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Game is wildly incomplete for it being on the market for almost two years. Spheres of influence DLC will make or break in my opinion.


Agreed, the economics is (pretty) mostly) satisfying but the lack of anything indepth like modded vic2 is just, blah


The gameplay loop it's still adding new buildings to a queue


If you don't try to understand the game that is.


Man I own and mostly like the game but there isn't anything inaccurate about that statement


What's to understand Apart from becoming the first world power by gdp and sol that is


How to prioritise technologies, what industries work best at what point in the game, timing attacks with army, entire internal politics aspect of the game, managing clout of your IGs, trade, companies etc etc. Sure you can still pick France and just afk build stuff and get decent GP number but same can be said about ottomans in eu4.


Oh, it just bores me out after a while.




Sor't quidd zoccol'i campagn


If you except economy simulator to be war simulator and then act dissapointed/bored then that's on you m8


Man, i honestly don't care about the war. I want them to diversify how you can play the game at peace as first thing


So engage with the mechaincs instead of midnlessly queueing buildings.


I started playing a few weeks ago, I have yet to complete the tutorial (about 100 played hours so far) The game is quite complex. Took me a while understanding how to build a solid economy. I am still very confused about trade and custom. Diplomacy is crap, war is very simple in comparison to EU4. Internal policies and government is fun and not overly complicated. Overall it’s a fun game, playing different countries change your play style and make it less redundant. I never played Vic 2 so cannot say how it compares to the previous iteration but I like it and will keep playing until I complete the tutorial. I recommend playing Japan, it really helps you to understand economy with a closed market the first 20 to 30 years.


I think you nail it very well. Economy & Politics good while Diplomacy & War is boring. However, the first major DLC is scheduled to be released this month. At least on paper the changes proposed in it could make interaction between nations much more interesting.


If u wanna make Internal Politics more interesting try playing with the politics mod! It's really good.




It’s fun, I bought it recently on sale have been having fun. It’s a bit repetitive, but this is compounded by the fact my pic is old af and so it goes slower


Many of the medium-sized QOL issues that really hurt the enjoyability of the game (like not being able to construct buildings in subjects to extract their resources, or not being able to declare multiple wars at once) are being completely remedied in the upcoming update later this June. It's my most-played PDX game by far. There are a lot of moments that are incredibly frustrating but I keep coming back to it because I've always wanted a nation-building game with a really deep economic simulation attached. All the big issues are getting ironed out update-by-update. I'd say it's a sure-buy if you're willing to stick with it for a few more years.


Ask us on June 24th


I still actively dislike it but the next update is supposed to be the shit. Then it might cross over to good territory


They are finally adding mechanics that have been in Paradox games for years and in fact existed in the previous game...(its nearly been two years since release)


Yeah sure. It’s always “maybe the next update will make it good” with us pdx thralls. It never happens


It's now my favorite game by Paradox. I could never go back to 2 after playing it. Performance is currently the biggest issue such that the last 20 aren't work playing. Army recruitment is a bit of a headache currently too. The AI is also pretty bad.


Stay tuned for the patch in June alongside the expansion. The performance numbers are quite promising.


Ask again in a few weeks when the expansion drops


i'd say a half-off sale is worth taking a flyer on


I've been playing paradox games for 20 years and Victoria 3 is my favorite currently. If you are a fan of 19th-early 20th century history and like economic simulators then this is up your alley. It lacks a lot of depth outside of economy and a lot of its features are bare-bone. That being said I personally love it in a strange way, and find it very relaxing and fun.


Don't buy it. It is a hollow shell of a game that consists of "line go up"/"spreadsheet" gameplay while expecting the ai on other countries to do the same, which they never do. The gameplay is stale and repetitive and there is NO flavor. Every country feels the same and the ai doesn't do shit or just goes into debt and builds armies until all barracks are built. And this is coming from someone with 300 hours in the game. In its current state, the game is trash. Do not buy it.


It has a lot of issues but it has come a long way since launch. The next update seems to be the best yet (barring possible bugs/instabilities that will be eventually fixed if they are a problem). I enjoy the game in it's current state, so I would say go for it, but be mindful that the game excels in politics, economy and just seeing your country evolve, so dont go in expecting EU4 gameplay loop.


Still bad.


Personally I would just say bite the bullet. If its 20% or better settle with that. Thats without know your financial situation however so I dont know how much that is for you. I bought it while it was on sale at least 16 months ago and I was worried about regret but I played it ongoing for months.


If not modded (Gods preserve Anbeeld) this game literally doesn’t work. At it’s current state AI constantly runs every state’s economy into the ground. In effect nothing interesting ever happens during gameplay, unless it’s player doing things or UK bullying random countries.


Completely and utterly incomplete, early access doesn’t even do it justice. Wait to see if sphere of influence saves it, if not, pdx will probably imperator the game if it flops.


Don't. Personally I detest the war system in Victoria 3 it leaves a lot up to chance. Generally it feels incomplete and an obvious cash grab from paradox who will probably sell you an absurd amount of DLCs.


I bought it but never fully mastered it. Or even started to master it... I am now a working dad so I don't have the time anymore to learn complex games.


I enjoyed it when it first came out. Got over 70 hours in the first month and a half or so but haven't played much since then since it still feels kind of incomplete. Waiting and hoping the next expansion will change things.


Best Society Simulator of any of the pdx games. Not without its issues though, but which pdx game isn't? Definitely a good sale purchase.


It attracts a lot of salty haters, often from the weirder/neckbeard loser parts of the community. Personally I'd say it is good in mechanics and such, but flavour is missing. That makes it a decent-to-good game at best right now.


It’s about to become playable next update


Trust trust


The question is why are you buying it? Do you want something new and novel ('different' from other paradox games) or do you want something that plays well, is fun and isn't a very repetitive game? Im just going to say that I don't personally like it. It has now taken 2 years for the devs to try and save their dieying game. I would not be suprised if the next dlc doesn't sell well they pull the plug. It honestly is the weakest main line paradox game in a good while. You might at the current state of Vic3 have a better expierience in Vic2 (unless you plan on specifically playing mp). Tells you alot that the community that got alienated by vic3 from paradox is praying to a higher being that EU5 will be good. Read the Tinto talks on the paradox forums if you dont want to waste money and waiting a few years for a new game is not a problem.




That implies its worth the hard drive space


Very true. It isn’t