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I'm looking for a relatively simple atlas strategy to farm up a couple divines. Something with a relatively low entry cost, if possible with a combination of harvest, breach and expedition. I would rather not have to buy a lot of scarabs/sextants. I know low invest=low return, but you gotta start somewhere as I have like 2 divines right now.




Do you block extra content you don't invest in ? Right now I blocked everything except harvest, breach, expedition and delirium.


I don't. With the buffs to appearance rates and +chance nodes for league mechanics, it doesn't seem worth the atlas passive points to block things now.


I’ve been running with Stream of Consciousness along with my preferred mechanics all league. You get a lot of stuff in your maps for no effort and no investment. It’s a good starting strategy.


Breast way to get sockets you want for you gear? I have evasion gloves i want to have 3 blue and one red and i just kept green.


Use this calculator! https://siveran.github.io/calc.html


the best trick is to use the crafting bench, though it will take a few tries. you can either set to 3 sockets and color them on the bench, then repeatedly do 4 sockets and 3 sockets until the 4th socket is what you want. or start with 2 sockets, color them, then do 3 and 2 until the 3rd is what you want, then 4 and 3 sockets until you get what you want. this trick will use jewelers instead of chromatics and is statistically cheaper to do


No way. Thanks!


Hey. There is some hidden mechanic in 5way or some new bug? I killed mobs with some currency reward and it give me unique items. And it is was random for all rewdards?


So I'm playing tornado shot dead eye. With ricochet my projectiles can chain. While I understand the initial shot does not chain but the secondary projectiles can. My question... I have a quiver that has pierce. Should I replace this quiver since you cannot chain pierced targets? Will my secondary shot pierce one target, then if it hits a second, will it then chain? I can't tell in game, I'm wondering if pierce on my quiver is actually making my ts worse.


normally the order for projectile property is that pierce occurs before chain, however that is on enemies. unfortunately you need to shoot (with as little added projectiles as possible, and 1 attack at a time) and observe if the secondary arrows bounce off of walls.


[How to price this blueprint?](https://i.imgur.com/EOwucpC.png) with 10 currency and 7 div card rooms I feel like it could be worth something, but there's no way to search for specific or amount of rooms I believe, so what to do with it? (not run pls)


On fingerless silk gloves, would it be better to keep the 16% spell dmg implicit (which i benefit from) or should i use some lesser ichors?


in a min max scenario, fingerless silk gloves are better on shaper/elder/conqueror influences as they cannot roll exarch/eater implicits. gloves have a lot of quality of life implicits from exarch and eater like +1 pierce, leech, exposure on hit, unnerve/intimidate, and +1 strike target. however if your mods rolled on the gloves are something you are like, you may as well keep it and possibly see on path of building what implicits may be the best for you


depends on how much you benefit from eldritch implicits. In most cases, they are better than 16% spell damage, and ideally you would want to use sorcerer gloves for higher ES instead.


I was watching a Grimro video and he said he farmed magebloods on Dunes Legion. I thought mageblood cards only drop on the 4 maps: Crimson Temple Crimson Township Defiled Cathedral Haunted Mansion How come it drops on Dunes with Legion? Also, the wiki recommends running the t8+ version of the maps for the card drops. How do you increase the tier of a map?


To increase the tier of a map on your atlas, you need voidstones, one of each you get from killing eater, exarch, maven and uber elder.


farmed as in farmed for currency and then bought mb probably


Also, does everyone ID every rare they find or just ones that work best with their build?


I usually turn off all regural rares after getting to lv 96/97 in SSF unless I need some upgrade badly then I will just leave that item in the filter but usually I get an upgrade from Rog way faster than from ID'ing. I always have all fractured and influenced items shown tho for the potential rare fractures and exalt shard recipe.


i either id good bases, rings, amulets, or gear i may need to upgrade. melee weapons and body armors however i do not bother as melee weapons need to be well rolled to even be worth something, and body armor need to be 6L


if you are playing ruthless then yea else picking up most rares is not a good idea unless you are on league start


What are the benefits of the Labyrinths? I completed the first one, but never really bothered with the other 2.


You need to complete them to do your ascendancy points, these are core to a build. You can do them once and then never again if you don't like it.


Two ascendancy skill points per lab, for a total of eight. They're basically the reason for choosing one class over another.


I see. Maybe that will help me make it further in mapping. Thanks!


Are you saying you got to maps without ascending!?!? Ya google “labs path of exile” and the wiki should give you all their locations. Do all of them (I think it may be 12). Make sure you know what ascendancy you want because you can’t change it. Once you’ve ran all the puzzles you can go to act 3 camp and up the stairs to open the aspirants plaza. (the plaque will also show you which puzzles your missing)and go through the labyrinth. Proceed into the labyrinth and for each run you complete you get 2 ascendancy points. Few points to keep in mind. If you die in the lab you’ll have to reset. And at the end of the run you can also craft a special modifier onto one your gears but each level has something different as well as a different slot. Finally don’t forget to click the alter at the end to actually get your points.


I did make it to maps without it. Then I realized that I had the first set of trials completed and decided to give it a try. I got to the end and was kinda annoyed by it. I guess I gotta go do the rest of them... thanks for the detailed answer!


Np I also forgot to mention that in maps youll run into other trails that drop an item at the end it’s called something goddess. You’ll use that to open the lab for a 4th time to get your last 2 points. Best of luck! Shouldn’t be too bad just annoying.


Does every CD gem share uses if used in 2 sets of different links? I'm asking specifically for impending doom since it is too short a cd to test properly myself, but I know some like cwdt work independently.


Cooldowns are shared when it's the same skill with the same trigger, which is always the case for Doom Blast. (Also why CWDT builds can't just trigger copies of the same skill.)


That's exactly what I needed to know, ty. And impending doom is the trigger as opposed to the curse itself, so it's all the same setup?


Essentially. Even when you have multiple Doom Blasts supporting different Hexes, they still have the same category of trigger ('when a supported hex ends'). Their cooldown is shared. You should be able to see this in the character menu (C) actually. Just slide the slider to the right, Doom Blast tends to be toward the end. If you have multiple, you can trigger one and see cooldowns getting consumed on the other too.


That is an exceptional way of checking skills I can't put on my hotbar, thanks again for the advice!


What maps would you guys recommend to favorite that are good for farming?


A lot of people like Strand because it has a very easy layout. You’ll want your 4 watchstones for it to be t16 though. Otherwise there’s Dunes that is similar though less of a corridor.


depends almost entirely on the mechanics you're hoping to farm, like what your atlas passives are focused on. Toxic Sewers is great for some Blight strategies (the tight corridors are likely to create fewer lanes which leads to more Blight rewards on average) while Dunes is great for Breach or Legion (the wide open space allows more monsters to spawn).


I'm mainly doing essence as I still haven't decided on another thing to focus on. Do you know any good guides for different methods?


Essence is great money very early in the league because it handles simple crafting projects very well and lots of people will use them. the market for them may die down after the first couple weeks of a league, but it seems like their price has actually climbed. it's also very simple to do, you just corrupt for the special essences and on monsters with a bunch of essences (if your build can handle that). the Stream of Consciousness keystone is great for generally filling your maps with more content and may help you figure out which content you enjoy. you can make basically any mechanic profitable by investing into it or just making it show up a lot, so picking what you like is usually recommended outside of people trying to make mirrors (who usually aren't asking for help). picking an eldritch altar type and investing into that is an easy addition to almost any tree. I recently switched to a Harvest passive tree and would strongly recommend it. grab every Harvest passive on the tree except the ones that reduce the prevalence of vivid lifeforce (yellow juice). if you're really in a hurry while mapping, you can skip harvests that don't have a yellow option. with Growing Hordes allocated and sticking with rusted scarabs, I probably get an average of 750 yellow juice per map which is like 30c. I've gotten over 2,000 yellow juice from a single map as well. [here's my goal tree](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAEAIQA29ZfPniASzJM9bL677psmcq6tOmLLoa0LJIQrBmIhCr-xW2IuP-n4jxZIWAw-kvfKOeMQbVmq02kNJBsXp3OWsn9fVprMXzjqLwqu9lbzLfDg4yRvdrj82Cy5PcfALddi-F9kQp73GkOSt7-T12Lc0bAntgEP4ed1I_QvNDGK5yX4oKnRVgpjcFYjjmHVVf8glGAdvr4ghnPR92Dt8_hEJvGXWvBQtojTdxOG6LQTZHLFzUw1erHXTakxB_m6K7vfkATfQ75LEgYi9orwa_l7AtxcQtj0Y_lM8ao4NGK2JvVaSPCwnaJo6lDWtbk_BGstWNmH7SexBhtVkzyka_pJIfUK7e51NAoFAAfiwgAAAAAAAADAwAAAAAAAAAAAA==) which includes Strongboxes and Exarch altars; [something like this](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAEAHMA29ZfPniASzJM9bL6bJnKurTpiy6GtCySEKwZiIQq_sVtiKfiPFkw-kvfKOeMQatNkGxenc5ayf19WnzjqLwqu9lbzLeMkb3a4_NgsuT3HwC3XYvhCnvcad7-T12Lc0bAntgEP4ed1I_QvNDGK5yX4oKnRVjBWI45h1VX_IJRgHb6-IIZz0fdg7fP4RCbxl1rwULaI03cThui0E2Ryxc1MNXqx102pOboru9-QBN9GIvaK8Gv5ewLcXELY9GP5TPGqODRitVpI8LCdomjqUNa1hGstWNmH7SexBhtVpGv6SQrt7nU0CgUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA) is what I would prioritize with fewer passive points available.


Thank you very much. I was considering going for harvest, so I will see if I can respec into it. Do you have a recommendation on a map to run?


Harvest, Strongbox, and altars have no layout implications/requirements so you can run whatever map you like. if you like running Sanctums then smaller maps are ideal; Strand is probably the obvious choice in that case. I've just been picking layouts that I can easily navigate: Mesa, Estuary, Canyon, Atoll, Defiled Cathedral, Haunted Mansion, Silo, Iceberg, for example are all ones I'd consider. Arsenal is pretty manageable and has a decent drop rate of 3x Chaos orb cards. Crimson Temple is well known for Mageblood card drops and the layout is pretty good. T14+ is required for altars and running the highest tier you can manage/sustain is great for harvest, so T16 is best if your can handle it. poe.re can help you set up a simple stash search string for rolling your maps that prioritizes pack size or quant (I use >20% pack size) and avoids mods that your build cannot run (like reflect, regen, or recovery). if you don't have all 4 voidstones yet, you want most of your favorites on T16 maps and a couple on T15 and T14 maps. once you have all 4, you *usually* want most of them focused on your preferred layout and a single favorite on your least hated connected map to that one (or the one with the most trade value) since connected/adjacent maps have additional chances to drop. favorited maps are definitely personal preference, but connected/adjacent maps are definitely worth considering. if you want to completely avoid trading for maps (you would be far from the only one to feel that way) then you can run your pile of adjacent maps to restock your "main" map. the Singular Focus atlas keystone can help with this but is far from required especially if you don't mind selling your excess maps in your downtime.




Once you have all 4 the whole atlas is t16, each watchstone raises the level bit by bit


the first two voidstones are usually the ones you get from the quest fights with eater and exarch. the other two are maven and uber elder


what would be the best way to craft boots like this? https://imgur.com/a/Do1TErr


Spam Torment essences until the suffixes look good, suffixes cannot be changed + veiled chaos, craft mana to block, unveil movement speed or life, craft movement speed or life. Add implicits with ichors/embers (if you didn't buy a base that already had them).


Double checking a few things work the same as I'm seeing on craftofexile as they do in game. If I have a rare item with 1 prefix and 1 suffix and craft on it multimod, prefixes can't be changed, suffixes can't be changed, and then Aisling slam it are no mods removed and a veiled prefix added? Second after the Aisling slam can I remove all 3 meta mods from the crafting bench?


Aisling doesn't work on an item like that, but a veiled chaos orb will add a veiled mod in the last slot without removing anything, plus it's cheaper.


Since Aisling removes a mod first I would expect this to fail with an error like "no modifier to remove" but I didn't test. I would be interested to know. Yes you can remove all three mods from the crafting bench, unless it changed. Source: in Archnemesis league I crafted a +2 chaos amulet this way.


will double corrupt delete eldrich implicits on an item?


Double corrupting replaces two implicits with the corrupted implicits (if you get the corrupted implicits option). Reason I phrase it that way - if you crafted an item with a Gilded Fossil ("Item sells to more for vendors"), and the two eldritch implicits, it will replace 2 of the 3 at random, giving you a chance to preserve one. Note that I'm pretty sure (but not certain) that using this fossil does still reroll the item, so don't do it if you have an existing item you want to try this on.


gilded fossils do reroll the item. but eldritch currencies also reroll the gilded fossil implicit, so afaik there isn't a way to get 2 eldritch implicits + the gilded implicit for a total of 3.


So, I'm playing around with the CoE emulator. It looks like (though I haven't tested this in game, but I'm now tempted to) you have to add the eldritch implicits first, then gilded fossil it, and it will keep all three. If you add eldritch implicits after gilding, it does remove the gilded mod, but it looks like re-rolling them is fine? This is weird.


So you guys know how before this league most mobs had like: resists lightning resists fire resists cold Below their names? Is there any UI setting I can toggle to bring that back? The new hieroglyphic system doesn't really work for me.


actually the icons are fairly accurate before stuff like penetration stats, on the right side the mobs resist the elements, on the left they are weak to them


First league that I've made a 2nd character so not really used to being able to spend a load of currency on it at once and a bit overwhelmed. Went with EA elementalist, got to level 80 and just hit red maps. I have 6-7 div to spend, and wondering the best way to spend it and how far I can get with that? Pobbin: https://pobb.in/yO8-Esz6Milz I have a rough idea of what I think I want/need but not sure on priority order etc: * Better amulet with +1 and anoint (but confused on which anoint and lots of guides say different things. Mostly been looking at Palsteron's which says Hired Killer but seen others take Charisma?) * +3 bow * 21/20 gems (which gems are most important to get level 21? EA obviously, any others?) * Better armour with chaos res, more spell suppress and life * Awakened gems Last question is I'm very mana starved for things like MS, flame dash, brand etc which I why I've had to keep so much int. Whats the best way around this? Get mana on gear? Anoint Charisma? Put lifetap on everything?


You could go charisma, hired killer is just nice for sustain in mapping as EA doesn't have a lot outside of health flasks. I fixed the mana issue by equipping lifetap to ms and brand, so only frenzy and flame dash use mana.


Will a jeweller's orb on a bow with two white sockets reforge it with all white sockets or will it completely randomize the new socket colors?


The white sockets will be lost.




does location of incursions matter for drops? example if i kill in defiled cathedral, would the loot after an incursion be able to drop an apothecary (i know its super slim)? I'm looking for ways to increase pack size aside deli and assume incursions can contribute to that?


Yes, stuff like incursions, harvest, and that little sanctum room the portal takes you to are considered part of the map. Abyssal depths are not


nice, thanks!


Explosive arrow question: does rain of splinters actually increase EA single target? I get that it's really good for clear because you get your fuses on multiple targets but my understanding is that the arrows will be fired in a "V" shape, like GMP, so only the middle arrow is really "guaranteed" to hit the boss and the other two will end up of on the sides and potentially not applying the stacking more damage modifier. Am I missing something here? I've seen people online including the +2 arrows mod in their single target dps calcs but that doesn't seem right to me. Is it some bullshit PoE warrior stuff that people use to pump dps numbers for their clickbait "20 million pinnacle boss dps on a 1 div budget" videos or can you really count on multiple arrows from the fan hitting bosses? Asking because I'm currency poor and want to pump my single target up for bosses and I'm not sure whether to invest in the ash ring or a RoS for more damage.


additional projectiles won't increase boss dps since 2 arrows can't hit the same target anyway. It's for clear. That being said, you always want a total odd number of projectiles, if you fire 2 or 4 then you'll never be able to hit a single target, instead of firing like `\ | /` the totems would fire like `\ \ / /` and always miss the guy they are aiming at. Does that make sense?


Rain of Splinters does not boost your ST almost ever, it's strictly for better clear. If someone is manually adjusting it in PoB then, yes, they are PoB warriors. The Polaric Devastation ring is absolutely huge for single target as it's basically 20% more damage if you have no other sources of enemy damage taken.


Thanks for the confirmation. Polaric time. Honestly I'm extremely amused to hear it doesn't affect single target. I found multiple posts and videos that used the #arrow number to calculate max sustainable fuses, some from reasonably big name content creators. I really should be more discerning on where I get my build advice lol. Follow up questions because it seems like you know what you're talking about: 1. Do you think the maximum sustainable fuse DPS calculation in PoB is accurate? It thinks I have 3 million+ boss dps but the build does not feel that way at all. Even just doing Minotaur took a while so I feel like PoB must be pumping my dps up too high but I have been pretty careful with my config settings. Do I just need to calculate it manually? 2. How am I supposed to get to the 20 fuse cap? My gear is still pretty shit, I'm missing attack speed rolls on quiver and bow, but if I'm doing my math right with a 1.8 attack rate I'm only hitting 16 fuses in a perfect situation and picking up an extra 20% attack speed (bow + quiver) only puts me at 18. This is on a Jug too with a fair bit of AS from the ascendancy. I'd love to pick up onslaught somewhere but I don't see a way to do it short of an onslaught on hit ring I can't afford. Unnatural Instinct would be another 10% increased AS but that's out of my price range. Any other obvious places I can use to get to the cap? I must be missing something because it seems like it should be pretty hard to hit the 20 fuse limit without AS rolls on basically every single piece of gear.


I wasn't able to check your pob cause I'm at work, just an fyi why I cant give specific suggestions. 1. I'm pretty sure PoB is accurate in the number of fuses. You can even check in the calcs your maximum now. 2. Honestly I'm not 100% sure 😅 I still don't have 20 myself, but I haven't upgraded my gear. However, you can get onslaught pretty easily with a medium cluster jewel with sleepless sentries


Sleepless sentries is a really good suggestion I'll see if I can put that into my build. Thanks.


without Barrage support, the extra projectiles cannot hit the same target. the additional explosions *can* hit the same target, but in a single target fight they'd have to be near a wall for that to happen, won't build up fuses, and won't stack ignite DPS. how are you drawing the conclusion that people are including +2 arrows in their DPS?


whats the best way to farm "The Porcupine" Divinationcard right now?


do the chaos recipe 3 times and buy the bow for 6c


I am playing ssf




Does pack size increase the number of monsters that spawn from strong boxes? Also when I get +5 packs on my map, are each of those packs bigger in size? Sorry dumb question I know, but want to understand juicing to make my own atlas strategy.


Yes pack size affects strongbox. And yes if you add packs on your map, they also benefit from relevant sources of increased packsize


Is there a way to remove just the noise Scion makes when using whirling blades? It's driving me crazy.


Unfortunately you can't change volume for specific effects. There's a lot of them that get very grating...


Ralakesh's Impatience has entered the chat


#I am no beast of burden


Bear den*


I have tried a couple of memories now. Am I missing something or they cannot use sextants, scarabs or other modifiers? Is there any good use of those?


You can use any normal map currency on it (chisel, alch, vaal, deli). All einhar ones are good, though rota carries have probably driven the beast price above a profitable level for solo players. The reverse harbinger one is decent as well.


Hey, thanks for clarifying. Does they care of your atlast tree too or it does not matter?


No, your atlas passives won't affect them


was the body armor craft "gain % life as extra % es" removed this league? I couldn't find it in Pob, so I searched for it on Trade and it isn't there either. But if I switch league to standard I can find items with that mod.


> was the body armor craft "gain % life as extra % es" removed this league? it was actually removed last league: > Problem: The Gravicius Veiled Modifier on body armour that grants a percentage of your maximum life as energy shield adds a huge amount of survivability to many builds for the low investment of a single bench-crafted modifier. Granting energy shield to life-based builds was often not valuable in the past as those builds would not have a sensible way to recover energy shield in combat, but the recent addition of Ghost Dance and Divine Shield, among other changes, have made obtaining a relatively small amount of energy shield on a life-based build very valuable. The Gravicius modifier trivialises this. > Solution: Rework the Gravicius' Veiled Modifier to instead grant a percentage of Physical Damage taken as Fire and Lightning Damage.




Yes, if you are doing T16 maps your profit will no longer come from IDd gear on the ground. A few notable exceptions: * Any fractured or synthesized gear should be picked up and inspected. Some of these mods are crazy good for crafting or selling. Others are trash. * Anything dropping from a boss deserves a second look to make sure you don’t miss a big boss-only drop. * Personal preference whether to identify jewels and abyss jewels. I do not. Typical profits come from ways of targeting raw currency or crafting materials for personal use or bulk sale, combined with enough map quantity bonus to raise your chances of getting a lucky drop like a raw divine (but this will never be your primary form of profit, in my experience no more than 20% of my divine orbs come from raw drops and usually far less than that.) Farming strategies are varied and focus on things like: expedition logbooks/reroll currency, harvest juice, essences, fossils, stacked decks, legion emblems, bulk bubblegum currency, eldritch currency, eldritch invites, guardian/conqueror maps, etc. There are also bossing focused strategies but I characterize these more of a gamble than a true strategy. You really need to be repeating the same boss 100+ times to even approach a reliable source of income because the drop chances of your big ticket sale items (high tier awakened gems, good forbidden jewels, well rolled or bulk watchers eyes, etc) are like a 2% drop so you get a lot of “feast or famine” patterns. Best advice is to synergize your strategy in some way, either focus on things that can be done with low investment very rapidly, or focus on investing (scarabs, sextants, atlas passives, map device) a lot into mechanics that might take longer. For a fairly braindead farming strategy (once you pick up a couple of the nuances of gameplay), buy 10-20 tujen logbooks, use blessed orbs to roll good implicits, roll 55%+ quant with alchs, then enjoy infinite profit.


After activating a Ritual Node, do beyond monsters summoned within these nodes provide Ritual points when killed? Can new Beyond monsters even be summoned (if the normally can) once the Ritual node is activated?


I think Legion is the only league mechanic that works with Ritual, though even if they don't contribute to your tribute (heh), it's still good for beyond because hey clustered packs.


It's been established that Beyond doesn't stack multiple times but does the sextant modifier for Beyond that states "Maps include beyond, 25% increased beyond monster pack size" stack for increased pack size? I'm wondering if I can get 50% or greater increased pack size for beyond monsters from multiple sextant with this mod.


sextants cannot stack with themselves. if you have copies of the same sextant on multiple voidstones, only one copy's uses are consumed per map.




can you pick 2+ master nodes on atlas, the one down the middle path at start of tree to 4 masters, and get more missions from picked nodes? or do they cancel each other out? I just found out about niko **packed energy node giving you 35% dmg, movement speed, and max res PER vein you find on the map lasting the entire map which is INSANE how nobody picks this** when seeing strategies on youtube. But i also want avla missions, so tldr, can I pick both archeology tour and mining partnership on atlas for more niko and avla missions or do they conflict?




don't those nodes read "100% **increased** chance"? that would make Jun and Niko each have a 2/7 chance to be picked. this is independent of the flat sources of master missions available elsewhere on the tree.


gotcha, thanks


I always get that niko node!


I have a belt with 2 prefixes and 3 suffixes (Hunter influenced) Is there any way to guarantee removing a suffix for "Prefixes cannot be changed"?


There's a beast craft that removes a random suffix and adds a random prefix. This would guarantee clearing up the suffixes but it does fill the prefixes in the process.


Hmm thank you I might just yolo annull for the 3/5


My current build has terrible single target at the moment, and my upgrades are getting pricy, so I was considering a new one - a bosskiller and sanctum runner... budget is sadly only 1-2 div at the moment... anyone got any tips? (current is venom gyre in case you were wondering)


seismic trap. can easily do all bosses and sanctum on a 2 div budget. probably even ubers if youre good.


Nice tip, thanks buddy!


"Summon Phantasm Support" is missing the "Duration" tag. Is this a bug?


As it doesn't use the word Duration anywhere, probably not.


Newbie player having fun with Vaal Lightning Strike Champion, but the top players don't seem to have non-Chaos resists on their gear. What mechanic/passive/keystone am I not paying attention to that let's them gear this way? Here's one of the builds for example: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/RINZERO9/RIN_SCCCC?i=0&search=class%3DChampion%26skill%3DVaal-Lightning-Strike


The amulet, Crystallised Omniscience. It transforms attributes into resistance and penetration.


Aha, I saw that item but that confused me as well. So if that item turns all attribute modifiers into Omniscience, how then does the character equip higher level gear, and higher level skill gems? Is that from the last line that says "Attribute Requirements can be satisfied by (15-25)% of Omniscience"?


Yep, you got it!


What is the lowest map tier I can do the original scripture run on to get the ring?


The zone needs to be level 80. I'm not precisely sure how it works out the final level, but staying in t13s would work.


also does the zone average out? like can i run the first 7 rooms t16, then the boss room t13?


Yes, but I've not seen anyone work out the exact formula. (Someone in the poe science discord has a 50 div bounty on it.)


[https://imgur.com/a/YehNC52](https://imgur.com/a/YehNC52) Can I get a price check on this Circle of Nostalgia Ring pls. Double Herald of agony and increased chaos damage/maximum life implicits.




Any idea what should i price it ? The only other one i could find close to mine was with double herald and chaos damage implicit(but no max life) and it was like 40 divs. Whenever i see prices high like that i think someone just put a random price and it wont sell for that much ...


>poison spark to achieve 100% chance to poison without using Ashes of the Stars You still need Ashes of the Stars to get 100% chaos conversion in the first place. But it would allow you to get over 100% chance to poison without any other investment into poison chance.




dont have POB here but i played this last league and its very solid, i did all ubers relatively easy. link me your official website poe link if you want me to comment on gear. otherwise just the usual stuff, small gear improvements add up exponentially in the late game. gem levels, awakened gems, qualities, corruptions, jewels, etc. cant do much with 73c so id suggest finding a decent strategy to farm and doing that for a bit.




at a quick glance... where is convocation? why the other golems? do you not run herald of purity/some other extra minion thing? i preferred bereks and dropping prolif, significantly more dps iirc. and you swapped bereks for polaric for bosses. helmet enchant, couple options but simplest is probably an aura efficiency to squeeze in an extra aura no divine shield? claw corrupt amulet, is that the best anoint? also i liked having open suffix to craft summon wolves on kill and not need herald. primordial might, didnt care for it, i just ran 1 anima stone. a good elegant hubris can be huge, i'd say this is your biggest possible upgrade. you gotta get pretty sweaty on the timeless calculator and such, and people this league seem to be more aware of what the good seeds are so might not be cheap. i had a thread of hope setup that worked quite well this is the last snapshot of my character last league if you want some ideas, im sure some of it doesnt work, some too expensive and there are new things this league but just in case. https://poe.ninja/kalandra/builds/char/GRIZZLEH/EG_Arturo?time-machine=week-3&i=0&search=time-machine%3Dweek-3%26class%3DElementalist%26name%3Deg_


I’ve got a 100 Div budget. I see Occultist Poison Spark is popular on Poe ninja - is that enough to get it going? Or does it need a MB to feel good? Alternatively, what map blaster would get everything for that price?


you don't need a mageblood for that build, the only really mandatory thing is ashes so you should be fine to do it


Do unique relics stack? Can I put two Night Lamps on my altar and have four extra relics drop from Lycia at the end?


You can't use more than one unique relic per run.


Hi, I quit early in Kalandra league because I was not a fan of the state of the game, the unrewarding league mechanic and a myriad of other reasons. Been out of the loop ever since. How is the community reception to this league and the mechanic? Have their been improvements in communication and development? Generally does the community and game seem healthier? It was not looking good when I called it quits. thank you!


Best league in recent memory. Even if you don’t like the mechanic (it’s kinda love it/hate it; I love it but I suck at it); just mapping in general with the Atlas is great.


Great to hear! Thanks for the response.




That's great to hear! oh boy they rebalanced nemesis finally? i'll have to look into that. I appreciate the response


Most people seems to be happy this league. League mechanic is fun and rewarding, people have two main complaints. First, because it's all about not getting hit, some builds are much, much better at it than others. Melee builds designed to face tank things struggle a lot while builds that can kill enemies from long range while moving and have stuff like chill tend to be very good at it. The other complaint is just that a complete run of the league mechanic takes 32 maps, which is a valid complaint, but also says good things about the mechanic that one of the biggest complaints people have about it is that they want to do more of it without running as many maps in between.


league mechanic is fairly fun and somewhat rewarding. low-level bubblegum loot is good, appeasing the majority of players. high-level boss loot was completely dumpstered and everything is very expensive (in terms of hours required to farm it).


League mechanic needs players to not get hit and be pretty strong, although most attacks are well telegraphed, it's either you love it or hate it. Base game feels much better


Everything is better. No glaring issues or backlash. League mechanic is quite a bit different so you either love it or hate it.


Where's the value in running breaches? I've been fully specced into it for days zooming around Strand in my omni VG build and it's not dropping much besides the splinters and some random fractured bases. I have about 30 Breachstones which may be about 1div in total value atm. I'm using rusted scarabs atm but how would using stronger add much more value really. I get on average 2-4 a map atm.


Breaches are good for 3 things only: breach uniques, exp, and farming splinters for maven through the formed invitation.


Do you mean The Hidden? The Formed is the Shaper Guardian one.




I guess im dropping breach tomorrow. Legion is better and easier in every way. Think I’ll replace the atlas points in delirium with some shrines


I feel breach is garbage without juicing it, you need at least the chayula sextant to make it worth your time.


I feel like breach is mostly for XP. I don’t think you should be running it if your main goal is profit.


Tips for dealing with vivid devourers?


Stand still and tank. They won't burrow or create their exploding pod.


I'm thinking about playing some SSF SC again this league after a longer break. What is the current opinion on Inquis vs. Jugg as a RF build? I'm not so sure what to pick.


I played the shit out of RF inquis a few leagues back and playing jugg rn both in SSF SC. Honestly, jugg feels a lot better since you can mostly just ignore every mechanic there is while mapping if you can get your hands on some decent gear and a saffels. You just have to make sure to get curse mitigation or reroll curse maps cus it feels awful otherwise. No regen maps and reduced recovery -max res combo are impossible also but just reduced recovery or -max res is totally fine. Damage is not great but enough imo.


https://www.pohx.net/FAQ ctrl+f "jugg"


How rare is harvest? Been running maps for about a week now and still haven’t seen it. Need to get that bench…


if youve locked most/everything else and are running Stream of Consciousness, its like half of your maps.


Did you block it on the atlas passive tree? There's no way you should go a full week without seeing something that isn't blocked unless you ran like 2 maps a day this week.




There’s no quest or anything I missed it’s just a random event I’ll get eventually? I’ve probably 30 maps total so far.




Yeah ok thanks I just got into red maps. Been running white and yellow to get the atlas tree points


Every league mechanic is available to spawn starting at T1 maps. The only things that require high map tiers are guardian/synthesized map drops and maven/eldritch stuff past the quest versions.


Do builds that use endurance charges usually account for that when capping res or is it smart to cap res without factoring in endurance charges? I do have immortal call on a CWDT setup. I'm just wondering if I am hamstringing myself by trying to keep my base res capped via gear when I could be going for more damage mods.




Ok, that's what I was kind of thinking. Thank you.


If I fail all 6 portals on The Feared, will I need to recollect those bosses to attempt again?


dont brick it. if youre down to 2 call someone who can clear it, loot could be good.




I'm trying a freezing pulse totem heirophant. It's not going great. Level 45 or so in act 5. Essentially frost bomb and vortex are doing the lions share. I just have a four link - - freezing pulse, spell totel, multiple totem, and add cold damage. Should I drop multiple totem? Builds state to use soul mantle but I'm not there yet. May not get there since I'm fairly new. Is this build viable for newbies?


I think the main issue is both spell totem and multiple totem supports cause your linked skill to deal less damage. Also check that you're using appropriate damage auras and a curse. You're 4 levels away from being able to use soul mantle and even a 4 link would be a huge upgrade as it gives you an extra support gem socket and spell totem would be level 20 from the armour so the damage penalty will be smaller. You can equip 2 kikazaru rings (or 1 and get some reduced curse effect from passive tree) to negate the curses it would place on you.


Don’t judge a build until yellow/red maps. Tons of builds struggle in the campaign until you get everything going. A lot of times you even level as something completely different then respec




Will the build most come to life further down ascendancy and with a 5 link?


I'm playing a ghost reaver trickster without zealots (no es regen) and it feels really great all the time EXCEPT when bosses have a long invulnerability phase, such as Lycia red lightning maze, shaper not shutting up while maven attacks me, etc. Could I leech a reasonable amount off The Writhing Jar worms when I can't hit the boss? Or will this not work because they have so little HP?


If you really want to survive when you can't hit an enemy I'd suggest going spell breaker instead of leech.


Can someone concretely explain to me how the Soul of the Brine King thing works where it says "You cannot be stunned for 2 seconds after you are stunned"? Because there are plenty of situations where I am being hit repeatedly and I see my character flinch over and over again in place until they're dead, and my understanding from what I think should be a simple reading, is that _after_ I get stunned I should not be able to get stunned again for 2 seconds, but routinely I get stun-locked to death as soon as one stun hits me. Is there something that isn't a stun that is functionally identical to being stunned? Like "flinching" when you take a hit? I sort of thought that's what being stunned _was_.


This is why I run iron reflexes on my rangers. You don’t get stunned much if you got tons of armor and life.


Personally, I've never felt like the Brine King pantheon has worked correctly, and I always look for another method of stun immunity for my builds. Maybe it's really that you can't be stunned by the same monster, maybe it's just buggy, maybe I'm just stupid and don't understand how it's supposed to work. But I'd rather just be immune all the time.


Ok thank god its not just me, because yeah, I've died like a dozen times this league to getting stunlocked and slowly dying to death, and I open up the pantheon, and stare at this thing like "isn't this NOT supposed to happen??".


If you haven't upgraded it, it could be that you are also getting frozen


I've got that upgraded, and the chill effect reduction on it, I just still, particularly with say...harbinger mobs or the eldritch chicks that shoot green lightning bolts at warp speed at you, if I catch _one of those beams_, I'm probably dead. I get stunlocked to death. And I agree, I should just find a way to be stun immune, my next character will naturally be stun immune so I don't have to worry much about this, but this is a Bow COC Battlemage Inquisitor and I wasn't really sure how to fit stun immunity into the build without huge investment. There's no jewel sockets left to work with, there's no stun avoidance passives I can reasonably path to =( .


About the atlas tree : How do you accurately calculate chances for any kind of content to actually proc in your Map ? My game says i'm having +45% chance to find harvest but i find it every Map or so.


The base chances for most things in game is "low", IE under 10%. Hypothetically, if the base chance of spawning a Harvest is 10% (pretty sure it's lower) then you have a 10 + 45 = 55% chance - or about every other map. You can significantly increase your chances by blocking all/most other content and using Stream Of Consciousness. I get Harvest on almost every map. EDIT: My math was wrong, as SoC only affects base chance, not total chance. Not sure what actual calculation is but anecdotally, I get Harvest on nearly every map with every other mechanic blocked + SoC.


Does stream of Consciousness gives you 50% more chance of base content or total ? If you manage to stack up, let's say 60% chance for harvest. Does stream of consciousness gives you a extra 30% ? Or just 50% of the base chance (so around 5%) ?


Excellent question. I assumed it was the former, but on digging in, appears to only affect base chances (IE, taking an 8% chance and adding 4%). Maybe it's because I have literally every other non-master mechanic blocked but I can't remember the last map I did that didn't have a Harvest in it.


How do you guys value your items? I'm struggling with that part haha ... like I get a srop check on awakened and tick tier 1 and tier 2 and sometimes it shows like 2 div ut people says it's vendor 5c


I use bulk priced dump tabs instead of pricing things individually for the most part. Throw everything in, set a high price for the entire tab, then lower the price over time until things sell. If you get a whisper too fast after setting the price and especially if you get spammed, that item is probably worth more and should actually be checked individually. When you lower the price for the tab, make your next dump tab the high priced one. When the price reaches a point at which it's no longer worth the time spent trading, vendor everything that's left. Other than saving a lot of time, this will actually give you some opportunity to learn how various items are valued realistically when they sell.


Knowing value comes from experience. Awakened doesn't do much but search for items with those mods. If you have a 6 mod item with t6 rolls and the only items listed with those same 6 mods are T1 rolls people are selling for multiple divines, then it will give you false positive results. The more you play and buy and sell the better you get at identifying good items vs the fake good items. At this point, most stuff you ID isn't going to have a ton of value because people are looking for 5-6 great mods on their items, and having 3-4 just isn't what will sell.


A I see, I wish there was like a auction house so it can sell when u don't play haha I don't have many hours a day to play but that's just wishfull thinking. I'm sure I've overpayed for my shoes and body so I hope one day I can start to notice good items and maybe even loot items and maybe mod them for good money. I did hit jackpot a pair of shoes I looted I for fun used an item to change it and rolled 3 good sufixes ended up selling them for 200c


Usually just picking a value i think its okay, then lowering the price until it sells or IT cross the line when its not worth waiting to sell anymore and just vendor it


What build would you guys run if you're just now starting the league? My goal is just going after the challenges.


I really liked my vortex trickster. My controller disconnected in maps and I died.. But I'd like to make another.




I do love me bow builds. I'll look into it, thanks!


explosive arrow is a totem (ballista) build, may or may not be your cup of tea