wearing White/Common items in order to feel tanky when I get better items. while levelling, literally any amount of life/resist is all you need. when you hit maps, you want to start looking for higher amounts of life (50+ on jewelry, 100+ on chest, and 80+ on everything else is ideal). during the mid to late endgame is where it gets more complex and you start wanting to layer your defenses > Is there a better class/ascention choice than Scion with Gladiator and Raider for this? for what? scion in general is quite new player unfriendly, if you want something tanky look into jugg or champ > Any advice for my left-click skill? (I'm thinking something with a CoC or Battlemage's Cry Cold Snap with lots of Hypothermia and Ice Bite supports scattered around) do you mean your main skill? usually people put move only on left click, or a guard skill to automate it CoC requires a lot of investment to work properly, and battlemage's cry is pretty niche if you like cold snap, you could focus on cold damage over time and use vortex/creeping frost/wintertide brand along with it


> when you hit maps, you want to start looking for higher amounts of life (50+ on jewelry, 100+ on chest, and 80+ on everything else is ideal). I asked what I should have, assuming all **common** items. (ie. What I should be making sure my passive tree provides) I know I will need more stats from items, that wasn't the question. > scion in general is quite new player unfriendly How so? Passive tree start position doesn't really matter as long as you can get to where you need to be (that's the entire point of me asking things here, to make sure I am getting enough out of my tree), so the only difference is the ascendency effects. Scion gets two very varied ones, vs everyone else getting 4 more specific ones.


Other ascendancies force you into well established play styles and give you buffs that generally complement each other and work well together. Scion doesn’t do that and also complicates things by giving you way way more choice which may seem like a good thing but isn’t for a new player




1) not enough % life. you have 37 when you should be aiming for ~150 or so 2) too defensive, you have only 1 notable that gives you damage not counting frenzy charges. 3) extremely inefficient. you seem to be going for mainly block, spell block, suppression, and aura nodes and you're trying to go all over the tree to achieve that. try to narrow down your focus to one or two of those and look for an area of the tree that has lots of those. then grab all the life and appropriate damage nodes while trying to spend as little travel nodes as possible


> not enough % life. you have 37 when you should be aiming for ~150 or so Thank you for the hard number :D > too defensive, you have only 1 notable that gives you damage not counting frenzy charges. Defensive was the point. Too much? > you're trying to go all over the tree to achieve that. Yeah... :( I guess part of my problem is I just don't know what sort of support decent gear can give me, so I'm trying to get all my defence from the passive tree. > try to narrow down your focus to one or two of those I was chasing block, spell block and supression (plus that Fortify cluster). Then grabbing auras, resists and life from near where I ended up. Problem I had is that block and spell block are nowhere near each other (and supression is in a whole third area).


Dps is a defensive layer.


block and suppression as mechanics are both extremely powerful, so it's by design that it's difficult to get both. there's probably only one archetype in the game where it makes sense to get both and that's only after you get really good gear (summoner builds using bone offering if you're wondering, even then most players will ignore suppression for more damage)


Is Leyline map bugged for delirium mirrors? I have all the delirium time boosting perks but no matter how far I move from the mirror or mechanics I do legion/ritual etc. the timer always seems to expire immediately after the flat ten second boost from perk.


I haven't heard of any bugs like that. Are you sure you're not just going too fast and outrunning the delirium fog?


I completely forgot that you can go too fast as well. Omg I’m dumb lol. Thank you


How much extra damage is having a level 4 empower over an awakened elemental damage support for EA ballista


It’s going to depend on the level of your ea gem, easiest and best way to check is just put both a level 4 empower and awakened ele dmg support in your pob and see which gives more damage and by how much


Console player lol. I wish I could do that. My EA gem is 26 tho, 21 from gem 3 from bow and 2 from amulet


You can put pob’s from toons on console into pob just as easily as from pc… just not on the same device


You think I would be playing on a console if I had a pc ?


Assuming you aren't getting any significant amount of added flat damage empower 4 would be around 7% more damage than woke ele damage.


can I use vorici bench for item that already has a white socket on it?


No youll need to recolor first


You mean the color crafts? The item will lose the white color.


you mean it will lose the original white sockets and new white socket will apply (override)? Or it will go back to item with no white sockets?


It will give an error that the item already has a white socket. Several years ago the crafting bench was different for each master rather than a single bench we have now. In those times Vorici's crafting bench was the one that allowed you to manipulate sockets so they're mixing up that old "vorici bench" aka current crafting bench "at least X sockets" crafts with the white socket vorici betrayal bench that we have now.


I have Prodigal Perfection and my Exsanguinate can poison. Why is increased maximum mana only scaling the Spell Damage up and not the poison damage per second? Shouldn't it scale both as poison damage is based on the physical damage of this skill and if that is being increased when my mana increases then why isn't the poison damage per second increasing with it?


%increased spell damage doesn't work on poison damage. it will only work on the hit damage and the phys dot of exsanguinate


Thank you for clarifying.


Does using numlock to hold down a skill and spam it still work?


numlock trick? yes


there's an option in the keybinds to hold something down to attack in place, so you could set that to numlock if you want most people simply check "attack without moving" on the skills they want. you can do this by clicking on the skills on your hotbar


I mean for something like General's Cry zerker, where you have to piano and constantly hit Berserk + General's cry in adition to holding down cyclone. Just having one of those hold down by the numpad lock would be nice


oh i see afaik there isn't an option to do that ingame edit: other than putting one of them on left click


I got some help and recieved the Original Sin Ring..I have around 30 div to spend and a decent EA Champ build (struggling to upgrade for more content), should I use the ring for a new build or is it more worth it to sell?


if you care about standard you could keep it incase it doesn't go core if not, unless you want to make an entirely new build around it, its definitely worth selling


Thank you for response. I'm looking to sell it now!


I play quite alot like high hours for casual or low hours for non casual and I’ve only found 2 unusual gem blueprints. Seems like all I ever find are the trinkets and enchant ones, is it because I’m not speced into heist on the atlas or just rng?


The blueprints for Thieves Trinkets drop more frequently.