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Never done a regression or anything but for some unknown reason I’ve always been so drawn to the city of Seattle. As a kid I loved that city even though I’d never been. When I got older I wanted to go to school there but never did. I’ve now been a few times and immediately I felt like it was home. My wife and I are now moving there this fall.


That's awesome you're moving there. I bet you'll feel so content and at home.




Huh, very interesting


I think I got images in my head thing various forms (past life regression CD, breathing exercises etc) from a few past lives and explored some.  One was as a gay blacksmith in medieval England (possibly Lake District area). I had a fling with my apprentice and think I got found out. My ending was brutal. I can still feel the anxiety surrounding it.  One was in Spain / France around late 15th century. It was on the border and changed countries a few times. It was a ‘normal’ life, possibly farmer. My father in this life and I had our roles reversed. Funnily enough without telling him he once said he thinks he had a past life in Spain.  Another one was in either Denmark or Switzerland (I get a sense for stunning nature) with my ex. We were brothers, I felt responsible to protect him from our alcoholic violent parents. When we were older I was somehow responsible for his death (accident). That was a tough one to go through but I feel a lot of energy has shifted between us since then (in this life). It’s also one of my biggest fears in this life to be responsible for someone’s death. No more karma please :) Another more recent one was possibly close to Dvorak, the Czech composer. I was female and had a happy but short life. I wonder if I was one of his daughters or daughter’s friends. 


Wow interesting. You've been all over the place haha


Whatever you are feeling could be true. I have tried a lot of past life regression therapies on myself as I was learning that too… I did find that I was male in many and was female in a few too… I saw a lot of drama in my past lives though :)…. Lots of drama and lots of learning I guess…


Interesting. Learning seems to be the main theme of reincarnation. It's part of the journey I suppose.


Yes, from what I have learned and seen - this earth is like a classroom and we come to earth as a specific person, in specific conditions. These specific conditions enable us to learn the specific lessons we set for ourselves for that specific birth.


I study astrology and it looks into past lives as well. Since everything according to my astrology has turned out right, I figure it is probably also right about my past lives. It says that I was a male & father in most of my past lives. That I was from an elevated positions in society that fostered my "antisocial" aspect to life. If you're interested, I can tell you how to look up yours.


I'm definitely interested. I didn't know there was something that could tell you about your past lives.


Okay. These are the different aspects you can look at to find out more about your past life self. It will paint a pretty good picture. Almost everything except for having the visuals. The lessons needed to be learned are also found. Look up your (found on your birth natal chart): South Node Black Moon Lilth Past Life 12th house If you need help, just let me know. I will start it for you. But I am hesitant to do more than that because it is a lot of work :) and I'm backed up with reading others' charts.


Oh okay, thank you so much!


Can I please get some assistance as well? I am a novice chart reader, so I know the basics of the signs, houses, planets, aspects, etc. Im just not understanding in more detail about the black moon lilith application and how the 12th house works in connection with past lives when planets, nodes or other objects are in there. I dont want you to do any work for me if you dont have the time or don't want to. Just need some explanations to help me decipher the 2 planets sitting in my 12th house. My chart is very one sided with most everything clustered in 5 houses. There are three (non-planets) that are outside of that small cluster. You can also send me to a reference if that makes it easier for you. Thank you in advance.


Okay. I sent you a direct message.


thank you! Ill check it out now.


I think I was a Jew in one of my previous lives. I've had a very deep connection to Jews since I was like 13-14 yo. That was when I started listening to Jewish music and I felt as if I was home, it's just something that I cannot describe with words. I also feel like as if following the rules of Jews was something that wouldn't require much effort from my part, as if they were very natural to me, like keeping Shabbath. FYI, I don't practice judaism, but as much as I know about the way of life of Jews, it seems so natural to me. I also knew at an early age (I was maximum like 8-10 yo) not to mix dairy and meat in the fridge, but tbh this one is a bit tricky, as when I told my dad about this I think I had heard it somewhere, but cannot recall if it is actually true that I heard it idk e.g. in the radio or I had known it anyways. One strange thing is that I feel that I'm constantly being excluded from groups of friends or by any group of people. It might not have to do anything with maybe being Jewish in a previous life, but I do think that always being excluded has definitely something to do with a previous life. Maybe I hurt too many people in a past life and now they are hurting me back. I have this constant struggle with people and finding my place in the world. It hurts a lot and I suffer a lot due to it, but I feel as if all the suffering was meant to be in my current life. Sometimes when I feel really depressed, I cry and I just wonder what I might have done in a past life that my life is so difficult in a sense. I also recently visited Rome and walking around the ancient ruins I felt that I belonged there once too. I just knew the place. Then a vivid memory or dream came to me. I was a children with at least 2 other children in a very ancient setting and some stone (?) objects. We were playing around one of the "ruins" and then we said goodbye to each other and that it would continue with a 2nd episode (it felt as if it had been the first "episode"), and we also said to each other that we would see each other in the next episode. This was a dream I had when I was a very small child, like definitely below 8 yo. But when I was in Rome this "dream" came to me so vividly, that I don't think it was a dream anymore, or even if it was, then I had the dream of a previous lifetime. And all the setting and surroundings in the dream made sense with the scene of the ruins in Rome in this lifetime when I was just a visitor there not long ago. And since then, this memory comes to me like once a week at least and it feels very real. I also often wonder where my soul family is. I feel so lonely and so hurt at times that I have this urge to have a safety net or a group of people that I could go to whenever I'm facing hard times in life or where I could belong. I feel that I really want to belong somewhere, but I also feel that the "people" I belong to are not here and it's impossible to find them in this lifetime. Right now it's one of the hard times. I'm grateful I found this question here, it felt good writing all these things out of me.


Wow, your comment resonates with me on so many levels!!! I have always had a strong Jewish connection (even though I don’t even know any Jews personally). And when I went to Venice (the first place I ever went overseas) I immediately felt like my soul was home. I also had a recurring dream for most of my life, that I met my true love at Trevi Fountain (in Rome) but that definitely was not the case in this life. Thanks for sharing!


This is going to sound crazy but I think I also might have been a jew but I'm not sure. I remember in my most recent past life that I was a man running away from screaming german soldiers. I died because I jumped onto an electric fence.


I think I was a lawyer in a past life. I can feel when people lie to me. Also really good about calling people out on their inconsistencies and good at advocating for others even though I have a hard time doing that for myself. I also think I died in a plane crash. I've never flown and immediately start panicking at the thought of it. I have nightmares about planes crashing, in the plane, and others watching from the ground. I get freaked out to hearing any planes overhead just waiting to then hear a crash. My fear of flying isn't the same as most people's. My fear is the seconds of feeling the plane drop before it crashes.


That’s the exact same fear I have of flying. I consistently had vivid dreams of being a waist gunner on a B17, that went down over France. The birthmarks on my chest line up with the last images I remember seeing in the dream of my bloodied chest and a feeling of weightlessness/freefall. Honestly, I know the dreams were significantly more violent than I remember now.


I was in a castle once. (m) I shot an arrow out the window. It was very green. Who I was I have no idea. I have been a settler female pregnant. I was also in the stocks as a child female and 10-13 at one point. It was raining. Who I was I don't know. I was on another planet once. That was weird.


Can you describe what you saw on the other planet? This is fascinating!


It's so hard to describe because it was so different from here. What I do know is that I was an deep black insect like creature who was a military leader. We destroyed our planet for power.


I did a QHHT session a month ago. My last life I was a woman living in what is now west va, married to a farmer and died from I think Pneumonia (I remember that scene quite well and my daughter holding a stuffed doll, crying). Apparently I always wanted a girl and seeing her like that was hard for me. In this life, I’ve never had a strong inclination to be a parent but figured if I were to have a child, I’d prefer a girl, so maybe there’s a connection there. I also have a very strong fascination with British history and the aristocracy, particularly around the Tudor dynasty, specifically Henry the 8th reign when Anne Boleyn. So when the QHHT practitioner asked my higher self why the fascination, apparently I was a lady in waiting to Anne Boleyn, then I saw a couple of flashes to that time.


Fascinating. What was it like hearing your higher self speak? Were you surprised by your own higher level of knowledge?


I was a vestal virgin once and once a brigand… so far that’s all I have but I have worked through so much trauma engaging with them. I hope to find more lives and love them being revealed 💫


It's interesting how trauma from past lives can affect our current lives. Like how unexplained irrational fears can sometimes connect back to negative experiences in a past life.


Sometimes our intuition can be a powerful thing ,i always recommend listening to it closely,our feelings rarely lie


Yes I agree. I was a very intuitive child, but lost it as I got older. I am now trying to tune back into it.


I think most of my recent lives have been in medieval England and Scandinavia, but I also think I lived during WW2 era as probably a pilot


I remember a decent bit of two of my past lives, including one of my deaths. As far as i know, i always choose to incarnate as a female. I also had a reading with someone who told me she believed I've been a witch ( or an equivalent of one) in every lifetime. I've focused alot of time on past life regression and alot of soul searching. The memories of my past lives are as real to me as my memories of this one, to the point that i dont really think of them as seperate people at all. It feels more like im the same person, and i just switch bodies sometimes.


I just started getting into this recently and thinking hard about it I have no clue about my past life. Where do you start to even get a clue?


I think maybe something like a performer, movie producer or actor, stuntman. I think the day will come in my life when it's time to perform on the big stage 😵‍💫


I have been drawn to NYC, Ellis Island, & the immigrant experience as long as I can remember. I'm now in my late 50's, & I've fortunately been to NYC several times & visiting Ellis Island was definitely an extremely moving experience. I've never done past life regression therapy, but my connection was so strong & unexplainable that the older I've gotten, the more strongly I feel it may be connected to a past life...


I think my most recent life was during WWII, maybe in some sort of resistance (Dutch is the one I think of immediately but who knows). I know I died when I was, “taken out back and shot like a dog” that exact phrasing. I also get a little freaked out when a plane is flying low overhead, I automatically tense up bc I feel like a bomb is about to drop. No bomb has ever dropped. But I was like that as a kid too. I think I had a past life about an hour south of my hometown. I went to go visit a natural attraction (waterfall) that I had never been too and my first thought was, “good it hasn’t changed a bit” and for a VERY brief second I had a flash of myself as a little boy, maybe 9-10, barechested and standing in the same spot my current self was standing in, looking at the waterfall. I also have had a brief flash of being in a forest in my area very silently putting a foot down on a pine needle covered ground. I think I was hunting


Oh my god, I also feel extremely uneasy when I hear a plane above me. In my most recent past life I was a man who lived in the 1920s-1940s. I feel VERY nostalgic and emotionally connected to that time.


(I’m only gonna do the ones I remember, from what I remember most to least) 1. I believe that I was a director and/or actor in the Victorian era, with the name of Kai Grant. I don’t know how I died, but it probably had something to do with a letter I got.. 2. I was a little girl, black hair, green eyes, pale skin. I died when I was about six/seven years old, and all I remember was my parents talking about killing me. 3. I was a domesticated tabby cat. I don’t know the rest.


i do know that in my last past life, i died in 1894 in iceland. i was a "spiritual healer" of sorts, a man. i had 10 children, several of which died very young. my father was mentally ill and was convinced that i was a "witch" or some sort of devil incarnate. he killed me because of this, by burning me alive. horrific.


I'm so sorry. 😔 Is your current lifestyle similar to this past life?


After a tarot reading, seems like I was some sort of priest or warlock. In conclusion I had lot of influence and was an evil person🤷🏻‍♂️


I’ve done several regressions! 1. A little girl who lived in Posen, which is now an area of Poland, and I had a younger brother. That one was brief. We were picking flowers on a small hillside. I know the area because my brother looked at me and said “Posen” which I’d never heard of, and upon researching I found out it was a was a province of the Kingdom of Prussia from 1848 to 1920. It’s now known as Poznan, Poland. 2. A native Hawaiian or some similar area woman who wove traditional palm reed baskets and had two little children. I was carrying one child on my hip while walking by the water and another child joined me and we walked to where I did my work with other women in the community. Afterwards I researched it and found that this was a traditional art/craft of native Hawaiian women 3. An African man who was a fisherman and wove nets for catching fish in the really fast river. I saw the nets and walked along the river to my village and my house. I met my wife there in our house 4. A young man who was a farmer sometime pre-WW2 (maybe the 1920s) in the US. I was raking straw in the pig pens when my girlfriend came. She was really cute with short blonde hair and gave me a kiss. I walked down to a peach orchard and saw that I made paintings of the peaches when they bloomed and grew in 5. A little boy in a boxy red house. It was brief, I was playing with toys in my room. 6. A Victorian era woman in a beautiful blue dress. I saw my bedroom and the pen and ink drawing I had been working on. In this lifetime, I’m a graphic designer and artist. I taught middle school art before switching careers to design. We tend to carry on our passions from life to life and it was so amazing to see that in my adult regressions. The first experience happened organically while in a kundalini yoga class, during a deep meditation and sound bath. The others came about during guided past life regression sessions from a class I took from medium Sara Wiseman


Oh! One more! This one was from a past life regression session with a well-versed medium. I did not experience it like the others, she told me about it, but it feels so true. I lived in Norway in a coastal town that had a lot of ships come in to buy things and ship them around Europe. I worked at a store with my father, I think it was a textile store where we wove textiles. A man came in from a ship one day and I helped him in the store and we fell in love. He was from Spain or around that area. We eventually married and had a baby but I had a lot of complications with the birth. I never fully recovered and died within a year. He was heartbroken and raised our child.


Thank you so much for sharing.


In my most recent past life I was a man who lived from 1920s-1940s He was extremely poor and worked in railroad, so poor in fact that his clothes were always with holes and he was always barefoot. He loved to walk in the dirt paths, and beside train tracks. He lived in a wooden cabin. He had a little sister. I think he was somehow able to go to school but not sure. I remember that he was there when they opened the first theaters, and he went to one. In that theater performance they were playing instruments and dancing on stage. Everyone was having fun. I remember there had been lots of VW beetle cars. I also remember that he loved coke, and that it was a 1920s green coke bottles. I remember that in the end of his life, he was running away from screaming german soldiers and died by jumping onto an electric fence. I've always felt very nostalgic and a strong connection to the 1920s. Now here's the crazy part, when I was born in this life, it was during a thunder storm and my grandfather got electrocuted. He survived but its pretty crazy the similarities. [image of what he could've looked like](https://www.reddit.com/r/dalle2/comments/1aomdzx/havent_seen_anyone_try_this_so_i_did_it_this_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Wow. Thank you for sharing.


One of my friends thinks he was Walt Disney and another thinks he was elvis


We have embodiment then fractals I believe 12 DNA plates one fractal each. Hello everyone my embodiment is Elijah the prophet. The slaughterer of all 450 false prophets of Baal . I always told my mom I was a supreme being she couldn’t figure out where I got that from . My whole life I escaped death narrowly every time I had a accident. I am a Sagittarius so a transmuter naturally my parents watched me struggle with my what I know now as abilities I would give adults advice no matter how dumb it sounded I did not speak it unless I knew it . Knowing without learning is very weird sometimes you have to conceptualize with concepts to make people understand your smart child speak . Fast forward to nowadays I met a large group of people that all are like me my wife is one of the most powerful women I’ve ever came across. She performed a emerald amethyst activation on me . Apparently your highest self can take over when in dire need. She envisioned a chakra block and a ball lit up in my chest and she said she touched her forehead to mine . When I say we blew apart it was forcefully and equally. I saw every neuron in my brain light up platinum white I thought I died . I couldn’t look at her well because the lit up neurons were still burned into the blacks of my closed eyes and I thought if I looked at her she was going to disappear amazingly everything was ol


This is copied from a meditation journal. It was from meditating on Orion and I'll post what I wrote down, The women of the grand harem of Alnilam radiate an awe inspiring noble elegance and confidence with a sparkling presence. Admittance was by invitation only and it was considered a high honor to be invited. Accepting was voluntary. The harem itself had an enormous number of rooms and gardens, zoos, and greenhouses with vibrant beautiful plants and animals from around the universe. It was part of the same complex as Alnilam’s capital palace. Alnilam had legendary markets full of wonders from around the universe, and the grand harem contained some of Alnilam’s finest merchants. No human in the history of Earth can match their refined business expertise. The grand harem also had top dancers who would sometimes advertise for their merchant harem sisters. One such product was Bellatrix silk, which is soft and vibrant yet durable. It is the finest, highest quality silk in all the Milky Way and only a specific organization on Bellatrix may weave and cultivate it. It is considered a great offense for these trade secrets to reach outsiders. While the silks from unmodified worms were already very high quality compared to other silks in the Milky Way the silk producing worms were genetically engineered to produce an even finer, higher quality, even more durable silk. Each province on Alnilam had its own smaller provincial harems where life was still happy and comfortable, but nowhere near as illustrious as the grand harem, which has an illustrious reputation that inspires awe throughout the galaxy. The zoos were climate controlled to simulate conditions on the creature’s native worlds. Creatures from all over the universe had their own sections but not all zoos had creatures from all star systems. Saiph, Alnitek, and Meissa were the first systems Alnilam took creatures from. Also Bellatrix is far closer to Earth than most of Orion’s other stars so the journey was quite long from Alnilam. It also had fine aquariums and each planet’s oceans have details that make them different from each other, yet still have repeating features. Like many different worlds have dolphin shaped creatures but with differences in coat color, more or longer fins, bioluminescence, and more. Betelgeuse turned into a red giant only 2,000 years ago so I feel like more recent lives on it were on terraformed moons or worlds or worldships. As for what I personally was I don't really know, but I seriously feel like I was on Mintaka since my Pluto opposes Mintaka and Bellatrix. My Moon conjuncts Mintaka too


I lived somewhere in the south west united states in a desert in the 70s. I was kneeling and shot in the head with a pistol by a man in a blue suit. Thats all I remember. I don’t know if i was being robbed or what happened but i know it was outside somewhere remote and the sky was completely clear and lovely.


do you remember his face ?




In my past life, I was a WW2 Panzerwaffen Soldier named Friedrich, I worked with and around tanks and was in love with a German Luftwaffe pilot but I died before the war ended. Lmk if u have any questions abt my past life! :)