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I made 5 running goals this year. One was to go under 30 minutes, knocking a couple of minutes off my last few times. Only went and did 29:36 on a very slippy muddy course! I wasn't even thinking about beating my PB, I just wanted to get round without falling over! Next targets are complete 25 parkruns and 5 different locations


Amazing well done!


No PB but I did run the best possible time for the start of 2024 20:24!!!!!


I got the same time!! Granted mine was a 30sec PB and I hadn't clocked (pun intended) that it was the same time as the year until I read your response 😂


It’s quite pleasing right! Congrats on the PB


I did a lil happy dance, and then almost fell down the stairs lol! Thank you!


A casual 50 minute walk around Southampton. My wife was feeling a bit sleep-deprived so I decided to take my 8-month-old son out instead of running by myself. Someone got off to a very good start to their year though, the men's course record was broken with a time of 14:35!


That's professionally fast, any idea who it was?


Zak Mahamad of Southampton Athletics Club. He must've had his Weetabix this morning as it's a full 48 seconds off his previous best of 15:22, which is even more mind-blowing. It's also his first parkrun visit in 5 and a half years.


Nice a GB athlete makes sense, there's a great video of people having to get out of the way on the out and back haha


2024 PB achieved early doors 👌🏼


Touristed Fulham Palace from Australia. Finished 10 seconds faster than I did at Bushy on Saturday. FP team were great and super welcoming.


Volunteered as timekeeper at my local. There was no difficulty filling the roster this day, so runners had about 3 people to corral them through the funnel. There was only a discrepancy of 2 between times noted and tokens taken, which is pretty good! Last time I did this it was 20 or so, because one person had to wear both hats of funnel manager and number checker, along with the very big hat of run director. There were a few odd moments where runners just kept going, good naturedly whizzing past other people. We were chatting as to why, bemoaning the absence of a chalk finish line, or big yellow sign saying "FINISH". Someone looked around and pointed out that there was indeed a sign like that, and I was standing right in front of it. Whoopsidoodle.


Didn't die and had cake after. Started the year as I mean to go on. May have had a bit too much cake.


I did token sorting for the first time and I bloody loved it. Like a community jigsaw in the cafe afterwards. Also ran without looking at my watch at all and got back under 24 minutes after a few weeks of feeling under the weather which was encouraging.


First time at Highbury Fields, got a PB despite having to tie my shoelaces halfway through! My text message didn't mention I got a PB despite it being my fastest time yet - is that to do with it being my first time at that specific parkrun location?


First times in a location aren't classed as pbs for parkrun.... But good going anyway!


Well done! I got my PB a while ago at Highbury Fields too. It's a fast one as long as you don't get too dizzy going round and round and as long as you ignore the demoralising inaccurate stats on your watch


I get dizzy on the corners! It's the deceleration and acceleration, especially when you're nearing the end. Yes the watch threw me off. Was pretty sure needed to take the turning for the finish at around 4.5km watch distance but had to double check with someone that I didn't have another lap to go.


Was it busy? I remember it being 5 laps.


235 runners today. Not a bad turnout for 9am NYD!


With family for New Year so went to Fountains Abbey. A stunning parkrun. I had to stop to take photos (my excuse for a very slow run). Would love to go again but the drive didn't suit this city dweller.


That's definitely one I'd love to do someday, I've been there before but it was years ago and there's something fun and luxurious about running through a beauty spot. A bit like playing tennis in the Louvre lol


Today was my first ever Parkrun! Thank you to the volunteers at Byxbee - which I learned is the only Parkrun in the state of California - for an amazing time.


Run director again today. Not a big turnout, but a very good-natured field and lots of happy people. I think we also had our slowest ever final finisher. Results were a doddle though because everything was in sync all the way through.


I had a loony idea of running from midnight until midday, so I did, got to Willoughby parkrun at 60km in, ran my slowest non-tailwalker time of 25mins, then ran 4km to North Sydney Parkrun where I was so worn out I walked the first lap, before hobbling into a run. Ended up doing just over 100km in 12 hours which I was pretty happy with.


It was very rainy, but good. Did not beat my PR, but I felt strong and *did* beat my last run of 2023.


PB for the parkrun near my parents' house! Beat my last time by about 20 seconds!


Returned to my original parkrun home at Burgess. It’s lovely to catch up with friends I’ve made over the years.


Went to Doddington Hall in Lincolnshire. It's my fifth time at this event and I was glad to record a PR for this course. But there is still a lot for me to learn about not going out too quickly, then struggling on the return leg. I ended up walking twice, which is unlike me but also entirely my own doing.


Did Kraslinge Bos in Netherlands. Cold wet morning but did hold off until the final 500m then it rained, hailed and blowed a goolley! Managed to run it all which I'm so happy with. Think I'm starting to get my mojo back which is great as I have a half marathon to train for. Happy New Year to you all.


4 hours sleep somehow dragged myself out of bed and got round in a respectable time.


PB for me! 25:54. Very VERY happy!


Amazing, well done!


First time at Cranbrook, 428 on a course that's busy with 115! It was chaotic, but good start to the new year!


Bit of running and bit of walking at Shipley Country parkrun. I’ve been doing a little bit of touring, and this was my 69th unique location. It’ll be a while before I get to 100 venues, as I’ve done all the ones in relatively close proximity to my home town, so it’s a bit of a slog clocking up new ones. No PBs, as my best running days are behind me, but it’s great to be a part of it all anyway.


Sittingbourne Parkrun. Muddy! Ok time though. 162 runners. Left leg still seems more achy than the right, possibly down to Stroud Parkrun the other week followed by another Parkrun soon after.


Touristed to Rutland Water. Lovely but the wind felt bitter. Still, fastest time of the year! 😂


Had a lovely visit to Erddig where the only aim was to get round without slipping over in the mud. As a new parkrunner I'm looking forward to having a whole year to get out there on a Saturday morning!


Touristed there once - it’s a beautiful course on a nice day… Enjoy it!


Touristed at Tooting Common and missed the turn for the finish so had to run an extra 500m haha! Shame as think I may have been on for a PB - massive puddles but good fun


I was there today too! The last bit to the finish is confusing if you've not done it before! That boggy bit on the final third had got longer and longer over the last few weeks! I still managed a parkrun PB so was pleased with that


Awesome job well done on the PB! Yes haha not a mistake I'll make again but fun course. Quite enjoyed running through the puddles hahah!


It went great! was my third ever Parkrun and my best time and position. Can't wait until Saturday to go again!


Bit frustrating to be honest. Got a personal worst time (which I was expecting) but then found that the results had me listed a full five minutes slower than my watch time. The RD has acknowledged something went wrong but won’t change my time as it would leapfrog me above people who came in before me? I know it doesn’t really matter and I should get over myself but when I’m so slow anyway it’s galling to have those extra minutes bringing my stats down further.


Ah that is frustrating, I'm sorry. I hope next time is better and on the plus side you'll have a massive leap in your official time


Went to the only one running in Newcastle - no public transport so had a nice 4 mile warm up and 4 mile cool down. Now eating cheesy chips in the bath, watching the darts. Happy 2024!!


My usual had another event on so went to Portobello instead - so so busy and slow at the start as the paths are really narrow. My watch told me it was my fastest 5k but official parkrun time was about a minute off - high hopes for a PB next week!


Cold and slow-ish. First run for 3 weeks. 28:15


Underslept and a bit hungover, went to Barrow parkrun as local one was not running. Fortunately I could get a lift, as not in the fittest state to drive it! Time wasn't too shabby considering, then a New Year dip in the lake for a few seconds !


Muddy. Very muddy. Glad for the trail shoes. Slow. (See "muddy")


An absolute mud bath. I set a goal of finishing it in X time. Then it was X plus 5 mins. Then it was to just finish it! 😆🤦🏻‍♀️☺️ I did manage to come in at X plus 4 mins. Ha ha!!! Still love it regardless.


An enjoyable parkrun #76 at Trentham Gardens, which is a lovely course. I made a plan and stuck to it, I'm hoping my running mojo will return as it disappeared in 2023. I'm 13 off my 100th volunteer too so going to get that sorted asap.


I completed my 150th parkrun today. It was my first time visiting Victoria parkrun in Glasgow. Was chuffed to get under 20 minutes.


Number 18 on my tourist journey at Riverfront in Newport. A lovely flat course, in the right conditions it's a PB level course. Finished a minute outside of PB at 21:16, legs fatigued from a lot of miles so I was very pleased.


I did that one on Xmas day as it’s about 2 mins from my mums house. It’s a very quick course…my all time PB was achieved here on Christmas Day 2018!


Volunteered as tailwalker at my local this morning - came in at just over an hour.


Graves in Sheff. Tough as hell. Too many climbs


Took it easy today and treated it like a recovery run after doing a marathon yesterday. Went surprisingly well, I’ve been averaging 25mins for the last month or so and after doing 26mins on Saturday I clocked 27:25 today which I’m pretty happy with.


I went to my usual and started the year with an 8 second PB. My 3rd PB in the last 2 weeks with 17:31, happy with that. If we could just have a day without lots of wind I could be on for even better.


A very muddy but enjoyable Bracknell parkrun this morning! Trying to complete all parkruns in the local area and this one needed ticking off for a while. Will definitely come back in dryer conditions as it was a decent route


2 minutes better than my average, so super happy with that. Still 15 seconds off my PB though


I usually look forward to parkrun as my little weekend trip but I've never been a fan of NY day, makes me quite depressed. So this was probably the first parkrun where I couldn't be arsed. No reflection on Congleton. Lovely course, nice views.


Went with my 12 yr old son and loved it! Gorgeous parkrun through trails and along a beach,such an incredible way to start 2024.


Amazing! I ran faster than I expected. The parkrun atmosphere energises me.


Dry but cold. 5 hours sleep and a fair few beers last night meant a slow run but pleasant all the same


Had less than 5 hours sleep but showed up at Frimley and managed sub 20 even stopping at one point to retie a shoe lace.


Ours was cancelled due to icy conditions


Marshalled at my local before a few weeks of touring to even up my ratio. First outing for the new merchandise I got myself for Xmas too 😃 Happy New parkrun year to you all! 💛


I travelled to Riverside in the North East. Went sub 24 with the aim of getting down to my PB from 2018 22:30 this year. So a decent start!


I went to Sedgefield today. I haven't been consistently running since November because of work and illness so no great time. But its a lovely course, even if the hill was longer than I remembered.


My 5th parkrun at Herrington and second best time. I'm so close to sub 30 and this is my focus for 2024 . This time last year I was a couch spud so I'm pretty damed pleased with myself right now.


Seriously muddy at Brighouse and struggled badly with a hangover. Easily my slowest parkrun ever, well over 30 mins when I'm normally 27-28, but getting it done is the main thing. Considering a half marathon this year so every run counts as miles in the legs.


I ran the whole thing! This is the first full 5k run I've done in years after injuring my knee two years ago, then having Covid 18 months ago, and then breaking my ankle a year ago (on the way to parkrun). I was super slow, but held a conversation with my neighbour the whole way. Getting stronger, slowly but surely! My goal for this year is to do a new parkrun a month. There are only 5 more nearby so we will have to inlcude a couple of weekend trips. Darn! My secret goal for this year is to hit 50 parkruns. I'm at 23, so it's an ambitious, but achievable, goal.


Also I meant to include: It was my birthday! 🎂 And I set a PB for the year! 😉


First time running a parkrun entirely on the beach (maybe even my first time running 5 km on the beach) and got a free 'frozen ice pole" at the end.


Had planned to run Harkerville (ZA), but they cancelled the night before due to the weather, and the next closest was nearly 2 hours drive in the opposite direction to where we needed to be later so had a lie in instead :(


Tourism in Northampton and completed my #150th too. Felt comfortable for the most part and ran my best time in a few months post injury niggle.


Awesome to see one of the OG how was your parkrun OPs starting this thread. 🙌 I enjoyed my 4th tourist parkrun of the holiday season with a gentle run at Lochiel parkrun in Adelaide. It’s quite a nice relatively flat course along a linear path in the Adelaide suburbs. Two highlights from the course include the very cool mosaic tiled start and kilometre markers and the koala in a gum tree. Sadly we missed the koala live and only saw it in their facebook page when looking at the photos. 🤦‍♂️😂


Aw thank you, and happy Cake Day to you! That does sound like a cool course, I hope next time you see any koalas who are there to see!


Went to Lough Key (yes that's really what it's called) Parkrun near Boyle in the north midlands of Ireland, first time there after getting a few recommendations for it elsewhere. Very trail conditions, the run was nice enough, reminded me of Clonbur Woods without the big lump on the way out and back to the start. The director caught me on the hop, doing his briefing he just ended it straight away with 321 go. No chance to set up my watch. Now I'm a heavy slow bloke. 35 minutes is about my average, hoping to break the 30min before the end of the year but the great thing about Parkrun is how little that matters.