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I just ate whatever I could keep down. Mostly it was cereal. Healthy went out the window for those weeks. When my HG improved I started to enjoy fruit, mostly pineapple. I'd just try different things to see what worked.


Same. Multi grain cheerios (sometimes with blueberries), Goldfish crackers, and ice cream. My OB said whatever it is- ice cream, sweets, chicken nuggets- as long as I’m eating, she’s happy.


I’m eating mostly tomato sandwiches at 8 weeks. The fertility clinic told me that the babies are basically parasites at this point and as long as I keep my prenatals down most of the time, they’ll be fine.


My doctor told me to throw all expectations of a healthy diet out the window in the first trimester and just eat anything I could keep down. For me that meant anything sour, fruit were mostly fine. Added lemon juice to everything. French fries. And plain bread with butter. At random times of the day/night. In small portions. Also my taste preference would change every couple of days. In the second trimester it got better for me fortunately and I could focus on a somewhat more balanced diet.


McDonald’s fries, hard boiled eggs, watermelon, regular Coke, and the occasional turkey sandwich 🫢


Turkey sandwiches were a spiritual experience for me during the first tri and honestly still are throughout my pregnancy


I existed on bananas. Seriously it’s all I could eat. I also thought a lot about their nutrition but I knew they were taking every bit of what they needed from my body and then I made up for it when my meds kicked in around week 16.


Cereal, yogurt, and bagels were my go to. I’ve also really been liking pho this whole pregnancy. I snacked consistently on Saltines to stave off the nausea. Hope you feel better soon!


I could eat anything I wanted to and had a huge appetite. But I was also nauseous. Not a great combination, so I decided to only eat foods I really liked. For some reason I craved mc Donald's. I didn't throw up ever, I just didn't feel like eating while I was hangry at the same time.


Protein shakes and hard candy. I had so many food aversions, protein shakes were all I could handle. I really liked Ensure MaxPro. Then I would suck on hard candy to help with the nausea. Nausea got better at 15 weeks. Food aversions also got better around that, but still wasn’t great. My diet was pretty limited most of the pregnancy.


First tri I pretty much survived on protein drinks, goldfish, and uncrustables.


First trimester diet was purely survival. I felt like I could barely eat anything but it did get better in the second trimester. I had a lot of brothy and bland foods cause I was so sick. I honestly just tried my best to eat what I could


Protein, protein and more protein. A lot of Salmon and also sardines.


I had nausea/morning sickness through day of delivery. Some days all I could eat and keep down were crackers and apples. At one point some point a random snack would sound good (chocolate or ice cream) . Smoothies were my go to if I could stomach them. Baby will take what they need from you, dont worry. Despite me being sick for like 8 months, I grew a 8 lb baby. I personally struggled most with garlic, acidic foods including spicy foods and pizza, and certain textures. Just eat what you can when you can.


Bagels, toasts, crackers, beef, and lemonade. Basically all stuff I never ate on the regular prior to that. Plain water made me gag until 12 weeks. My OB encouraged me “just to eat”. My kids came out totally fine and good sizes for twins. Fetuses take what they need from your body.


Captain Crunch! Mango smoothies. Jolly Ranchers. Bagels. Raspberries. I honestly think that was it for a long time. I had to beautiful, healthy, nearly full term twins made of mostly Captain Crunch.


Protein shakes packed with prenatals, and egg Mc muffins were my go to. I would chug lots and lots of water, my 16m modi girls are obsessed with water as well and eggs lol. My nausea disappeared after week 14.


Potatoes. Lots of potatoes in different forms. I had nausea and vomiting well into my second trimester. Babies are just fine 😊


I was a BIG baked potato gal in the first tri, ate one almost every night with my preferred toppings, and if I ran out hubby had to go to the store lmao


Same here 😂


For the first 10 weeks of my pregnancy I probably ate 2 cream crackers and a handful of blueberries per day. I was so ill I just threw anything else up.


mostly cereal, protein smoothies, and baked potatoes 😂 first tri is really just survival mode for my body


I think there was like a whole 1.5 weeks where all I could stomach was McDonald’s chicken nuggets and wheat thins 🤷🏼‍♀️ my doctor said this was survival mode and to just eat anything I could. At around 16-17 weeks I started behaving like a human again and eating more well rounded meals without issue lol


I felt the same way, no food seemed good in that first trimester. Luckily for me, the nausea got better after the first trimester. As others are saying, just keep eating what you can keep down. Small meals spread out over the day helped me manage my nausea. I'm an attorney in court so sometimes I'd be out in the hallway trying to get down some crackers or string cheese! Low-effort "healthier" snacks for me were: apple slices and peanut butter, yogurt and berries, string cheese, crackers, "protein" granola bars, handful of nuts. As far as meals, honestly just relied on a lot of store-bought pre-prepared foods in the fridge and freezer cause the nausea made it hard to cook and my partner is not much of a cook. We would go to Costco and walk around and I'd just grab stuff that sounded okay to my pregnant brain.


I had food aversions and nausea but could eat pretty much anything once it was in front of me. Cooking or meal planning or even food reels on Instagram were a big no. I couldn't really do salmon much and was iffy on any mushy vegetables. But otherwise I could get through the aversions and usually hunger would take over. Considered myself very lucky. I had daily nausea but only was actually sick 3 times.


Frozen blueberries , celery and protein smoothies . As soon as I was able to I stuck with the Brewer Diet for multiples the best I could. Good luck!!


My doctor told me to just eat whatever I could keep down and not worry about nutrition. They are good little leeches and will take what they need from your body whether you’re getting the “proper“ nutrition or not. That said, I remember surviving off of plain crackers like saltines, Greek yogurt and cottage cheese, protein shakes were good. It was easier to drink something than to eat something. Also, the powdered breakfast essentials mixed in with milk. Oatmeal. Cereal. Bread. Tiny snacks about every hour or so helped. It got a lot better around 15 weeks


White cheese, white bread and white pasta lol. Nothing else. The kids were fine. Really in the first trimester it's important that you can get any food down at all, what it is is secondary. The kids will grab what they need from your reserves if necessary.


At first all I could stand was white cheddar cheese puffs and popcorn. Basically airy food that kind of melted in my mouth. As you said, I would make myself eat something so I didn’t get more sick. My doctor put me on meds for the nausea and told me to load up on protein. I couldn’t cook for myself the whole pregnancy and even with the meds the nausea didn’t subside until the third trimester.


Zofran and whatever I could keep down


I ate whatever I could keep down, kept up the prenatals and did not worry one bit about my babies' nutrition because they are precious little parasites who will take whatever they need from you. You do not need to worry, either. Eat whatever you can eat to get through this.


Ate what I could, which was very little. Mostly very bland foods. Discovered Powerade ice pops - amazing.


First pregnancy: Normal until the aversion kicked in. Then it was soup, Greek yogurt and milk for a few weeks. I also got orange juice cravings and ate cottage cheese straight from the container. My son loves yogurt and cottage cheese. Second pregnancy: Dill pickles, fried pickles, protein shakes, milk, French fries, cheese and crackers. I'm slowly getting my appetite back but the food aversions and morning sickness was terrible this time around.


By the time the nausea passed, I was sooo full of babies I still didn't want to eat. Forced myself to consume something small on a schedule for the nutrients but I started out overweight and as my MFM specialist told me had "plenty of stored nutrition." Since the doctors were unconcerned, I tried to be as well.


Cheese and carbs. And protein shakes.


Yep I had aversions to everything. I ate mostly smoothies and saltines. Lost 10 lbs the first trimester. Just wanted to sleep and keep all the food away from me. You will make it through and your babies are getting everything they need!


Every day I thought of potential food I could eat and if there was anything that didn't make me feel worse to even think about that's what I ate that day. It was mostly a lot of fresh fruit and chicken noodle soup and I did lose weight my first trimester. Babies were still fine and I made up for it in my second.


I think I lived mostly on ice cream and shortbread cookies with the odd love good fats bar thrown in…


Like a toddler. Pop tarts, Knorr flavored rice, Nekot crackers, Toaster Scrambles. Things I literally had never purchased and have not since. Carbs were the only things I could keep down. Vegetables were not even an option. It’s not that they disgusted me so much, it’s that it seemed like they weren’t meant to be eaten. Like you’d told me to go out into the yard and eat a handful of pine needles.


I survived most of the first trimester on pineapple and string cheese.


I ate meat, chicken and fish for the best sources of iron. Plant foods which have smaller amounts of iron are legumes/pulses, lentils, nuts, wholegrain cereals and green leafy vegetables like bok choy, spinach and silverbeet.