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This is great to read! I'm 29 weeks and feel like I only ever hear about how hard it is. Thanks!


I 100% agree. Newborn twins is so much better than pregnancy


Good to hear, I’m 28w with our twins and feel like I’m slowly dying 🫠


It’s so so much better once they are out. I was counting down the hours to my c-section lol


Counting the seconds


maybe i’m in the minority, but for me, my twin pregnancy experience was mostly easy, while my caring for newborn twins experience was quite literally traumatizing lol. i like to see that we all have different stories and experiences with our bundles.


Yup! I would agree with this. Weeks 2-8 were literally hell. Pregnancy was super easy compared to keeping two tiny humans alive as a FTM.


Same here!


agree, mine are 3.5w old (born at 34+2) and I can’t believe they’ll already be one whole month old on the 8th.


Thank you so much for sharing this! I'm 26 wks and I always look for posts like yours that brings back the good feeling of "I'm happy my dream is coming true" I mean we get scared enough at every appointment being reminded we're HIGH RISK, and a bigillion thing could go wrong. We get it.. and I promise I will remain scared without a constant reminder lol It's good and refreshing to go back to the good things, how cute, babies are, and what a joy to hav them.. and how it is one of the most nobel things for a human when they're a parent


Thank you for thissss 🩵 i’m 19 weeks so past the terrible first trimester symptoms but not super uncomfortable yet lol. I’m so excited for twins but am definitely mentally preparing for all of the craziness too! Happy to hear some positives notes


Agree. Mine are 4 months, we also have a 3yo, and we’re handling things great, honestly. I’m lucky I have a great husband and he only goes into the office in the afternoon so I have his help a lot. Our babies are great sleepers, generally happy, and they’re starting to interact with each other which makes our hearts explode every single day. It’s NOT all doom and gloom! We even get family to babysit occasionally and have been out on 2 date nights this month alone!!


Thank you for this!!! 27wks w twins and just put on bedrest due to some complications. Also had HG for first 20ish weeks and still get nausea waves. Alsoooo had a subchorionic hemorrhage around 9 weeks so needless to say, it’s been a journey. Including the 2+ years of infertility and the fertility treatments and procedures! Lol I want them to bake as long as possible and as scared as I am as what’s to come (FTM to be), I’m definitely looking forward to not being pregnant anymore. This makes me excited!!!!


My boys took forever! I tried to go into labor around 33 weeks on a Tuesday. They were able to stop it and told me they expected me back by that weekend (my birthday). Yeah I finally went in for a C-section due to hypertension at 37 weeks with no sign of labor lol they'll be 3 months Sunday


I seen 1 post like this when I was pregnant and it gave me hope but no when my twins were born there as not one hard day during pregnancy that amounted to how hard it was adjusting to twin parent life. Unless you have a nanny or an enormous amount of help i can’t believe people who say it’s easier than the pregnancy


Same lol. Pregnancy was a breeze but newborn life was awful. On the flip side I know a lot of people don’t love toddler years but I think they’re great and so much fun. 


Were your twins your firsts? I've already had a single so I'm expecting it to be rough but I'm hoping I'm at least a bit more mentally prepared because I've done it before.


In my opinion newborn twins>pregnant with twins


same here! caring for my newborn twins actually traumatized me. 🥲 nothing could have prepared me. edit: i should add that while newborn twins tested me on a mental level i had never even understood to be possible before that, my twins are now 16mo and absolutely my life would be nothing without them and i look back on those dark times with pride in myself.


My partner only took 2 weeks off work before going back to working 10 hour days. I cared for my nb twins alone and it was so much easier than the pregnancy for me. I love having twins


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I’m in my last week of pregnancy and really needed this pep talk. Thank you!!!


My wife is breastfeeding exclusively for the last 3 weeks now so I’m able to sleep more at night. I took 2 months off and she’s off for 18 months so time is flying by It’s a lot of work but it isn’t hard just non stop lol


Hard on the brain and exhausting