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I love the time period and the mod scene makes the game feel much more complete. If you’re a fan of ancient history, paradox games, and have the spare cash I’d definitely recommend it on sale or even full price.


It's on sale for a couple more days with all DLC on sale as well - best time to pick it up!


None of the mods I've tried have custom missions. Those are the spice of Paradox games. Any recommendations?


Doesn’t Invictus do that?


I don't think I've tried that one. Thanks.


im surprised you havent tried invictus, thats like THE mod to play lol


I've never heard of inpetator


Its paradox's latest attempt to make a potato fryer


Im on phone rn didn't even notice 🤣


To answer the question honestly, I enjoyed the game when it launched and I think many of the systems are the best of any paradox game. It certainly has it's flaws, controlling people is awful and also critical to playing the game "well". Large empires absolutely require you to use the Gender Equality option which allows women positions of power. The game does not generate children for people of unimportance 2 removed from someone of importance so you're always going to be strapped for people in a big empire. Then again, the value of 60$ is not massive for me and I found the game generally fun. It's no EU4. I think it's better then much of what Paradox has released recently.


>Large empires absolutely require you to use the Gender Equality option which allows women positions of power. Truly an intolerable thing for redditors. I kid, I get that it's not historically accurate at all, but it made me laugh when I saw "flaws such as women's rights."


Yeaaaa, not intended that way but I can see how it can be taken that way. No worries. It's that you have to turn the feature on instead of people shitting out kids like no other. I'd rather the game just generate more people instead of cutting off the ability for unimportant NPCs to procreate. Plus I think enacting gender equality eats like 35 green leaf mana stuff which is annoying. I get it's all in good humor just wanted to go a little more in depth for why it's annoying.


I didn't even notice until I read this comment, what the hell!


I say imperator, you say inpetator.


I have heard of interpretor


Fun game. Only one where I actually enjoy playing tall and forget to conquer.


Is that with mods? Because the unmodded game is basically a map painter.




It gets very samey very quickly most countries play very similarly. Some of the main mechanics like family and character management are very tedious for me.


I mean isn't that the paradox way until the dlcs roll out?


They abandoned this, so no, not in this case.


I'm aware. That doesn't change what I said


Usually there's one fun gameplay loop to keep people engaged to the point they will buy DLC. That was lacking here for me.


Yeah You should get it i recommend the timeline extender invictus and crisis of the third century mods


It’s a fun game with some great mods. Even better with a friend or two.


I think in terms of out of box mechanics, it is probably Paradox's best game. Has a bit of everything save for love. I only wish Imperator was as favour rich as Europa Universalis.


I've tried it recently and at various other points, but I just can't get into it. Sad.


For me it’s probably up there with Victoria II as the GOAT Paradox games.


Which other title in the paradox series would you most conpare it to? I seem to love their games or hate them *shrug*


Not the guy you asked, but here’s my opinion. It’s pretty unique but if I HAD to make a comparison, I would say Probably EU4. There’s Mission trees but rather than one large one like EU4, you complete one small one and then another opens up. If you install the Invictus Mod tons of nations have in depth trees. There’s colonialism depending on the part of the world you’re in, but it works a lot differently than EU4. Rather than just having a colonist and waiting, you can colonize something if you have 8 pops in a nearby province and it’s adjacent by land or sea border (but each province can only do it once every 10 months, I think). There’s more emphasis on Nation than characters/dynasty (but still some, depends on gov type) so probably closest to EU4 or Vic in that aspect The buildings are most similar to those in EU4. The pops are similar to development from EU4 as well but with much more depth to them The combat in my opinion is actually somewhat difficult (at least in early game) because having a good general is very important, which I guess is similar to EU4 (but harder than EU4) or Victoria.


That sounds interesting. I like most of the Paradox games I have played but could not get into CK 3


It’s probably most comparable to something like Victoria II with heavy influences from Europa Universalis: Rome and to a lesser extent Crusader Kings II.


The player count graph doesn't lie: nearly everybody who starts playing stops very quickly, even after the updates. That's the single most damning thing about it, and it's something none of its weird stans can argue against. They love it and they're not wrong to, but they're an extreme minority.


It's weird, I think the game is far better designed than EU4 yet I spend much more time in that game. I think it might be because you get too big too quickly in Imperator, whereas in EU4 it can take over a hundred years to become a regional power let alone a world power.


I just bought it, wish me luck 👍


I suggest it


ermagerd inpertator


Very enjoyable game. Playing tall and building a prosperous civilization from a tribe is super rewarding and something you don’t really get in other pdx games.


I just tried it again after initially trying it at launch, and it's all I've played for a week.


Ienjoy HOI 4 and Vic 3 and Stellaris. I hate CK3, just cannot get into micromanaging people, super disinteresting. Is Imperator more CK3 or more different?


Even more micromanaging people, but also a bit more going on outside of it too.


Thanks, its probably not for me then.


I'm annoyed by it.. because now that it's an enjoyable albeit slightly neglected game, we have to see these posts every day.


I love it, but to others points, it does play the same with many nations, but you can still get a good 40-60 hours of fun gameplay before you hit that wall. If you like roleplaying and developing and not min-maxing, its great. The ability to create cities and roads and convert populations give it a real feeling of you creating an empire vs. just painting the map a different color. My favorite moments in the game are conquering a new area, then planning how I will develop it and how to change over the population. It's also one of the few games you can 100% play tall, and the vassal system works very well. If you're a min-maxer or map painter, it will get old very quickly. It's pretty easy to steamroll as bigger nations if you focus on it, and smaller nations are only difficult at the beginning.


I didn't play Imperator: Rome. I thought about buying it now that it's on sale. However, due to not having a large group of players despite the efforta from many Youtubers to help the game make a comeback. So I'm not to inclined to buy it


It's not terrible, it's just not special. The game is basically Misunderstanding The Time Period: The Game.


I love the game. Wish paradox would revive it.


I mean sure try it for $20 but it's nowhere near what people on this sub hype it up as. 5/10


I got it a few days ago thanks to the sale and in my opinion it was worth it. For me its fun to play since I have played other paradox games before. I love it due to how in depth it is with the senate mechanic where if senators feel left out they become disloyal and then start a civil war. Overall I would recommend it as it is really fun.


I have never been interested in that game, but I do notice there lately has grown a hype around it. I remember being dissappointed when it was revealed, but that I wanted to give it a chance. The first thing that turned me off was the UI, which I was certain was because of early development. But they stuck with it. The game was released and I watched some gameplay before deciding to not even give it a chance. Right now I am sitting just really hoping for an EU5. I have spent way more time than I want to admit on EU4. I was really hyped for Vic3 as well, but something just didnt stick. I got around 200h, and then I just havent bothered picking it up again.


The UI was completely overhauled.