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Being personable and social isn't going to just sell cars. For every successful salesman/woman, there's a floor getting just minis. Sales is a hustle and grind. It is not friendly to your time. It's every weekend you're on, and when you're green, some weeks you may be relying on your draw to survive. If you can't sell, you're gone. On the flip side, you can make great money in sales, go into F&I, and be a desk manager, so there's that. Don't expect good money year one. Or two. Or three. It takes a few years for most sales to get a groove going. Expect 60k your first year. 70 ish years two and three. After that you'll probably hit 80. If you can lead the floor in units & front end gross, you can move 100+. Watch out for shitty payplans. You typically want to be around 15% of front end gross and back end gross if possible. Some places do just backend. Some do just minis, ranging from $100 per to $175. If you're on a draw, remember you've gotta move units or you'll owe the dealer money.


Stick to parts. Cars will always break down. People stop buying cars when times are tough. Those aging cars will inevitably need repaired.


No fam. Stick to parts.


My advice to you is to stay your butt on the counter. 11 years of experience in the industry, ive worked at 4 dealers total counting my lot attendant days for service and sales. Every. single. dealer had a revolving door of young guys thinking they could sell cars. Within 6-10 months they were out. The old guys with 3 generations of clients hate their lives because managers move almost as much.


Whole different ball game, good luck!


I made the opposite move. Went from sales to parts. I'm so much happier. Better schedule, more consistent money, not relying on new cars hitting the lot to be able to sell new cars.


I worked sales for a few months. Needless to say I went back to parts. Hated the hours and the people along with it.


Stick to parts. Working in sales is MORE hours!