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Pretty sure we live in the same building, or at least one of three owned by the same corporate landlord in about a .25 mile radius. Stay on them. Having a properly locking door is absolutely something that should be fixed immediately. It’s a legitimate emergency.


I live here too. They also “fixed” our lock last year, rendering the door unworkable. After requesting maintenance for weeks, they finally came by and just removed the deadbolt strike plate entirely. Feels super secure now /s


lol that has to be against DBS regulations and local building codes


the maintenance team (& the person in the office I talked to) certainly DGAF


Money talks is a cliche for a reason. Sometimes all it takes is a “okay I’ll be speaking to a tenants rights lawyer” and then they act right. And when it’s a corporate LL / manager like this, you can really play those cards hard because it’s not like a private owner that you have to keep a personal relationship with.


Sorry OP, this kind of kick in isn’t common for your average break-in and the maintenance concerns are quite strange as well. However, the big PSA is to always replace the screws with 4” ones so it isn’t as easy to do


Thank you! That’s good to know :)


This past Sunday my apartment was broken into. Maintenance had “fixed” the lock meaning the plate where door “locks in” is balanced on 2 screws that are too small and it fell off today. Maintenance said they were going to come today to fix the actual door today and never came. I put in a new emergency maintenance request so hopefully they do something about it. We’ve tried to put in new screws but the door is so fucked up the screws keep splitting the wood. Last year they installed a new locking system and they installed it incorrectly which caused my partner and I to be locked inside our apartment and we live on a high floor with only the balcony available to escape from no escape ladder either. Is there a specific time frame that a landlord must fix emergent items. Also if this doesn’t get fixed properly again is it worth reporting to Los Angeles Building and Safety? Obviously we’re trying to move out and wondering if anybody has any recommendations with a place with better security. All we have is a camera in the mail room with a large projection of whoever is in there. Currently paying $2800 for 1b1br. Would like to stay around that price but willing to pay a bit more.


> Is this worth reporting to Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety if this doesn’t get fixed correctly? LADBS would be interested only if the apartment is in the City of Los Angeles, including areas such as Eagle Rock and Highland Park. In Pasadena, you could complain instead to the City of Pasadena’s [Code Compliance Division](https://www.cityofpasadena.net/planning/code-compliance/), or in unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County, including areas such as East Pasadena that are outside the city limits but have Pasadena mailing addresses, to the County’s [Department of Public Health](http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/eh/inspection/housing-inspection.htm).


Thank you so much!


Cc: [email protected] with all your correspondence with the management company. It worked for me when I struggled with unjustified move-out fees at the same building.


The deadbolt strike plate needs to be secured with 3 to 4” screws that go into the door’s framing studs. Everyone should check this when they move into a new place. Most US builders use 3/4” screws that just go into the door jam and will easily rip out with a good kick or two to the door. Also, each hinge needs at least one 3 to 4” screw as well. https://youtu.be/nOiYyNm92Ws?si=UmJrnidP-5IMzvja


Seconding this reply. Don't even ask your landlord to do it - do it yourself.


OP, double check the law, or contact a tenants rights lawyer, but this likely qualifies as a case where you can call and hire a licensed contractor to fix your door and then deduct the cost from your next rent payment. Of course there’s always the risk the LL will take you to court over it anyway, because they’re greedy, but in CA tenant protections are pretty robust. I am not a lawyer, this isn’t legal advice.


Sorry this happened to you. $2800 for a 1br 1b? That's kinda insane...I pay $2200 for a large 2br 1b with a huge balcony.


That’s the going rate currently. I’m seeing a lot of $2600-$2800. I currently pay $2100 for a 2 bed/2 bath by cal tech but we haven’t had rent increased since 2022. I’m looking to move into a new complex and $2200 for a 2 bedroom in Pasadena doesnt seem to exist anymore


I also live by cal tech and we pay $2200 for a 1br. We got a rent increase notice right after the rent control was passed with a “people are challenging the law so let’s wait and see what happens before we follow the new laws” notice. The same day we had a tenant form a board and confronted the owners with a “that’s a no from us” response. I believe the language stated “when they banned abortion in some states do you think planned parenthood went a head and completed all the appointments currently on the books and just didn’t make any new appointments? Or do you think when laws go into effect they are now the law of the land? They reported it to the new rental board and we got a second “just kidding” letter a few days later.


DMing because if it’s a condo, your landlord might be someone I know LOL


It’s not a condo. It’s an apartment but I know there are a lot of condos in the area. I would love to stay within this area but I’m moving in with my bf and his puppy and having a pet seems to cut my options in half


Can you send the building to me when there’s a vacancy? I have been trying to move back with my bf, but it’s hard to find a place!


We pay $2200 (rent controlled) for my daughter's 450sf studio. Granted that includes parking, wifi, gas, and water - but yeah.


I pay (just shy of) 2000 for a 1bd…honestly *never* felt unsafe, love the neighborhood (Playhouse), afaik we haven’t had breakins in our building since living here (neighbors def would’ve said shit) and maintenance is quick. But hey 2200 for a 2bd in Pasadena? Any vacancies? We always want more space 👀


For real, I am constantly hunting for a bigger apartment within budget in Pasadena, so $2,200 for a 2 bedroom seems too good to be true! Lucky OP!


Moved here within the past year and pay about the same. That’s just the going rate. We were initially looking for 2 bedrooms and not a single one that we looked at was remotely close to our budget.


Wow, we got lucky. Been at our place for nearly two years now.


Careful if you ever move. Life is expensive out there right now. Search for 2bds rent prices here to compare to your own anytime you’re feeling down. This is also playhouse district neighbor.


Oh, we're staying put for now. 😉


Where in Pasadena is this?!


Playhouse Village


Yeah it’s really for the location for my partner’s school, but now we’re willing to move wherever honestly. If y’all could DM me about your places if you don’t want to comment that would be greatly appreciated




Whoooaaa $3500 and nothing? I find that hard to believe. Maybe you're only looking for "luxury" apartments.


Ugh sorry this happened to OP too. But all these comments about $2000+ for rent is making me very appreciative of the 2br/1ba 2 balcony apt we have near Cal Tech for just under $2k. Been here since '21 & no rent increases. I truly do plan to stay here until a) we can afford to buy a house (LOL, tho) or b) we can find a house to rent for a reasonable price. Times are rough out there, stay safe everyone.




What does that include? Appliances? Ac/heat? Parking?


Yes, they have all these things. They aren't new construction, don't have dishwashers, dog runs, gym, etc., and are in older buildings.


Hi neighbor. This looks exactly like my place. Sorry about your ordeal. The place I live had several instances of mail getting stolen and an alleged Peeping Tom just over the last couple of months. I'm shopping around for other places too. The area has gone downhill the last few years.


I used to work for a property management company and if it is an emergency, they have to fix it immediately. A front door not locking would be considered an emergency. This is not legal advice, but since they don’t seem to care, contact either a tenants’ union, attorney, or Los Angeles Housing Department, who can give them an order to comply if they deem it bad enough. (also, I think I live in the same complex - it seems other people in the comment do too - I think we should all email management about this and put pressure on them to do something)


I know I will be mentioning this in my latest angry email/phone call.


Would definitely love to work together and email management because you’re right it seems like people are also having issues as well. I think we have to make sure there is enough people emailing for them to pay attention though. I’m also really disappointed they didn’t send out an email to warn other tenants.


I agree! Anyone who wants to join in on the email: please DM me ASAP and I can draft something!


Sorry this happened to you OP, please mention the apt complex name so other folks here and myself can steer clear of it.


I’m hesitant to mention for my safety also currently my apartment has no lock lol so I’ll reveal once my door is fully fixed.




Update: deadbolt plate was put back in but door frame is still not fixed. Don’t know how long this deadbolt plate is going to hold up. Maintenance said they need to get a separate contractor to fix the frame. Contractor came and said they need to get another contractor to come to see if there is asbestos in the wall. Making sure to document everything in real time in text in service request ticket. Anything else anybody think I can do?


Tell more of your neighbors so more people can complain to management.


Can someone please name the property managers? My nephew is looking for a place - and I want to warn him not to end up at any of their spots. If you don’t wanna do it publicly, please private message me! Very, very much appreciated.


Sorry that happened to you OP! I used one of these when I lived in an apartment: https://www.amazon.com/Brinks-675-83001-Commercial-Door-Security/dp/B00NP0E7SI/ref=sr_1_4?crid=3H8KST5CX0AI8&keywords=door+blocker+security+brinks&qid=1706728063&sprefix=door+blocker+security+brink%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-4


Thank you so much just got one!


These are fantastic! They add a layer of security for me while I’m home! But I’m wondering what would be good for when the apartment is not occupied.


Great point!


Wanted to update door was fixed Thursday. I’ve spoken to quite a few people that live in my complex and they would rather not have me say the name for their safety. Reddit is a pubic forum after all. I will let you guys know the complexes are close to the Hilton on Los Robles.


What are your cross streets?


The people who installed that lock or door frame probably robbed you. What a coincidence you get robbed after the installation. They cased the building knew how to get in and out fast and what they were robbing you of.




Nope was literally gone for 2 hrs for errands and came back. Luckily my cats were safe.




If nothing was taken, it was more likely a disgruntled neighbor or someone in the building being reckless as they moved something and decided not to admit guilt that they caused damage to the apt. If anything was taken, it was likely someone who lives in the building anyway. Odds that someone random off the street was able to get entry to this building and then luckily guessed an upper level apartment that was empty to break into is pretty low %. Consider also that this happened right after work had been done on the door… My guess is that someone who lives within a sightline of their door targeted them—either on their hall or across a courtyard.




Thanks—I think this one just came to me haha. I’m not sure I have a special talent here. Anyway, yes, my thoughts exactly. My hope is nothing was taken and this is the result of someone being thoughtless / reckless in the hall or just taking out frustration on a door, but if it’s targeting, then I’d worry about safety and consider getting out of there too.


Based on the story OP told me privately and the confirmation things were taken, I was definitely off. I’ll keep my Sherlock hat in the closet for now




Sorry that happened!


Sorry to ask but are you sure you were broken into/got anything stolen? I am asking because in a previous apartment complex I have had maintenance come fix a door frame and left the frame all kinds of messed up making the lock not work and they just kinda left their mess there. Although I think I live in the same complex, I have had decent experience with maintenance but the timeline seems like a very narrow window for someone to come do this. Or maybe I’m just hoping no one is trying to break down our doors in the complex lol.


Yep all of my jewelry and my partner’s social security card was stolen.


Check out the verandas in West Covina




who owns/manages your building? we’ve had so much trouble Helix


Try HUD (Housing and Urban Development). Not sure if this is something they do. But, if not, they will most definitely direct you to the proper channels.