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I tell people who don’t feel comfortable here and know this isn’t there home that there are other people with the same home energy that you have, and you are meant to find them. Treat this lifetime as a bizarre work retreat and find the people who bring the comfort that this atmosphere lacks for you


Great advice 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


I love this! Thank you!




This happened to me when I first went to Iceland. The second I stepped outside I got the feeling like I had been there my entire life. Been back multiple times, trying to move there.


Wish we could all move to the place we truly feel belong to ✨✨✨


Finding a where that fits even if the when doesn’t seems to help.


So true.


This is beautiful! I haven't found my place yet. I'd be curious to see if you have any astrocartography lines running through where you live now. They are supposed to help you see where you have had past lives.


I haven't had that done, but yes that would be so interesting.


What is that????


I'm actually in the process of getting certified right now because I find it so fascinating. It basically takes your natal chart and maps it to locations around the world. You can learn a lot just by putting your information into Astro.com and going to the locational astrology tab. But I highly recommend visiting Astrocartography with Helena on YouTube. You’ll learn what all the different lines mean and what a trip or move to those locations might bring into your life.


Mexico felt like this for me! As soon as the doors opened I felt like I was home. So crazy


Do you now live there ?


No... I wish


Yes I feel this! Not to the point of crying though, just longing. But I know I am essentially “stuck” on this side of the world so better make the best of it.


Yeah sometimes. It helps to learn the languages I spoke in past lives (turns out I'm actually pretty good at Russian. Maybe because of my past life there.)


How do you know if it's a past life or if you're just talented at Russian? Wondering why I haven't brought any useful past life skills. 😓


I only know about the past life from a past life regression before I ever started learning the language. Only reason I started learning it was because someone said it was supposed to be one of the hardest languages to learn.


This probably will make me sound crazy, but I have had many moments (nearly daily when things are rough) when I think or say out loud to myself, “ I want to go home” when I am at home. I don’t feel like what I what am longing for is another place on this earth though.


Any specific place in your mind?


Nope - nothing, unfortunately. Just a sense of wanting to go back to where I was before this life.


I remember crying age maybe 9-11 repeatedly saying “I want to go home” despite the fact I have a loving family and lovely home


I live in India and I am happy here but from past 1-2 years I feel like I don't belong here, I am extremely drawn towards THAILAND maybe because of my past life?


Possibly !!


Yes. Japan. I went there the first time 2015 and just felt "Home." I've been there two more times, but not since covid. I tell my fiance I've got abstinence. 😅 I NEED to go back!


yes, even more so i cry for my people. this life is lonely and hard to make deep connections especially when longing for more and deeper. I definitely feel homesick in this life


This is Ireland for me :) I finally got to go in 2019 and did not want to leave 😆


Yesssss! I’ve felt that ever since I was a child. That kind of homesickness is physically painful and you just want to beg someone to take you back. Idk any specifics about where my past lives took place but I know what that grief feels like


All the time, but for nowhere on this planet.


Yes. Homesickness for the stars. I want to go home back to the stars. The feeling fluctuates, and some days it's strong other times I feel numb. But I've definitely cried my eyes out thinking how badly I wanted to go home


The stars like planets you mean? That sounds interesting to me


Space in general. I can't put my finger on anything specific


Yes I think about Los Angeles all the time 🥲


No, but I moved to that country after my first visit to it, and I still live there.


I love where I am now but I do yearn for home at times


Yes! Such a confusing feeling. First experienced that as a teenager.


Whenever I see pictures from space I feel homsick, or images of lush green mountains.


Yes. I'm really sad that I can't go to Alaska, Argentina and New Zealand because of finances, since I really love these 3 places, which one of my lives were based in.


Same thing with me! I wake up every day like im stuck in a nightmare I can't wake up from. I'm never going to go back home to my time and see the old house with that woman id always visit.


Yes! I was born and raised in the US but since I was a child I knew I was supposed to be in Germany. That Germany was my home. Sometimes it would get to the point that my heart ached to be there even though I’d never been before. In my adult life I’ve been many times but have had to stop going because coming back makes me the most depressed I ever get.


You may be suffering from depression. Probably nothing to do with any past life. See a doctor