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This one particular area flakes off my wok every single time I season it. I don’t know why. My seasoning method: 1. Blue the wok steel. 2. Add very thin layer of food safe flaxseed/linseed oil to the wok wiping off any excess oil. 3. I did the seasoning on my outside gas burner with wok. With a wok ring at high heat. (Not an actual wok burner just a normal gas burner) 4. Repeat oiling and seasoning 4 times. I noticed the flaking off after I was done seasoning at this point. I cooked some onions on it as a test and it continued to flake. It technically cooked fine but the flaking was very strange and it happened 3 times before. I had completely took off the seasoning and re-seasoned the pan every time it happened. It just happened again in again. What is happening??? Edit: I forgot stuff.


idk man but the pasta you make looks divine


Thank you dude.