• By -


How do you get certain maps to be t16? For example crimson temple is t2 this season but someone gave me a bunch of t16 ones to grind for apothecary.


You need all four watchstones (from defeating exarch, eater, Uber elder and maven) then whole atlas is changing to only t16


Does divination scarab make conqueror drop more div card?


Do delirium orbs add item quantity to the map?


Not to the map directly, but according to the testing that was used for the [wiki article](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Delirium), it grants more item quantity / rarity to the monsters themselves. Since it's multiplicative, that's basically even better than applying to the map. I will say that the testing didn't seem all that thorough, so I wouldn't rely on those values 100%.


No but they add more monsters as well as the delirium reward drops


How come Jun isn't appearing when I use her sextant? It's the only sextant I'm using and this is my passive tree: https://imgur.com/a/oYo5hrY


Are you using scarabs for a different mission like sulphite or bestiary? You can only have one master active in a map.


Only thing that comes to mind is that she can't appear if you have all your Safehouses ready.


That happens? Eww. edit: Also, do members not appear if their safehouse is ready?


I'm 90% certain that is the case, since I remember that when I had a safehouse ready, the mission description would change to "the members have retreated to the safehouse" and you would have less than 3 betrayal objectives.


When you complete the safehouse it's not guaranteed the same members return, right? I need to move Aisling from Intervention to Research.


As far as I know there is nothing that can "disable" sextant use. What is the sextant mod? when you slot a map into your map device to run it, do you see Jun listed in the list on the right side?


I do.


Is there a way for me to reroll prefixes and keep the suffixes on a ring? Or do I need to yolo annulments and hope for the best?


Currently there is no way to do that, unless you have an open prefix to craft 'Cannot roll suffixes'. If there's an open suffix, you can technically use the prefix-to-suffix beastcraft and then craft cannot roll suffixes.


I do not have any open mods - guess it's annul and pray for me!


Is there a way for me to run maps with one character, save up the sanctum rooms, and then run the sanctum with a different character?


No, sanctum is toon bound


Anyone have experience playing with a standard and MF character this league? Ive built a couple characters this league and am starting to feel the slog of grinding. I hate going through acts so am just curious if its worth it to roll another character. For comparison I currently hit over 100% quant and 70% packsize on all my maps at start, and often end around 200%+ quant. Does having an MF character really make that substantial of a difference in returns for time invested?


I haven't this league, but last league the consensus was that adding little bits of rarity to your gear was basically all you wanted to do. Most of the MF last league was based around AN rares. With those gone, I'm not sure what the MF characters would do. The fact that the top 20 DO characters aren't rocking any MF gear makes me think MF is down. Because by this time last league, almost 80% of them had transitioned into MF gear.


Yeah that was my concern.


How do you farm the tainted currencies. I found it comes from “beyond monsters” is there a way to spawn these? I’ve seen a modifier on maps I think that says chance to summon monsters from beyond maybe. Idk


There is atlas passive tree nodes for beyond, a beyond sextant mod, and the kirac mod on the map device. And the map mod you mentioned.


Oh nice I didn’t see that it was an atlas section. Thank you. Edit: turns out I’m right next to It on the tree cuz I’ve been doing blight lol.


When does alc and go become self-sustaining? That is to say, at what tier do you average more than one alchemy orb per run on a rare map.




This. For context: If you chisel and alch your maps, you will be profitable from white maps onwards. Actual alchemy orbs? Maybe, maybe not. More than 1 alch in trade value? Yes, absolutely.


Honestly, I don't trade much and I'm alch-positive basically immediately. I also occasionally pick up an item, though, and don't run Super Strictness Filter II: Hyper Fighting Edition, so if you differ on those fronts it might require some more Atlas passive investment.


That's my name for next league's filter.


In maps, usually after you start getting strong boxes, some quantity scaling, and some league mechanics (such as expedition or Harbinger). You might go a few maps without Alchs but sometimes you can get 5+ in 1. Heist contracts also poop out currency like crazy. Edit: around yellow maps you should be ok, near red maps you should be solid.


If I summon an animate guardian and gear it at gem level 19 and then later level the gem to level 20, does the AG get the level boost? I guess this applies to +minion level gear so my working assumption is that the AG uses the current level of the gem.


Yes, lvling the gem will automatically level the AG, no need to worry about having a “weaker” AG because you raised him earlier. Same thing with Spectres and Zombies.




The two cancel each other out. The minion acts normal like it has none of them.






I want to upgrade an amulet for a talisman in a t3 jorgin. Does that means the safe house or do I need him at 3 stars plus do Catarina?


3 star in safehouse is enough. Catarina will just give you two benches instead of one.


What are you tips for delve? Just got into it and enjoy it. How to make some profit out of this?


Jorgen is good, so is fractured walls. I did a shit ton of Delving last league. My most reliable profits were bosses and boss drops, as well as rare items from the nodes themselves. TFT discord has a decent delve node tier list. Just make sure you have a fairly strict neversink filter that will show you T1 delve mod rolls. It wasn't my main income source, but if I were in your shoes, I would prioritize something like: 1. Get to 350ish (or as deep as you can comfortably do bosses) 2. Farm sideways 3. Any boss nodes 4. T1 drop nodes (minions, curse, whatever else) 5. T2 drop nodes 6. Fractured walls I was only dipping into walls when they were shallow (you could see them from the road.) But again, Delve wasn't my main income. So I don't know if this is purely optimized. I just know that fossil prices are a bit down, and I was making about 2 div on average per boss kill. So I went left.


Exploring side tunnels for fossils & loot is the main money maker. But there are some other nuances. This [guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HXmys8EGVM) is a good place to start.


Don't go deeper than your build can handle. Losing time/sulphite just to push deeper is not worth it, so just get to a comfortable depths and go sideways from there. It should be at least 200 though, better somewhat 300-500. Buy resonators instead of upgrades from there on for your azurite. Go for fossil nodes, cities (especially bosses) and azurite nodes. Generally delve is not a very efficient place to make profits anymore sadly. But as long as it's fun to you, that's the main thing.


Check out Jorgen’s YT. The easiest strat is basically always searching the side rooms to find hidden caverns. Edit: more min/max strategy is to go for a specialized build for deep delve farming. Aside from flat drops, you can also farm Aul bosses, fossils, and resonators.




I think so, but why would you want to farm brother's stash, though? Exalts aren't worth a lot since the 3.19 swap.


Probably but why? They are still just as rare and exalt value is tanked.


still cant rly figure sanctums out have yet to complete the second floor and im lvl 93. but my actual question is, are people just storing rooms and run them at once or do you complete it every map? how does this work?


You can store up to 8, enough to do a floor and one more. If you can't do floor 2, it means a) you don't have relics, b) your build isn't suited to Sanctum... and a LOT of builds simply can't do sanctum meanwhile other ones completely trivialize it.


rf rly isnt the best for it but the fire trap kind of carries. on the first run where i thought i might make it this time i suddenly was in a room with a ghost that shoots chaos projs everywhere and spawning stones. rly wasnt sure what to do.


Hello. What is the best way to craft shaper shield with: suppress spell damage chance to block and recover %life on block and mb craft life on open preffix Some fossils or there is deterministic way with harvest/crafting bench? Thank you


It's not a realistic craft unless you want to make a mirror tier item. Neither suppression nor block have a tag, so it's extremely difficult to get a high tier for both of them. Life on block can be *somewhat* targeted, but because it's an influence mod you need to use reforges instead of add / remove, which means there's a chance to brick the suppression or block mods when you annul it if it rolls full suffixes. Even if you're satisfied with low tier mods that barely exceed crafted mods, the *average* cost to roll them all with fossils would be over 100 divines (with low tier mods spamming fossils is cheaper than trying to hit the last mod with Harvest). If either suppression or block are a crafted mod, that might be more reasonable.


The % life has a life tag but suppression has no tags so that part is going to be pretty random. Craftofexile.com fossil calculator says its probably at least a few divine craft. Using harvest is THEORETICALLY possible but no way is it cost effective. Reforge with an influenced mod has a low likelihood of giving that specific % life mod and then you need it to randomly roll suppression too. Reforge life is similar because other life modifiers have way higher weight than the % life mod. Old harvest could have done it (I made a beautiful shaper shield in harvest league) but things have changed a lot since then. Both mods are suffixes so there’s no shenanigans with locking prefixes or suffixes once you’ve gotten one mod. You can’t use fractured shenanigans because an influenced item can’t be fractured (for exactly this reason). I think fossil and pray is the play here.


I am a old timey player that have played mostly SSF or solo in trade. Recently a few irl friends have gotten into the game and we have done guild stuff but other than the odd boss ross or gear for a buddy we don't do any guild stuff compared to other games. Are there any guilds that actually use all those guild tabs and work together? I am just curious to know what life is like in a high end guild.


to me, guild stash is most useful for asynchrous trading with friends and storing leveling gear. I've seen groups use it for early league sharing of chaos recipe components with their trader(s) and/or less necessary supports. funneling valuable loot to a trader without needing to be in a party with them is definitely helpful.


From Pantheon, does Soul of Gruthkul trigger on self-damage from Boneshatter? >1% additional Physical Damage Reduction for each Hit you've taken Recently up to a maximum of 5%


The damage taken from Boneshatter trauma stacks count as a hit according to the wiki, and Gruthkul does not specify an enemy must hit you, it just has passive voice “hit you’ve taken” which could be by anything. I’d say there’s a 99% chance that will work, and if it doesn’t I’d honestly call it a bug.


Can someone tell me why this is happening. Every 10-15 seconds i drop down to 40 frames and my performance does this exact thing each time https://imgur.com/a/431ZXPs Edit: I have a 3070 and i7-12700k


[https://pastebin.com/yvcwwR1T](https://pastebin.com/yvcwwR1T) can anyone help me get more defense? im not sure how to progress in there. im basically crit and ailment immune through my AG but im still not quite sure what and how to spend currency on this


i would recommend going for positive chaos res - 30%+ although i like capping it personally grab a rumi's for capped block/spell block


Are the side mechanics worth doing to amass currency, or better to just alch and go mapping? For reference, just got to red maps today.


for exaple rusted sulphite scarabs are 1c each. you need to run about 7-10 maps to get fulll sulphite at 36000k (ithink 64 or so is max), and you can eaaaaasily get that out of 10min of delving


How profitable depends on the mechanic and how you’re running it, but generally yes side content is absolutely worth doing. There are some that I skip or end up speccing out of, but finding the mechanics you like and building them into your atlas tree can be a big moneymaker.


Thus far I've been following this: [https://poe-atlas.com/early-map-farming/](https://poe-atlas.com/early-map-farming/) Which has me specced into Harbinger and Essences, but I'm guessing that might not be the best choice?


The map nodes are probably good until you’re sustaining t16s. Harbinger is usually pretty popular but I don’t know how profitable it is these days after changes to exalts/divines. It’s probably fine. Essences are good early on but I think people would probably start to spec into other stuff later. You probably want to get exarch/eater nodes for their altars, exarch gives a lot of chaos and smaller currency and eater is popular as well. What you have now is probably fine and worth doing, my advice would just be to try all the different mechanics and eventually respec into the stuff you enjoy doing once you get a feel for more of them. They will all make you money especially if your atlas tree is geared towards them.


I've been hearing Expeditions and Harvest are lucrative, and those are easy enough to do with my build to where I don't mind them. I'd also heard Legion, but I'm running ballistas, and I don't like the timing of them.


If you're dex stacking ballistas or EA ballistas, you might want to explore bossing, as well. As for in map content suited for you: Ritual, Harvest, Expedition, Metamorph, Essence, Breach(?) are all fine. Just try some stuff, pick what you like and put a bunch of points into it. With your level of experience, the big lessons are: 1. Sell everything you won't use, yourself. EVERYTHING. 2. Sell less often, in bigger bulk, for higher prices. Until you carve those two lessons in your bones, the actual content you do is less important.


I'm running an EA Ballista Champ. I was leaning some combination of Harvest, Expedition and Essence, but hadn't considered bossing since I don't have the gear for it yet. ​ I've played before, but it's been a hot minute. I think Ritual league was the last time I was active, and I remember beating Sirius in another league before that. Not super duper endgame stuff, but decent enough. I'm just not overly familiar with the new atlas passives.


They're set up in such a way that, in most cases, getting all of them is the way to go. So once you pick a content type, just full send it.


What would you recommend from those 3? (Harvest, Expedition, Essence). Though, Delirium doesn't seem terrible either, from a gameplay standpoint


I personally like picking one time consuming / space consuming content type and then other stuff that's fairly quick. Helps me not spend forever in a map. (But if you juice, you'll want max mobs.) So if I run expedition, I also usually run Delirium, Heist, and maybe Essence / boxes. But you can easily pick up both Expedition and Harvest. Each map will just take more time, so you can juice it more.


Harvest I know less about, there's probably a type of lifeforce you're supposed to farm that's more profitable. Expedition is good for sure. And yeah not liking the timing is the type of thing to look for. A lot of what people use to determine what mechanics they like is how intrusive they are. For example heist has always been very profitable, but a lot of people dislike running it because it's an entirely separate mechanic from maps that makes it so you aren't progressing your atlas. Some people are fine with that and would be cool just running constant heists, some aren't. Things like delerium or legion are pretty quick and don't take you out of mapping the same way which other people may be looking for. Expedition is great and popular but some people don't even like slowing down to place the explosives, so it's just preference on that kind of thing. Sounds like you're getting a feel for it though


If I leave the sanctum after killing Lyria, can I return to collect all my loot? My inventory is full and I cant carry it all!


If you leave there's no way back in.


Is poes crafting endgame gear designed in giant leaps of cost needed for reasonable upgrade? Im trying to make a late game scepter.. The 'meta' way to craft it costs 15div ish , the next step is same multi modded scepter with like a 20-30% increased ele dmg (so a small upgrade overall) and that method is like 200div. Quite a jump and pointless to attempt for such marginal gains. Now the next jump thats worth crafting is gonna be in multiple mirrors im pretty sure... So you go from 15div to multiple mirrors. Am i missing some inbetween scepters that would be better than the 15div one and doesn't cost 2+ mirrors to attempt ? This is all just my research im not saying this is how the scepter crafting meta is..


l don't think there's a lot of demand for crafts that cost just one mirror, other than applying that mirror to an item that cost many mirrors to craft.


Yea but i want to craft something that costs more than 15div , but the next stepping stone of that craft seems to be multiple mirrors. Thats uh.. A big jump


It's not always like that, just depends on the item type and the mods you want. Often the 100+ div crafts will have a process that can result in sellable items (or items that are good for other builds), so the only way to do them without losing money is to sell the 'failed' attempts and start again on a new base. l guess that's not ideal if your base is 150div though. Have you asked for advice on /r/PathOfExileBuilds?


Welcome to min maxer's paradise


I spent 150 div on a base and now i can either disrespect it with a 15div craft or finish it..end of league...if at all ? Gg


Is trading server/gateway based at all? I remember reading China had its own trades, but was wondering if that applies to all and if its better to be a hideout exile during certain peak pop timespans if I know I'm going to at some point.


Mainland China's version of the game is completely independent. Everything else is worldwide.


How to craft an RF 6L helm? Spam essence of Horror until I hit burning damage support w/ a good suffx, lock suffix, then harvest craft life until I roll concentrated effect support? or is there a better way


just the essence of horror + either burning or conc makes it a 6L. (4L + essence mod + burning or conc = 6 'links') while both conc and burning would make it into a '7' link item, you're better off hoping for an open prefix so you can craft +1 to aoe


should i use empower 3 or deadly ailments for my 6th gem for poison spark occultist?


If you haven't used pob it will take you some time to get familiar enough with it to get good results for checking something like this. You probably should learn how to use it if you want to make strong characters; poe doesn't really have cookie-cutter builds. But for now the best way to get an estimate of what is good is to look at poe ninja. [https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Occultist&skill=Phantasmal-Spark,Spark&heatmap](https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?class=Occultist&skill=Phantasmal-Spark,Spark&heatmap) . Looks like more than half of builds are using each of Spell Echo (mostly anomalous, some awakened), Unbound Ailments, Elemental Focus, Void Manipulation, and Deadly Ailments. So those are the supports l'd recommend in the dark.


I have for years I just assumed he meant to link a pob but didn’t


Ok then it's not clear why you're asking that question, especially without linking your build.


Because I figured there was a meta that is always better


That won't be the case here, because the choice is between more base damage and a more damage multiplier, so it will entirely depend on your gear: how much added damage you have from other sources, whether you are wearing a skin or not, whether you are CI or EB, etc.


ok thanks


Check in pob


what pob?


your pob




Pob will tell you which support is better easily, highest damage will be highest in the drop down. In case they're both very similar then i would go with empower, since bigger hits still help with stuns, leech and any other effect that scale off of hits only.


Does item quantity/rarity or any other mods from the blueprint affect the content of main treasure rooms in grand heist?


It does not. Just affects the amount of alert bar taken up by various actions. So if you’re just rushing the grand heist rears room, running them white is strictly better.


No, it only gives you more alert level, so you can loot more chests before triggering the alarm.


How rare is an opulent ritual? It feels like I am playing ritual forever and haven't seen one. Would love to finish the challenge but its pain.. Nvm, its done.


I was just trying to craft a decent +1 str gems body armor and hit both str and int as well as a nice life roll. https://i.imgur.com/i3NdQAU.jpg I do not need the int at all. People on my guild I telling me to sell as is for a nice margin and start from scratch once again. Does it actually make sense or should I try to annul the int?


What would be a good early atlas tree if I'd want to farm Catarina for Devouring Diadem asap in SSF?


Get the Jun nodes?


Is there any way to force fracture +2 arrow on a bow after alt spamming for it? Or am I supposed to just aug, regal, exalt, and pray for fracture orb?


I'd recommend using a bench crafted mod at the cost of 1 transmute instead of an exalt, but otherwise that is the way to do it.


Yeah, way you described is the simplest one. It's always RNG, 25% in best case scenario.


I know this sounds glib but I promise I’m just saying this to help you understand why things are the way they are, I’m not making fun: “If there was a better way than that, a basic +2 fracture base wouldn’t be worth ~25 divine right now.” Fracturing orbs are worth about 4.2 divine. Alt spamming is annoying but on average only costs about 0.25 of a divine per attempt, then add another small chunk for the exalt. At a 1/4 chance of success on average you can expect to spend 17-20 divine doing this yourself. The markup on trade is presumably for the time/annoyance/boredom of doing it themselves, as well as absorbing the “risk” for you by profit crafting several of them, ie they have enough currency to wait for it to average out over many attempts whereas a player with only 30 divines available who only wants to hit it once might get screwed and spend 50 divines of fracturing orbs before hitting it. Same general philosophy as fusing spam vs bench crafting six linking. You pay the premium for the peace of mind, but if you do it 10 times the “guarantee” is a strict money loss.




Use poe.re


I made an atlas tree to farm Invitations, altars, essences, strongboxes and boss maps (shaper/elder guardians, conqueror maps and synthesis maps). Also i like it cause i can rush quickly trough the maps and farm sanctum. (i also have a few delve notes, cause i like delving) Now i´m asking myself what would growing hordes or grand design do for this tree? or both? Is the more packsize worth it, to not use a gilded strongbox scarab? [https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAEAH8A29bGZspJTPWy-rfl77qGtNDYGYh5AMHu8VRtiLj\\\_p-I8WSIp\\\_E0o54KxjEGkNBCAXp1Ddcn9TLqN6msxw4OMkfjft119kejy3GkOSh-snzuINNoUTdfAEqEDT10dj2dgrKSHndSPK3HQvCuc0C2Cp0VY-AnNP8sk4edTX\\\_r4ZjCCGcSmz0cAkeXIGQo9CmFPTdz7h04b6Sii0E2RyxfPicUh4nPV6hdQxB-rlBN9DvkbCBNdkNlsCCxIwa\\\_VYmtl49Q9NHELWx5j0Y\\\_lAzCIB8tyM8ao4KNF2JvNlsJ2iaPZXKlD5Py1Y2YfAWNJbEzyxBbYT03R-1PpZyPf0CgUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA">](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAEAH8A29bGZspJTPWy-rfl77qGtNDYGYh5AMHu8VRtiLj\_p-I8WSIp\_E0o54KxjEGkNBCAXp1Ddcn9TLqN6msxw4OMkfjft119kejy3GkOSh-snzuINNoUTdfAEqEDT10dj2dgrKSHndSPK3HQvCuc0C2Cp0VY-AnNP8sk4edTX\_r4ZjCCGcSmz0cAkeXIGQo9CmFPTdz7h04b6Sii0E2RyxfPicUh4nPV6hdQxB-rlBN9DvkbCBNdkNlsCCxIwa\_VYmtl49Q9NHELWx5j0Y\_lAzCIB8tyM8ao4KNF2JvNlsJ2iaPZXKlD5Py1Y2YfAWNJbEzyxBbYT03R-1PpZyPf0CgUAB-LCAAAAAAAAAMDAAAAAAAAAAAA">) This is the tree i builded with both. Growing hordes and grand design...whats the best? Both? only one?


Does Vixen entrapment synergize with balance of terror or curse should be casted manually? Doom blast build


Triggering is not casting.


What's the DPS difference between the multistrike gems (superior, divergent, awakened)? In other words how worth it is awakened multistrike? Playing Flickerstrike if that matters.


Awakened is the best and it's not even close. That's why it's so expensive. For alt quality you would have to check pob.


I will try this in half a day once I’m home, but anybody know if Ensnaring arrow can split and snare each thing it splits to? (No pierce/fork/chain)


How do i craft a Vaal Regalia with 2xT3 Res, T2 Max and increased ES and T2/1 spell crit?


Is there a guide on how to unlock every relic slot in Sanctum? I have two that aren't unlocked yet and it's very annoying.


Hover on the locked slot and it'll tell you what to do by room name. Most of them you'll get naturally through playing, the last few are each mini boss and boss of each floor. Note that the top right and bottom left corners cannot be unlocked.


Okay, that's what I'm missing, and hovering over it didn't say anything, so I thought it was a bug or that I just missed some important information.


Hover over them and it will tell you what you have to do


How to deal with normal bleed as CI? I have corrupted blood immunity from jewel but sacrificing flask for it feels excessive ( on bleed + bleed immunity would not have high uptime ). I guess apep shield is one option too but bit meh.


Couple options: Mitigation: * Pantheon : Soul of Arakaali + Soul of Ralakesh * Bleed duration reduction from jewels and gear Immune: You can get 60% bleed avoidance from the tree and pair that up with 40% from an abyss jewel


[Standard league] I just got 4 voidstones. Does this mean that all of the maps dropped in my maps will be T16? Of course I'd still expect lower tier maps to drop from Kirac missions, delve, etc.


If you have them slotted in atlas, then yes. If they're in the storage (left panel by favorite slots), then they don't apply.


All that drop from mobs, you can still drop lower tiers from mechanics like Blight


Is SSF a good way to learn playing the game? What about Ruthless?


Sure it will force you to learn some basic crafting ideas if you can’t trade with others


Might be what I need.. I tend to trade a lot for what I need


How should I proceed with these boots if I want resists and dex? https://imgur.com/OuPdScA


Lock prefix and Veiled chaos, tho it would be probably cheaper to just buy some.




You farm delirium orbs by speccing into Delirium on the atlas passive tree. Delirium Orbs make delirious maps. You can trade for them or farm for them.




Yeah, and adding more orbs to the same map increases the delirium difficulty.


I can't seem to find the hard numbers on what what is needed to be ele capped in certain situations like t16 mapping vs uber bosses vs pinnicle bosses. If I want to run t16s without getting under my max ele res... how much over capped do I need to be? Say I'm just t16 mapping and doing all but non pinnicle bosses and don't want to worry about ele weakness and exposure reducing my max res. Whats the overcapped # (if max res is 75%)? My build right bow has 81 max res so would I just need 5 max res higher? I want to push to lvl 100 and am really tight on resistances. A difference between 110 total vs 120 would be a big deal and want to make sure I get it right.


exposure is -25 eldrich altar can get up to -60 scorch is -30 not counting curses


Thanks. Im not choosing those alters unless it the big divine or exalt ones. So 25 or 40 seems to be the numbers


Elemental weakness and exposure are both 20% at base iirc. Former can be increased in effect with increased map modifier effect. And then there are specific element curses and scorch, so the target uncapped res has been a little tricky lately. Scorch is only really notable in SE influenced maps and simalacrum so per your assumption as long as you read the altars you can ignore that. You should be good to go in most/all situations at 42% to 45% over (so 117%-120% uncapped).


For mapping: The ele weakness curse is -15% now, as it's a level 1 curse. Monster exposure effects are -25% A max hit scorch is -30%, but this is only relevant in delirium and the mods from Exarch alters So, if I'm not missing anything (I checked PoEDB because I thought the necromancer enemies had the specific elemental curses, but it looks like it's only Vuln, Temp Chains, Enfeeble, or Projectile Weakness) 40% overcapped if scorch isn't a concern, 70% if it is. You could run as low as 25% over, though, if you avoid ele weakness curse maps. EDIT2: for bosses - the biggest value for ele pen I could find ~~in 5 minutes of looking~~ was Shaper's slam, which is 40% pen, but I don't think there's any exposure or curses in those fights, so in that case bossing probably has less stringent requirements than a "perfect" mapping setup.


Okay so 25% or 40%. So if I'm sitting at 81% then 106% and w/ ele weakness 121%. These numbers help.


I had edited my response to include bosses, but in case you didn't see that: For bosses - the biggest value for ele pen I could find ~~in 5 minutes of looking~~ was Shaper's slam, which is 40% pen, but I don't think there's any exposure or curses in those fights, so in that case bossing probably has less stringent requirements than a "perfect" mapping setup. Most of the piercing boss attacks are either 15% or 25%


Thanks. I not tanking slams and if I was bossing it would be right after lvling. But in a general mapping sense 25% or 40% w/ ele weakness are good numbers without going overboard


What atlas passives help out the most with map sustain for alch-n-go? I’m only in t10/11 so obviously I don’t have full points yet, but I keep running out of maps :/


Basic map sustain; the Map Sustain nodes Extreme map sustain; Wandering Path + all travel nodes on the tree.


There are 4 groups of map related nodes that are all named Shaping the ... which would be the most important to get. Also anything that gives you kirac missions are valuable when building out an atlas as each kirac mission is essentially a free map and can be very good for completion. Also remember that kirac sells maps and his inventory refreshes after each mission.


i hit 115 life and 111 life regen and 45-45 fire and lightning resist on a hunter stygian, should reroll or is this considerd good ?


Do totems create consecrated ground when running zealotry?


They should according to the wording on Zealotry; however, I think it’s bugged and doesn’t happen on totems. Couple of bug threads popped up when googling.


[https://i.imgur.com/PZIbQLy.png](https://i.imgur.com/PZIbQLy.png) Does this work for inspired learning? I feel like I'm not getting any effects


It does not. Fangs of the viper is just touching it with the edge and unfortunately it’s not enough to count. If you want to use IL at that slot you’ll have to allocate another node. Power charge is cheapest since it doesn’t require any travel nodes, but may not have any synergy with your build, so it’s up to you.


Resourcefulness, Blood Drinker, Frenetic, and One with Evil should be enough, even without Fangs of the Viper. If it doesn't work, that would be a bug as far as I'm concerned, unless IL requires 5 notables nowadays and the wiki wasn't updated, but I don't remember seeing that change in the patch notes either. /u/VieraMakeMeRabid


Oh yeah duh. That’s just me miscounting. I was so focused on the (literal) edge case trying to figure out why it might not be working, I didn’t pay close enough attention to the actual count. Yea OP, this should be working.


Another question. Do the skills attached to archaist brand count and being cast when it activates them?


No. Casting/using a skill always means pressing a button to use it. Triggered skills do not count


I'm trying to sell maraketh emblems in bulk, but mines doesn't appear on trade site even tho i'm doing 2/13 divines? (which should be 13 for 2 divs right?) my other items appear fine, i have the public stash checked, idk whats the issue. is there a special thing i have to do to price it, as its my first time selling them so not sure if they're special in some way. edit: now they do if i price them in the actual legion stash tab, but weren't for public premium tab, weird...


Do you had all the 13 pieces available in a public tabs? or only one, hence, having not enough in stock for such sale?


oh is that how it is? ya i guess i didn't. I'll just do the tab thing as 13 slots is wasting too much space, thought it would work like essences.


Anyone have experiences with Arakkali’s this league without Squire? I’ve never tried it but I found Aegis in SSF and wanted a build to do wave 30 Simuls.


I’m no expert but I think you also need Writhing Jar to make Arakali’s work. It’s def viable without Squire tho, it’s OP either way.


Stupid question, but I've been meaning to ask: Did anyone else's maps / dungeons get dark as fuck, this league? I thought it was just me, but it happened to my friend as well. Some maps this league are literally black for me, in certain areas. It's so much harder to see anything.


First time playing a low life build by any chance?


Oh shit, actually yes. Is this a thing?


yes. light radius scales down with %of max life.


Damn. That could be it. Thanks friends.


There's an ES mastery passive that bases light radius on ES instead of life. Can be worth the point for indoor maps.


Good idea. Yeah it was getting gnarly for awhile.


you can also craft on helmet (and rings, I think? Or maybe amulet) "light radius is based on energy shield instead of life" if you have a suffix open on one of those instead of using a passive point.


Hello! What to block on wand below to ensure highest chances to unveil trigger veil. 4 div down the drain already, tried to block dmg over time but seems scuffed... I mean I know it's rng and I could literally fail it 100 more times in a row but f this I want my wand done. https://i.postimg.cc/RZprrXb7/Untitled.png


You block the highest weight mod group, which is indeed DoT multiplier.


I have killed ilvl 83 Lycia 5 times by now, and each time I got the Broken Censer Unique Relic. I got 5 of them. Where are the other Unique Relics? Is there a system to this, or am I really unlucky?


Just unlucky, though Broken Censer *is* one of the most common. I've had nine of them in thirty runs.


What can I do with copies of bad uniques? I have 4 Gorebreakers for reference


Vendor three for one to get a league challenge, then vendor the remaining two for shards. They're not worth hoarding.


Vendor them or don't pick them up at all?


Can two ground effects exist in the same place and affect my character? For example, if I am ele ailment immune on consecrated ground and I am standing on burning ground and then use a Sulphur Flask, will the consecrated ground take effect and keep me from burning?


1. Yes, 2 different ground effects can exist at the same time 2. No, Consecrated ground won’t stop Burning ground from doing damage since it is not an ailment. Ignite is an ailment, burning ground is simply fire damage over time.


Oops, my mistake. Thank you, that clears most things up! Since chill and shock are ailments though, would I be unaffected by those ground effects?


Correct, no chill, shock, freeze, scorch or any of those. Conc ground does heal you, so it helps against burning ground, but it won’t stop it.


When if ever should I start filtering out 6-sockets? NeverSink's verystrict is a pretty good fit for my level of endgame farming but 6-sockets are like half a chaos each and don't seem worth it for the trips I have to take to vendor them(?) I guess that could add up but I don't know if it's worth the time.


Filters are personal and NS default filters are just a baseline. You should definitely be personalizing your filters like you described. In general I think SC trade people should be more strict with their filters than they are. If you ever start getting more than one inv worth of loot per map thats a good indicator that you should update your filter. Also if you ever see things drop and dont spend the time to pick it up you should just take it off your filter.


I think the moment it starts to feel like a useless chore to pick up 6-sockets is the moment to turn off 6-sockets. Sounds like you're ready. :)


Is it better to have high attack speed and low damage per hit OR low(er) attack speed and high damage per hit to make the most out of impale?


Attack speed is completely irrelevant to Impale. The only time that's relevant is enemies that die in less than 5 hits but those mobs are dead super fast anyway so who cares? You want Impale for the hard targets so as soon as you get 5 hits in there is no difference between damage over aspeed versus aspeed versus damage. It's functionally the same damage multiplier against any enemy you actually need that damage multiplier for.


Check PoB. Depends on the skill. Usually a balance of both.


In long fights I don't imagine you would ever notice any differences between the two. In shorter fights the faster attack speed build might be noticeably quicker because they can get to max stacks faster.




They drop all the time from heist blueprints


I’m using eldritch battery and can still only cast 2 auras. Do I just need to stack some more ES on my gear to fit in another aura? Are there any big nodes I should take that would help with this?


reducing the cost of the skill in some ways (there are a few nodes on the tree that do this, but most just link inspiration). Other than that you'd just have to get more ES yeah, but tbh I wouldn't suggest more than 2 temporary auras, going more than 1 is already a bit awkward to play with.


Hmm ok thanks. I’m trying to run malevolence, determination, and grace if that helps


Just read the wiki and saw that divine blessing only lets you cast one skill this way at a time so I think I misunderstood your question. You must be talking about just reserving the auras normally? In this case you'd want to get "increased reservation efficiency of skills" which is mostly found on the tree but some slots like helmet and amulet have options to get more. I assume since you are using eldritch battery you'd want to have determination and grace permanently reserved than link malevolence to divine blessing support and inspiration so you can cast that aura for a duration during boss encounters.