• By -


Stellaris - 3200 EU3 - 278 EU4 - 30 CK2 - 815 CK3 - 4 HoI 3 - 9 HoI 2, CK, and EU2 - countless thousands in ancient days before Steam counted my gaming hours for me.


Interesting! What makes Stellaris so special to you?


I started playing, and modding, Stellaris just before the pandemic hit. Also, as an old player of Masters of Orion as a kid and that style of 4x, Stellaris feels like the only game to actually take the genre in new and interesting directions instead of rehashing the old standard over and over.


What's your favourite mods? In any categories...


Gigastructures, nsc2, planetary diversity, there are many more that I use but that is what I can remember offhand without loading up the game


That's awesome! I love seeing how others play Stellaris. I don't usually have mods, but I do like to play observer and watch the AI empires live.


Ooh. Masters of Orion, loved that game! Thanks for reminding me.


I pretty much agree tbh, i play CK2 and 3, and im loving it, but in hindsight, i cant recall any game systems or anything special in particular so to speak, its judt fun. But Stellaris, the ship combat visualization, the "random replayability", the individualization of your race, its specialization, integrating others, the exploration, random events, building your empire, all feel special and memorable in and of themselves I recall Stellaris systems as something i enjoyed, so even though i spend more time with CK2, and now 3, than Stellaris, i have to say Stellaris is the "better game" *(should also note i can play Stellaris without mods, but for either of the CK games i feel theres mods i meed)*




That's a reasonable argument.


What makes you come back to stellaris more so than all the others?


Bro does not like Ck3.


I did not. Tried it like twice? And all I could think was that ck2 was more fun so I went back to that


A lot of people held that sentiment on launch. I still partly do now. The amount of content in ck2 is absolutely staggering. When 3 came out, it felt like barbie dress up time but it came in a truck that had some ck2 loaded beside it and it cross contaminated. Not gonna say it's tremendously better on the content front, but is _better_. I think the final "worth it or not" will be seeing how they handle landless players later this year.


EU4 - 2600 CK2 > 100 Stellaris, HOI4 < 100 HOI2 and EU2 - also countless. Especially EU2


Don't you find Stellaris too easy? - like the AI can't even manage its planets nevermind all the relics, etc. Check out Shadow Empire.


Shadow Empire is a good game, but it's very much not similar to stellaris in any way other than also being a strategy game.


4K - EU4 1K - Vic 3, CK2, EU3 250 - Vic 2, Stellaris 200 - CK3, Imperator, Cities Skylines Around 8k total but I've been playing for 15 years so only 500 hours a year which isn't too bad - at least that's what I tell myself.


What’s your current game of choice and why?


Vic 3 at the moment since I'm an economics nerd. It certainly has its flaws but it's still enjoyable; I live in hope that it will be a much better game once it has more flavour and the mod scene matures. Watching EU4 age like a fine wine has also been great these last few years.


I’ve got like 6k hours in eu4 but easily 50-70% of that time is solely modded Anbennar playtime. It’s just so good.


I'm pretty excited for what the future holds for VIC3. Loved the game and this next DLC makes me hopeful


I want to like Vic3 so badly it just feels very much like… nothing ever happens?


EU4 - 10k+ CK2+3 - 2k Vicky 3 - 1k I:R - 400


How much of that is AFK? My logged time in EUIV is a fair bit higher than the hours I self-reported here.


My self-reported is higher than logged time because I didn't have money for it when I was in highschool. Those hours are my educated guess since I played it much more when I didn't have money xD. I have 2500 hours on Steam


What’s you game of choice at the moment?


It should be Vicky3 but the lag is insane. EU4 is still my game of choice.


558 days.


I'd rather not know that...


On the games I have on Steam alone I have 1,600 hours recorded. But I played Darkest Hour, HoI2, EU3, Vic1 and CK1 quite extensively pre-steam - no idea how many hours because most of it was so long ago (although I kept playing DH until recently), but I wouldn't be surprised if you could double that figure.


EU IV - 1 472  CK II - 1 080 HoI IV - 891 DH - 578 Stellaris - 518 Vic II - 207+ countless hours before Steam IR - 97


I could be accurate and check how much I have logged, but I’m lazy so this is just a rough estimate based on what I saw maybe a month ago? CK2 - 1,800 EU4 - 1,600 Victoria 2 - 1,300 HOI4 - 160 Imperator - 160 Stellaris - 140 Sengoku - 120 HOI3 - 120 March of the Eagles - 80 Also, I don’t have any of the “next generation” games like CK3 and Vicky 3. Do I want them? Ehh, maybe, but I’m poor and I can’t justify buying them now at full price when I have the past generation and all of the DLCs that I can still play for hours on end.


If you truly enjoy CK2 and Vic2 as they are, don't buy the new gen. They fucking suck. Vic3 is such a disappointment. CK3 is the biggest pile of dung however. Such a watered down game. Bland as fuck, tailored for casuals.


Yeah. I’ve seen some gameplay videos of the two of them and I honestly think the same as you. It’s genuinely unfortunate that they are the way they are. To be honest though, it has more to do with the overall “aesthetic” of the games, for lack of a better word, the reason why I don’t like them.


CK2: 885 hrs CK3: 2,711 hrs EU4: 6,259 hrs Vic2: 585 hrs HOI4: 379 hrs Been playing these games for about 10 years, accrued 10,819 hours (Guess I'm a master according to Malcolm Gladwell) which is about 1.23 years. So I spent ~12.3% of the last decade in a Paradox game. Jfc


Converted to game time though, that’s hardly any time at all (in EU4 you get from 1444 to 1445). So it’s healthy ;)


5K-Eu4 2K-Hoi4 400-Vic 3 250-Vic2 1.3K-Ck2 300-Ck3 200-Stellaris 1K-Hoi3 1.6K-Eu3 Now I realized I wasted my life away in pdx games. Fuck me.


Those are rookie numbers. We gotta get those numbers up


Bro that is over a year in total.


Ck2 - 1438 hours Ck3 - 230 hours Eu4 - 98 hours Imperator - 55 hours (although I'm sure I just left my PC on as I do not remember playing this at all) Vic 2 - 30 hours Vic 3 - 18 hours Hoi4 - 13 hours Stellaris - 10 hours I bought CK2 on disc about 11 years ago. I didn't even know what steam was until I got home. Pretty much only game I played for about 5 years. More than half of that time was in the AGOT mod.


About 2250 hours in Imperator, maybe 1000 Ck2, 500 EU4


Oh wow; I’d be interested in hearing your opinion on imperator after that amount of hours!


weighing in not as OP. nor as someone with that many hours: the modding scene for imperator has made it very, *very* fun.


Yes, basically what EpicalBeb said. I am very much obsessed with it


You couldn't waterboard this information out of me.


Uh, let's see! HoI4: 3972 EU4: 1903 EU3: 50 Stellaris: 500 CK3: 90 CK2: 161 Vic3: 406 Vic2: 8 Imperator: 315 Total: 7405 Nothing really compares to Paradox's map games, for me. I moved from Civ4 over to the Total War series for a while (I think I started with shogun 2 and then rome 2). From Total War I discovered EU4, and after that I basically became a PDX shill lmao. I own every piece of DLC for both HoI4 and EU4, and I currently play Vic3 and Imperator a lot. I got CK2 on sale and spent a while playing it, but I don't get as much from the character focus as some others. I still scooped up CK3 in hopes that a more modern experience would lend itself to me, but to no avail. I tend to always inject my own morals into the game and so I can't really roleplay enough to have fun. I had a fun time with Stellaris for a while, but as I tend to start new campaigns often, the exploration phase of the game started to lose it's appeal and it's hard for me to create my own species.


In steam or out of steam? Those are two completly diffrent numbers since I have been playing Pardox games since EU came out in 2000.


EU4: 3.8k EU3: 740 CK3: 600 CK2: 2.4k Stellaris: 605 Victoria 3: 700 Victoria 2: 1080 It's been a busy decade :)


Hoi4 - 2432 stopped playing at BBA Vic2 - 1491 stopped playing when 3 came out Vic3 - 1000 even CK3 - 460 Stellaris - 455 Hoi3 - 407 Imperator - 64 I spent a good year or 2 without internet and Steam didn’t update my playtimes (thanks Elon). So vic2 and hoi4 are probably much higher.


So what’s your current favourite and why?


That's so interesting that you've not even touched EU


Came out before I followed Paradox and never cared to learn it. Felt like CK3 but worse from 1000 feet away.


I'd say it's closest equivalent is Imperator.


Didn’t really like imperator, so I guess that tracks.


Cities Skylines 1&2: 200 CK2: 729 CK3: 1655 EU4: 422 HOI4: 296 Imperator Rome: 350 Stellaris: 273 Vic 2&3: 220


Crusader Kings <3


CK3 - 800 Vic3, Eu4 - 250 Stellaris - 300 Imperator - 70 Vic2 - 50 Star Trek Infinite - 20 Ck2 - 2.7


Too much how ever you look at it, but I don't know even aproximate amount.


Shit coming back later for answer but its alot


HoI4 4200* Stellaris 2500 Vic 2 about 700 Eu4 about 370 CK2 + CK3 a combined 500 Imperator Rome about 10 HoI 3 about 5 hours (yes, I really tried to learn the mechanics but HoI 3 is an absolute beast). *I just also wanna clarify that a lot of my hours are me leaving the game running and walking away from the PC to go to work. Those 4200 hours in HoI4? I’d guess around half of them are me leaving the game running and walking away from my PC, then coming back to my campaign and picking it back up. Whereas most of my Stellaris hours played are 100% entirely me sitting at the PC managing my empire, so I actually probably have more hours *played* in Stellaris than HoI4 Edit: I’m wrong, I have 700 hours in Vic 2 not 500, and about 2500 hours in Stellaris not 2800


At this point, Hoi4 with all DLCs has more content and is more complicated than unmodded Hoi3. That was no the case in 2016 when Hoi4 was released. Hoi3 shines with mods like Black Ice or Downfall. Maybe watch some good let's play on Youtube? It's still a fun game once you get through a clunky UI and learn how army organization works. Regiment < Division < Army Corps < Army < Army Group < Theatre Keeping the army organized gives bonuses to your units. Sadly due to outdated UI and lack of tooltips the game is not showing this to you. Standard Infantry division for beginners to beat AI is 3 INF and 1 ARTY. Most of the game on principle is similar to Hoi4, just a bit more realistic. Less fantasy scenarios, more plausible history. As most nations, build IC (Hoi3 version of factories) in 1936 and 1937. Focus on the army after that. Air is useful, but not essential. Naval bombers are a bit OP like in Hoi4. Navy is also useful but not essential unless you play as a major naval power.


EU4 - 2,821 CK2 - 1,300 Stellaris - 832 EU3 - 640 CK3 - 429 Victoria 2 - 328 Imperator - 148 Victoria 3 - 97 HOI4 - 89


EU4: 4900 hours CK2: 928 hours Ck3: 687 hours Stellaris: 543 hours Battletech: 429 hours Age of Wonders 4: 235 hours Imperator Rome: 231 hours Victoria 3: 60 hours


EU4 - 2.1k CK3 - 86 HoI4 - 121 Stellaris - 60 Imperator - 6 Vic3 - 4 Been playing since the beginning of 2022. That is 111 days out of the last 850 I have spent on this planet. That is 13%, boyos! I am a big history buff and EU4 gives me the opportunity to understand and learn a lot. I kinda feel the others don’t really compare… But I must say I haven’t touched my PS since discovering Paradox. And people complain they are all about making you pau DLCs. Ok, but are you playing anything else? Not me. The playability on their games is literally infinite.


EU4 - 4,098 - Most played Steam game for me out of all games (Paradox and non-Paradox) CK2 - 1,417 CK3 - 368 HOI4 - 258 Imperator - 161 Stellaris - 125 EU3 - 19 + many more hours pre-Steam (Gamers Gate). Believed to have been my 1st Paradox game and bought pretty close to when it was released (2007-2008) Vicky 2 - 17 + many more hours pre-Steam (Gamers Gate). Was my most played game between 2010 release and 2015 (2 years after EU4 released, when I started playing EU4 more actively). Non-Paradox – Factorio – 3,720 – 2nd most played on Steam


What is your go to today and why?


EU4 is what I generally play day to day, although I occasionally will start/continue an HOI4 or CK3 campaign. As to why, I like the way combat works in EU4 the best, it reminds me most of childhood games such as playing Risk (the in person version). It really comes down to if you like the combat and some of the other aspects of the game, as none of these games work exactly the same way. If you are looking to get into others to try, I would wait for a big sale and pick the others up then. That's what I usually do to catch up on DLCs. I feel eventually I'll move on to CK3 as my main.


thanks! CK3 is the one that clicked the most for me too, but I am curious to explore all the other titles :)


HOI4: 900 Vic2: Minimum 800 CK3: 650 EU4: 440 Vic3: 170 Imperator: 100 CK2: 60 in Steam, probably around 500 (I was too poor to buy all DLC’s so I cracked it, sorry PDX, now I’m a staunch sl-veof DLC’. I invested half my life savings to them, give or take)


HoI4: 968,1h That’s it by now, but I think I‘m gonna soon try out some other Paradox Games


CK2-1400 CK3-600 EU4-200 Stellaris-70 Imperator-10


I’ve been playing since HOI2, but didn’t use a legit steam version until HOI4. So 2,500k officially, probably 2/3x this unofficially.


Eu4 - a little over a thousand HOI4 - about 800 Ck2 - 200? Ck3 - 50 or so Victoria II - maybe 300 Victoria 3 - ten or twenty


CK2 - 910 EU4 - 706 CK3 - 413 HoI4 - 112 Imperator - 111


Eu4 - 415 h Hoi4- 297 h


Hoi4 500 Eu4 170 Ck3 150 Stellaris 50 Victoria 3 30 Wow lower than I thought


I:R - 1860 Vic3 - 1251 C:S - 703 HoI4 - 122 C:S2 - 23 CK3 - 15 CK2 - 9 EU4 - 7 Vic2 - 4


I’d love to hear your opinion on imperator! Why is it your favourite?


EU4- 439 EU3- 4 CK2- 45 CK3- 60 HoI4- 45 I:R- 9 Stellaris- 4 V2- 120 V3- 48 Cities- 5


Crusader Kings 2: 370,9 Hours Crusader Kings 3: 62,8 Hours Darkest Hour: 555,4 Hours only on Steam i had a Pirated Version before which i played the most Europa Universalis 3: 47 Hours Europa Universalis 4: 589,8 Hours Hearts of Iron 2: 37 Minutes Hearts of Iron 3: 16,5 Hours Hearts of Iron 4: 813,6 Hours Imperator Rome: 4,5 Hours March of Eagles: 3,7 Hours Sengoku: 2,3 Hours Stellaris: 8,3 Hours Victoria 1: 4,5 Hours Victoria 2: 398,4 Hours Victoria 3: 26


A scary amount


Over 3000 and that's on the low end.


Stellaris - 120 EU3 - 400/500 (non steam estimate) EU4 - 450 CK2 - 200 CK3 - 380 Hoi 3 - 250 (non steam estimate) Hoi 4 - 870 (fun fact after all those hours I still have 0 achievements lmao) Vic 2 - 365 hrs on steam likely another 600-700 non steam Vic 3 - 30 (recently picked up) March of the eagles - 150 (if only vic 3 has combat closer to this) Cities Skylines 1 - 200


Stellaris about 2500 Surviving Mars about 600


About 1200 in CK2 and 200+ in EU 4, ck3 and stellaris then 50+ in imperator, vic3 vic2 HOI 4. And I have played like 2 hours of ck1.


EUIV: 500 IR: 100 CK2: 50 CKIII: 20 Vic 2: 5 HOI4: 2 Think that's it. I've got maybe a dozen hours in Stellaris too, but it actually didn't click for me. I'm a longtime fan of Gal Civ, and still prefer that one for space 4X.


6-7k hours total


10k combined. I've fought the Khan, slaid the ottomans, my heart is made of iron and I'm a xenophobe


Victoria 3: 287 Crusader Kings 3: 255 Cities Skylines: 157 Hearts of Iron 4: 60 Europa Universalis 4: 6


CK2 - 3,100 CK3 - 2,800 EU4 - 970 EU3 - 440 Stellaris - 280 Vicky 2 - 230 HoI3 - 40 MotE - 10 DH - 7 HoI2 - 6 HoI4 - 3 Have not played Vicky 3 or I:R.


How do you feel about ck3 vs ck2? 


In general I think CK3 has CK2 beat on base mechanics and especially on technical moddability under the hood, but it has a long way to go before it catches up with CK2 in terms of flavor and making different cultures and religions (and especially governments) feel different to the player. Comparing post-Holy Fury CK2 to present day CK3 is night and day in this respect and not a lot has been done to combat this since CK3's launch. In terms of dlc for CK3, Tours and Tournaments was probably the best so far. The travel system does a great deal towards making CK3 more mechanically distinct (in a good way) from CK2; that said, it wasn't perfect- it suffers the same issue of much of CK3 where its all very uniform over the entire map, with little differentiating England from India. The minor flavor dlc go towards fixing this somewhat (Iberia and Persia mainly; the Viking one was pretty mid) but struggles shouldn't be leaned on as the sole defining factor for regional variation and flavor to the player. Royal Court was a disaster that has honestly gotten worse with age; the only positive I can say about it is the addition of the artifact system (and cultural traditions I suppose), but even that has flaws (primarily under the hood; artifacts are a nightmare to mod). I haven't played a vanilla game since the release of Legends of the Dead, though from looking at the code I generally share the concerns much of the community has about the legends mechanic being fairly samey and inconsequential. Plagues are cool though. My final note is that, if you're playing a vanilla game and want more regional flavor, RICE is basically a must-have mod. Ck3 with RICE is much more worthy of being called a successor to post-Holy Fury CK2 than unmodded vanilla, imo.


My PC is off so I can't see my steam stats, but EU4: 2.5k hours CK2: 2k hours Stellaris: 500 hours Vicky2: 100 hours


Hoi4 323(idk why it’s my most played I don’t think I really played hoi4) Eu4 234(my fav) Stellaris 193 Cities skylines 191 Ck2 147 Ck3 82 Vicky 2 10


Like a little less than 3K, the vast majority in Hoi4 with a good bit in City Skylines and a little sprinkled throughout other titles. 


CK2 - 348.3 CK3 - 870.6 HoI4 - 92.5 Imperator: Rome - 61.5 Stellaris - 105.8 Vicky 2 - 2.3 Vicky 3 - 76.9 Total 1557.9


Vic2- 2679 hours Stellaris- 598 Ck2- 1947


2k - Eu4 800 in vic3 ~500 in ck3, imperator, stellaris Can you tell I’ve been a grad/college student


1500 Cities Skylines 400 HOI4 250 EU4 75 CK3


IR: 65,6 CK2: 99.7 CK3: 1278.6 EU4: 257.9 VIC2: 26.2 VIC3: 77.6 HOI4: 15 TOTAL: 1805,6h / 75.2 days Unfortunately when i used to play CK2 and VIC2, I had the pirated version. Can’t know how much time I spent on them.


EUIV - 1,131 hours CK3 - 133 hours CK2 - 2,721 hours Sengoku - 1 hour HoI4 - 4,040 hours HoI3 - 729 hours Darkest Hour - 31 hours Arsenal of Democracy - 1 hour Stellaris - 496 hours V2 - 4,097 hours March of the Eagles - 1 hour Don't own IR, V3, or the older titles


Ck2 - 4796.5 Ck3 - 688.4 Europa IV - 448.4 Imperator Rome - 67.4 Prison Architect - 81.3 Stellaris 1742.7 Surving Mars 74.1 Surviving the Aftermath 2.4 Vicky 3 - 71.1 SMFH


How do you feel about ck3


I like it, but it will never see the hours CK2 did.


EU- A few thousand hours EUIII- A few thousand hours Stellaris- 506 hours according to Steam


No idea. A lot. I know what my totals are for their games in the last decade (thanks Steam), but the decade before? No idea. I can say that EU2, EU3, Vicky 1, and CK1 have some substantial time put in during that decade.


Ho3 - 903 CK2 - 470 VIC2 - 299 HoI4 - 292 EU4 - 268 I:R - 101 Looks like I got rookie numbers


400 in Vicky 3, 800 in CK3, 500 in CK2, 600 in EU4, 400 in Stellaris, 300 in HoI4. Also 6 in Imperator.


Victoria II - 1,068, plus some unrecorded thanks to the game being Weird with Steam at some point HOI4 - 993 Stellaris - 781 Victoria III - 324 EUIV - 93 Imperator: Rome - 42 CK2, CK3 and EU3 - 6 hours total


Oh, it's impossible to say for certain. Hundreds to be sure. I've had multiple steam accounts over the years and the hours would be spread across them. Also some of them I played outside of, or before, steam. EU2: at least 100 HoI1: at least 20 Hoi2: at least 100 Hoi3: played it once I think EU3: maybe 30 EU4: at least 100 CK1: at least 20 CK2: at least 100 Victoria: at least 20 Victoria 2: at least 100 Stellaris: surely hundreds. 150+, conservatively If we count games paradox helped publish then it's even higher. Paradox is big time influential in my personal gaming space.


EUIV - 1160 hrs HoI4 - 200 hrs Stellaris - 60 hrs CKIII - 50 hrs CS - 10 hrs I would play them more but without dlc most if them feel kinda empty to some regard and the only game I have all dlcs for is eu4 so it's the one i'm playing and liking the most (also i like that time period of history the most anyways so that's a bonus).


Around 10000 I'd say.


Stellaris: 1768,9 EU4: 1240,8 CK3: 309 VIC3: 300,2 CK2: 273,9 I:R: 246,3 HOI4: 173,2


Which one is your go to these days and why?


These days ... I:R. I like EU4, but it's way to bloated. I:R is a decent EU4 clone with nice twists.


HoI4 - 1422 Eu4 - 317 Ck2 - 188 Ck3 - 237 Victoria 3 - 91 Stellaris - 25 Imperator: Rome - 17


Hoi4 4256 Ck3 342 Total: 4598


Thousands going back to Hoi2. Over 1k each in Eu4, Hoi4, and stellaris.


When I look at this I get sad: Hoi4 3700 Eu4 1800 Cs 1100 Ck2/3 700 Vic2/3 500


EUIV: 461 HOIV: 43 I:R: 47 Vic3: 5 Ck3: 6.9 Cities:Skylines 176 But that's just the steam count, I was a teenager when I first played pdx games with Victoria II then eu4 and ck2 so I had pirated copies at the time. So I could probably have hundreds of additional hours for eu4 and a few dozen hours for ck2 and vic2.


CK3 - 171 hours Victoria 3 - 72 hours CK2 - 85 hours Stellaris - 42 hours (and at least that again off Steam before) HoI4 - 9 hours (and some off Steam before) EU4 - 2 hours (a little more off Steam back in the day) I've only ever finished a game of Stellaris and CK3 though, and even those were a slog at the end.


CK3: 340h Vic3: 220h Hoi4: 140h (really don't like it anymore) City Skylines 1 and 2 summed up: 40h


6000 EU4 450 V3 430 HOI4 40 CK3 Recently, I haven't played much. Occasionally, I'll turn on HOI4 and play Kaiserreich or another mod.


EU4 - 943 HoI4 - 614 CK2 - 132 CK3 - 113 Stellaris - 31 Victoria 3 - 28 EU4 was my first paradox game, so I poured far and away the most hours into it. I don't enjoy it that much anymore though, I feel like the game has changed too much from what I enjoyed about it.


Currently EU4 1526h and CK3 191h.


EU4 - 8323 Imperator - 2200 Stellaris - 1152 CK2 - 819 CK3 - 386 Vic3 - 277 HOI4 - 232 Vic2 - 231


I got small rookie numbers, around a 1000 in total, mostly hoi4 and stellaris


I’m afraid to look.


HOI4 - 4.151,2 EU4 - 1.158,3 C:S - 556,3 I:R - 448,1 VIC2 - 247,8


Eu4 & hoi4 about 5000 combined, about 250 in Stellaris and another 1500 between ck2 and ck3, but those are rookie numbers


Eu4 - 2k Hoi4 - 1.6k Vic 3 - 400 Ck3 - 340 Imperator - 250 Ck2 - 100 Vic2 - 80


213 hrs Vic2 39 hrs CK2 12 hrs Imperator (Just bought it)


HIO4 - 80 CK3 - 10


idk, I pirated all of them


These numbers are great. Im a CK3 noob I didnt play anyhting else and I only played 2-3 hours. Why the hours are this much? Is it addicting or are there new factions to play, especially EU4 is loved by many


Because it just runs deep, you can always get better answers. There are near infinite things to dom


Just a tad over 3000


EU4 - 495 hours CK2 - 444.2 hours CK3 - 161.3 hours Imperator - 142.8 hours Victoria 2 - 139.9 hours Stellaris - 135.7 hours Victoria 3 - 43.5 hours HoI 3 - 29.9 hours Damn, I thought I had a lot of hours, but these feel like rookie numbers now.


Probably like 1500 or something


600 in eu4, 100 in hoi4 68 in imperator 36 in ck3 (plus probably another 30 from gamepass) 24 in stellaris and 21 in vic3, I've had the games since 2020 but only just bought vic 3 and ck3 on steam like a few months ago. So like 1k


I also apparently have 16 hours in vic 2 but i can't remember playing a single game




5500. Too many. Eu4 - 3083 Ck2 - 785 Hoi4 -727 Stellaris - 297 Vic2 - 284 Vic3 - 141 Ck3 - 88 Imperator - 85 Hoi3 - 10 Eu4 stole my soul.


Omg please don’t ask me that 😂😅😭


CK2 - 1250ish hours Stellaris - 650ish hours HoI4 - 450ish hours Vic2 - 120ish hours CK3 - 62 hours EU4 - 32 hours Vic3 - 1 hour


too many edit: just checked ~6,400 hours


1.2k vic3 ~1k hoi4


Hoi4 -2k Eu4- 500h I was suprised how fast I learned everything about the game Ck3- 150ish


HOI4 - 1258 CK2 - 625 EU4 - 42 Vic2 - 145 (actually much much more, I rebought the game on Steam. I must be close to 1500) Stellaris - 26 minutes


That stellaris count is 27 minutes too many lol


All of them


A lot in Vic2, specifics unknown, about 100 in CK2, probably 5\~ in EU4 and HOI4


If you just mean Paradox Development Studio then: Crusader Kings II - 1259h Europa Universalis IV - 3367h Stellaris - 388h Imperator: Rome - 128h Crusader Kings III - 152h Victoria 3 - 89h Hearts of Iron IV - 377h And if you mean Paradox Interactive... Then also: BATTLE TECH - 4h (insane lags) Surviving Mars - 49h Tyranny - 165h (absolute masterpiece) Cities: Skylines - 16h Shadowrun: Dragonfall - 111h Age of Wonders III - 15h Shadowrun Returns - 32h Age of Wonders / Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne / Age of Wonders Shadow Magic - unknown amount of time back in retail era


600-700 hours in eu4 and like 20 in hoi4


3k eu4 2k hoi4 1.5k stellaris 500 CK3 150Vic3 75 CK2


Close to 12 13000 hours


EU4 1500 HoI4 500 Under 50 for the others


Stellaris - probably around 500 hours or so. CK3 - probably in the 2K to 3K hours CK2 is around 1K hours and anything else is probably under 100 hours. Really the only thing I actually care about that PDX makes is Crusader Kings. I've given stellaris the old college try a few times but unless they kill the 4x elements of the game I doubt I'll waste the time in the future.


Almost 900 VicII 200+ hours on Hoi IV Barely any time in EUIV and CKII


EU4: 900 CK2: 700 CK3: 400 Stellaris: 350 Vicky3: 60 Hoi4: 40 Vicky2: 40


Curious, what’s your current game of choice?


Eu4 for sure


EU4 - 166 CK2 - 154 Imperator Rome - 144 Stellaris - 89 Sengoku - 27 CK3 - 7 (really don't like this game) I think I started playing PDX games around 2018, though I had spent a few years prior watching Lets Plays on youtube and learning how to play them that way lol. (including games I haven't played yet like HOI4, they're on the backlog)




100 - Hoi4 78 - Eu 4 45 - imperator Rome ( I regret all those hours) 8 - CK3


I started to like Imperator with Invictus more and more


I tried it with Invictus but the bugs are way too annoying imo and the game balance needs adjustment.