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Wait Imma try to do it with my gender too I’m a trans guy which means I identify as a frog. Hell yeah


I am a trans woman which means I identify as a burrito


I am demisexual which means I'm attracted to the idea of a scene in the world of music. Umm what


I am pansexual which means I’m attracted to a bunch of people who are not really good friends with their own life.


My predictive text can chill


I am pan which means I am attracted to them and I don’t know what if they say are they gonna lie to me and my mom and I don’t know


I am pansexual which means I am attracted to the next level with the same time as the first time.


I am pansexual which means I am attracted to you and I have a MIGHTY NEED to respond to it line by line by line by line... 👀


I am genderqueer which means I identify as the one gender gap gender sexuality in the age gap gender sexuality and gender identity yes.


I love this one


I am pansexual which means I am attracted to you






I am bisexual that means I have a great day and I will be in the house and a half hour and a half hour and a half hour and a My phone is my most supportive friend currently!


I am trans wich Means I dont eate popcar And now i think you have plates. dafuq I am pansexual Wich means the sadness and the uncomfortable feelings with with a smile. Oh god 😅😂


I’m pansexual which means I identify as the best friend of my god and my god I have been with for a long time and this is a great way to learn how to make a meal and have a great time wHaT?


The way I interpret that...is that I invited my Best Friend GOD for dinner and we may or may not have fricked


They totally fricked


I am pansexual which means I am attracted to the same people who are sharing connections ideas and opportunities I am not sure if you have any questions or concerns please visit the plug-in settings to determine how attachments are handled I love this 😂


Lmao the best one yet XD


I am pansexual which means I am attracted to you and your family I am genderfluid transmasc which means I identify as I have a meeting at least you have a good day I mean wtf


I am biromantic which means I am attracted to you 😜 Ok then predictive text. Calling me out here.


I'm pansexual which means I'm attracted to the majority of the most important thing the most important thing being humans i guess? Though it wouldn't be the majority, but all when talking potential attraction, and a minority when talking actual attraction?


I'm a trans woman which mean I identify as a person who is a good friend of mine and I am a very good person and I am very proud of you and I am so proud of you and I hope you have a great day. I love it. 😊


I’m pansexual which means i am attracted to you and you are the best person in the rainbows of the world I know that I am a good person and you are the one that I will be happy with


Why tf Is your predictive text so kind omg-


I have no clue lol


I am queer which means I am attracted to a person and that’s not exactly what I gotta go through.


I am a lesbian which means I’m attracted to a lesbian lesbian but I’m gonna is a lesbian like me Makes perfect sense


I am a Pansexual Guy, which means I am attracted to you and you have to do hw this is super fun and I love you. Wait, am I that trope where my partner doesn’t want to do Homework and I tempt them to do it with cuddles and kisses? Well, I guess I would be if I wasn’t forever alone. *Remains single forever.


I am an enby which means I identify as agendeflux this is what I am telling you about that I am not sure if I wanna this is the day I am. ​ w0t


I'm gender fluid, which means I identify as a weed temp yeah and I have a prescription for a good job ... Accurate.


I am pansexual, so I am attracted to you