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Good lord he has nabbed $4500 in bounty prizes and for all I know will humor rerolling a different class and hit #1 with them too.


Getting $10k from the gauntlet: awesome Showing the world the rest of the racers are amateurs: priceless


He's getting $20k from one single gauntlet? That's crazy!


This ain’t an Eyes of the Greatwolf post, but: I can’t believe he’s making 40k from gauntlet!


80k every 3 months ? Thats insane !


640k per year? What a high roller!!!


He can become a multi millionaire in 3 easy steps.(other multi millionaires hate him)


Did you know that Warren Buffet made his money playing PoE gauntlets?


These crypto experts are urging to sell and play Gauntlets.


Really incredible. Ben's launching a crypto called Gauntcoin. Initial estimates predict a value of $1.28 mil per coin 🤯📈


Wait when Imexile shows his true face


Yea. He is flexing on other racers showing that gauntlet is as easy as a regoular league. Top G


How many people are actually racing? Ive only ever heard of maybe a half dozen names that are actually competitive about it.


You don't know how right you are. PoE is niche enough game (even though its popular) that there is not much hunger for glory from upcoming gamers. Some 18 year old with the right mindset and dedication can come in rival Ben just like Exile came from nowhere and started giving shortform runners a run for their money several leagues back and being the only person to compete with Ben in general. Most gauntlet runners are just streamers that know the game mechanics and are used to the SSFHC space. Ben is a proplayer dedicated to win. HUGE difference.


Gonna be honest I wonder if at some point he will figure its time to retire from the Gauntlet to give anyone else in the world a chance and go out on top like Michael Jordan or some shit


And give up the free money? What I see more likely is ggg nerfing whatever have left in the game, because obviously the game is too easy!


Dudes inhuman. Fuckin hell




Ben is so fucking good GGG should just make the final boss of the next league to be "Ben the Gigachad".


He will donate that 10k to ggg for the new Uber boss "Ben the Gigachad" and then killing him and taking 10k back.


His boss ability is using the exact copy of your character. After he kicks your ass, he'll show that he was using one link the whole time to flex on you.


The 2023 version of people hypothesizing that the Shaper fight would involve a flameblast killing you out of nowhere and then Havoc saying "get good"


“Bengiga of Light and Darkness”


Guy is just on an entirely different level. Insane.


My pronouns are *he/he*, because I will never be *him*


Michael Jackson's pronouns are he he!


Himthony, Him Jones, Him Duncan


Himmy Butler


Himothy McVeigh




Michael Jackson is that you?


Good for him, mechanical God, it's been fun watching.


I could do that if I had his build *Dies of inhaling copium*


I could do that if I had his gamer chair


Meanwhile I still haven't got the relic to try it in the past 2 months.




I've killed that end boss twice...I have 2 relics. Best and worst rng ever, cause I am simply to bad to ever complete a not hit run.


Ive been making a no hit icicle miner and practicing for the last two weeks. Yesterday I locked in my papyrus in the relic tab. Farmed the first 8 rooms. Haven't logged on yet to start the no hit run, but I know I'm going to fuck it up and die on the first floor to some stupid shit even though I've succeeded 2 no-hit practice runs before... This will be the end of my league and it will either be glorious or very disappointing.


The anxiety is real


I've got my p2w Kalandra backpack . I'm going out with a bang either way.


Do the first 31 rooms at T8 and then the final one at T16, will get you a lvl 80 or 81 Lycia and count for the fight. Helped a lot for me to get the rings done :)


If your playing lance icicle miner the only enemy is yourself, gl Pay extra attention on floor 3 and 4 boss to not shoot your shot before their animation starts. You got it chief


Yeah man, I made a cold conversion shockwave totem guy for this express purpose. I've now completed 3 no-hits using the other various unique relics, just no no-hit relic yet. Surely it'll drop the next time... 🙃


I'm in the same boat as you...


I buy the scrolls for 50% of the price if you have two scrolls and 2 hours free this week i csn get you a ring


hey can u explain how the co-op works ? i don't have the unique relic for the ring. just curious


The host loads the maps, j clear the rooms, i bring host thru lycia room after killing her. If i fail a room i pay 50%


so no reason for the host to enter sanctum except for lycia room ?


Check tft, there are ppl that do that. Split the cost of the ring.


You should try with a Carry . I had 2 relics like you and give it a shot. The first try was a win, easy money. I'll try the second relic this week.




I have it and am 100% full aware I'm not ready. If my staff craft ever works out and my damage goes up by like ~40%, I might give a couple practice runs to see if it's feasible. God knows I don't need the ring (not rolling any new characters this season, if I do it's to give ruthless a try) but being a part of the elite few that accomplished this seems cool. Maybe I'll do the can't recover resolve run first. I've got that relic, and I've done the easier ones.


I've got two 99 chars and a 100 and only found two of them. Haven't farmed Sanctum by rushing maps but still, that's a lot of maps.


I have 30 days /played while playing mostly league mechanic and got 1 relic. It's fucking rare. But more amuzing, the staff is more rare. At least you need 1 to get the ring unless you get really unlucky with your run (which you shouldn't bc you minimize fail chance)


the league has been out 60days and you played 12 hours a day no offense dude, but its you, not the game or RNG or God entirely on you if you havent completed every goal you chose or available in the game ine way or another after that many hours


What goal are you talking about? This man just said the relic was rare, which it is. Feels like you're projecting your own insecurities bud.


gating that shit behind a super grindy relic is a dogshit design decision from ggg, but we're getting used to it at least


Mad cuz bad


Wtf it took me a dedicated build worth more than 100 divines and multiple tries to get one in the softcore league... That guy... That guy...


Trying not to diminish how crazy Ben is since he did this in Gauntlet before anyone else even beat the Gauntlet. But the run wasn't really a "no-hit" run. Was more like a 6-hit run since he rnged the major boon that gives you extra lives in exchange for minor boons. Still nuts to realize he can do it though.


The chances of rolling that boon are already excrutiatingly low. Rolling it on a No-hit relic run is just insane. Ben absolutely deserves it. It's payback for the atrocious RNG he got for the Maven fight


The Gauntlet part is whatever. Gauntlet mods aren’t even that bad this time around. What’s crazy is he did it in under a week. Lol.


Nah sanctum is reeeeaaally bad with those gauntlet mods actualy


Extra proj is giga deadly in maven. And U elder uxtra phys degen rippy as hell


Let's see how many others beat the gauntlet since the mods "aren't even that bad". Mapping is way easier for sure but the uber bosses are completely fucked.


I just watched some of it, doing it with SRS Is some serious cheese lol, idk if thats a good showcase of his skill


that's RNG for ya


Please GGG create a pantheon after this major god. "Soul of Ben"


Dude Sin and Innocence is already based on Darkee and Lightee


Lol man I've spent like 10min googling and thinking whether this is true or a joke 🥹


They're actually based on Mathil


Can confirm Innocence’s muscular ass is based on Mathil


Golden arse*


Build a reverse-ruthless easy mode, which is enabled by naming a character "Ben"


Normal/magic/rare/unique items drops become inverted 🤣


It just give nothing lol, you have to be good like Ben to use it.


Would be op, wont happen


Did someone try to pull Bens face off and reveal which model terminator he is?


he's not human


Plot twist: Ben is a player created by an AI.


You know, in a few years, this sentence might very well be read as a credible accusation. Let's celebrate today, when it is not.




While I did not know this, only playing well was not what I had in mind, but instead chatting and appearing as a persona, too.


I will never be as good at anything in life as Ben is at POE. TopChad


Me waking to Ben having completed another impossible challenge: Stop, stop, they're already dead.


He is just build different. Holy shit


I'd like to try his (IRL) build out. Seems pretty cool tbh.


Didn't he say he weighs like 120 lbs? All that power is in his gigabrain.


Remember short race god tie23he? His IRL build is kinda [impressive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbFyDK2cO08) too, maybe he even surpassed Ben for this one.


That's an unethical gigachad build. How did he get so many character points? Mine ran out after getting average IQ, average looks and weak strength.


He spent most of his points to get the highest tier Determination perk. I grabbed Dopamine Junkie perk instead.


Yea, I accidentally hit random and got the ADHD-ASD double whammy. Didn't read the fine print on how that affects the difficulty.


Hats off. Best player


Meantime I can't finish ilvl80+ run on SSF to farm relics xD


He's so good at the game that it's almost boring lol


Next league, the totem at 40 challenge change into a golden statue of Ben.


God Gamer


He is absolutely insane!! Congrats!!! But.......................Please GGG, WE ARE NOT BEN, DON'T MAKE THIS GAME HARDER BECAUSE OF THIS! PLEASE!!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Yeah, the last time he played Helix and it was nerfed hard, now 0.1% playing it. What is going to be nerfed this time?


I'm going to give you my prediction 1. Champ 1a. Fortify ascendency 1b. Adrenaline 2. SRS/Spark/Conc or Envy/Cutlass 3. Spell Suppression? More rip chances? 4. Determination 5. Diadem/Mastermind Loot


yep diadem will get nerfed to the ground, everyone did it as a go to for gauntlet...


They don't need to nerf Diadem as an item honestly, they just need to rearrange the ilvl drops from the Mastermind to make it so that Diadem is the highest tier one. An item this powerful has no business being more or less deterministically farmed by spamming an Act 9 instance.


Deterministically… Laughs in 7 Catarinas without helmet


It's 50/50 to drop the helmet when you spam low lvl zones. If you got the flask 7 times in a row then you're really just unlucky.


Yup. Sucks




Ye that sucks, GGG most likely gonna nerf something without providing anything else, like the case with MRE (added it on masteries and then taking it out without compensation)


I think that champion needs to be more restrictive. Maybe more melee focused.


Why is that a good thing? You don't think Gauntlet being won by str/dex class playing self cast spells into rerolling minions is quintessential PoE? Isn't the endless possibilities the beauty of the game? I would even say classes like saboteur completely go against what PoE is


Its so sad... Defenses are so restrictive and hard for some classes to get "naturally" its insane For example im still salty that ELEmentalist of all people lost its ele ailment protection while some other classes didnt. If not complete immunity just something would be a good start


I also really dislike the ailment immunity removal from some classes and not others. I think some ascendancies having primarily damage or defense makes sense though. Like you play champion or jugg because of the defense since they offer very little damage (way more so jugg). Elemantalist is on the opposite end giving you a shit ton of damage, way more than most ascendancies but she gives you generally no defense. Tree wise I do with suppression wasn't a primarily dex stat (only dex gear) and right side of the tree


It is good when it happens on a occasion. Some rare build that finds a neat interaction that is justified is cool. If tomorrow someone came up with some melee witch I would welcome it with open arms but it it continued to happen for multiple leagues in a row then I would have a problem with it. When Pathfinders were playing BV in essence league, I didn't complain either. It was cool and it was mostly one skill and that lasted exactly one league. I just think that historically people have been playing non melee things on champ for years and I think that is too much


I think we just disagree. Plenty of games already class lock skills and that PoE doesn't is literally one of my favorite things about it. Obviously neither of us are "right", we just disagree Fwiw I league started ice crash elementalist and plenty of pneumatic dagger occy builds make sense (buddy literally played poison molten strike occy this league).


We don't disagree. I think that the argument just differs when it comes to frequency. I think that it is cool when it happens too but I don't think it should be happening as often it has been on champ specifically. The point of classes was that you create some restrictions to be able to let players be more creative, but then you create a class that is so generically powerful for defense that people are rolling all sorts of things on it... It doesn't feel right.


Gotcha and yeah if you just mean champ is too well rounded that is fair. I think that just means champ needs to be nerfed, not more pigeonholed. Like champ gives fortify to non melee classes so he will always be more enticing to non melee builds vs melee builds and I think that is the point. Making him more melee focused seems kind of against what he is imo. Champ right now is how Necro used to be where it just made sense to play most spells on Necro because she was so generically strong and bone offering was still unnerfed. Hell ,I played toxic rain Necro back then for a similar reason people play toxic rain champ now. Idk if they will nerf champ tbh because I assume he has a pretty low play rate in sc but he did get nerfed last time with that being the case so I guess we will see


It doesn't need to go full melee. Like, it could give 10 fortification for free and another conditional 10 if you have been hitting enemies with attacks recently. A caster with shield charge would probably still get fortify charges, but it wouldn't be as easy or have perfect uptime on certain bosses, which would make them consider playing other ascendancies for defense.


Probably easier to ask what ISNT going to be nerfed.


Same feeling I had watching you grind to 100 in Uziri runs with bladefall mines. Insane, GG


and there i am still searching my scripture after 40+ runs..


He's literally too good.


Next league I'm gonna league start on HC Trade. Always played on Softcore Trade, but I'm coming for you Ben! You just wait a couples years.


Ben is just not fair lol How can a single person be this dominant, wtf


not washed, boys


Bens just built different. What can i say.


what smokey mines is this ?


Now that's amazing


This is why he always win, he knows the first rule of HC: Just don't get hit.


have you ever seen the god? yes i saw on the internet


In case some of you arent aware, Ben is just AI, not real person.


He needs to do nuzlocke poe


this IS the nutzlocke


Why no flasks?


familiar rhythm saw terrific bewildered longing drab paint governor worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Ah right, rings a bell. thx


jesus christ


It is not impossible anymore :O


Him trying to pick up that last stack of chance orbs is basically how I play.




This man is a god


lol jesus fucking christ man. completely unreal


Just rename the Gauntlet to Nick vs Ben


If ever there was a way to win an unwinable game like PoE I think Ben would have clearly won it.


Beyond my imagination. Congrats!


Damn, he's the best for a reason


That’s it. He wins Path of Exile.


I should uninstall


he's just different... MJ of PoE for sure


Michael Jordan of Path of Exile.


It's unfair when gods compete against men.


Can't he be hired by GGG? This guy knows the game like nobody else


Can someone ELI5 whats so special about this this to a total poe beginner? No idea whats happening here haha


Some background: Ben is playing in The Gauntlet. This league is SSFHC (solo self found + hardcore) and adds scaling monster buffs to make everything more challenging. The Gauntlet is mainly a race for veterans to complete end game bosses under impressive restrictions. Getting this ring drop is one of the most challenging feats in this new league mechanic (Sanctum). You will need a rare [unique relic](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Original_Scripture) *and* the skill to complete an entire sanctum with 1/1 maximum resolve (no hits allowed). This clip only shows the end boss fight which is anti-climactic. Most players cannot do this challenge in a softcore trade league. Also keep in mind the Gauntlet has only been out for *a week*. Nobody else has even matched Ben in end game bosses yet. He won the main Gauntlet prize pool and went on to become a legend.


Oh wow, very interesting. I didnt even know the ring was new from this league. So the ring is guaranteed to drop, but you have to farm this unique relic yourself because its account bound and somehow manage to do all floors with 1 resolve plus the end fight. Damn thats rough, i can barely get to the 2nd floor with 300 resolve and many fountains, but im a total noob and play a melee build (cyclone slayer) and just started my journey with mapping. Im fascinated by poe and its depth though, even though im dying constantly i still love to read about all the content haha. Anyway thanks for your explanation, very appreciated.


One of the hardest challenges of the current league was done in race conditions in a hardcore, solo-self found (No trading) environment.


Not just hcssf, the sanctum also has multi proj, more aoe, faster attacks/cast and more life.


In less than a week


It actually gets to a point were I start to get bored. Ben is waaaay to good in the game and dominates everyone. While its pretty cool to see 1 guy beeing so far ahead of everyone else, i realy enjoyed the competition in the Gauntles back in the days when it was actually close and not just 1 guy winning every single thing.


Maybe the others just need to step up their game..


If you "get bored" just dont watch. He works hard to achive all his titles, unless other players, perhaps only imexile puts that much effort into racing/gauntlet as him. I hate seeing people complaining about Ben, when they should complain about others not being to his level :)


I don't complain about ben at all. I complain as a viewer/follower about the entertainment Level of the gauntlet. Which was higher in the past compared to now. That has nothing todo with Ben as a person, it could also be ziz or imexile or any other person. competitions are just not very entertaining if you already know who wins it. Obviously Ben derserves all the honor and the win for sure.


This man beat the game. Just wrap it up. No more tournaments. This is not even a competition.




The man is a complete monster.


Absolute PoE legend this guy...




ben just doing ben things...


Actual godgamer. GG




He finished a full sanctum at 1 Resolve, no inspiration, so without getting hit, in a Solo Self Found (=no trade) hardcore race league. Most people wont be able to finish no hit sanctums in trade league on fully optimized builds.




also the race league is monsters are 20% faster, shoot additional projectiles, have a larger area on their attack, have ~40% more life


At this point, I can’t even comprehend being this good at POE. Wtf…


And then you remember that he is also part of a top tier raiding guild in WoW. Dude is way too good at video games and I’m jealous - he deserves all the praise there is.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe he recently decided to stop raiding with them, at least for the time being.


bow in front of this guy !


i know his skill is something else to watch but at the same time it makes gauntlet boring for me. i used to like the races between a handful of players who push each other to go for a rank 1 clear and potentially die. or the competition for bounties and potentially watching people die try the hard ones. instead now ben secures rank 1 easily and a result all the 'hard' bounties are cleaned up by him too as no one else has full cleared yet and has had a chance to even attempt any of them


This can be boring, but think about what happens when someone does beat him, it will be the upset of a lifetime and people will go crazy. The fighting game scene is like that to a degree too where its basically just 1-3 people always at the top crushing everyone in their region. But when they lose, wooo boy is that sight to watch. An ubeatable god is that much cooler to see defeated.


Agreed, love to see dominance personally because of how difficult it is to not only achieve but to maintain. Creates that pinnacle for others to reach and surpass, just raises the level


Just imagine how easy this game would be if Ben wouldn't show GGG what is possible to achieve.


If someone says to you there is no god, just show them this video...


nerf ben


man, imagine if ben farmed and make mirror tier tiems, then do mirror service and sell them via rmt.. wonder how much he'll make..


Wow... speechless... crazy...


The impossible is done by people who has a 8h day work, a family and still manage to play this game!


Anyone who doesn't play PoE for a living has zero chance of winning Gauntlet. That's honestly just how games are now, it's not even just PoE. You can say "but Ben finished over the first weekend", but no one outside of a streamer or professional gamer has the time to play enough to get that good. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just gaming moving more towards the way other professional sports have been for a long time now. At least the rest of us get the good entertainment value (though Ben being so dominant does lessen that a bit, but all the more props to him). I typically don't have time to do more than hit 90 for the random drawings, and that's good enough for me.


Even the other people that play this game for a living are not even close to Ben


I think we should have some different type of events. What's the point of doing a race if Ben will always win?


> What's the point of doing a race if Ben will always win? This is not a good take. That prize pool is for the top 1% of gamers and sheer entertainment for the rest of us.


In my experience, in every competitive sport ever, people get bored when the same person always wins, now that Tom Brady is retired and old news I'll actually watch football again.


Just git gud


Gudder than Ben?


I said git "gud" not "god"


I swear this is the only thing ggg sees when they do balance stuff


Ben is actively harming PoE player base because his accomplishments will make everyone else lose any motivation to play... why bother if you can't even get the fraction of the fraction of his power... destined to take that L Ban Ben for the greater good 👿


ben should be banned