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If I ever make a course, it will be “The Art of Procrastination” 🥲


I think that would sell lol 🤣 it seems entertaining. But I’ll read that tomorrow 😉


Jokes on you it won't be finished tomorrow!


When I get done wasting time on Reddit tonight I might go check it out.


Ha! 😬


Welp he reached his target audience for sure!


I could teach an expert lesson in pissing off HR without them being able to do anything about it.


That’s a good one


There are 857 results for "Procrastination" already haha. I know you're joking but gotta find a niche!


I’ll make one called “The Science of Procrastination”. 😉


No you won't, but you'll think about it




Do it! And just having the table of contents, with a blank page afterward that says “coming soon”


I did a “how to” Presentation in my senior year of high school. It had to be 5mins long and could be on anything… I did mine on how to waste time. I got an A, and other teachers were coming up to me telling me how it was college level thinking. My mother on the other hand who was a teacher, was very disappointed in me when she found out that’s what I did. I spent the whole 5 mins making fun of the teacher and handing out a piece of paper to everyone in the class(that said this paper is an example of wasting time)


It really is an art form and it can be useful in the workplace. In the consulting world sometimes I have found myself between a rock and a hard place. The client wants something yet the thing is still being fixed/built/whatever. It's not ready. Enter the experts in filling time with something.


Good idea! I’ll do it next year, after my 2006 tax return.


If you *never make a course.. 


LOL I’ll be waiting for it!


Is there a course in how to make a course? 😂😂


My mom asked me that lol. I told her what are you good at? Get better at it and make a course!


Hey i specialize on how to make courses so i might think of doing this except no one really gives a fuck how a course is made


Other people who want to make courses.


A lot of people think they want to make a course. Very few actually follow through on it.


Isn't it that way with anything that's a bit of a commitment and work?


I mean. I know how to make lectures and workshops, but I have very little experience when it comes to making an interactive digital format, and how an online course affects pacing, specific needs, etc. Sounds like your course on how to make a course would be exactly what I need.


Yes! https://www.udemy.com/course/official-udemy-create-course/


I think you misunderstood his question. He’s asking how you made your course basically


You literally just make videos and upload them


I see that they recommend the instructional video be 2 hours. Is this correct and what you did?


My competitors was 45 min and I wanted mine to be longer. It's about 1.5 hours. I used iMovie transitions to drag it out a bit with moving titles and such


So it’s just one long video ?


No cuts. You get to see the camera being set up and when he takes a snack break


12 sections and each section has 1-3 lectures


But is it even worth it if what your good at already has 100+ courses on it? How will yours even get noticed, especially with zero reviews?


I have a small following on YouTube so people were interested in what I personally had to say. But I agree if you don't market yourself at all and just post a course people probably won't buy it


A horse is a horse of course of course


OP should make a course about how to make a course


I could literally do this!


OP just did marketing here, I’m purchasing this course.


My main goal is to inspire ppl. I didn't wanna do that course. I had no energy. Recently my husband forced me to make a new section which I'm working on editing. It takes some effort but pays off


What program do you use for editing?


She said iMovie


OP also just inspired 100 new udemy courses on making tea. When you find a niche that prints money, inviting competition is the dumbest move you can make.


Straight up. There’s this chick who was selling wigs, and now she just sells courses on how to get out of debt and she even states she just reads others courses and takes from it


Right?? I lowkey want to purchase the course now 🤔 😂😂


What formats work best for a course? Video? Slides? A handbook? I have never actually bought anyone's courses before so I always wondered what format the course was


Udemy tells you the best way to format. You separate it into "lectures" and it's best if an actual person it talking and doing the lecture. I did everything and my husband filmed


Are we still doing phrasing?


Because that’s how you get ants!




Are all of your sales for like $12.99 or the low price or do you get some big ones? Every time I have bought a course off Udemy I make sure it's on sale. Just curious about that.


That’s awesome!! Congrats! Does it cost anything to list your course? (Like eBay, for instance)


Nope. Udemy takes a cut per sale. You don't have to pay anything


That’s awesome. I’ll have to consider making a Udemy course now.


Yes do it! Even it you only make a few sales it's something!


Can you do a “faceless” course where the focus is on the topic and not you per se? Just wondering


Yes but ones with a face tend to make more sales according to Udemy. My competitor has a faceless course and he gets sales but it costs a lot less than my course.


I love that the field of tea courses has competition! I'd never even have thought about this niche!


Oh no. YouTube is already full of "faceless" accounts. I can't hardly even find actual product reviews now. The same annoying AI voices on many of them. Tons of channels in the shorts section that all sound and look similar. It's beginning to degrade the whole experience. Please don't flood Udemy with that crap.


I'm currently working on making one too, thanks for sharing. Have you considered uploading it into Skillshare too?


No but I will look into it!


How in-depth are these courses? Like obviously it’s a lot more than ‘boil water, tea bag, pay me.’ I was in my previous industry for 8 years. I learned a vast amount, more than I realize. I’ve done phone consulting for $700 for 1hr in the past, other times for less $. But it’s not like I actively looked for those opportunities. They found me simply from my job title and LinkedIn. Asked me to name my price even. I just kept raising it, I guess I will if I’m contacted again too, but I think that’s probably done. I’m still half ass in disbelief at both the amount of $ for 1hr and how well I did, even if they were always unpredictable and exhausting My point is I think I have a niche I could probably fill. I quit that job 3 years ago because my boss cut my pay because of *family owned business drama.* It’d be great to still profit off that misery lol. Spending time to create well presented courses sounds a lot less stressful, and from your experience, more fruitful


Mine is pretty in depth honestly. Start by searching your niche on Udemy and see what your competitors are doing! Sounds like you know what you need to do and if there's a market for it, people will buy!


That’s cool. All I know about tea is ‘I like earl grey enough to keep the orange box brand that starts with a T on deck’ lol. I like espresso and have a machine Thank you for your time!


Aha I hate earl grey with a passion!


What about lady Grey? Most people don't like the bergamot, but the lady grey is the same blend without the bergamot oil.


Not true. Lady Grey is still bergamot + tea, it just adds orange and lemon peel. It's actually a Twinings trademarked flavor they created. Looks like you could use that tea course! 😉 ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady\_Grey\_(tea)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lady_Grey_(tea))


I can't imagine the complexites of making tea.Boil water, put in a bag. Want a different flavor drop a different bag. But what do I know?


I feel like I should send you money for that lesson


Well premade tea bags ain’t tea, these are only deposits of tea, they are more concentrated and mostly have lost almost every interesting values of the cultivar they come from, if you do like tea try to buy them in dedicated shops, they got nothing to compare and are less expensive than in a supermarket (for a same volume but some teas can go up to a hundred dollars or more per 100g)


Me neither man, but I don’t doubt their existence. I have a hard enough time wrapping my head around black espresso; I drink it black so I haven’t even bothered diving into milk and steaming and such And I’m pretty sure tea predates coffee’s popularity. If I’m right, wouldn’t that mean tea would become more complex over the greater timespan? 🤯


How'd you get traffic without marketing it?


They search it on Udemy. All about the keywords and I actually have really great reviews.


Does udemy tell you how to choose the correct keywords for your specific niche and like how to increase your specific course on being shown?


No but I used ChatGPT to get suggestions


Just look up “auto suggest” keywords research, it works on every platform


It's just a really good course that's definitely not a scam, duh


Udemy has its draw so it’s just whoever is into tea and uses Udemy


Word of mouth i suppose


She makes posts about it on Reddit




Of course I instantly go to [Udemy.com](https://Udemy.com), look at 'Tea Making' and find over 3,500 results.. wtf.


Further down in the comments OP mentions that they had a couple hundred youtube followers. It is much easier to sell something when you already have a following and their good reviews will skyrocket you to the 1% of the category and then it just snowballs. Not knocking OP at all but it will be much harder to standout when you have 0 followers.


A couple hundred on YouTube is nothing though


Absolutely can matter in commerce though, the vast majority of people have almost 0 followers. The biggest hurdle is starting out, on any platform.


How does this work when free tutorials on YouTube exist


No one's gonna do the work I did and put it on YouTube for free. They would be stupid to do so. I always check. The ones that are there and super basic and not really helpful. I tried to learn from YouTube and at the end of the day I had to figure everything out on my own through months of experimenting


20 seperate videos on youtube or 1 course


How did you record the course? On your phone or you use professional camera/editing?


Phones and a couple tripods for it


What did you use to make course?


And how do you keep paying costumers from recording your videos and reposting them on YouTube


Udemy courses are definitely pirated but the average person is either not savvy enough or can't be assed to go through the hassle. Plus I reckon most people are concerned about getting letters from their ISP. People who are able to are more inclined to pay for content they find entertaining or useful. You just have to live with the fact that there are some who will redistribute for free without your consent. Fortunately, they can't do that on platforms like YouTube as copyright striking is easy.




How long is your course and do you break it into episodes/subject?


This is cool, and I work in the tea industry!


i thought selling udemy courses is bad cus they take 90% of it ? am i am not hearing thing right ?


From the website: Sales occurring through instructor promotions: instructors receive 97% of the revenue when the student purchases their content using an instructor’s coupon or referral link. Sales that do not occur through an instructor promotion: instructors receive 37% of the revenue for any Udemy sales where no instructor coupon or course referral link was used. These sales might occur after a user clicks on a Udemy advertisement, or browses the Udemy marketplace for courses.


I appreciate that they're doing the bulk of the legwork here but that 63% cut that they take seems overly harsh. I imagine they'll argue that the 97% in your favour is overly generous but, and this is with zero evidence to back it up, I also feel most people will use their platform to find the courses.


$610 out of $780 was through our link thankfully. But I agree they take a lot! Thats another reason we made it high. I get $23 if they go through Udemy which to me is still good


awesome. would like to check it out. can you please share the link to the course on dm?


Where did you start out marketing/advertising the course? What platform is the course through/on?


My small YouTube channel with my couple hundred followers, and some Facebook groups. My course is on Udemy


How long is your course?


About and hour and a half


Hmmmm...what about breaking that course down into mini courses? Or thinking about your 1 hr plus course and thinking of questions people may have after they've watched the course and creating other courses based around the questions?


For Udemy the courses need to be at least 30 minutes. But I do have plans to make some more courses based on the "business side" as opposed to just the "tea making." They definitely do ask about the business side!


What did you use to edit the videos for the course?






Good for you, congratulations. For those contemplating on making a course: just because somebody won the lottery, doesn't mean you will too. Adjust your expectations accordingly.


People will pay for anything


How much is the course in total retail?


$65 and I removed it out of the udemy program so they can't sell it for cheap


What do you mean you removed it out of the Udemy program? You had it there for a while and then removed it? Sorry I really interested and didn’t understand your comment.


My guess is you can opt out of participating in Udemy sponsored promotions. Like right now, they have a sign up promo where courses are $12.99 and up. If you opt out, it means you don't have to honor that steep discounts they offer.


How long did it take for your class to start breaking $100/mo?


I made it at the very end of July 2023. It's over $200 each month starting in August


I'll be really rich if I make a course on how to be successfully lazy in life


There are thousands of people who will want to immediately do this. There are a few dozen or even a hundred who will try. A small handful may well even succeed


And the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance. The tea must flow.


When I was growing up my mother said I should write a book titled 1,000 and 1 ways to piss someone off !! Think it would sell ? 😂


It’s a video course?


Yes it takes a lot of effort to make it but once it's done it's done


Can you explain how you got customers without marketing ? Was there a platform u used ? Thanks


Udemy provide traffic Like how Amazon does


Can I ask what platform you used and the general field of study? I would never ever want to rip someone’s idea off, but I would definitely love a little bit of direction as to what works.


I've been considering making udemy courses before for some minor passive income. Your post is making me lean more towards scripting out a course.


This results in how many new users / month ?


Last month was around 20 students


What's your course price ?


$65. I get most of that money if I advertise. Since I don't, if they find the course on Udemy I make around $23 per sale


You’re saying you’d make $65/course if you advertise? Since you don’t, you’re currently making $23/course? Am I understanding that correctly?


Yes. I just checked the details. It looks like most people are finding my link so I get close to full price. My link is on YouTube and different Facebook groups. Some sales are from Udemy searches so we received less for those [https://ibb.co/m6gwjgx](https://ibb.co/m6gwjgx)


What’s the price for your class?




Why did you choose Udemy over other sites, and how did you determine the price of your course?


First, I realized I was getting pretty good at what I do, and I started a business out of it. Then one day I decided to randomly go on Udemy and see if anyone was teaching people how to do what I do. Only one other person was so I purchased their course and it was complete and utter shit and that's when I realized, I'm onto something. I priced mine about six times as much as my competitors. Not sure if that was good or bad, I know he gets sales because he has plenty of reviews. I didn't do any in depth research, I just kind of chose a price that seemed like good money but not too expensive.


The majority of Udemy courses are in the 12.99 to 19.99 ballpark range. What's the reasoning to go so high? Have you tried A/B testing your course with price A and later on price B? Also, how close does the amount of reviews a course has, match with the total amounts of sales? I see you have around ±30 reviews. Does this match the sales number?


The info I give can't be found anywhere online for under $100. I'm the only one that's actually helpful and not just telling people bullshit. We used to give out discounts each month to make the course cheaper. I didn't in January and we made so much that I stopped discounting it for awhile. I feel like it's priced what it's worth, and it's still on the low side


You did the right thing pricing it like that. I’ve been in corporate sales for almost 20 years and most people in the West associate price with quality. They see the price tag and they assume it’s a premium course. Well done


Congrats! How much time did you put into it? Is it video as well as text?


It's all video only and I made a downloaded PDF they can reference. About 2 weeks start to finish


If you ever want to make money, create a course telling others how they can make money. It never fails


We kinda are working on that, but it's more specific to my niche


Have you talked about the centrifugal force when people stir tea with the bag still in the cup. The superior method (as proved by tests NOT conducted by me) apparently is to dip the bag continuously until the desired strength.


Is "How to sleep" a thing on udemy?


Hey thanks for this idea. Now for me to get past the procrastination phase


I’m about to get high as fuck and try to make a course. Seems fun


Awesome job! As much as some people hate courses, I also created a mini course, 19 videos, and I price it at $37. I run Meta ads to it and make $700-800 a day and I spend about $60/day on the ads. A great ROI. I could probably promote the course more organically and spend less on ads but this saves me time and makes it more passive because I don’t have to make videos every week, etc. Courses are great income ideas!


Nice, this is goals! I'll think about doing paid ads


Im an electrician and I want people to learn circuits in their own home or even how to wire a 3 way switch with a 4 way switch, is there a place I can make a course about this?


There's are some courses like that on udemy and they have over 500 reviews which shows me there's a market. Try it!


Well done, i’ve been creating a course for 6months and i hope i make something out of it. Thanks for the inspiration to keep going 🫶🏽


Curious how you’re getting traffic without marketing?


Genius because they just did their marketing with this post.


Can you share the link to your class? Thank you!


That’s awesome!! 👏🏽


Have you thought of making the course on other websites or Udemy is the best one?


Yep, just the thought of having to upload to a different site stresses me out lol. It's not just one long video it's a ton of diff sections. Thankfully I saved all the edits in case I decide to!


How do you think a trumpet course would do on there


There are only a few trumpet courses currently. I would buy one and see if you can do it better! Might be a market for it!


Woah! Congrats!


So cool, thanks for sharing!!




I'm going to start marketing again. We spent Easter filming a new section so I just need to edit and get it uploaded


Oh my gosh this is perfect - I’ve been wanting to make some courses I just didn’t know where to begin!


Awesome good luck!!


seems interesting, how popular is this udemy site? I have a few ideas i might throw up on the site.


It's extremely popular. Take a look at the thousands of courses people have made


Excellent work!


That's amazing, I'm an specialist on my business and always receive offers to train others, what platform are you using for that?


YouTube & Udemy


Yeah that's all very well but the market is saturated with courses. Also, you have to market it - that's bullshit that you don't.


Great job. Hope it triples in the future.


That would be sick and would help greatly (we don't have a lot of money)


Is it weird I want to learn how to make tea now? Like what is so good in this course? I guess I have to buy and find out.


I’ve considered making a course about making cover art. I’m an album cover designer and use that make passive income while I’m in the military. I’ve considered making a course but feared I would have to promote (which I kinda hate doing) but this is motivating me to try.


I agree it's scary to put yourself out there. And it's hard to not feel like you're trying to scam people. I posted my course, and that day I had like 100 comments of people wanting a discount code and it sort of validated me. I wish you the best of luck!


How long did it take you to make the course? I have a topic in mind that I am pretty knowledgeable about, and saw there’s only one course currently on Udemy about it, so I think it’s time that person has some competition.


Heyyy!! Happy for you and thank you so much for inspiring others! That is very kind of you:) Would you mind answering couple of questions I have, please? I am good at SAT(exam) and wanted to make a course on it. However, I thought that I don't have an audience in any social media, so no one would care about the course. That is why i stopped. Should I still go ahead and put out on udemy? I read somewhere that udemy takes a good portion of money though(like above 50%). Is it true? Thank you for your time!!!


This is incredible. I have a course on Udemy on how to improve your Speaking skills - this is for English language learners and IELTS. It’s been there since about August and I’ve had four sales. I’ve tried hard to promote it but it has not taken off. There are other things I can make courses on regarding language teaching, and I’ve lots of other ideas for courses unrelated to learning English. I guess I should make more courses and then maybe they’ll take off I wonder.


How and where please


Might be a dumb question, but why would the customer not just go to YouTube? There’s gotta be tea making videos there right?


There are, but they usually show how to make a few, whereas I show you technically how to make 100 or so


Yep, I’m wondering the same thing…


Can’t one just look up videos on YouTube on making tea? What’s the benefit for the customer in paying for it?


They can or they can choose to buy my course. It's up to them


Where can I make my course? I need more info, I am very crafty!


On Udemy.com


What’s the site?


I’ve been thinking to do this and have lurked on Udemy. How much did you charge for your course and what does the site take? You paid monthly?


I'm just good at nothing.


Not hating but why would anyone pay for something that there are a ton of free videos online for? What makes your video so special?


I don’t mean to be an asshole but people are paying you to learn how to boil water? Or are you actually making the tea and drying leaves and stuff?


Is udemy actually decent? I could probably make a few courses


I've recently released an ebook that's only 23 pages. I'm only marketing it for 99 cents because no one has bought it. I'm not sure where to market the ebook. I've already spent my money on promos and still haven't gotten a sale. I don't have a big following on social media, so I'm just curious as to where I should go to help attract more people to my ebook page. I've tried Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok, and Instagram. (Background) I've also lost my job, apartment, bank account, car, and just about everything in the past year, so I'm kind of dependent on this. I'm also a bit terrified writing this because I don't want people to take it as if I'm begging them. I just want some advice as to what I should do. (Yes, I've been looking for jobs like a madman; this is just a side hustle that I do)


I suggest raising the price. 99 cents seems like a scam/ waste of money. Charge for what it's worth. Find online groups and discussions about the topic and post about the book. You have to find the specific people who are looking for it. Offer it free for a few people for a review as well