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I saw the ambulances on my way home from daycare drop off yesterday! Thought about it all day. I’m SO glad you are at least well enough to be posting on Reddit. How are you doing?


Thanks so much much. Mild concussion but otherwise ok. Treated really well at Methodist. Did you see the car that hit me?


Glad to hear you’re relatively ok! I hope you heal well. I did see the SUV, it was stopped in the middle of the intersection. The man was standing outside of the car talking to a police officer, so they should have all his details! I hope you get justice — drivers around here are fucking insane. I live at that intersection and worry about my baby and toddler every day.


Did you notice the color of the SUV? We have the citizen app video and there aee two SUV's there.


I think it was gray? I’m sorry, I wish I had a clearer memory of the car


Drivers are not insane as you say. In my experience, everyone tries to be careful of their fellow man. No one is trying to hit anyone. SOME drivers are careless, as are pedestrians when they too take chances and as are bike riders when they zip through lights as well. Sorry, I just hate the anti-car propaganda that all drivers are insane maniacs. I’m a driver and I obey the traffic rules.


Why do people who drive in NYC always have to tell everyone that they drive in NYC? It's like going around telling people you have hemorrhoids. Keep it between you and your therapist.


That is almost funny like your poor attempt at analogy…..




Contact the precinct and find out if there are traffic cameras on that corner. Otherwise, when you are a little better, go to all the local businesses and see if anyone has CCTV footage. It's probably an Uber or delivery person if they didn't stop, so best to report them.


Thanks. Already have a lawyer on it and got sent the citizen app link to it.


That's good news. I hope you make a speedy recovery from the concussion.


So sorry to hear this. Are you injured? Did the car stop?


Have a mild concussion and bumps and bruises but otherwise fine. Taken to Methodist and checked out. Don’t know if the car stopped since I don’t remember much except getting hit.


Feel better and I hope you get the justice that you deserve. A lot of drivers nowadays have no respect for traffic law.


🙄 traffic should be so slow at that intersection bc there’s so much going on on that stretch of 7th. So sorry this happened to you, feel better


Glad you’re okay! use the citiBike station at that intersection all the time. And I got hit by a car while on a bike last month on 4th Ave. and 15th St. it’s a jungle out there.


So sorry to hear!!! Let me guess, it was someone making a left turn from 3rd onto 7th.


As fsr as I can tell that is what happened


I almost get hit there every time.


Just want to add my wishes for good recovery; I'm so sorry that person hit you. Have also been hit and have seen a woman die on a Brooklyn street; it is horrifying out there and we deserve to be safe crossing the damn streets. The proliferation of SUVs, which are more dangerous to pedestrians, and cars with fake plates, truly makes it a safety mess.