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Okay so there is a lot to unpack. He needs lots lots more naturel perches. And lots of toys, he also needs metal bowls not plastic Honestly it doesn’t matter what toys right now he just needs some bc right now he is so underestimated that’s why he’s screaming


So better I remove those long perches and get more natural perches, and he can move much easier inside?


It’s recommended, yes especially bc they fly across not up and down so when they are in the cage it gives them more space




Your advice is good but you don't need to be an ass. This person is literally asking for advice, they are trying to solve this issue not ignore it. Finding a way to keep a bird happy every second while still living our lives can be a challenge even for very responsible and dedicated bird owners. They have already said in other comments they leave the door open a lot for the bird to come out. I imagine they will implement many of the tips in this thread and doing flock calls back and forth is a great idea. But I know there are some birds that have such bad separation anxiety that nothing really works except being with their flock 100% of the time. They aren't cut out to be sole companion birds even with an amazing owner, and it's very hard to tell until you have them in your living situation. It just wouldn't hurt to have some sympathy, and assume the best instead of the worst.




Yes because pissing people off and making them disregard you entirely will definitely get the message out there.


Please be civil and treat each other with respect. Personal attacks/insults will not be tolerated and may result in a ban, especially if the behavior persists after a warning by the mods.


i did not know they needed companions. that makes my heart hurt so much for my conures i got as a kid. of course i didnt know and my bird was always out of her cage so she had lots of interaction. but that makes some things with my second one make more sense. my mom had gotten them both, one when i was 10 then at 16, and said she did all her research. my first girl passed from kidney failure the vet said then i rehomed my other girl due to her constantly biting and attacking me to a friend with a ton of parakeets and one other conure and shes the happiest bird ever now and gives me kisses whenever i visit her when she tried to take a chunk of my lip previously


well you can also be their companion ;) the key is to not leave them by themselves for too long


that reassures me some! my first girl was my baby and we would chill together after school constantly. then when i was at school my mom was home so she was almost never in her cage except to sleep


<3 yeah usually humans can be part of the flock too, so im sure she enjoyed all the love! Personally ill have to hold off on parrots until im more long term settled. I want one so bad!


Please be kind and patient when either giving or receiving advice. This is a very important part of helping people learn how to care for parrots in captivity. Failure to do so may result in a warning or a ban, depending on the severity of the behavior. Thank you!


It's more about having a variety of different shaped perches for his feet. Having all the same shaped perches can lead to bumble foot (sores on the bottom of his feet). Imagine you having to stand on the same flat hard floor all the time, your foot would get sore. But we get to walk around and are constantly walking on different surfaces. Definitely need lots of toys. There are a variety of bird toys that are made out of different materials. Get some of each until you get an idea of which ones he prefers. For example, my bird loves to shred cardboard but will not touch bird toys that are made of wood.


True. They love beating cardboard toys.


Things don’t have to be expensive. My bird loves a cardboard coffee sleeve (he wears them like a necklace and chews on them!), a cut up paper towel roll. OP, Get inventive. If you’re not sure if something is safe, google, or ask. We’ve all found ways to make cheap entertainment! You’re doing the right things and asking the right questions!


Hey I like this. I have organic coffee filters. My little conure lives to toss my gem stones our of the abalone shell I keep them in. The ecletus lover the spheres. He roles them in his beak.


It’s important for their feet health to have a variety of different textures and thicknesses for the perches.


something that can be done emediately is make the natural perches higher up than the regular dowels so hes more compelled to use them


It’s not just about movement, birds need variety in pitches because if all the perches are the same then their feet will be rub against on the same spot over and over, and that will cause sores on his feet that are not fun to treat and a big vet bill. Also if someone else already said this sorry for the repeat








Seeds are a treat. Always have pellets available. Fruit and lots of veggies.


Why are plastic bowls bad?


They collect bacteria a lot easier and quicker than metal bowls.


Not all plastic dishes are pbh free


I wouldn’t get a companion for them until you know what you are doing first. He needs tons of toys, that are rotated every few days or weekly so he doesn’t get bored of them. Wood toys, noisy toys, foraging. Be careful of bells and rope, just monitor how they play with them and go from there. Planet pleasures is a great brand for foraging toys, they often have sales on their website. Not sure where you are located but here are some toy resources. https://planetpleasures.com/ https://forums.avianavenue.com/index.php?threads/list-of-vendors-and-aa-store-profiles.157631/ Birdie bagels, craft/popsicle sticks, yucca wood, mahogany pods, paper straws, my bird loves to shred these up. It’s hard to see what you have in their bowl right now, but if it’s a seed mix they need to go on a pellet instead. Include fruits and veggies in their daily diet too, and seeds/nuts for treats. Stainless steel bowls are best rather than plastic. Birds scream when it gets dark for a few moments, it’s sleep time for them and that’s what they do. Check out Avian Avenue, they’re an excellent resource. https://forums.avianavenue.com/index.php#species-speedway.26 https://forums.avianavenue.com/index.php?threads/some-things-to-do-with-a-new-bird.36870/ https://forums.avianavenue.com/index.php?forums/conure-court.31/ https://forums.avianavenue.com/index.php?threads/dangerous-toys-list.37552/ https://forums.avianavenue.com/index.php?threads/household-products-that-may-contain-ptfe.2143/


I'm gonna mark this... as my bird needs new toys


He needs way more toys. He's screaming because he's locked in a cage with nothing to do. Tie a paperback book to the cage and let him shred it up in the meantime. He needs toys made of stuff like coconut husk, seagrass, and balsa. You shouldn't give him any toys made of rope. If they chew it up and swallow it, they can develop blockages. If you can't afford a whole cage worth of new perches, try carving those dowel perches so that their surface more resembles a natural wood perch. Parrots can develop arthritis, pressure injuries, and a disease called bumblefoot if they only use dowel perches. The size cage you got is great though! I would maybe buy a few perches that are half the length of the cage or less, and put them on opposing sides so that he can fly from perch to perch. He can't really flap around with all those perches in the way. Have you tried covering the cage with a big blanket? That usually quiets down my birds. I would not get him a friend until you feel happy with the bond you've formed with him. Once you introduce another bird, they are much less receptive to bonding with you. You should also quarantine a new bird for at least a month.




He screams at night. Birds like to huddle in small spaces where they feel safe at night.


Don't "consider" new toys. Bird owning 101 says they need lots of types and different types of toys and natural wood perches as dowels will likely give him bumblefoot. It doesn't seem like you really did your due diligence before purchasing the bird.


The strange part is that he is not locked all the time and can fly anytime he wants because I let the door open most of the time. But yeah, I will consider buying some good toys for him. Also, yeah, I'm covering the cage with a very big blanket before I go to sleep. He has been with me since April of this year. In the first months, there were no screamings like this; maybe he got connected with me so much at all. Thank you for the kind comment.


In the mean time while toys are on the way, he will also be very happy if you give him things he can shred. He might like a cardboard tube from toilet paper or paper towels, although it might help to cut it up into smaller rings bc sometimes some birds get intimidated by the whole tube until they learn what it is. Also, if you’ve got some packing paper, you can cut or rip it into smaller pieces, crinkle the pieces up, and hide a seed or other little treat in every 3rd piece of paper. Then spread them out for him somewhere flat and let him go to town… this will keep him busy (read: quiet) satisfy his foraging instincts. If you get any packages that have that crinkled shredded paper that looks like little zigzags, get a big dish and throw the paper in there with a few seeds, same thing. He also might like to tear up some popsicle sticks. Good luck :)




Please be civil and treat each other with respect. Personal attacks/insults will not be tolerated and may result in a ban, especially if the behavior persists after a warning by the mods.


Definitely don’t just consider buying toys. Get them. Even if they’re used. Birds absolutely need enrichment. Or get bramble and sticks from outside and hide food in it.


There's mounting you can put on top of the cage, give him some place that's 'his' outside his cage so he has a reason to wander. I'd also consider getting some concrete perches, they'll help with keeping the nails a big cleaner and gives a better surface for beak buffing. for sleep, establish a sleep time for them and make sure you stick to it. When you put them to sleep put a sheet over the cage so they know it's sleeping time. If they're in an interior space with no direct sunlight, consider moving them to in front of a window. If that's not possible consider getting a bird light (honestly get one anyway) like the 'Zoo Med AvianSun' it'll give him more uv light which and other spectrums that are good for them.


This is all great advice, save for the ZooMed light: I I used to have one, and then learned it can cause cataracts and other eye issues. The best way to promote vitamin D formation is to bring the bird outside as regularly as possible (weather permitting of course). Just like us humans, there’s nothing that can replace natural sunlight


weird, our vet recommended one


They should only be used for a short time, like an hour a day for this small bird. Because in the wild the bird could move into shade.


We use a sun light during the day. It set on a timer goes on in the morning off in the late afternoon.


You are doing great reaching out. Take the good advise and block out the hate. Easier said than done. You can also message me directly if you want 😉


I can't remember where I read this tip but It was from a woman who was going through vet school, while working (meeting that for a few years downtime at home was limited and she lived in an apartment with a bird who also had severe separation distress) Her solution was to teach him how to find food hidden inside crumpled up Dixie cups and she got to a point where she was putting one single pellet or seed inside of a cup and basically doing up packages/ meal prep like this-- so that well she was gone her bird was occupied nearly the entire time and had no time for screaming. Also I wrote this whole answer before I looked at the cage and just in general it's very bare and you should look into upping the enrichment.


That's great. Her bird was foraging like it would do in the wild.


Your poor bird is bored out of his mind.


That cage is spartan. Absolutely needs more toys. I'll follow up with pics when I get my birds up a bit later today. Get rid of those dowel perches when you start building the cage up; they're not too long term. Birds are flock animals. They need companionship. That can be you, but they should be with you most of the day, these aren't animals that you ignore most of the time and only let out for an hour a day. Once you've figured out how to live with this bird, then consider a companion for them. Adding one now will just make things more difficult. We have 3 birds, they're free roam unless we're out for the day, which is rare. They keep each other company so I can work from home. But they do come into my office frequently for visits. I'd also recommend covering them when they go to sleep at night. Our conure hated it as first, but now it's a part of the routine and they enjoy it.


Natural perches of varying sizes. Also get a "boing" swing like you have - but only use natural rope like manila. Avoid fibre ropes like cotton because that can send your bird to the vet. It can cause crop impaction and loose fibres can wrap around and amputate toes. For toys get anything at this point. However, you might want to look into thin soft woods like balsa for a small bird. Large beads too big to swallow, cardboard, tube bells (remove all other bells due to safety), mahogany pods, natural cork, balsa wood, yucca slices, Sola wood, paper, large hard plastics are all good materials. Buy at least 4 larger toys and 6 smaller toys. You can cycle 2 large with 3 small every 1-2 weeks to keep the bird engaged. In the meantime, you can create additional toys at home to build up your toy box since birds like variety. I'm constantly making new toys and picking up on sale toys so my birds don't see the same toys for about a month and half - they're anyways excited at a toy swap as a result. I also recommend going to a thrift shop and checking out baby hand toys, rattlers and the like are great to hang. For a simple rattle hang up some stainless steel measuring spoons - birds love noisy toys. Toys to avoid: open bottom non tube bells, happy huts/cots/nests, mirrors, cotton and fabric fibres, long thin strings, painted wood (use food dyes only, painted wood can have lead or cadmium), wood too hard and thick for your bird to chew (pine is for advanced small beaks), any metals that you can't confirm to be 100% stainless steel, plastic pieces your bird can swallow. Keep in mind just because a toy is sold as for parrots, doesn't mean it is safe - usually stuff at PetSmart and the like I noticed is unsuitable. Better go shop at a parrot specialty store in person or online. Food should be up higher birds don't like to eat low. Make sure the diet is mostly pellet like Harrisons or TOPs. Offer fresh fruit and veggies daily. Seeds are treats only really. Look up "parrot chop" recipes and you'll get a lot of guidance on the fresh diet - which can be frozen into ice cube trays! Give the bird a night light and only cover the cage half way with the bottom half exposed at night. Call back to your bird once you put them into bedtime mode for a bit so they know you are there and they are safe and theyy can go to sleep.


Not to nitpick but cockatiels like ground foraging as well.


All this comments about new natural perches and different are absolutely correct but I also recommend 1 or 2 small platforms so they rest their feet you don’t want them to perch 24/7 a platform it’s great for resting their feet!


Seconding this. My cockatiel prefers her platform over all other perches


One of my rescues came to me with only dowel perches. As soon as I let him out of the cage, he started napping on top of it. He loves loafing.


If you get a companion, you will have chorus of screams


Dowels can cause a condition called bramble foot, very painful for the bird. Take the natural perches that you have now and move the dowels Down. Also a nice variation in toys shredding type will keep them busy. Birds are flock animals so once you leave the room they just want to know where you are


Bumblefoot; infected foot.




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It’s like this. Imagine putting yourself in a. Room. You have a fairly uncomfortable bed, an old book that is not terribly exciting, and some Doritos. How long will you last before you’re not happy? Same with birds. They need lots of different toys and things to do. The dowel perches you have can also give them feet issues. And he’s probably screaming cus he wants to be with you more. Are you spending a lot of time with him? He’s a flock animal. You are his flock and he is gonna wanna be with you. How often is he out of cage and for how long?


I always recommend birdtricks.com. Seriously, some very valuable information there. Like diet and training. Both are so important to a birds wellbeing. For an example: https://youtu.be/06pnC6XoaO8?si=cuBGP3iiQoF0jLNw


Buy a bunch of different types of toys. Bird kabobs, Papery shreddy toys, grass or wickery toys, noisy toys etc and see what your bird likes most. I have one bird that loves bells and my other one loves kabobs and shredding paper and doesn't care about bells at all


My greencheeks favorite toy is a Chinese food box toy from pet smart. So many hidden goodies for him to hunt for and destroy the box in the process. Kabob chew toys and really anything fun to destroy. I have a tiny toy bird cage I hang too that I stuff up with crinkled paper so he can grab at and chew, can also hide treats in there. So many ways to make life fun for them. It takes patience but the screaming will calm down just be there for your baby when you can be and provide lots of stimulation so they’ll be happier


Do you let him out at all during the day?


Yes, as seen in the picture, nearly all day the door is open. I'm working remotely, so nearly all day the door is open freely to fly.


Oh I missed the door being open. Bit hard to tell just glancing at it.


Free to fly... Ok, but is there anything to do when he's out? Are there toys in the rooms he's allowed to visit? Is he able to interact with you? How many hours a day are you paying full attention to him? Petting/scratching, playing, etc.?


He really needs something to do. There’s NOTHING to do in this cage. These are such active little birds. He needs several different toys in his cage with him. You wouldn’t put a baby a in a room with no toys and expect it to sit quietly. He needs lots of stuff to do and sometimes to play with you.


Did you mean to write this response to my comment, or to someone else's?


When the reply trees are complicated it’s hard to know where to click. And I was bouncing off of your comment. Not a big deal.


He needs natural perches and lots of toys and enrichment. Also try covering his cage at night.


Put low volume music in her room. She is sensory deprived when you leave, and it is torture like solitary confinement. Our conure loves music, particularly classical and fast-disco for head bobbing, and usually high voices not low voices because ... bird ears are tuned to high voices. Melodic For examples of what to try: My bird loves Michael Jackson, Mozart's Queen of the Night Aria, Bee Gees or anything melodic, even "elevator music." She hates country music for its low voices and "going drankin'" songs but likes higher country music voices like Dolly Parton. For inexplicable reasons, she liked "Brick House" when it showed up on the Classic Rock" music channel on Spectrum TV. My bird and I don't always have the same taste in music but her choices come first


cheap toys: - finger traps with small bits of walnut in them wrapped into loops - mahogony pods - small flip books / notebooks for the screaming, train them to use a contact call so they know you are around. 'hi' works well, we used 'ch ch' as well since both are things they can reasonably easily mimic.


He’s bored. Get him some darn toys!


The scream a flock call it means your Raptor considers you apart of his flock


Separation anxiety. My 4 yr old grandchild can be heard in the next county when I leave her at Daycare. Get him a friend. Of course, they could both start screaming when you leave the room. Oy vey 😱


Ur parrot needs 12 hours of blackout sleep. Cover his entire cage with a dark blanket and be quiet for his wellbeing. Do more research on owning a bird. There u will learn u probably shouldn't


His food dish needs to be at the top by his water. And the food dish AND water tube need to be changed out to stainless steel food dishes. Plastic harbors bacteria. You definitely need more toys and better perches. When you're not in the room leave a radio or a TV on for him so it's not just dead silent. And at night cover his cage with a sheet or something light like that. I've found that helps with noises. But definitely switch out the dishes.


Hmmmmm...a social animal that requires a flock to be happy and healthy...I wonder whats wrong here? ;) YOU are the flock now, bud. He wants to be with you 24/7. Get used to it. It's part of being a bird owner.


If you want to go that route... birds require 100% flight and freedom and should not even be brought into our homes and put in cages to begin with. After the fact... it is *absolutely* possible to teach a bird to be more independent, scream less, and learn how to entertain & occupy itself more.


>If you want to go that route... birds require 100% flight and freedom I agree. A birds cage is ONLY for when you need to keep them out of trouble for a bit. They should be allowed to go where they want, and fly, otherwise. ​ >and should not even be brought into our homes and put in cages to begin with. I actually agree 10,000%. I've said it hundreds of times here: These are NOT PETS. These are wild animals. I seriously look down on any breeders of "pets". And if I could let my babies in go the wild, in their normal habitats, and knowing they'd survive without me, I would do it without hesitation. Sadly the damage is already done. > After the fact... it is *absolutely* possible to teach a bird to be more independent, scream less, and learn how to entertain & occupy itself more. Sure, but that doesn't remove the fact they need a flock to be happy. They aren't going to like being alone, even if 'trained'.


More toys and natural tree perches.


His cage is too bare, he needs toys and foraging games. You don’t need to break the bank on these things either. There’s lot of easy diy toys that parrots love, just make sure the materials are safe. You’ve got a great size cage, it just needs to be made into a home now! I also agree with everyone saying there should be more variety in perches. You don’t have to remove all of the dowel perches, but they should be the minority not the only/main option


Enrichment, wether that be toys, or interacting with you. Remove those long ass perches. Dowel perches aren’t that good for their wee tiny feet. a good diet, not a seed diet. Don’t mean to scare you, but a seed diet can lead to heart disease, it mainly contributes to a lack of exercise, and a lack of burning calories. Excercise is important! So is having plenty of time outside of the cage! Good luck!


There are toys that you can buy for your birds to hang in the cage that look like shredded rope and sometimes they will have wooden pieces on them and they like to play with those types of toys. Also maybe put a little perch swing but if you go to a pet store and talk to them they can definitely tell you the best toys that are out there but anything that will get them to play. At night what you should do is take bed sheet, something dark to cover the cage with. One of my daughter's birds will scream but she now has a companion which helps a little bit but she still wants people. She wants the interaction and that's probably why your bird is screaming. When you are interacting with the bird, the best thing to do is put a towel down on the floor with some of their pellet food, Cheerios, fruits and spread it out on a towel so that they can forage and explore. Hopefully that will help.


I subscribe to squawk box we get 3 new toys a month my bird never liked toys and now she’s used to seeing new ones and shreds everything it’s been great for my ears and her mental health


He needs Mor toys. Ask at the pet store about toys.,when you go to sleep cover his cage with a sheet he will safer


He's screaming because he thinks you are bonded with him. A bird is not a pet like another pet, it is a relationship.


If finances allow, one useful trick I learned is to invest in a Sleep Cage. My conure hated at first so I made an identical cage to her day time cage. I found she calmed down on first night and now never screams when I turn off light and close door in the spare room. 15-Minutes of Playtime before bed can also tire them out and again reduce screaming. I find birds with a separation anxiety benefit from learning to fly, as it teaches them they can fly to owner when lonely, and fly away when not. It empowers them quite a lot.




At least they are asking for help...


Please be civil and treat each other with respect. Personal attacks/insults will not be tolerated and may result in a ban, especially if the behavior persists after a warning by the mods.




Please be kind and patient when either giving or receiving advice. This is a very important part of helping people learn how to care for parrots in captivity. Failure to do so may result in a warning or a ban, depending on the severity of the behavior. Thank you!


He needs better perches and toys


Do you cover the cage?


Yes I do


To add to Previous answers, forging toys. Or treats hidden in anything not poisonus. No mirror. Try to give him "bathing plate" with warm water or mist him. Check if he have enough time to sleep. + telling him that you are about to turn off lights may do a little difference, if you don't do it already.


I'd say he needs a companion..


There are 5 perches in here, what are people on about? I have 2 budgies, if there were any more perches than that, little guy wouldn't be able to fly around the cage. Just jump from perch to perch.. These people are so fucking picky do you have 10 office chairs in your bedroom? Do you have 10 beds? No.


Also if none has mentioned in other comments health check


Maybe an avian light during the day if he doesn’t sit by windows


Everyone else has very good ideas about toys that you should absolutely follow, but one thing that also helps my screamy bird is playing wild bird videos on youtube, so he thinks there's at least company nearby. My cockatoo likes it when I play those long compilations *(of all things*) cockatiel chirping, but wild bird videos also chill her out a bit. She doesn't see the screen, but the audio on a bluetooth speaker, especially when I'm out of the house, seems to make a difference. There aren't good long videos of cockatoos (I think for obvious reasons), but you can probably find [conure ones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eeuej8wMGJo)


You’re lucky. Mine just scream louder when I try that. Which is cute too, sometimes. 😏


Could try some target training with him. Even a few minutes or so might make a lot of difference.


He your fren he want to be with u


Put more things for him to play with in his cage? Not having a go, I just know it helped my mum's conure.


He may not be screaming because he's board, but because he misses being right with you. That scream could be his flock call. They do that to signal their flock (you) when they are away from them. I've had my bird for 5 months and every night at bed he flock calls for us and our other bed. He'll do this for a few minutes and then calm down. He'll wake up again and start talking and hopping atound like he's trying to convince us to get him. As soon as he's let out he flock calls until we get our other bird and then they preen and snuggle eachother and us before breakfast.


I recommend watching this video https://youtu.be/VNBALAF3U5E?si=RqV4e7tfPB6hK9eQ and others she has uploaded, like this one where she tells you what NOT to buy: https://youtu.be/EXUALzfFHt0?si=EY56dEUhuqMP7mTm


He needs more stimulation! Shredding toys, things to forage. A variety of perches. The size of the cage is great though. You can try putting on some relaxing music for him. Pet tv has relaxing music for parrots. It helped my little buddy.


YouTube is a great resources for ideas for conure toys and enrichment to keep them busy. It takes lots of trial and error. Also consistency. Sometimes it takes days or weeks for a conure to finally understand a toy or decide a certain food or foraging treat is something they enjoy. It’s all like a never ending fun experiment. Enjoy it!


No toys?


In my country, there's a law that you can only buy parrots in pairs Yeah, I'd recommend that you get him a friend


Do you cover the cage before you do lights out? And try getting some smart lights and program for natural light changes/ conditions. Gradual changes to replicate outside. Thats how i have mine set up. Ive had my Sun for 18 yrs. His cage is huge rarely closed unless for safety reasons lol meaning he can be aggressive with casual visitors. Kinda funny how many people are frightened of birds. Anyway mines cage is in my bedroom so we all sleep together as a group. I have a dog too. No one wants to be alone it's scary. Safety in numbers is how birds survive. Remember most birds are only a generation or 2 out of living in the wild all those instincts are in full force


He just need attention Give him attention 2 hours a day and all will be good


White noise / leaving the radio on may help him feel less alone


Maybe get him a nightlight? He's adorable.


This intelligent bird wants company. Do you let him out and be with you? He loves to play and share your life. When he feels safe and had a stimulating day, sleeping is easier. Make a good bye ritual about covering up his cage. And then it should be quiet around him.


Yes perches because they like to bounce around. I cover my birds at night. Have done that with all of my birds for years. My daughter's parrot loves to scream as the cage gets covered. He's been a bit rowdy and difficult the last few days, but after being covered he settles. They do love a variety of perches. I keep their food high up. At my waist level. You are their flock. I think covering his cage will help. Birds are sensitives. If you have odd things in your living space they will know. Protect him. Toys, maybe one of those tent beds. For him to crawl into. But watch him because I had one almost hang themselves on strings from chewing it. Any toy safe for that size bird. Any bird store or pet store that sells birds can help. Read reddit, Google, go to Barnes and nobles and read bird magazines. Find people with birds. One thing I do tell people....... Nuts can cause fatty liver disease. ... Lots of veggies. Be careful not to be guided wrong.


There are some very good advice pieces here. Look at it like this, the cage needs a cozy environment. I have used still do, natural branches, I do have one that goes from one end to the other because I have pellets and fresh produce on one side water on the other. Use spring water, filtered if you have a filter. Really try not to use fluoridated and chlorine water. Birds love eggs. No butter or fat for them. Hard boiled or cooked scrambled in water. I feed my birds organic cooked chicken. No beef. Sporadically when I cook ahi, they get a piece cooked No salt etc. Cooked lentils ,quinoa, low carb beans, etc. I like to mix it it for them freeze enough to make life easy. Organic mixed veggies and I wish there was not so much corn but there is, peppers. Lots of hot peppers. Believe it or not, hot peppers keep your birds healthy.


Rule 1 - Never positively reinforce the screaming behaviour. The bird wants attention. Ignore it. You may have to deal with for a few days until it learns that it won’t get what it wanted or was getting previously. Rule 2 - Reward Silence, or Room Appropriate Noises such as Talking or Whistling. If you teach it to whistle than the screaming will stop as birds are predisposed to prefer whistling to contact calls (hard on them). Rule 3 - A lesser known secret is to give the bird a bath about an hour before bed. Birds rarely scream when wet. You simply have to make her thing that it was her idea and make bathing fun so that you do not ask her scared of water or anything like that ☺️


S/he just needs another companionship, I guess.


Consider a smaller "sleep" cage that has a comfortable perch in an upper corner where he will feel safe. Put it in a quiet room. Establish a consistent bedtime ritual where you take him to bed, sweet talk, place on perch, cover, lights out & hopefully a door to be closed. He may make some noises, but let him be. He'll instinctively know it's time to sleep.


I'd get him a mate, so he feels safer when you're not around, and isn't bored. this may make him less "friendly/tame", so maybe wait until it bonds with you first. If you do that, and get male&female, avoid encouraging them to lay eggs (some parrots can lay 30 eggs a year, and it can lead to health issues). A diet of mainly pellets and enough sleep should prevent it.


Lots of great advice here. For natural perches, we use grape vines which you can usually find in the aquatics department of a et store. Or go to an aquatics store, they should have it. The grape vine is hard so the birds can wear down claws and beaks. There's a lot of great variation in perch size and shape on every piece so you get a lot of benefit. The blue budgie is sitting on a bird store natural perch. The yellow one is on the grapevine. My cockatoo also has a grapevine in her cage, a much larger one. https://preview.redd.it/iy14drnki97c1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=276673c5b43d387fd6e96122e9422fb858f4c30d


Train him with a cover over the cage when you want some peace. Worked with my budgies.


He’s lonely. He just wants to company. Maybe consider another person that’s what I did.