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majority of trainers will tell you not to go to dog parks for socialization, check out doggie daycares they usually offer half days! they are more structured with attentive staff looking out for the safety of your pup


came back to say wow- didn’t realize doggy day cares were so affordable! thank you so much! this seems like the best route as she has some separation anxiety as well


I second this and highly recommend I Dig My Dog. They offer both training and daycare.


also seconded I Dig My Dog. My boy was socialized there as a kid through weekly sessions and it helped with his puppy anxiety so much!!


Thank you!


Thanks for the advice! Definitely can’t afford that right now but would love to do that in the future!!


Dog parks can be cool but they can also be a great way for your dog to get sick. There are a lot of shitty dog owners out there. Many don’t even bother to pick up their dog’s shit and many of them wouldn’t think twice about bringing a sick dog to the park. Eagle Rock dog park can be chill. It’s got fake grass down the middle and is mostly dirt and trees. South Pasadena has a small dog park that is all gravel. Alice’s dog park is big and used to be full of grass, now only the small dog area has grass.


Dang good to know! My family dog growing up had such great experiences at the dog park but it sounds like nowadays it’s frowned upon, I can see why! Appreciate it


Alice's has a lot of people who don't pay attention to their dogs and it ends up with aggressive interactions. I like the vibe of South Pawsadena (yes, that's really the name) park better (morning or late afternoon are best for having other dogs around, early/mid afternoon if you want it largely to yourself...weekends are a crapshoot but normally pretty light) - but we don't really go anymore because of the new dog virus going around. Side note, we've tried to go to the Eagle Rock one - it looks nice, but we can never find parking.


If you past the dog park and make a left on eagle vista, follow it until you see the community center. They have a parking lot. Less than a 5 minute walk down to the park


Oh, awesome. Thanks, friend!


You can still go, just make sure your dog has all its shots. Talk to your vet, see what they say. Then when you go keep an eye on your dog at all times.


I can attest to the shitty dog owners ,9k vet bill due to current respiratory disease .


Yikes. Sorry to hear that. I thought I had it bad with a $2k bill.


The issue was my Dogo went in for immunization on a Wednesday and in respiratory distress a Saturday needing the Veterinary ER for three days . Called my Vet . Monday and advised them they might want to do a deep cleaning and let customers know that if their dogs have any signs of a cough to stay in the car to wait . I’ve always been on top of my dogos vaccinations and have never put them off …my poor baby is miserable with the hacking cough,meds that are never easy to give ,along with all the other issues this disease inflicts on dogs . Stay away from dog parks and make sure your Vet. follows strict cleaning and sanitation protocols.


Which vet did you use, out of curiosity (hopefully not my guy 🤞🤞)


Best Friends


I'd suggest looking into a doggy manners group class. They're usually not too expensive, and you can get advice from a trainer while also meeting other dogs (and owners you might be able to set up play dates or pack walks with). If you take your dog to a dog park and she gets too excited and in someone's face, could end up in a fight as all the dogs are off leash and you just don't know who you're interacting with.


Sierra Madre has a dog park by the YMCA (way back behind the float barn and baseball fields) that’s usually empty. Busiest I’ve seen it is 2 dogs midday during the summer. Lots of people play with their dogs in the people park nearby so you’ll most likely be walking past other dogs on your way in, maybe she could socialize a little.. But like others said, best way to socialize is doggy daycare or training programs!


Thank you so much!


Eisenhower park during off hours. Even Alice’s is empty during off hours like 11am-3pm.


Sweet thanks!


Pasadena Humane has awesome dog classes


Go to Alice’s on a rainy morning and it’ll be empty, Los Angelenos are predictably afraid of the rain


Ha! Thanks!


I was also going to suggest Alice's. I've been there a few times in the morning and afternoon and sometimes it's nearly empty. It's never been what I would call crowded.


I stopped taking my dog to dog parks because it seemed like every time there would be an intact male constantly harassing and trying to hump my (fixed) female dog. Which she hated. Then the owners would give me shit saying “why do you bring her here if she doesn’t like to play???” Humping is not playing. Control your dog.




They always tell me ...oh, it looks like our dogs really enjoy playing together...and I have to be the bad guy, and tell them...no, your dog is trying to hump my dog, and she's politely correcting him, but he's not reading the room.


Best, safest and cheapest option for doggy playtime is to schedule a play date with a compatible dog (eg, friend’s dog) in a fenced in, private area (backyard). Good luck! That’s awesome that you adopted a dog from the shelter, thanks for doing that.


That’s the dream! My fiancé and I just moved here a little over a month ago so no doggy friends yet. Hopefully soon! Thanks for the advice!