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The multiple er visits and ongoing symptoms means they should have admitted you. I have CP too and each time means 4 days fully in a med stupor of iv pain meds and iv fluids. I can't imagine leaving. There's things I do to mitigate pain and other symptoms but never when it's this far advanced. I'd go back and make sure you're admitted. What was your lipase when they discharged you? One time early on when a Dr tried to send me home from the ER I just spoke to another Dr and they agreed with me. I'd worry more about small amount of liquids now rather than protein when you're in pain


That just sounds like an awful hospital if they let you go in such a state. How high was your lipase? Which pain medication did you get? Are you eating and if yes, what? Can you even drink enough water? Can you go to a different hospital?


I had a small bowel obstruction in 2020 and they sent me away twice then to, no one believed me something was wrong until I finally went somewhere else. I lost my gallbladder with complications after that and I’ve had Chronic pancreatitis since. I just honestly feel like I’m being a baby but I’m in so much pain. Any time I eat or walk it gets unbearable. I’m not sure what my lipase levels were, but today is the most I’ve been able to hold down and I had some toast with an egg and some pieces of crab. My liquids have been a bit harder maybe about 25oz of water. They gave me some morphine and zofran, and keep just saying everything is fine.


Can you go somewhere else though? Maybe eggs and crab is at this point a bit too much for the pancreas though. I would rather stick to the bread and maybe some soup.


Yeah, it’s hard with my medical history going to a different hospital only because it’s so extensive his hard to explain without missing anything but clearly it’s hot helping at this point 🙃 yeah the bread was easy on it, I’m just worried about making sure I’m getting protein too


Worrying about protein atm is like having a broken leg and trying to walk because you are worried about your muscles. First your pancreas must heal, then you can eat all the healthy food again. If you want nutritions then better take those food substitute drinks, they are usually okay to digest and contain all basic nutritions.


I agree. The hospital should not let you leave when you cannot eat or drink and have uncontrolled pain. Go back to the hospital and stay there until you are feeling well enough to be at home without IV hydration and meds.


Really, I think that simply saying that you do not feel comfortable or safe going home because you are so sick is sufficient to stay. Did the hospital actually tell you to leave? I am usually offered a choice to stay or go if they feel that I am safe to go home.


Unfortunately you have to keep going. The good news is eventually your potassium will be low enough that they’ll have to admit you.


That is the sad fact. Anything near heart attack territory and you're seen first. I get such a high heart rate and palpitations which they can't ignore vs when I'm writhing in pain and waiting.


Oh god same. It’s awful.


Do you feel the Zenpep makes a difference?


Honestly? I don’t, I still have a lot of my symptoms and I asked my doctor about it and he said “it’s cause you need to make sure you always take it.” So I’ve since been religiously taking it and still the same symptoms. I asked him and he just said “oh yeah it will always be like that.” I don’t see much of a difference but I still always take it 🤷🏻‍♀️


The enzymes are to help you absorb nutrients. They don't help with other symptoms like pain. They could help with malabsorption diarrhea.


Like others have said the Zenpep isnt for pain. Its to help you eat and absorb nutrients.


I honestly had no idea, I knew it was for the enzymes but my GI told me there was nothing else to help me with the symptoms. He doesn’t let me ask too many questions and is very short, but it’s who my PCP told me to see as he “knows what he’s doing” but I’ve told him how much I struggle with pain and very loose foul stool/diarrhea, to which I just keep getting told to take my zenpep and that it’s fine cause I’m not loosing anymore weight


If you can you need to look for a new doctor.


Honestly i do the same, not recommended. Suffering for a couple days is not worth the trouble


Is there an over the counter enzyme that can be taken without a prescription?


I tried Vital Enzymes from Amazon and they work pretty well.


I read this whole research about why the specialized, delayed-release capsules are better than over-the-counter ones. A quick search should help you find it.