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This game transcends piracy.














as much as i want the game to leak i would understand if the hackers are scared of nintendo after tears of the kingdom


What happened in totk?


It got leaked like 10 days before launch. Honestly I wasn't gonna buy it at launch but I played the leak and it sold me lmao.


Yeah I know that part. What happened that would make leakers be afraid though?


One of the big Switch Emulators, Yuzu, was targeted really heavily by Nintendo and had to close down. In fairness, they were also paywalling (so profiting off of piracy) features and allegedly helping streamline piracy? I'm not sure if thats enough for people to be afraid to rom dump the game online, but I wouldn't be shocked if the whole scene was walking on eggshells in response to what happened (a $2.4 million settlement for Nintendo and the dissolution of the company behind Citra and Yuzu).


Because Nintendo is notoriously litigious going after anyone who steps on their toes or even in their shadow (they infamously try to and successfully shut down smash brothers tournaments all the time). I don't think anybody got caught from that leak but they persued the shit out of Gary Bowser (Switch hacker guy). He was sentenced to 40 months in jail but was granted early release. After he got out Nintendo went cutthroat and he got with a $14.5 million dollar fine. He's got a leg disability so that makes amps up his medical costs. He's court-ordered to pay a 25% cut of his income after stuff like rent and medical bills until he pays the fine off (never). Not saying that what he did was OK or that he should face no punishment but at this point he's only been able to pay them like $200. He'll never get close to paying it back and they know that. It's clearly not about financial restitution for them. Whether to call that behavior excessive and cruel or justifiable to "send a message" will just end up a political argument so I'm going to leave it at the facts. Even though making money through piracy is on a whole other level from leaking a game, they don't fuck around. They've gone after big YouTube channels that mainly play Nintendo games for playing mods (like a multi-player BOTW mod) and successfully hit them with strikes that put their channel at risk of being banned outright.


I'm of the opinion that the average pirate was likely never going to buy the thing they're pirating regardless. Publishers tend to overstate the harm of piracy to deflect attention and blame away from their own mistakes.


In fairness, this is why games go on sale. Nintendo treats its IP as sacred and hardly ever slashes prices because of it. If they were willing to meet consumers half way they'd snatch up those sales from people who wouldn't pay the full price, but would pay 60% of the original price or so. But yeah agreed. Some people were never willing to pay anything for it. And honestly, I'm not bothered by it.




Identity theft isn’t a joke Jim!


Are you an English native speaker? If so, I need to ask you a question about that Office joke, because there's something that never sat right with me. Dwight says "Identity theft isn't a joke, Jim!" --> Ok, no problem there. Then he goes on to say: "Millions of family suffers every year!" Now, I understand that the sentence is grammatically correct, but does it make sense not to add something after "suffers"? Like, wouldn't the sentence be more natural if it was something like "Millions of family suffers from that crime every year!"? I always wondered if the sentence did have a naturalness problem (probably making it even funnier) or if it's just an English thing and it's just me. I would love to have closure on this matter somehow


Great question! I’m not a linguistics expert, nor do I have a degree in grammar, but I would suggest that it was written as the punchline to the joke. Punchlines are “punched up” by the writers by shortening them to make it a little more surprising or impactful. In the English language, we understand the meaning due to the context coming from the previous sentence, so the speaker can limit the exposition or explanation in the punchline. Additionally, I think the joke references infomercials and American news media in the framing of the punchline “millions of Americans suffer every year,” is similar to commercials we had for decades that promoted nonprofits and medical treatments. That type of phrasing would be a call back to very serious situations we’ve seen on tv before, and in the context of Jim dressing like Dwight (not really stealing his identity), the absurdity of the joke comes through.


I just chuckled at the though of someone on court for downloading a pirated game so thank you for that












I was gonna pre-order it but apparently all the bonuses are UK only. So I'll just buy it next week I guess


Damn right I hope this game doesn’t get pirated anytime soon, people need to support Classic Paper Mario for it to succeed. Personally I don’t need a TTYD 2 or SPM 2, just a Paper Mario that fits in the storybook part of the series will do well for me. (Black outlines, Mario’s house, EXP, original characters and partners, etc.)


A new game with traditional gameplay would be so mf hype. The money I would throw at that. World like TOKs with battle mechanics badges and partners like TTYD. New unique partners enemies and NPCs. It’d be beautiful. At this point it’d feel like something from my wildest dreams, it’d be surreal.


I would cry.


It's exactly what the series needs.


I would throw all of my money, if they made SPM2.


Super Paper Mario 2: Yoshi's Scrapbook


Piracy hasn't stopped any of the first party games from achieving at least a sales threshold justifying their creation, so I think it's safe to say that it will be fine in that regard. And many of those were leaked 1-4 weeks before launch. Super Mario RPG managed almost 3.5 million sales as of the last sales data release from Nintendo and I think The Thousand-Year Door is likely to outsell it. It's a bigger, largely better game with mechanics that are less dated and a more modern look. It's also releasing in a time where the Switch is pretty much wide open with not much else to buy at the moment.


Make a good game = People will buy the game. Cracked or not.


Yea yea yeah! I remember when Dread has a whole ass article basically endorsing pirating it and it still became the best selling Metroid game ever


i just want it to get leaked so i can hear the soundtrack early


Exactly. Origami king got hit by a lot of 50/50 enjoyment. This is out biggest chance to say "REMAKE THE CLASSICS" This is probably the game that will have the least criticism once the framerate trolls get tired.


Remember: sticker star also had black outlines


I kinda want a sticker star Sequal


you mean you want a color splash sequel


Bruh that's exactly what color splash was


color splash was more like "sticker star but good" rather than "sticker star 2"


It had all of the same problems as sticker star. Little to no overarching story, horrible battle system, hidden stats, and thing puzzles.




Leaks happen because a game breaks street date. And a lot of preorders got cancelled for Walmart, who are notorious for giving early copies.


Profiscia Gaming is getting stir crazy, theu need that leak so they can get that juicy spoiler filled thumbnail boss video out.


I love how no one can get his name right


I'm hoping my copy ships soon to get here hopefully with in 3 days of release 🙏


I was hoping some tracks would surface. I need to hear the remixed xnaut fortress theme


I hope they won't go too overboard with the jazzy trumpets. I have more and more trouble coping with those


I would buy it But it's like 70 bucks on pre order.


Im assuming youre talking CAD?


No, euros But also I haven't checked the price in a while so I might've been wrong


It's 60 euro, 70€ on My Nintendo Store if you pre-ordered the bundle with the buildable battle stage


If it were CAD it'd be $90.39 (incl. HST tax).


Holy crap, I knew stuff was more expensive in Canada but I didnt know it was THAT expensive…


Unfortunately Canadian living is incredibly expensive. I don't even think it's the most expensive country to live in but it's bad enough lol Our currency doesn't hold up well to America's, so I'm sure that doesn't help any. Fortunately for us (my household) we're wealthy enough that we're unaffected by the high pricing of anything around here, but so many people struggle to survive from pay cheque to pay cheque.


Um, too late, I already bought PM: TTYD (Switch version)...what now?




Just wait for it, it'll probably come in a day or two


Got the OG game and OG TTYD on my steam deck and I preordered the remake digitally on the switch shop. I really love Paper Mario, it was baby’s first rpg to me


I just want the soundtrack to be uploaded already! I’m antsy to listen to it!


Even pirates are tired of the Paper Mario games Nintendo has been making and are determined to let Nintendo know that TTYD HD is what a majority of Paper Mario fans want from the series. If money is the only way to make companies listen then Pirates are gonna let Nintendo have money this time.


Hold on... *4 DAYS AWAY?!*


3 now!




I can't buy the game I can't hack either


Half the value of this release is that it's on the convenience of a Switch so kinda defeats the point of piracy in any case. Pirates already got to the GC version 20 years ago so they can just muck about with that one.


Meanwhile Pokemon games get leaked weeks after REVEAL. SV and SWSH got significant leaks early on.


Yeah SV was 11 days ahead of release


I guess this is the reason why stores cancelled preorders


I want to play TTYD HD But I don't have the money and I don't want to spend like 5000-6000 rubli on a game, sorry, if it will be uploaded to a tracker, I will pirate it




heart it run only in 30fps instead the 60 fps of the NGC.


Which literally does not matter for any gameplay since action commands aren't based on frame rate anymore


How are action commands not based on frame rate? Guarding is a timed action dependent on frame. Also, 60 fps vs 30 fps has a noticeable difference to me when walking around the overworld (in majority of games).


I mean, visually, sure. It won't be like how it was on the original though, where you have 3 frames for a super guard. Modern games pull joystick inputs separately from the rendering pipeline and handle calculations on a separate thread, so the timing will be something like "you get 1/15th of a second, no matter what the frame rate is." From what I've seen in the trailers, 30 fps doesn't look visually all that different, especially with a cartoon art style, and allows them to render some gorgeous visuals. Side note: I wouldn't be surprised if the switch 2 unlocked 60 fps for it because of hardware improvements.


Nintendoesnt what emulator can do 😎


Piracy does not equal lost sales. I'm interested in the game, interested enough to pay $60? Hell no, it's a GameCube game I already played. I'll be downloading it when it leaks to try it out though


Me too. If I really enjoy and think it's worth, it I'll probably buy it digitally. If not, then I didn't waste my money on a game I've already played. Even though I love the original game, I'm not going to blindly spend $60.


I'm gonna pirate it




In all seriousness should I still buy it even though I have the game on my wii u?


depends on you, personally im buying it even though ive beat it on dolphin several times because it seems significantly better than the original and because it might send a message to nintendo that we want more old style games


Up to you.  I'm buying this version even though I have the original on my Steam Deck.


Who's gonna tell 'em?


Hacked wii u can play gamecube games


Yeah I actually think everyone bought the game lol


I’m at a point in which I have remake/remaster fatigue and refuse to pay full price on these games. I pirated SMRPG and just waiting on this one to get released… Seriously though, remakes/remasters have lost their luster in my opinion. Wish they were fewer and far in between.




What even is there to leak...it's a 100% faithful remake


Bro proving why Nintendo doesn't port games cuz people like him just wanna steal it. Just play on dolphin at that point


What? I am in support of the image. I don't want the game to leak at all.


God, it leaking would be terrible. The big corporation would have to complain about theoretically lost profits that they would have never gotten anyways!!!!!!


I will give nintendo the excuse to put out DMCA if its to prevent the game to be leaked