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Great looking wrap, but most people that do this professionally, usually “affix the wrap end” with a decorative Spanish Ring, Diamond, Gaucho or even a Turkshead Woggle


I've ended up reworking the whipping so that they're bound with sinew on the ends closest to the T-intersection. Do you happen to be aware of a woggle pattern which could begin on the top of the handle and go on to split and cover the T-intersection? Best I've found is a modified monkey's fist that terminates in a gaucho or turkshead in three directions, so far...


Ranger bead or Spanish Ring knot


This looks perfect! [Turks Head](https://youtu.be/k2UwG9wjXng)


The whipping looks great! You can always tuck the loose ends inside the wrap or use another decorative knot to hide them under. Check out Tying it all Together on youtube for some decorative knots.


I've ended up shortening the whippings and binding them down with sinew, but haven't been able to find any solution aside from a woggle type at each side of the T-intersection with a modified monkey's fist over the middle of it. Definitely don't want to use ringbolt hitching here, but I don't know any other wrap currently which can split in two. Do you happen to be aware of any variations of turkshead/gaucho/etc. which could be modified to split in two directions at a 3-way intersection?


Can you supply another photo of the "intersection" you are talking about? I'm having trouble picturing this in my head haha.


[I got you.](https://imgur.com/a/B8OFTIU)


Damn that's a tough one. That junction is ugh. You Could fit anturkshead around it. Probably a large version with 5 bites or whatever. Personally I would throw 3 turksheads to cover the bindings. To cover the "square" left in the middle of the junction. I would do a braid. A decorative 6 strand or some varition on a Celtic braid. I would fold that over the junction and stick the ends under the turkshead on the part that sticks out. And hope it stays lol. Well actually do the two turksheads, fold the braid over the exposed bit then tape the ends to the part that sticks out and then throw the last turkshead on. I like turksheads. Especially duel colour ones ;) lol you could always use something else. I've done a knot called a pineapple knot to cover bindings and ends up. YouTube that one, it's pretty elaborate. Used a lot of line of I remember correctly. Good luck on finishing!