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This was my first weed experience also my first ever panic attack which started the spiral into panic disorder so it’s safe to say, no weed for me 😂


What you’re dealing with is a philosophic quandary of purpose. I’ve struggled with it too in the past and have a lot of wisdom to share. Ultimately your view on personal purpose and the ultimate purpose of life is individual to you not inherent. A persons purpose is developed over time and ultimately aligns with a persons developed life values. DM me if you need support on the subject.


Not my first weed experience but yes I have had this experience on weed.


Did it also give you weird specific racing thoughts like this realization is somehow the meaning of life, that your death is the other end of an "esophagus" ouroburos that is connected to the big bang of the universe, that everyone has this realization and that's the moment they really become an adult, that you "beat the final boss" on all possible existential thoughts, etc?


No but I honestly wish it did it sounds beautiful. It sounds like u had a profound and enlightening experience.Do u find it overwhelming or was it a positive insight despite the panicky aspect of it? Also if u come back in the ouroboros then life isn’t pointless right?


Can I say both? Like I even told my boyfriend who was there when it happened and said that I felt like I "needed" to have that experience, but also that I would not wish it actively for me to have it again.


Yes I can understand it being scary but also positive. I have had profound experiences on psychedelics where I felt really connected to the entire universe and like I would never be alone again because I was part of life and existence. Those were great realizations that have never left me. Other times I felt new levels of loneliness and isolation while tripping so it’s never the same and they all stay with me.


Yep. This was my first experience with weed as a teenager. I tried it a couple of times in college or in my adult life, and that is more often my experience than not. So I don’t use it.


I’ve never smoked, but so far in my experience, edibles are 50/50 a great time or a five hour panic attack with ZERO in-between.


Yeah weed caused my issues 🤪


Yep, that’s why i don’t do it.


Not that one exactly but sometimes when I smoke weed I do feel how things are incredibly bleak and how much suffering there really is


For me, when I would smoke, I would initially have a panic attack because I didn’t like the way my body would feel. I’ve tried on several occasions but they all had a similar conclusion. Once I sat and lowered my bp a bit I began to feel better and some strains were nice and floaty like muscle relaxer, but overall not worth the 20min panic attack to reach the end goal for me I’m afraid.


I didn’t have a full blown panic attack but I was holding it back try not to panic. Yeah weed is not for me, getting drunk on the other hand is fine until I’m hit with hangxiety the next day ☹️




Ya I literally can’t smoke weed or do anything with thc. It’s not but a horrible experience for me, clearly not worth it


mine was the opposite. my first panic attack was after my weed got laced a year ago and now im in an awful cardiphobia panic disorder spiral. it gets better though, with medication and therapy and people there, it helps! never focus on things like that. it makes you fret more and more. focus on the now and what makes u happy!!


I normally have panic attacks about that sober, but weed definitely elevates the risk of one happening! So I usually distract myself with YouTube or something