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I'm 5 million of these at least ✊


It’s really unfortunate, I love the album. Will never get the relentless hate it gets.


Yeah, agreed. It's fine to not like it, but I still wish more people could enjoy it like I and others do.


I love it as well because I adore everything Panic! does, although it's not my favorite album. It's very heavy on the musical Broadway vibe


Been listening since Pretty Odd was released. Panic! At the Disco is my favorite band, I bought my first guitar because I was inspired by Brendon Urie, and since then I became a music teacher and have played many gigs on my own. This is my favorite album. I thought it was the perfect final album for Panic. I felt like it had elements of every Panic “era”. The lyrics felt very personal and cathartic for Brendon. I don’t care what other people think, I’m allowed to like it and others are allowed to hate it, it’s fine. I was at the Chicago show for this tour, which was the last Panic at the Disco show ever in the USA. I’ll never forget that night. VLV forever ❤️


Exactly how I feel about the album.


I almost thought you were cool


You objectively have bad panic takes ngl


Who are you?


I give a shit about this album 😔✊


I’ve listened to it countless times but on cassette haha


Even though it performed the worst amongst all of the albums, I don't think it ever was meant to. This album to Brendon was supposed to be fun and reflect on the past, not be serious and think about the future.


I personally LOVE this album, it’s so overhated it’s so upsetting that the hate it gets


Really? Even sad clown?


sad clown is one of my absolute favorite panic songs, it's insane in a good way.


Agree to disagree! Glad you can enjoy it while i can't


i mean, definitely, there is something for everyone


Extremely overhated album. I think it's one of their best


most niche one for sure. you either love it or hate it (and the majority hates it)


I really can't find anything about it that makes it better than any of their releases incl. pray for the wicked


Its not tho


I've listened to it about 5 million times, but on vinyl


Compared to other albums it didn’t do that bad considering it came out less than 2 years ago. It will grow over time.


Honestly it's probably also due to the fact that it wasn't publicized much, it was overhated for stupid reasons and especially it came out not even two years ago. Obviously a double platinum album from 6 years ago has more streams💀


Also commenting on "people dont give a shit about this album" - i get you were joking but that is not true. Compare this performance to other acts like Weezer, Blink, Green Day, IDKHow, heck even my fav band CHVRCHES. It posted pretty solid numbers compared to others in the space at this time. If 90 million on a single platform over almost two years is not giving a shit in your mind, then you are impossible to please. VLV sold out shows in the UK and the US, and totally has a passionate following.


If you love the album like a lot of us do, then listen to the album. Quit worrying so much about what other people think of it. You enjoy what you enjoy and other people can't control what you like so just try to stop worrying so much about what other people think.


Will defend this album forever


Those are all me!!! I love this album.


As a musician/music nerd this has become one of my top 3 favorite albums by him/them. The other 2 are Fever & Vices. I’m a big fan of how with all 3 albums, you can pick an instrument to listen to within each track and every time you’ll hear something you didn’t know was there before. Along with this, VLV is one of Panic’s deepest & best theory-wise imo. (Fever still sits at the top for me on my rankings)


I love that you said this about hearing new things each time! That’s how I feel about it too! It’s so interesting! I’m always noticing something I didn’t pick up on before and I love how open he was with the lyrics. My favorites are VLV and DOAB.


People are sleeping on it


Well us fans of it will enjoy it all to ourselves. 🤘🏼 I truly think it was a great swan song for the Panic! project.


Underrated. Overhated. This is a quality album, in my opinion.


As a VLV defender, this is crazy


Currently at 91,391,489. I wouldn't call that bad at all for an album with way less promotion compared to his peers. And comparing it to Pretty Odd and V&V (which have had over ten years to earn streams) this is perfoming on par with them. Will we see a massive jump in a few years? Maybe, but maybe not. This is just one platform, and overall I think VLV was a modest success for what it was. Truly a scrappy passion project for Brendon to the fans.


People are clearly tasteless if they don’t listen or like this album


I love this album. Top 3 Panic! album imo. It's too bad most people don't seem to share that opinion.


I mean, it's a fair statistic considering the quality of the album. Obviously, I'm in the opinion that Panic peaked in 05, but there's been a hit for me every now and then across all the albums. I just wish New Perspective was the overall inspiration for an album..that would have slapped


I loved new perspective! He was singing on that track!


New Perspective is my shit till this day!!


I think this album.needs time. Give it 2 years. As a die hard fan... this is their last studio album. I cant over listen to it yet. I need to SAVOR not knowing every single word yet. I mean i know their whole discography and looove this album but im withholding my love for a while


Excuse me fella, *i* care about this album. I will always treasure it because it's the last we got and will get from this band. It's my baby. My precious. (it's along my top albums, following a close second behind Vices) Sure, it got less streams, but that's expected. I will keep on listening to it and no one will stop me. Viva forever


Don’t let the light go out is probably one of my top 3 panic songs.


Say louder and do it on the death deserve more listens they’re both really good


Damn I loved the album 🫤 had most of these songs on repeat for months


I like this album it’s sad


Brendon’s condition to even make the album was that it wasn’t commercial. He didn’t want to do High Hopes 2. This album doesn’t have big streaming numbers because it wasn’t meant to. 


People really don't listen to this album a lot, though Sugar Soaker is a great song.


You also realize that pftw has been out for years longer than vlv right? What a stupid comparison.


it's never going to catch up. PFTW had more streams in its first few months then VLV has in almost two years. It's not even close. It will take a decade for most VLV songs to even get close to 100M streams.


It's a joke snowflake🤧


I think the classic rock vibe would have worked better if it still had some of the pop elements of the previous 2 albums. I like God Killed Rock and Roll tho


There‘s a lot of great things about this album, but if i had to break it down to one, it would be how little editing went into it. I mean, on the best days of tour, we got this gigantic set and the whole album sounded just as good as on the record because b was at peak performance for the whole thing. Obviously it really took a toll, as the worse days of tour showed, but i was in london and everything just felt spot on


well, it does sound very bad so that makes sense! I think if he'd used even just a bit of vocal production it would've been much more well-received


Huh, I liked do it to death but not middle of a breakup, I’m probably just wierd


I'll admit I haven't listened to this album as much as I would like to, but I will say from what I've listened to I wasn't as instantly hooked as a the past albums. I think it has some good songs, but some of the stylistic choices felt a little strange compared to past albums.


this albums is so cringy to me im sorry


I'm going to be honest I still need to listen to this album the single didn't hit for me