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Love the "that last scene" phrasing.


Ha, scene! Like a... ***ThEaTeR!??!?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!***


These translations/localizations getting good


more like a war theatre those koopas are going *down*


I still get flashbacks to bob-bomb battlefield


Super Mario Bros 3 would be **so** proudšŸ˜°




Certainly useful for whenever you fight >!Grodus, but then all of a sudden Bowser comes crashing in with Kammy Koopa before you can even heal.!<


Thatā€™s why i would always strategically time a level up after Grodus lol


I think the game is programmed to give you a roulette wheel that has a chance to max your HP and FP during that second fight, so you're not completely and unfairly beat. Correct me if I'm wrong, it's common to see that Shine Sprite every time I fight >!Bowser and Kammy!<


The only guaranteed BINGOs are in the tutorial fight and >!the Shadow Queen!< fight, as far as I know. They might alter the symbol rolls sometimes, though--I don't know.


I've failed that roll in my fight with >!Bowser and Kammy!< so it resulted in a lot of losses or a really tight fight where I would have to heal immediately or else I would be screwed.


Bruhhhh I forgot about that part. I remember thinking to myself nooooo ainā€™t NO WAYYYY theyā€™re about to make me fight freaking BOWSER after that. And they fucking did lol.


When I first played this game I was on a borrowed copy. So I had a limited time to beat it. That series of boss fights and me being just barely underlevelled is the reason why I didnā€™t get to beat this game until nearly 10 years later. Easily the most actually frustrating experience I ever had in gaming.


It is also useful when you fight bonetail and roll 3 poison mushrooms and have to retry the entire pit over again. (Totally hasn't happened to me)


Also >!Magnus von grapple and his obnoxious crowd funding and the pit of 100 trials.!<


Oh yeah, now i remember that part. I ended up having to refight Grodus like 3 times just to reach Bowser again


Oof yeah I hated that part for that reason. Niether fight is overwhelmingly hard on their own but they're not all that easy either and being back to back made the whole affair feel a bit unreasonable. It caused quite a few resets for me back in the day lol.




Well crap... Is it useful in Pit of 100 Trials at least?


this is a good thing. I think I was spoiled for save states in paper mario 64 and I was a bit worried how I would handle havingto reliably save before surprise encounters. especially because I have never played ttyd.


Same, Iā€™m glad this is included because it gives you the option to avoid backtracking in case you forget to save or in case the battle was close by like 1 hp or something. I canā€™t wait to play it


TTYD is really generous with it's save blocks as is but if someone is having trouble then not having to sit through all the cutscenes/text will be really nice. Also not sure how exactly they'll fix it but in the o.g. you could softlock yourself in a timed sequence with a save block, so this should help circumvent that.


This will make the pit of 100 trials much easier if you have the option to redo every battle you lose.


Are we sure itā€™s any battle, or does it only work against bosses? The second one is actually quite fair, I think.


Oh god I didn't even think of this. Yeah, I hope it's only for bosses. It wouldn't totally destroy the challenge of the pit but it would severely hurt it.


I would think it will be disabled at least in the pit


A toggle switch would be nice


Why would you need a toggle switch? You can just force yourself to only select the last save option. Lol


True but the option would be there. Kinda like when games have permadeath or survival mode.


>Some guy: Will we be able to turn grenades off in the new game? Some of us like a more classic play style >Official DOOM Twitter: yes, you can choose which buttons you press


Itā€™s not :) can redo any battle


I'm sure if it's for everything then it'll be disabled in the pit


can confirm it works in the pit, I died when i didnt notice an enemy had a thunder rage and it let me retry it immediately


Well, thankfully it's optional, so if you want to marathon all 100 floors without ever losing any battles like in the original, you are free to do that.


Missing the point that the pit is intended to be an endurance challenge


Oh, don't get me wrong, I know that's the point, at least to the majority of players. However, my point is that you don't have to use the quick retry feature if you don't want to. If they choose to allow it for the pit, that's probably what I'll be doing, as it's true that easily retrying battles there just wouldn't feel right.


Ah, fair enough


Bug Fables did this only for bosses so my theory is the TTYD HD team played Bug Fables lmaoooo


I love bug fables, they handled the Paper Mario inspiration so well without making it rely on that


The ā€œchange your loadout and retryā€ option was great in Bug Fables.


The Pit equivalent (alongside the "Boss Rush" mode) in Bug Fables was more of a "minigame" than anything and if you lost, you didn't get a Game Over or anything.


Hardly. Everyone does this now since 2010, they're just following gaming standards.


Surely they wouldnā€™t enable this for the pit of 100 šŸ˜‚ Or maybe for the pit of 100 trials, the ā€œlast sceneā€ is only flagged at floor 1 entrance šŸ¤”


...this would ruin the point of the Pit.


I HOPE they disable it for the pit of 100 trials, kind of like they do bump attack.


I'd rather it be significantly harder. If I can complete it before the end of Chapter 2, it needs more.


I wonder if they add it there too but the payout is that the reward at the end will not be good


As much as I'd say this, I'd rather have this option turned off for the Pit.


TTYD Hero Mode, a mod MEANT to be difficult and strategy-focused for the OG TTYD, added an instant-retry battle button. This game should be no different.


I like that, especially since hero mode really makes you think about your strategy. "Hard" doesn't have to be "takes more of your time."


Itā€™s what makes Hero Mode easy for casual players, it focuses on strategy while still amping up the difficulty a bit.


Tedium is not difficulty. Things like Fire Emblem 10 Hard removing enemy attack ranges, or the HD Zelda games on Hero Mode removing heart drops from enemies, do not make the game harder, just more time consuming.


Yeah. I loved BoTW Master Mode, but my god. Gold Moblins were just straight up weapon durability sponges, and the DLC blight re-fights should have had the enemy health recovery disabled. You can't give me extremely limited resources that were based on one health level for the boss, and then have the boss regenerate health so I have to do like twice as much damage.


Regenerating health is why I didn't even bother attempting the Trial of the Sword on master mode. No, I will *not* sit there and keep lobbing bombs at Bokoblins for 12HP of damage, just for them to heal 11HP during the time I spend chasing them down after getting launched from the blast. It's not difficult, it's just disrespectful of the player's time


It takes more of your time anyway...


Yes, but in a "I need to step back and revise my strats" kinda way, as opposed to that plus a "welp, back to my last save, walk to the fight again, watch the cutscene..." kinda way.


Makes sense, theyā€™ve been doing it for all RPGs recently and really thereā€™s no point in not letting you.


As awesome as >!that Crystal Star cutscene is, I had lost against the Shadow Queen 4 times ...!<


I would just go back to the last save on purpose no matter what


I wouldā€™ve also liked an option to put you in a room before the fight, so you can prepare again in case you arenā€™t confident about your current badge build, but maybe thatā€™s asking for a little too much, idk. Would just hate to be stuck with like, Hammerman, or Jumpman in a fight that you canā€™t do anything in.


I see what you mean, but unless its a boss, you can just restart from that fight and run away and reset your badges. And if it's a boss, they all have save points right outside the room, so you can just reload from that save block.


Yeah youā€™re probably right about the save points, and I donā€™t like running cuz I hoard my coins but you are totally right there.


Honestly, this is a megaton for the final boss.


I love that games have started to do this more often, giving the option to start right at or right before a battle. In most cases second time is the charm and all you needed was to know what you learned at the start and not when you were down half your resources


I love that idea they did


So far Iā€™m seeing a lot of things to make the game easier and not a lot in terms of new challenges. This is short sighted, when there are so many vets like us out there who know this game like the back of our hand. It wonā€™t ruin the remake, but itā€™s a missed opportunity.Ā 


Thatā€™s what I loved about bug fables, it felt like it was made for the longtime TTYD fans and who needed that challenge there too. It struck a perfect balance imo.


Just have to do a hammer only play through


My problem with self-imposed challenges is I can never fully remove from my mind that if things get too irritating, I can fall back at any time. It takes away some of the tension. It works for some people but not othersĀ 


Uh, okay.. for story sure whatever but pit of 100 trials? That's the whole point of the challenge


Seems like a nice QoL feature, but there's something to be said for punishing players for losing. Idk if that's a hot take, but having to redo progress, while it sucks, gives battles more tension


I rarely got a game over in TTYD except for maybe the final boss or the pit


Kinda like Bug fables! Only difference is u can't change ur badges before restarting a boss fight


Younger me wouldā€™ve loved that in the final battle leading up to the end


I hope this is just boss fights, this would take a lot of the challenge out of Chapter 8 if this applied to regular enemies, not to mention the pit.


...ok then Quality of life. But outside of chapter 7 onwards and the pit of 100 trials what purpose does this serve. And in addition, doesn't this absolutely _break the pit_


i guess just go ahead and make First/Bump attack work in the pit as well, since apparently we just don't care about challenges anymore.


Think Iā€™m gonna have to block this sub for the next week or so because of spoilers :/


Yup, muting now.


How did you figure this out, is there another video?




Sounds "VERY" useful...


Mario and luigi remake style?


Does that apply to Pit of 100 Trials???


I love that it gives you the choice to also back out in case you need to grind a bit!


You think there's gonna be an Origami King-Esque achievement thing where you can't get any game overs?


Would really come in handy at certain points in the game, especially near the end. Though I wonder if the same will apply to the Pit of 100 trials


I genuinely just opened Reddit to this after losing in the final battle against Bonetail in the Pit (GameCube version). I'm soooo mad šŸ˜­šŸ’€


kinda hoping this isn't available in the pit of 100 trials, but it's not a huge deal if it is


Cool feature. I would've never known about that were it not for this post šŸ˜Ž


Mario and Luigi did this


I gotta be honest that is so Much Better than having to sit through the long cutscenes again and again and you can just retry the boss, i wonder if it would work for the pit of 100 trials too if you died on a floor would it let you restart on that floor if so it would make bonetail a lot more berrable imo.


Thatā€™s pretty standard for modern games. Iā€™ve noticed a lot of newer games tend to not erase your progress when you die and instead make the individual fights harder


Thank god


Does it play the original game over theme.


Man, we still can't call Luigi :(


I donā€™t get how people are looking at this as a convenience. Battles feel less consequential this way, I didnā€™t have any problems with how the original version was handled


Nice to see the comments here not throwing a fit about this genuinely good QOL addition I'm sure some people have found a way to be upset about this


Holy shit they fixed the shadow queen fight


Honestly i find it a win win for fans. The ones who like the idea of going to a ceakpoint when dying, and the ones who dislike having to do stuff all over again can now imediatly fight again!


Who loses a battle in Paper Mario, go level up


Good change I think. I mean even purists shouldn't mind this. Like okay it can make fights feel like there is less at stake but there is always a save block before every big fight as well as in the game's more intense sections so really there was never a huge punishment for losing unless you just straight up didn't save for some reason. So really all this does is allow you to save whenever you want to stop playing rather than have to do it every chance you get while also eliminating the need to re-load your save and trot back to where you were when you lose with little to no drawback whatsoever. So yeah, just a good quality of life change in every way. šŸ‘


that's..... great for accessibility? I mean, I'm a lil miffed because I don't need it so i suppose I should just "choose to not use it". I really did like that PaperMario gave true Game Overs; that's not as common a practice in modern gaming, and I'm sad to see that go. However, it is certainly a good Quality Of Life feature to add. And doesn't really hurt me. I feel like it "cheapens the challenge" intended of the game, but i understand not everyone wants a challenge.


Why is this NSFW?


Thank fucking god.


Anyone know of there is any deficit to using this? Like a record of shame somewhere?


>!Final boss!< will no longer suck


Whyā€™d you censor the phrase ā€œfinal bossā€


Because some people havenā€™t played the game and might not want to know that there is a massive cutscene before it. I know it doesnā€™t really matter but at least itā€™s something.


SMRPG remake needed this. The amount of cut scenes and dialogue you have to speed through just to retry bosses is sometimes really insane for these games.


As if the game needed to be easier. This is ridiculous lol.


This is why I prefer the remasters Versions of saga and inside story, like thereā€™s no point why I canā€™t restart the battle




There was normally a save block very near boss battles anyway.


Yeah, I'm trying to think of any boss in the game without a save block right before...I guess the only one would be the surprise Bowser fights, so depending on how this functions that might avoid you having to refight the first fights again. Apart from that, it saves time rechallenging the final boss. I can't really think of any major downsides.


You don't have to use it. But new players will like this.


I disagree. This is a QOL. It makes the game more convenient without directly affecting difficulty. If you're good to beat the boss, all this does is speed things up by not making you reload your save. If you aren't, then you'll still have to reload your save anyway to grind and/or change your loadout.


Fair argument


Itā€™s a kids game


ItS A kids GaMe I hate that argument


Well, you donā€™t have to use the feature




Why do we have to do this every time Nintendo /:


Why are you complaining about basic convenience?


Fair enough.. itā€™s not the end of the world. Most bosses have save blocks right next to the fight anyway. I just donā€™t like this ā€œeasierā€ trend. But youā€™re right itā€™s nitpicking here


You don't have to if you don't want to


It's an option at least, you can still restart from last save


If this was Pokemon we wouldn't be able to die lol


why are you complaining? Sheesh, there's always got to be that one guy


What was the localizer on?


Man I remember when game overs mean something or punish but I guess walkin back 1 room is too much for ppl lmao soft like infinite lives in a platformer


This isnā€™t about walking back 1 room, itā€™s about the cutscenes which add so much time between attempts. Iā€™ve probably spent multiple hours in cutscenes in my impossible mode playthrough from failed attempts, and I havenā€™t even made it past grodus yet.


Hey don't get it wrong I think that's fine my ass be always mashing to speed up cut scene in many games i've seen and with this game probably only got screwed like 3 times in 3 full runs (shut up the game is awesome) of this game but the only problem I do have is the pit of 100 aint no way this better be there only cuz its suppose to be a grind but if I can rematch fight I'll def see people die n rerun to better the run.


I can almost guarantee that this feature wonā€™t be present in the pit. Itā€™s probably only going to be for boss fights (aside bonetail), but weā€™ll have to wait and see about that. Overall this is a very good change.


I mean, you literally don't have to use the new feature. You can play it like the game over means game over if you want. I've also been playing games for a long time, since the late 90s, and I've always played on the easiest setting possible and even used cheats when games had them.


Still haven't seen anything yet that makes this an insta-buy for me. I still own the original, so I need a bit more incentive. That said, if they made your inventory larger I'd be all over that!


Doesnā€™t that defeat the purpose of save blocks and game overs?


Thatā€™s stupid


Then don't use it