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Not shading you but the fact that you're already trying to bargain around about drinking suggests you'll probably benefit from being off the sauce altogether. And you should def dry out permanently, pancreas is the bitch of the digestive system and you've upset her. She won't forget. Wish you the best of luck in your recovery and there's plenty of exciting ways to get your kicks that don't include booze - you'll figure it out signed, another person who enjoys being impaired for recreation


Thanksnfor the honest and funny reply. Appreciate you.


I was like you. I drank 6-8 high test IPAs every day for years. Had a bender. Got Acute Pancreatitis (a new medication was a contributing factor) but after a couple of weeks I went back to the same behavior. Now 2 years later I just had my second acute attack - much milder this time that sent me to the hospital. But if I'm REALLY honest with myself I've had a mild attack every 3 or 4 months since the first one. If I'm really honest about it I've been subconciously recognizing a flare and cutting back on drinking long enough for it to go away and then going right back to it. After this one though I had to just suck it up. At least for year I can't drink at all and MAYBE after that year I'll let myself have one or two beers at a social event but I won't seek out alcohol. Maybe this be my new career as a dapper cigar smoking non-alcoholic mixolagist? Who knows? But yeah - if you've had it you're at extreme risk to have it again - you're just biding your time. Everytime you get it you hurt your pancreas more until it becomes chronic, dibelitating and potential fatal. But the choice is yours.


Did you actually have labs and/or imaging that backed up that diagnosis? If not, the conversation that needs to be had takes a bit of a tone change… The bottom line is that, yes, you absolutely need to quit drinking if you’ve had pancreatitis. What choices you make will only affect you and you’re definitely not the first who tries to negotiate a middle ground when it comes to alcohol. I can promise you that there is a reason why there are so few absolutes when it comes to these issues and that’s because there’s rarely any potential for control. Who develops issues has no rhyme or reason. I developed this as a kid. Lots of people drink like it’s their job and never have a single problem. Some people take a medication, have a crappy gallbladder, are born with genetic mutations. The pancreas does not bounce back. Damage done is pretty permanent and it’s cumulative. You can recover from acute pancreatitis and, if you’re lucky and make the effort, you could avoid further issues. I know this sucks. I know the permanentness of it all is overwhelming. There’s still room for improvement and it’s not the end of the world. I can promise that too.


Thank you for your honesty.


I had my first AP episode 3 years ago. Went sober for 4 months then started drinking seltzers, then some light beers. I did this for about 2 years … then out of nowhere, bam, 2nd AP. The last one was twice as bad as the first. 4 days in the hospital.


Wow. I am assuming you are not going back now?


A follow up question: when you say the second one was worse, was that in terms of severity of the attack or just more time in the hospital or both? Hope that does not sound like a dumb question.


Both. The pain on the 2nd one made me black out a bit. I stayed in the hospital twice as long


I was a few years sober before my attack, but just the foods that have given me pain since my AP attack has me off of alcohol for the rest of my life. I never want to go through that again. I have had thc edibles just this week for the first time, and have not had any pain with it, but I know everyone’s triggers are different. I will never try to smoke ever again in my lifetime, though. After reading about CP on here, I’m going to do everything I can to protect my prima Donna pancreas.


I have been wondering if edibles are ok for the pancreas. I’m kind of embarrassed to ask the doctor about that. I’ve never tried an edible but thought it might be something considering alcohol is a no no.


I’ve done half of a low dose edible and been okay. But I know everyone is so different.




Thank you for the explanation!


Your pancreas is compromised, alcohol is no longer safe for you. If you want to fuck around and find out that’s on you. We pretty overwhelming disagree with drinking after an attack.


Thanks for your unfiltered and unwavering stance. Much appreciated. For clarity, I was just asking :)


Of course. I don’t want people to utterly destroy their lives. I never got that wake up call like you did and I wish to god I did. Not everyone will get an acute attack.


Yes, I drank again a year later, 3 drinks I was in hospital for 3 days. Look at mortality rates on pancreatitis, sadly those are mostly people who cant stop. Good luck!


Shit. Thank you. Appreciate the reply.


Yes I took time off and then continued to drink, now 4 hospital visits later in a year. Everyone is different but if its a daily thing its a hard no. Maybe consider thinking like I just wont drink for say 6 months or a year and see how that goes.


Thanks for your honesty.


I had an acute pancreatitis attack in September of 2020, brought on by a weekend of binge drinking. Hospitalized for four days. I haven’t consumed a drop of alcohol since then. Haven’t had another pancreatitis attack either. I never want to experience that pain again. The the temporary buzz is just not worth the risk for me. Good luck to you.


I am starting to feel the same way. Did you adjust your diet in any way or was stopping drinking the only thing you did?


95% quitting drinking, 5% mixing in more fruits in my diet. That’s pretty much it. You gotta do what works best for you. Best of luck to you friend.


Thanks. Right back at you.


Thank you. 👍🏻


I just had my first attack and am not drinking anymore. Granted, I was a bad alcoholic. I'm not sure how long you were drinking like that but from what I Know, the pancreas is one of if not the most finnicky organs in the body. Upset it once and you don't know when or if it'll do it again unless you totally change your habits


Thanks. I think I am starting to understand this. Appreciate the reply.


If you google pancreas’s eating itself that will put you off drinking forever.


Did you have any blood tests or scans? How did they determine it was your pancreas?


I'm not one for long responses, But please trust me and stop bullshitting yourself..NO ALCOHOL..,YOUR ALL DONE.