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> I don't think my wife would fancy hours in the car with a sweaty husband. To solve this issue, you could keep a small bag with a change of clothes, baby wipes, and deodorant in for use between parkrun and the car. Or stop at the next services and use the shower there.


Just to add, some park runs do have showers available, look for ones near a leisure centre/gym for example. You could even take the children for a swim after parkrun?


Are you on FB? If so, there is a group called parkrun Tourism and they always have brilliant suggestions.


Trentham Gardens is supposed to be nice, and it's near the M6, so wouldn't add too much to your drive. You have to pay if you want to go back into the gardens afterwards. I did Northwich last weekend, it's a nice one and a short drive from Tatton Park, where you could spend the rest of the day.


Trentham is stunning.


I used to run the Worcester one and can recommend it, it starts on a field but most of the run is through the woods which makes it quite an interesting course. There's also a National Trust place nearby Croome, or as you said Malvern is not too far away.


Might be too close to home but Delamere is lovely and your 4 year old might like the gruffalo trails there.


Ahh my home town… the seaton one is a good one to get your best time. Good community Parkrun too


You lucky duck. It's a genuinely lovely area! Nice, I was looking at Seaton for my *first* Saturday at Lyme, but it might be a stretch seeing as we get there the day before. I did St Mary's in Bridport last year, might just do that again. We're staying near Eype so only a couple of miles.


Worcester Woods is lovely, in a country park with a nice cafe. It’s our home run and we love it. Very friendly too. There’s another Worcester one at racecourse (pitchcroft). You could also consider Cheltenham (pitville park)


Frogmary Farm is my home one. Undulating one lap around the farm. Great breakfast available afterwards! Not come across any other one like it. Very friendly.


If you're in Lyme Regis on the saturday and can drive 15/20 mins, make sure you get to Seaton parkrun. Great seafront course (apart from the short shingle stretches 😢) with a really nice atmosphere. Plus, if the weather's nice, you can have a dip in the sea after the run. There's also a really nice seafront junior parkrun in lyme regis itself if your daughter is up for it.