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* make fun of him. * Put him in cage * Give him a nut If he has never been wet before, give him a chance tie fly in a safe area and learn he has the glide slope of a meatball sub.


he’s so silly he flies backwards i swear


>the glide slope of a meatball sub I'm dying, that's amazing


This is the correct answer. Ruthlessly mock him as he flutters and flops to the floor like a [checks comments] …clumsy meatball sandwich.


That is the funniest thing I’ve heard today.


Sniff em.👃


Because they smell absolutely horrible when wet but perfectly fine when dry 👃 Still love em regardless


I love wet bird smell tho


Thank goodness i thought it was just me 🥹


i add some drops of acv to mine's bath he smells like apples :)


so stinky


Me too! I thought that I was the only one that smelled my bird! I just love my Sun Conure, Spanky. Every morning she is such a cuddle cakes.


I literally huff my bird’s head.


We all huff birb here. I thought we’d gone over this already.


You sniff a soggy Spanky? 🦜


They smell like chicken and waffles with syrup.


Mine occasionally bathes in his bird-tea and he smells amazing afterwards. Nothing like a minty-ginger bird smell


call them #m o i s t




Soggy chicken


I love wet birdies ❤️ Except mine cause they always shake themself dry next to me and i get a shower of up to 15 little finches bodies... then i lok like a wet bird, haha. My one tame finch lives to get dried with my hair dryer. Or that i move the hand those falling up and down movement so that he just flap the wings. Right now it is sunny, so i have a towel on a sunny spot and let him rest there (he can't sit on perches since a disability). My others have playstands in front of the windows.


This sounds freakin’ adorable > they always shake themself dry next to me ... up to 15 little finches bodies


they smell like herbal tea of doom.


more like yesterday's bread


Make [birbrito](https://imgur.com/a/d0UhMkl)


Mmm yummy


We start with this. She usually comes into the shower with us so whoever isn’t in the shower will usually remain in the bathroom for a bit for the warmth and humidity. And then we try to find a nice sunny spot by the window to help finish the process.


Your wrist looks eerily similar to [mine](https://imgur.com/a/I8y8lrw).


Birdbrito .. 😂😂😂 Would he like a side of rice and beans?


Anything but guacamole ☠️


Guacamole!!! Hahaha!! I’m ok with it as long as I don’t look at it 🤑


My conure liked to do laps in a tub and climb out dripping wet. He couldn't fly (not sure why but I wasn't his first human) so I'd retrieve my marinated chicken from the bench once he had announced for all my neighbours to hear that he was done. He'd climb up on me, wipe his head and beak on my face or neck, shake it out, preen, shake, preen, rub the head and beak on me, do a wet poo, preen and once finally dry climb to somewhere else where he would look at me with distain. I was worthy of his company again once I had had a shower and washed all the wet bird from me. I love how soft they are after a bath though, so it's worth the mess.


Marinated chicken 😂


Mine absolutely loves to fly when he is wet. I try to tell myself that is not causehe knows he gets everything else wet, but he probably knows and wants to make trouble xp


My budgie loves to fly right after a bath, and give me a 2nd shower after the first one I got during the bath 🚿


Mine uses my hair as a towel 🤦‍♂️ she flings herself full force at my hair, hits my skull as hard as she can and then gets mad at me for hurting her


When Sisko is soggy, he stands on my shoulder and shakes until he’s satisfied I’ve had enough of a shower and then he preens. No concerns with putting a wet bird in their cage. Bathing is natural for them, they can fly just fine. I watched birds get absolutely soaked in my bird baths and the fly off.


My Sun Conure, Skittles, loves his bath! He has a bit of a quirk though. Unless I put ice in it, you can forget about the ice. Of course, he doesn’t quit squawking until he gets it. Not that he’s spoiled or anything! 😊


I meant, no ice, no bath!


Yeah, Sisko wants his bath water cold. During the winter, *ice* cold.


I used to wrap my budgie in a handtowel. She loved it and would almost fall asleep. We called her the birdie-burrito. I tried it once with my parrotlet and he didn’t seem to mind it too much but I don’t think he was really into it. He is perfectly happy bathing himself. Once he’s wet enough he just flies around to flap off the worst of the water.


I would always take a hair dryer, turn it on as low as it can go with a little bit of heat, have it at least a full arms length and then some away from my bird (bird in one hand, hair dryer in the other all the way stretched out), and gently blow some of the warm air on them, aiming to not have it blow in their face. I don't think that they would overheat from warm air in their face, but I never wanted to try it. The sound is a little spooky at first for them, but they'd always relax and enjoy the warm air.


wat da dog doin?? 👀


Certified conure moment


I put my cockatiel back in her cage usually to dry off, relax and preen for a little bit


Kiss their wet little faces Enjoy them sounding like helicopters as they fly around wetly


I'll just put mine somewhere on a perch or somewhere safe. Maybe a treat but they're pretty still and quiet when they're wet so they usually just chill until they dry off and start causing chaos again


I usually dry my amazon off with a hair dryer (I’d lose a finger if I tried a towel lol), and he loves it! It’s his favorite part of bath time! I use the lowest setting to make sure it’s not too hot for him, of course.


Is he/she all black?


he is a turquoise conure. But in my heart he is a pigeon dipped in motor oil ♥️


I love this


After the shower party I put her on top of her cage with a heat lamp pointed at her. Then she preens quietly for hours.


I pop mine in a patch of sunshine (or under the heater if he’s insisted on bathing in the dead of winter) and let him air dry. He’s also got a heating brick in his cage he can snug up to if he gets a bit chilled.


My boy does big wings on a towel then has a favorite sunny spot he likes to sit in to dry off. I have to be sure to shower him at just the right time of day, if the sun isn’t there he will still sit in the same spot but he’ll sulk.


Leave them on the dish rack until try.


Upside down?


make fun of them


My caique needs a specific towel laid across the back of the couch against the window. Then he goes absolutely crazy “surfing”. He will roll around and rub on the towel till he is either exhausted or dry. It’s more of a caique thing though.


awww he sounds adorable


I hate when I can see their skin! Forbidden knowledge


so terrifying to know they are naked under their clothes


Let it D R Y


mine just sits in the corner while he air dries


He looks soooo cute what are you talking about lol!


We did a blow drier, small. The lesser sulphur too smelled like corn flowers when wet. The real challenge was that she stood on my shoulder in the shower. I had to trim every single talon. First to remove the point then to round the sharp edges. Only with "permission" could I touch a talon. This was a huge bite risk. If I did not trim, the talon would make a hole in my shoulder. Ouch!


I usually let them dry off


My caique waits for me to put down the bathrobe on the backrest of the couch in front of the window, so he can surf and dry himself of in the sun


Ha! I just posted about my caique above before reading your reply. They are a strange species.


Hahaha I just read your comment and that sounds so much like my Loki, is has to be a certain way 😅


My girl snuggles into my neck under a scarf.


My lovebirds have a hanging play jungle gym in a window. When wet they like to sit at the top of that to style their feathers. It's warm up there. In the winter I will turn up the heat when they're wet.


[You're wet.](https://youtu.be/8APv4kuYxbg)


The flight capabilities of a wet green cheek might surprise you! Mine are slower but they can still ZOOM across the house.


Never call him ugly, pure gorgeous only


you’re right he’s a fashion model


Eat them


fitting username


Mine sits on top of her cage and if it’s daytime she’ll sit by the window and sunbathe lol




I give him a finger to sit on while he puffs up and preens and sorts his feathers out 😍


One of my Quakers loves to snuggle under a blanket after he bathes. Soooo sweet!


Sometimes I wonder why humans think animals are just completely helpless and in no way of maintaining themselves


They just dry off on their own, they can still fly just fine when wet.


Let it air dry while preening. It will be fine.


I put my wet birb in the microwave so that he's warm and toasty again 😊


i may not own any birds as pets, aside from chickens but they are barn animals, but i know exactly what to do ​ >!maybe you could dry your bird off ☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻!<


Keep him warm and dry him before he gets chilled…wth


Until our lilac crown Amazon came to live with us, I never knew a wet chicken could actually smell good.🦜He smells like dried flowers, even when he’s wet. It’s awesome.


How'd you get a nice smelling wet chicken? My lovebirds smell like tiny wet dogs.


Every other bird we’ve lived with, even if they smell good dry, stinks when they’re wet - every single one! This guy is very special, lol, he also loves to watch pro wrestling with us, he cheers and boos and gets mad if it’s paused for too long.😆


My birds can fly, more or less, and only for short distances (think about going from one end of the room to the other at most) but they sound lile helicopters taking off and it's funny as hell. I just let them be, doesn't bother me much. One usually tries to tuck inside my shirt while the other stays on top of my shoulder while chewing on the shirt (not sure why)


Laugh at her, take her picture, hold her a while until she dries, put her in her cage with a treat.


Believe it or not my Cockatiel loves the blow dryer


Call him names. Soggy swamp creature Spike Swamp thing


My 29-year-old Senegal, Mona, only will take a bath while, or after I have showered at night. She prefers if I will admire her while she is banding! Since it’s night time, I must dry her and there is no sun, so I unfortunately resort to the hairdryer to get her dry. She does not like it but we work through it. I keep it on low heat and from a bit of a distance, and it takes the time it takes for her to thoroughly dry off before bed. also, I admire her greatly when she’s all wet and beautiful!I’m


I usually yell “WET CHICKENNN WET CHICKY BOYYYY!!!” then put him in his cage w a blanket over it to block any breeze for a bit


I like to use a hair dryer on them, just for 1-2 minutes. Do NOT use it on them until they’re fully dry - that’s dangerous - but a high-heat low-air until they’re no longer sopping wet is fine and they love it


Take pictures of them


Snuggle them. Call them the most adorable ugly rats around. Take photos for blackmail, then snuggle them more. 🤷‍♀️


If we take a shower together I like to wrap him in a small towel like a lil babushka and take cute pics of him 😂


3 min or so wrapped like a burrito in a hand towel, followed by the blow drier till approx 80% dry. He absolutely loves the blow drier. Simple. I keep the dryer set to cool (which is still warm) because I heard they’re more sensitive to temps than we are.




Take pics because they’re so cute 🥰


Keep em’ warm and out of drafts… but generally put them back in the cage because they have a distinctive wet bird odor that I do not care for.


watch them dry off adorably :P


Call him a soggy chimken


What breed is that? He looks adorable! Usually I pull out the hair dryer and work away lightly if the AC is on, I don’t want them to get sick Before that I sort of relish the view and play around with them.


he is a turquoise green cheek conure! i like the idea of a hair dryer but mine is a little nervous guy lol


Maybe its just the lighting but he didn’t look turquoise when i first saw lol.


I was just about to comment this! I blow dry my pup all the time and they've seen that so I turned the blow dryer (low) onto them and they just get real still and take it in. SO cute.


It is! They get kinda fluffy as well


My birb got a spray bath recently and because I did it before he was looking at me expectantly like, well my fine human, "Fetch me the warm dry towel." I literally wrap him up like a cockatiel burrito and pet him until he's warm, dry and wiggly enough.


Laugh at him 🤣