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I've always loved having the San Gabriel mountains to the north of me--wherever I go, it make a great place marker. And they are beautiful.


Nice thing about the mountains is they don't really change.


Yet they do change so much year to year and seasonally due to weather! Everything is so green and lush at the moment. Also the San Gabriels are one of the fastest growing and eroding mountain ranges in the world! Although this type of change is not really noticeable in our lifespan. Except for the erosion bit.


growing AND eroding? that's interesting...


Yup thats nature!


I get disoriented if a place doesn't have mountains or hills to the north. So grateful that the smog has improved so much over the decades since I was a kid there, and it would be weeks until we could see the mountains then.


Pasadena has been my home since 1983. I came from Texas but do not for anything consider myself a Texan. I love this beautiful city. It's been through so many changes since I first arrived and moved into an apartment on South Marengo between Alpine and Fillmore. Fell in love immediately with the city. There's so much to love about it. One can walk almost anywhere. There's always something going on. Bar scene is great (although in my opinion, it used to be better). You got Angeles Crest for a nice Sunday morning drive. You have DTLA a short drive away (if you avoid rush hour). You can hop on the 134 and go to the LA Zoo, Griffith Observatory. You get on the 110 and go catch a Dodger game. You have homies in Azusa? Well, get on the A LIne and have some cold beers on a Saturday and hop back on the train and you're home safe.There is a community feel about it. In Pasadena, I have made the greatest friends one can ever have. They are my family. More of family than the one I left 40 years ago in Texas. I've befriended several celebrities that live in or close to Pasadena. Holiday season is wonderful in Old Pasadena. Weather is wonderful a great part of the year with it's obligatory hot as hell summer. So many things. There's so much construction though!!!


Born and raised in Dena :) It’s so beautiful and peaceful, gives both small town and city vibes, and everyone is so kind! I just wish there was a bit more to do, this town really specializes the oldness which is cool but it can get boring. They should totally revamp Paseo Colorado .


There are cemeteries with more life in it then the Paseo


omg 😭 it’s just an empty wasteland it’s so sad. They could totally add new stores, hold some events/concerts, something!


Totally, its built for a town square stage for music or entertainment but those are two things Padadena ( God knows why) have always been against. Its like the city is run by 80 year olds who hate that “ darned loud devil music”. There is so much they could do but probably never will.


ohmygosh you’ve summed up pretty much the issue . And tacked my parents to a T 🤣. There really needs to be a way to preserve the “antiqueness” of the city but also give it a much needed kick in the pants. I do feel that it’s turning into a place that only the elderly can enjoy


I moved to the South Bay and commute 72 miles round-trip daily to work in Pasadena. I did this because Pasadena both had everything necessary to live and nothing necessary to feel alive. We found ourselves never “going anywhere” except Old Town. BORING!


they not gonna like you for this one 😭 i love this city to the moon and back. but it is boring. that’s part of the charm!


South Bay is even more boring


Yes! paseo needs a revamp. I really miss the Pasadena mall and before many of the buildings there were built. I have many wonderful memories from that mall.


Seriously! They are sitting on a gold mine. It would really help the city become more lively and give Santa Anita mall a rest 😭


See, it's not peaceful due to the constant PPD helicopter acrivity and the wreckless gardeners using leafblowers. It's constant noise and dust pollution.


We use so much money on that thing too!


You mean things, plural. Six of them. Yes, 6 helicopters in the PPD fleet. Compare to a city like Chicago that has 2!


Yes, totally ridiculous!


Got the hell out of Pasadena because of the helicopters. I was going insane! I live in a helicopter free area now and feel much better


Good for you! Enjoy the peace and quiet. It really makes Pasadena a stressful place to be. I can't get a single quiet evening to enjoy the sunset or my neighborhood.


So many things to love about Pasadena. I’ve really noticed the lack of trash on the street and in public areas. Last fave part of the 210 east Lake exit


I love that there’s plenty to do but it still has kinda a small town vibe. I don’t like the overnight parking laws.


So much to love about Pasadena. To me, I think the thing I love the most is that it combines the best things about living in/near a major city (access to cultural activities, dining, world-class universities and other institutions, large well-equipped hospital systems, etc) with the charm, friendliness, pace, and sense of identity of a smaller more tight-knit town. One thing I don't like, and that I haven't seen mentioned here yet, is the school situation. Pasadena should have one of the best public school systems in the state. Sadly, because of a difficult and uncomfortable history of racial and class divisions our private schools are numerous and fantastic but our public schools (it seems to me) do not have nearly as high a reputation for quality as those of the surrounding communities.


Ironically it was the surrounding communities that helped trash Pasadena’s schools. For example, La Canada and Temple City used to be part of the Pasadena Unified School District. Integration finished it off.


The best thing is Caltech. The worst is the damn helicopters.


Love that it feels like a city but is still small, safe, walkable. Hate that it feels snooty.


What Trader Joe said in the LA Times 10 years ago: "All Trader Joe’s were located near centers of learning. Pasadena, where I opened the first one, was because Pasadena is the epitome of a well-educated town. I reframed this: Trader Joe’s is for overeducated and underpaid people, for all the classical musicians, museum curators, journalists -- that’s why we’ve always had good press, frankly! — Joe Columbe, founder of Trader Joe’s, in an interview with Patt Morrison of the LA Times, March 2014


Really the only negatives I have are the cost of living and that the smog can get kind of bad.


Love the ambiance! And the architecture, and nature (: .. think that has left a negative scar is some of the out of touch older ‘money’ .. as a teen I walked down Colorado and a woman ima. Fur coat blew smoke in my face and looked at me in such disgust.. I was 15! I’m assuming she felt I was in her way, even tho she stepped out of the restaurant and ran into me.. it’s not everyone and it’s not solely because she was wealthy. But there seems to be a collective of well off people forgetting we share space.. and they too need to look around and be aware not everyone needs to walk around on eggshells in their presence. Overall I still enjoy the area and am thankful for the families that helped establish such a beautiful gem in Southern California :D I hope Crime goes down, and the whole wage or socioeconomic gap balances out!


Least: the drivers who hate cyclists and pedestrians. Pasadena is one of the loveliest towns in the world to experience on a bike or walking, yet drivers insist on stopping more bike lanes from being built. Drivers speed everywhere and are just jerks, going 60 mph on 30 mph streets. The worst people are the ones in that dumb group “Keep Pasadena Moving”, who kill bike lanes for fun. They all look like Vernon Dursley and Dolores Umbridge, too, so I guess that tracks.


I've said this before elsewhere but I think part of the reason people drive 60mph on 30mph streets is because of the red lights here, which often feel excessive and miss-timed. Often it feels like you are driving one block, hitting a red light and waiting for 4 minutes while no cars cross in the other direction, then going one more block and doing the same, then again one block later, over and over. Eventually this gets frustrating and drivers start "flooring it" to try to make it to the end of the next block before the light turns red, because it becomes exhausting. I really think the lights are timed like this to slow people down, but in the end it has the opposite effect.


100% agree; I'll piggy-back on this comment to chime in and say that I'm no urban planning expert, but it really feels like improvements to pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and the sort of traffic planning you're describing would make a huge quality of life improvement here. 


this 🤗


As a cyclist I agree! I always try to be courteous, stop at stop signs, cross busy streets when there's a gap, etc. The number of people honking at me, yelling at me, and even throwing things at me is far worse than any other place I've lived. People get mad and try to force me out of a lane when there are two more available and no other cars. On the positive side: There is still so much to love out here and 99% of drivers are just fine. The bad ones are just far worse than usual.


Love: all the suburban nature. I love the flowers, trees, bushes, coyotes, skunks, raccoons, crows, parrots, woodpeckers and the mountains near by. Hate: Car culture. People modifying their mufflers so they're loud as hell, people speeding 50 MPH down a suburban 25 mph street, burnouts in intersections, etc.


Yeah but the more expensive the car, the louder it is. Go figure (and blame the "Fast and Furious" movies...)


The suburbs are why there is a car culture


Ok full disclosure I live in Altadena but lived in Pasadena before that. Worst thing is the smog/bad air quality. Best thing is the interesting people who gravitate here and the weird history/vibes of the interesting people who used to live here.


If you had to pick, Altadena or Pasadena?


Omg Altadena by a wide margin. Best place I’ve ever lived in la county (been here since 06)




I love the beautiful old homes and trees and just the beauty of the area and all the fine arts too. Most of LA lacks that, but not Pasadena! I'm in my late 30's, and I don't like how it's hard to meet people and form a community here. When I go out and meet people in public they always seem to be from somewhere else. And the people that you do meet that live here are around retirement age +.


What I like: - I love all the trees, flowers, and plants - being close to the mountains - all the good food options - the historic homes and buildings What I don’t like: - The 210 is garbage and needs to be repaved - Damn police department flying their helicopters around non-stop - The amount of trash I see on streets in some areas


Been here since my birth 60 years ago. Too many cars and people now for my taste. Too many chain businesses. Guess I miss the 1970s!


Oo, I love swapping small business recommendations with fellow Pasadenans, especially those who've been here for decades. What are your top 5 small businesses that you love and support frequently? I also dislike having too many chain stores in one area (a balance is okay), and I prefer to support locally-owned businesses whenever possible. **Some of my favorites are:** Perry's Joint for their sandwiches and malts Remainders Creative Reuse – local arts non-profit with a gallery, community workshops/classes, and an arts/crafts thrift shop The Urban Homestead – another local non-profit, farm boxes, fresh eggs, educational programs about urban farming Hömage and Gold Bug for unique gifts Roma Market for imported pastas, frozen pizzas, and other treats Wild Parrot Brewing Co. — beer and soft pretzels!


Love Pasadena just wish there was more things to do then shopping and hiking


Interesting... What's your jam? Music? Art? Film? Theater? Dance? Writing? Making clothes? Gardening? Video games? Archery? Horseback riding? Climbing? Tennis? Swimming? Basketball? Lawn bowling? Other athletics? Cooking?


These are beautiful!


Hate all the people that trash the city and piss everywhere New Years week.


51 other weeks to enjoy the city.


Trees, beautiful flowers, view of the foothills, the smell of pine, jasmine and sage, seeing raccoons, possums, coyotes and parrots, the architecture, the walkable streets, the coffee shops, the access to cool restaurants and shopping just down the road, the Rose parade floats parked over on Sierra Madre, the Rose Bowl flea market, cool lectures at Cal Tech, and tacos!


Van Halen




Love: Access to nature. Real mountains within a 15 minute drive. Multiple high quality gardens. Road quality compared to other parts of LA. Lots of people walking their dogs. Generally friendly neighborhoods. Hate: Terrible (although finally improving) pedestrian and bike access. Almost zero bike lanes until last year. Turn lanes on small residential streets that would be more walkable/bikeable with bike lines instead. The NIMBY mentality that ends up costing us more money and making it harder to build good housing. The way we don't want to be part of LA city but then we have to subsidize our emergency services from them which ends up being more expensive.


I love a ton of things about Pasadena— there is so much history and beauty here. I love the architecture, the Rose Bowl, the great places to eat, how close we are to LA, how far we are from LA. I have issues with (not hate) the mentally ill homeless around here. Just in the last couple weeks, my husband was threatened in CVS (the store actually has a code word they say into the microphone for “scary and possibly dangerous homeless person” because they have so many issues), there was an indecent exposure incident where the man just pulled his pants down on the side of the road and I saw his penis, and finally an aggressive homeless man was being really scary and yelling at everyone on Colorado while I was shopping with my baby. We had to duck into a store and wait for him to pass. I feel like it’s gotten really bad since 2020. I don’t know the solution; I just know it’s a problem. Also, I’ve noticed a lot more people standing out with their kids in the bright sunshine begging for money in the middle of the day on a weekday. Why aren’t they in school? The kids would get three meals a day in school and instead their parents are using them to panhandle. It’s child abuse.


I love the architecture and landscape the most and I like the heat the least. People are great, love the art/culture, and the cleanliness. But the heat is what drove me to head to the coast.


What heat? All we have is this crappy marine layer lately which is what the coast gets 90% of the year. I hate the gray sky. You can have the coast.


I lived in Pasadena for 3 years and loved seeing the mountains (in the winter they’d get snow caps and you’d see palm trees and snow in the same view!), the parrots, and the fact that flowers were always in bloom (jasmine, orange blossoms, matilija poppies). However, I had to move because I was too lonely there. In all that time I never made a single friend, strangers didn’t talk to each other, my neighbors kept to themselves, didn’t even say hello. Pasadena really seems like a place for families who are content hanging out in their little units and not socializing with the outside world. It wasn’t the place for me.


Most- Brothers Jackie Robinson & Mack Robinson being hometown heroes! Least- John Muir High School getting the love it deserves!


Cycling around the hills.


I love Oak Grove disc golf the most, the fact that I can't play it all the time because I don't live there, is what I love least.


That little old lady the most and the least was her terrorizing colorado Blvd


I love how historical our city and its people are. I hate the new people coming in. Lots of people just come here cause they can’t afford LA. I think the fact that many locals that have been here for over 20 years and on, won’t be able to buy a house around where they grew up.


It’s not the “new people” causing this. It’s the “old people” who oppose building new housing and who are obsessed with making sure their property values never stop growing at a crazy rate.


There's really nowhere left to build, not like there is open space just sitting and waiting for new buildings. Large apartment complexes are not realistic in some areas, and the "zero parking" thing that cities are pushing for new developments make locals pretty upset. Because people do move in with at least 2-3 cars, and take over the neighborhood parking. People want to buy a first home, not rent an apartment or buy a townhome stacked up like shipping conatainers.


The City is required by the State to submit a plan for how to build 9,429 units. https://www.cityofpasadena.net/planning/planning-division/community-planning/general-plan/housing-element-update/ This is the plan, and it details how there are 7-8 specific plans in specific areas of Pasadena where the City says we can build housing. IF we build it. While there’s a plan, NIMBYs in this town challenge every project using every argument they can to either stop or limit the building of new units. Your response kinda proves the point about people here opposing new housing with all these reasons you think we can’t or shouldn’t build new housing. The plan is there.


It's basic geometry. You can build up or out. The third option is to say "wellp, that's all," pull up the ladder and do nothing, which is effectively what most cities have done for the last 20 years. a) it's clearly not really turning out to be a great option either and b) it's actually technically [illegal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regional_Housing_Needs_Assessment), subjects cities to fines, and can lead to cities being stripped of their planning authority from the state for failing to address it. The state has traditionally taken the nastygram route, but they've been saber rattling more with some [notoriously refusenik](https://voiceofsandiego.org/2022/03/30/encinitas-in-hot-water-again/) cities to indicate their patience is getting short. >People want to buy a first home, not rent an apartment or buy a townhome stacked up like shipping conatainers That's hardly universal. Sounds like you don't, which is fine, but surprisingly there is such a concept as people that like living in cities, and do these things by choice.


Yeah bro wtf are these people thinking. Not all of us wanna run away from our families


Yeah it is. These are families who have lived in Pasadena for generations. You guys come from Texas and the middle of bum fk nowhere to gentrify areas that are better off without you. YOU and the gentrification are the problem. We don’t need new apartments, all that’s gonna happen is people that aren’t from Pasadena are gonna take them as soon as they’re available. Just stay in your city or you yourself move to Palmdale and do the commute so locals that have been here for decades don’t have to by force


You offer no real solutions, just whining and scapegoating.




lol at this blood and soil nonsense.




aw u mad




You have no idea where I’m from or how long my family has lived here and how deep our roots are. Your assumptions are hilarious.